Author's Note: This took me quite a bit longer than I had expected it to. I've never dealt with depression nor have I had experience with people who are dealing with depression so it was a bit difficult for me to write about Hermione's recovery. I apologize if it seems too fast or unrealistic, but I really have no reference for it. That said, I did my best with it and I hope you all enjoy the chapter.

"Here you go, Potter," Draco said practically dumping Hermione in Harry's arms.

"Oi, Draco," Harry complained at his brusque attitude, but Draco stalked off without a word. Harry shook his head and glanced down at Hermione. "Hello," he whispered afraid she wouldn't respond. He thought his heart would burst when she looked up at him and whispered back a timid hello. Harry simply stood in the doorway, grinning at her like an idiot until Narcissa ushered them into the dining room.

After the meal, Harry brought Hermione back to his room and settled her in the chair next to the window before sitting next to her. "I'm glad to see you're doing better," he said softly. Hermione gave him a slight smile.

"Thank you for taking care of me, Harry. I must be such a burden. I know it couldn't have been easy for you," she replied with a rueful grin. Harry reached over and grabbed one of her hands, holding it tight in both of his.

"Don't ever think that," he told her fiercely. "You're not a burden, and you could never be a burden. You've done so much for me over the years... this is the least I could do for you. Besides, it wasn't like I was about to just abandon you. You're family to me, Hermione. I don't know what I would have done if Draco hadn't found you that day... If I'd lost you." His voice cracked slightly at the end and he coughed to cover it up. Hermione felt her heart pang with guilt and she realized she had never really considered how Harry would have felt if he had lost both her and Ron in one day.

"Oh, Harry," Hermione sighed, tearing up. She took a breath to calm herself and continued shakily. "I don't know what I would do without you either. And now, I'm ready to start trying to get better. I didn't want to before but now... I'm ready. I don't really know how to start though." She gave him a watery smile. Harry suddenly tackled her, giving her a tight hug. She hesitantly returned it, putting her arms around his waist, and resting her head on his shoulder.

"You could start by walking on our own. I swear I have enough arm strength to be a professional beater now," Harry joked. Hermione shoved him half-heartedly. "So, what was that with Draco earlier," he asked curiously. "He seemed quite upset about something." Hermione's expression darkened and she pulled away slightly to look at Harry. Her eyes searched his as she spoke.

"I don't trust him, Harry," she said quietly deflecting the unasked question. "Call me petty, but I can't just forget all those years he spent making our lives a living hell. I can't believe you turned to him of all people for help," she said, her tone accusing.

"Hermione, Draco is doing his best to make up for his past actions and I think he deserves a chance," Harry said frowning. Hermione sighed. She knew Harry was the sort of person to seek the best in everyone, but she would have thought even he would have his limits. "He saved your life, Mione. Surely that's enough to warrant giving Draco a chance," Harry reasoned. So that was it. Harry thought they owed Malfoy a debt. She snorted.

"I still don't see why we had to move in with him," she replied petulantly. Harry stood up abruptly.

"What did you expect me to do, Mione," he asked lowly. "You wouldn't talk to anyone, you wouldn't even walk your own! The mind healers couldn't help you because you wouldn't interact with them. You didn't show any signs of improving and I had no idea how to help you. So yeah, I got desperate. When you reacted to Draco, I latched onto it. This may not be the most desirable situation, but I would do it again in a heartbeat. At that point, I would have done anything to help you," he swore. Hermione watched him silently.

"Since when are you on a first name basis with the ferret?" Harry smiled reminiscently at the old insult and at the unexpected question. She seemed to have accepted his explanation since she had dropped the argument.

"It's a recent change. It is weird isn't it," he laughed. "I think I could get used to it though." Hermione hummed.

"I see that Hermione has made a miraculous recovery," Draco commented dryly after Harry and Hermione left.

