Note: This is a fanfiction. I don't own anything in this story. I wrote this for only enjoyment and admiration of the character, The Undertaker. I might turn this into a full length story if enough people show interest in it. Let me know what you think of it as I keep going with it. Enjoy :)

Chapter One

Moving out of her bedroom at the top of the loft of the stone cottage home, Lily headed down the wooden steps with the soft, white fabric of her quarter length sleeved gown swaying around her ankles where the tops of her white slippers could be seen. Her long, curly, black hair hung down her shoulders and back, as well as around the sides of her fair skinned face, in curly waves. Once she got to the ground floor, Lily picked up her brown wicker basket, and stepped outside the front door of her family's home after she pushed it open with her right hand on the door handle.

"Good morning, Lily!"

The sound of her mother's voice speaking to her out of the blue caused her chestnut brown eyes to move in the direction of where it had come from. Looking out towards the direction of her family's small garden, Lily caught sight of where her mother, Marigold, was squatted down amongst the various vegetables she had helped her and her father plant after winter had passed. The visual of her mother working hard in the garden brought a smile to her face, and caused her hand to slip away from the door knob.

"Good morning, Mama!" Lily spoke a little louder than she would have given the change in distance. Maintaining the smile on her face, she proceeded across the soft lawn of her family's property while keeping the conversation going with her mother. "How are the vegetables looking this morning, mama?"

"They are looking great today, Lily." Marigold said, wrapping her hands around the top of some of the ground vegetables. With a tug of her hands, she pulled out some carrots and dumped them into her own basket before focusing her gaze towards her approaching daughter and continued the conversation with her. "We are going to have a bountiful harvest this year."

"That is good to hear, mama."

"What are your plans for this fine day?"

"I was just about to head in to the village, and visit with Maria for a little while since it is so nice out."

"Well…Just remember to make it back before night falls tonight, Lily."

The response she got from her mother caused an automatic groan of frustration to escape from her mouth shortly before her response followed it.

"Why must I never get to experience what the world is like at night while everyone else in the village and out here in the woodland area of it get to?" The question she chose to ask her mother revealed the inner annoyance her body fell under the moment Marigold had made her request while her outer features on her face still appeared calm and relaxed. "All of my friends get to go out at night and have fun with one another…Why can't I?"

Ever since she turned twelve, her parents had made sure that she was not out at night, and that she was behind closed doors when the sun fell over the mountains behind their cottage. She had just turned twenty…and still had not gotten to experience much of what her friends already had.

Lily watched her mother rise up from the ground, dusting her hands off, as she listened to the soothing tone she used often to speak with to calm any sort of argument one of them might be having.

"Lily," Marigold replied, "your father and I keep you indoors at night in order for you to not be harmed by the more…dangerous beings that lurk out at night. The vampires that lurk around in the kingdom are dangerous and can attack at any given time. We must-"

"There have not been any attacks in the last eight years mother. Since the vampires signed the peace treaty with the new king, there has not been a single attack done to anyone in or outside of the village."

"You have to listen to-"

"No, Mama! I am done with being locked away from the rest of the world because of the fear that papa and you have of the vampires!"

Lily had reached her breaking point. She was tired of being kept to her room with the doors and windows closed as if she was a wild animal being held captive. Another night would not pass her by without her experiencing it.

"It is time I start enjoying my life for me if not for papa and you!"

"What are you saying?!"

"The summer festival is taking place in the square tonight…and I am going to it with Maria."

"No, you will not, young lady!" Marigold's voice begun to possess the same defiance that her daughter had in her own tone. "You are going to be inside that house when the sun sets behind the mountains or you will get severely punished by your father when he comes back from seeing the king!"

"We shall see…"

Not giving her mother another chance to attempt changing her mind, Lily dropped her basket in front of Marigold's feet, and ran in the opposite direction where the village was nestled with the imposing castle of King Markus Callaway overlooking it, as well as the rest of the region.