"I am so proud of you Governor Grant!"

"Why thank you Mrs. Grant. You know you look stunning in this dress. What I wouldn't give to rip it off of you right here and now."

"That might be a show the nation isn't ready for just yet."

"Have you seen yourself, especially in this dress?"

"I did, this morning actually. Now, smile for the audience. America is watching."

Fitz had just been sworn in as the Governor of Vermont. He was one of the youngest governors, only being 33 at the time he was appointed. Fitz had spent three years as the mayor of Burlington, and his most trusted advisor Cyrus Beene had somehow convinced him into running for governor. He was skeptical at first with his wife having just given birth to their first child Giavanna Marisa Grant at the time, but she was always one to encourage him to strive for greatness.

"Fitz honey, you're staring." Liv said as her cheeks began to glow an all too familiar shade of crimson.

"I'm not staring... My eyes are just worshiping the beauty that stands before me." Fitz replied as he scooped Liv up and spun her around in front of a crowd of approving onlookers.

Liv laughed at the unexpected move as she wrapped her arms around Fitz's neck. Fitz came to a complete stop and their eyes met. "This is how life is supposed to be." Fitz thought to himself as his lips gently grazed across Liv's. She drew his bottom lip into her mouth, and the kiss began to heat up until Cyrus cleared his throat. The couple separated, and Cyrus stepped forward to hand Giavanna over to Liv, before congratulating Fitz.

"Fitz my boy you did it!" Cyrus cheered gleefully as he pulled Fitz into his embrace. "Vermont loves you governor. You three are political gold! You have the perfect wife, the perfect marriage, and the most perfect baby I have ever seen." Cyrus gushed as he turned towards his goddaughter.

Cyrus was right. Even though Fitz was much younger than his rival Samuel Reston, Fitz and Liv were the portrait of the perfect loving couple. Once Gia came along, they quickly became the face of the perfect loving family. Cyrus could see them taking the White House in a few years, along with the majority of America's hearts along the way. But that would be years from now as Fitz wasn't even old enough to consider running yet.

Like Cyrus said, Gia was the most perfect child, and Liv and Fitz agreed she was the most perfect being either of them had ever seen. Her curly hair and skin were the color of honey, and her eyes were a crystal blue like her father's. If she was hungry, wet, or just unhappy, her eyes would turn a stormy shade of grey. She had Liv's big round eyes and her high cheek bones and nose. Fitz could only claim partial credit for her thin lips as they were shaped like Liv's. Giavanna was the perfect blend of the two of them and they couldn't love her more.

Liv and Fitz had what outsiders considered to be the perfect marriage, but it wasn't always easy. They had their moments like any other married couple, but those were the moments they loved each other the hardest. They always gave their all to one another, and never went to bed angry.

Liv and Fitz met their when she was a freshman undergrad at Harvard. Fitz was just beginning his senior year as he decided to take a year and a half off between high school and college. They met at a debate prep which was hosted by Cyrus and his partner James at their home. Liv creamed Fitz in the debate over whether or not marijuana should be legalized in the NFL, and she stole his heart in the process.

Never had Fitz seen anyone speak with such fire, such passion. Never had he seen anyone tear an argument down brick by brick, and never once insult their counterpart. He knew right then and there that he was in love. He vowed to stop at nothing to make her his, and he meant every word of it. It took months of persuading to get Liv to go out on one date with him, but once she did, neither of them ever looked back.

Early on, Fitz's father Big Gerry had tried to break them up. He claimed that Fitz would never make it anywhere politics having a mixed family, but neither of them cared. Big Gerry even went as far as to try to set Fitz up with Millicent Hollingsworth, a blue blood through and through. Mellie was poised, polished, came from old money. When Fitz countered that Olivia had as well, her family being the richest of old money to come out of Washington DC, Big Gerry attacked the hue of her skin when he realized age wasn't a problem with Liv only being five years his junior.

Big Gerry was old school and although he wasn't racist by any means, he was aware of the setbacks and discrimination that would befall his son. He wanted Fitz to succeed, but he wanted him to be happy as well.

Fitz set his foot down and stuck by the love of his life. All that mattered was that they had one another. In time Big Gerry saw Fitz was only truly happy when he was with Liv. When Fitz was happy, he accomplished great things. First came the city council, then came mayor. Now, Fitz was governor. Big Gerry came to love Olivia just as much as the rest of the world apparently did. He held her in high esteem, and made it known that anyone who messed with them, was messing with him.

"So, what do you want to do First governor?" Liv asked with eyes full of longing and need. Fitz's mouth turned upwards into a smile, and Liv had to bite her lower lip as the aching began between her thighs.

Fitz stepped closer to Liv and kissed Gia on the forehead before pressing his lips against Liv's ear. "You." he replied softly, his voice dripping with sex. Liv tried to compose herself as Fitz took Gia out of her arms and proceeded to lead her off stage.