"I don't think she's recovered, but I think she's taken the first step," his mother replied thoughtfully. "She's been through so much. Far too much for someone her age. I think Ronald Weasley's death was just the catalyst. She's going to need time and support." Draco nodded.

"She's strong. I'm sure she'll pull through." Narcissa hummed.

"You seemed quite put out with her earlier," she noted quietly. Draco was silent for a moment.

"She told me she still hates me and she doesn't think I've changed at all. I suppose it bothered me to hear her say what I'm sure the rest of the Wizarding World is thinking," he admitted. Narcissa reached over to pat one of his hands comfortingly.

"Give her time, Draco. It's only been a few days, and I'm sure she'll come around eventually, as will everyone else." Draco shook his head at his mother's optimism but said nothing.

The next day, Luna arrived bright and early in the morning. This time, an amused Narcissa simply greeted her before directing her upstairs. Luna first woke up Draco who waved her away and thanked her. She left him to wash up while she woke Harry.

Luna and Harry exited his room to meet the other two and were surprised to see a scowling Draco forcefully ejected from Hermione's room. He flushed at their surprised faces.

"She ambushed me," he explained petulantly. "Told me she could take care of herself and forced me out." Draco's expression darkened when Harry began to laugh and led Luna down to breakfast. Draco leaned against the wall next to the tightly shut door and sighed.

He had let himself into Hermione's room, expecting her to be fast asleep. She was curled up under the blanket facing away from the door. He was slightly amused to note that she had her wand tightly in her grip. When he leaned over her to extract it from her fingers, chocolate brown eyes snapped open, meeting his surprised grey ones. Before he could credit it, she rolled to face him, her wand firmly pressed to his chest. He could feel her warm breath on him.

"I won't be needing your assistance," she bit out pushing him away before casting a quick repelling charm that shot him out the still open door. As well as another repelling charm to close the door, followed by a locking charm. Draco growled at the memory wondering why he was still waiting for the ungrateful witch.

When Hermione finally emerged from her room, she appeared surprised and slightly irritated to see him, though she soon schooled her expression into careful detachment.

"You didn't have to force me out. You could have just asked," he told her reprovingly.

"Yes, well, I don't need your help," she replied belligerently as she began to walk down the hallway. Draco watched her silently and then called out when she was about to turn the corner.

"Then I suppose you know that you're headed the wrong way," he said dryly. Hermione froze, pivoted and walked back towards him, refusing to look him in the eyes. As she passed him, she didn't say a word, but Draco smirked in satisfaction when he noticed her cheeks were flushed.

"Would the two of you like to join us for gardening," Narcissa asked Harry and Draco after breakfast. Harry took in the eager expression on Hermione's face and nodded, causing her to give him a large smile.

"What about you, Draco," she asked. Draco noticed the challenging look on Hermione's face that clearly said he was not wanted and suddenly made up his mind.

"Yes, mother. I do believe I could benefit from the fresh air." He smirked at Hermione's frown.

"Wonderful," Narcissa replied, clapping her hands together. The group followed her outside to an empty patch of dirt where she explained that she would be planting some new flowers.

"Do any of you have experience with gardening," she asked, knowing that Draco did not. Narcissa was rather surprised when Harry nodded.

"I did quite a bit of gardening when I was younger," he said with a strange expression. Narcissa watched Luna surreptitiously reach over to give his hand a comforting squeeze but said nothing.

"Very well. Harry, you and Luna will take over the plot on the right. We're just planting some seeds. Rather straightforward." Harry nodded and the two of them picked up gloves, a trowel, and a packet of seeds before going over to their designated area.

Narcissa turned to Draco and Hermione who stood stiffly next to each other. She noted with amusement that they were making every effort to avoid looking at each other.

"You two will be working with me since neither of you have any experience." She handed each of them a pair of gloves and guided them to a plot.