This man is going to be the death of me.

The couple exited the stage and were met with the warm embrace of their parents. Eli and Maya Pope loved Fitz as if he were their own son. Liv used to joke that they loved him more, as everytime they called it would be a thirty minute discussion about Fitz before they even inquired about her wellbeing.

Liv really didn't have room to talk as Big Gerry and Susan Grant were the same way with her. But with them both being an only child, one could say it was to be expected. They were happy their parents got along, the only time they came to a head was normally when they were fighting over who would hold Gia first. She was after all their first and only grandchild.

"When am I getting another grandbaby?" Susan and Maya asked in unison, causing Liv to flinch. Gia was only ten months old, and they already wanted her pregnant again.

"Moms, we discussed this. Gia is just beginning to walk. Far sooner than I feel she should be, but she is starting nonetheless. Give us a little more time to enjoy her and figure out this parenting thing and then we'll talk about having another baby." Liv cried as she always had since this question popped up five whole months ago.

"Well the next one will be a boy, I'm sure of it!" Eli proclaimed.

"Of course, as much as I love this little one, I'm shocked she wasn't a boy. The next one will be. We Grants know how to carry on the family name. Don't we son?" Big Gerry boomed in a much too loud voice which caused Fitz to cringe.

"Whatever the gender of the next baby may be, we will love them just the same." Liv chimed in and smiled as Fitz gave her an appreciative look. That was the problem with having parents that got along, they always seemed to work together to team up on you.

"Liv's right. Whatever the sex of the baby may be, I myself am sure it will be a boy... We will love HIM or her just the same. Now enough about baby talk, let's go celebrate." Fitz ordered as he led Liv towards the waiting town car.

Everyone had changed and they were now all relaxing comfortably inside the governor's mansion. Liv and Fitz took their parents, along with James and Cyrus out to lunch, which turned into a fifteen minute argument between Big Gerry, Eli, and Fitz over who would get the check. Liv grew impatient of the banter and headed towards the hostess and quietly requested she settle the check herself. When she returned to the table, she smiled to see all three men sitting there like wounded puppies.

Liv was by no means reliant on Fitz for his money. She did after all own her own crisis management firm. Olivia Grant & Associates was based in Burlington, but had branches in DC and California as well. Harrison Wright ran the DC office while Stephen Finch ran the California branch. Liv made it a point to visit both offices at least once a month, and made a point to be a part of all of their cases, even if it was just behind the scenes. Liv's business was booming and at the age of 28, she was arguably the most feared woman across the nation.

The six of them sat in the living room and celebrated with bottle after bottle of champagne. Liv made sure she had pumped enough milk beforehand, so she could celebrate with everyone as well. Right now they were all basking in the glory of Fitz's appointment, and Gia was resting comfortably, with her nanny on hand. Although Fitz paid her handsomely, the moments she was really needed were very rare when the two weren't working. Liv was always home by 5:30, and Fitz would come through the door no later than 6. If it was a busy day, he'd begin in earlier, but tried his best to not stay late.

Liv and Fitz began whispering to one another as their parents were once again gushing over Gia. Between whispers one would peck at the other's lips but it was clear they were in their own little world. Seeing how in love they truly were always warmed their mothers' hearts.

"So Fitzy, tell me about this ball we are going to tonight." Susan said, noticing the two were getting a little too wrapped up in one another.

Fitz turned to his mother and tried to refocus himself which proved to be very hard with his quickly growing erection.

"Umm, it's kind of like an inaugural ball, just on a smaller scale." Fitz offered, making sure to keep his answer short and sweet. Thankfully their fathers were engaged in old war stories, while their mothers brushed him off and began talking about what they should wear and how they should style their hair. Fitz took this opportunity to make their escape.

"Come with me, I want to show you something." Fitz said as he held his hand out for Liv.

Liv looked towards their parents and doubted either of them would be missed. She took Fitz's hand and followed them towards their bedroom.

"What did you want to show me Fitz?" Liv asked as they walked into the room and he closed and locked the door behind him.

"This is our room Livvie."

"Yes Fitz... This IS our room." Liv responded sarcastically.

"And do you know what we can do in our room?" Fitz asked as he removed his tie and began unbuttoning the sleeves of his shirt as he moved towards Liv.

"I'd ask you to tell me, but I'd rather you show me." Liv replied as she unzipped her dress and let it fall to the floor.

Within seconds Fitz was in front of Liv, his body pressing hers against the door. His hand found it's way to the back of her neck as the other began to cup her full breasts. Liv let out a moan as Fitz began grinding his now steeled erection against her core.

"Fitz... No games. We don't have that much time before we have to get ready." Liv warned.

"No games." Fitz repeated as he lifted Liv and carried her over to the bed. Fitz laid Liv down and took in the beauty of his wife, dressed in only her black laced bra and matching thong.

How did I get so lucky as to get it right the first time around?

Instantly, thoughts of another life began to flood his mind. A life where his father was a political beast who had forced him to marry Mellie and he did nothing to stop him. A life where he hadn't met Liv until much later in life. A life where everyone and everything fought to keep them apart. In this other reality, he was the president, not an easy task, but his Livvie wasn't there with him. A life where he was a coward. She was sad and he was too. As much as they wanted to be together, as much as the fates would constantly push them together, mortals would constantly stand in their way. Fitz shuddered at the thought of a life without Liv fully in it and he prayed that he would never have to experience anything like it.

Liv laid there and watched Fitz's mind drift. Their eyes were still locked, and it was almost as if she could see what he was seeing. Somewhere in another life, in another reality they weren't happy. They were in love with one another and Fitz was the president, apparently she was that good in this reality as well. However, they weren't married and Fitz was much older than she was. He was miserable with his ties to the first lady, but he was growing tired of the stolen moments he and Liv were reduced to.

Liv herself was the most feared woman in DC, and although she was in love with him, she ached to be with him in a way that society wouldn't allow. Because of this she threw herself into her work to ease the pain. She'd eat tons of popcorn and drink a slew of wine as that was what comforted her. Everyday she would watch the news and each time she would see Fitz with the first lady pretending to be the loving doting couple, a piece of her would die. Even if she did know their marriage was a lie.

Somewhere in another life, in another reality we live in Washington DC. We are not married, we have no children, there is no jam, and we. are. miserable. We are kept away from each other and we spend our days pining for the chance to just see one another. Late night phone calls and stolen moments in utility closets is what we are reduced to. We have no children, and who knows if we'll ever be married. Drinking provides the comfort we need, and when we are together, we are so frustrated by what little time we have that we both lash out at one another. We walk the earth but we are dead inside. Somewhere in another life, in another reality, our souls are in hell.

Liv felt the tears swelling up in her eyes as Fitz began to slowly remove her bra and panties. There was no rush to it. It was as if Fitz was trying to worship the gift he had been given in this life. Liv remained quiet as Fitz began to kiss and lick his way down her body. As he made his way down to her core, she felt the urgency overcome him as his movements took on a form of gratitude.

A tear fell down Liv's cheek as Fitz lowered his head and blew onto her aching core. "I love you Livvie." was all he said before he captured her bud between his lips.

Liv's hands found Fitz's hair as he continued the slow assault to both her clit and her core. He inserted his tongue inside of her sex as far as it could possibly go, causing Liv to jerk off of the bed.

"Fitz..." Liv moaned as she felt the pressure building up inside of her. Fitz was always attentive to her needs, but this? The way Fitz's hands and mouth paid attention to her entire body almost seemed as if he were giving thanks for the life they had. Maybe it was because he was giving thanks that this was the life they had.

After that image flooded through his mind, Fitz knew he could never do anything to let the woman under him go. He would cherish her more than anything else in the world. Fitz couldn't imagine a world where he couldn't breathe, he couldn't sleep, he didn't know how to exist because Liv wasn't there by his side every step of the way.

Fitz felt Liv's walls clenching down on his fingers, bringing him back to reality. "Come for me Livvie. Let me see what I do to you." Fitz demanded softly.

Liv's body clenched up and she began to shake violently as wave after wave of her orgasm washed over her. Fitz's head never wavered as he lapped up all of Liv's juices until he had his fill.

Fitz kissed his way back up Liv's body until his mouth met pulled him in and their kiss became deep as they both needed reassurance that what they had was real. That this wasn't some dream. Fitz broke the kiss first and stared into Liv's eyes.

"I love you." He said, his voice cracking at the end as he slid gently into her.

Neither of them cared about time anymore as their bodies moved together thrust after thrust. They spoke their I love yous, and cooed their praises into the others ears until they were both being thrown over a cliff. As they remained connected they continued to love and stroke one another. They spoke of their love and how thankful they were to have life they way they did. To have this reality and this life because lord only knows hat would happen to them if their lives were like the ones they both saw.

They kissed away one another's tears and slowly began to make their way to the shower. They did after have a ball to attend. As they stepped under the flowing streams Liv wrapped her arms around Fitz's waist and smiled.

"I forgot to tell you."

"Tell me what?"

"There's a fresh batch of apricot jam downstairs."

"Livvie, you're the best."

Here, in this life, in this reality they are married. They live in Vermont, and they have the first of their four children. He is the governor, and she... She makes jam on her days off. They love freely, they love wholly, and nothing will ever stand in their way.

Hey everyone. So I was dealing with writer's block for Authentic Sun and Run To You as both are in semi gloomy places right now. This thought came to me, but I'm not sure if I want to finish it or not. I love the idea of Olitz on another life and may continue but keep it short. Let me know what you all think and if I should persue this story any further.