"Draco, you will be in charge of digging. Hermione, you will be in charge of seeds." After she had demonstrated the proper procedure, she moved off a bit to let them work. Hermione and Draco soon fell into a rhythm made awkward only by the two's refusal to talk. Finally, Draco grew irritated at the silence.

"I'm sorry, ok?" Hermione stared at him.

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm sorry about how I've treated for all these years. I know a simple apology isn't enough, but I'm trying to change. I have changed. Seeing as you and Harry are probably going to be here for a while, you could at least give me a chance to show you that I've changed," he whispered lowly.

"You're right," she replied coldly. "A simple apology isn't enough. But," she hesitated, "I suppose I could give you a second chance since you saved my life," she said, parroting Harry's words. Draco looked at her in disbelief, but she was firmly focused on their work. He hadn't expected her to give in so easily. He'd been fully prepared to spend the next week trying to change her mind.

A slow grin smile spread across his face as he watched her pat the dirt down over the seed. He absently noted the way she pushed her curly hair out of her face, leaving a slight smudge of dirt on her cheek and the way the sunlight glinted off her hair. When he hadn't prepared the next hole, Hermione looked up at him expectantly and he shook himself, pushing the trowel into the ground. Hermione noted his grin with slight suspicion but simply continued working silently.

Meanwhile, several feet over, Narcissa and Luna smiled at the quiet exchange while Harry continued on, oblivious. Narcissa absently wondered who would be the last to notice Draco's fledgeling feelings, Harry, Hermione, or Draco himself.

"Narcissa," a familiar voice called and she gasped with horror.

"Oh no." Lucius approached the small group raising an eyebrow when he saw that she was not alone.

"Lucius," she greeted with a nervous smile as she pulled off her gloves and hurried to intercept him. "What are you doing here?"

"Well I came to see you," he said with a frown. "I was expecting you to be alone." His eyes narrowed as he took in Hermione and Draco kneeling together in the dirt. Harry quickly stood and walked over to Hermione, crouching in front of her and effectively shielding her from Lucius' gaze.

"Well, as you can see, I am not," Narcissa replied nervously. "Perhaps it would be better if I came to see you later," she suggested.

"Nonsense," he drawled. "After all, it is high time I met our new guests."

Hermione's wide brown eyes were still staring at him. Lucius approached her, and she was surprised when Draco suddenly stood and intercepted him.

"Father," he said in a dangerously calm voice. "I thought we had agreed that you would stay away from our guests." Lucius raised an eyebrow at him.

"I came to see my wife. But since you are all gathered with her, it would be rude of me to leave without saying goodbye," he reasoned slyly. He attempted to get around Draco, but Draco stepped to the side, blocking him off again. Hermione gripped Harry's hand tight and watched the exchange with eyes that grew wider by the second. She felt a hand gently stroking her hair, and looked up to see Luna standing next to her, also watching the exchange between father and son.

"I think it would be best if you leave," Draco snarled. Lucius froze.

"You may be the head of this family now, but I am still your father, Draco," he warned lowly. "Do not presume to think you have any authority over me." Draco glared at him, refusing to back down. When he showed no signs of relenting, Lucius huffed and turned back towards Narcissa who was watching them anxiously.

"I will expect you later, Narcissa," he told her. He cast Draco one more dark look before he stormed off. Narcissa watched him leave with troubled eyes and the whole group breathed a sigh of relief when he disappeared.

"I'd like to go back to my room, Harry," Hermione announced quietly. Harry took in her pale complexion and wide eyes and nodded quickly. He put a comforting arm around her and led her back inside, while Luna held Hermione's hand on her other side.

As they passed, Draco stopped Harry.

"I'm really sorry about this," he apologized, running a hand through his hair. "I told him to stay away. If I had known he would come out here..." Harry nodded.

"I know. It's okay, Draco. I know it's not your fault." Draco watched with guilt as the three make their way back into the house.

End note: I think there might turn out to be a minor Harry/Luna pairing. Anyway, leave me a review and let me know what you think!