It was he usual rounds for the turtles; the patrol of the rooftops.

Even at 25, they still needed to keep an eye on the crime rates seeing as there was a lot of criminal activity lately. They were perched above a tall apartment complex, surveying the scene of the quiet downtown area. A sound then alerted them from their quiet observation; an incoming call from April. Leo picked up his shell communicator. "What's up April?" He asked calmly.

"Please say there's some dragons to pummel!" Raph nearly shouted. "I am so bored!"

Leo ignored his energetic brother and returned back to the phone. "By the looks of things Casey said there was a lot of action coming from warehouse 21 by the docks, he said it would be better if you guys checked it out." April said in her calm, no-nonsense voice.

"We hear you April, we'll check it out." Leo replied.

"Finally! Some action." Mikey yelped as he fist punched the air.

It didn't take long for the four brothers to make their way to the warehouse, and they could see where Casey was coming from. From every door was a goon dressed in black with a big gun in their arms, and through the tainted windows, there was a red light visible. The people around didn't have the foot clan symbol or a dragon tattoo, so they weren't of the usual suspects. "Do you think Bishop is responsible here?" Donnie asked.

"We haven't seen Bishop or Dr Stockman in years though, it is unlikely but not out of the picture." Leo replied.

"Right then, let's go!" Raph yelled before he and Mikey leapt down to the floor.

Leo and Donnie shot a deadpan look at each other. "Seems old habits don't disappear even after these years." Donnie commented.

Leo laughed slightly. "And also with Master Splinter's nagging."

The warehouse looked plain and simple from the outside, but upon sneaking through a roof ventilation shaft, they found it to be of technological advance. They walked through a corridor quietly looking either side of them, trying to find out what the purpose of the building was for. They looked to the right of them to see an observation room, but to their horror, there was a being chained to the wall. As the entered the room and found there to be no-one in there, they moved cautiously closer to the strange person chained. Their eyes widened as they saw that this wasn't a person… the woman looked to be a mutant of some sort. They could tell because her features were mainly of that belonging to a fox. Her furry skin was bright orange in colour, and the end of her nose was white. She had clawed hands and large paws for feet, and long deep brown hair tied messily in a low ponytail. She was battered and bruised but there was a certain beauty about her. She slowly, and unsurely opened her eyes to reveal that they were an opal blue colour, although they had lost their shine due to her exhaustion. Fear then flickered in her eyes once she noticed the turtles. "Please… no more." She mumbled, she tried backing into the wall as far as she could go. "No more tests… I beg you." She said a little louder.

Leo held his hands in front of him. "We're not here to hurt you." Donnie and Raph set to work cutting the chains that held her in place. "What's your name?" He asked.

"Evelyn." She managed to say.

Once she was free, Leo and Donnie put her arms around their shoulders. "Who did this to you?" He asked.

"Bad man…" She mumbled. "Pheonix." She said again. They began walking one direction but she shook her head. "Wait... there's more." She said.

"More what?" Raph asked. "More people like you?"

"Sort of." She admitted.

Leo put more of her weight to Donnie. "You good taking her weight?" He asked and Donnie nodded. "Let's find them then, how many more are there?" He asked her.

"3, there's 3." She said and then looked more at Leo. "Please help them. They're my friends."

"Don't you worry Fuzz ball." Mikey said enthusiastically as they began to walk. "Helping others is what we do." He said proudly.

Raph hit him upside the head, earning a groan from him. "You idiot! Don't call her that."

Evelyn just smiled. "It's okay." Mikey looked at her and smiled. "I like it."

Raph just rolled his eyes as they continued to walk down the red lit corridor.

They rounded onto another room, this time it had 2 other bodies in it. To a corner was a black metal cage with a medium sized figure curled up. "Erika!" Evelyn called out. The girl sat up, and the turtles could clearly tell she was another mutant. She had dark grass green coloured reptilian skin with lighter shades around her neck, underarms and her belly. She had a long muscular tail coming from her lower back which she had wrapped around her feet. Atop her head were a pair of curled beige horns. She had long orange hair that stuck to her face and framed her bright yellow eyes. She scowled at the turtles who were holding Evelyn. "It's okay, they're here to help." She managed.

Leo slashed through the bars, and instead of thanking him, the lizard girl ran over to the other cage. "Fern?" She asked. "Fern are you okay?"

The boys noticed a cut across Erika's leg. "You're hurt." Leo said whilst pointing to the wound which was scabbed, but a little blood was running down her leg.

"I'll be fine." She said without so much of a look at him. She tapped lightly on the cage. "Fern?" The girl moved from under the blanket. The blanket shrugged off revealing a woman covered in pasty white feathers. Her skin was a very light grey in colour freckled with darker grey spots. Trailing from her arms were a pair of wings that fanned out around her. She had talons for feet that were also a darker grey colour. She had the brightest white hair any of the boys had ever seen that went well past her shoulders. Erika gave her a slight smile. "Hey, let's get you out of here." She said as she strained to break the bars, but with the help of Leo, they were cut open.

Fern gave a grateful smile, out of them she was the least hurt, but there was visible damage to her right wing. "Thank you." She said, her voice was soft as she looked at Leo with her hazel brown eyes. "I'm Fern." She said politely.

Leo smiled. "Nice to meet you."

She looked around them to see Evelyn and she then looked worried. "Mia?" She asked. "Where's Mia, have you not found her?" She asked, her tone becoming more panicked.

"We haven't found her yet." Erika said sadly. She then looked to the turtles. "Do you know if there are any water facilities here? She'll be there."

The boys looked to Donnie. "I can scan the building for water sources." He clicked a few buttons on some device he had on him. "Here, down the hall and to the left."

They walked down the hall following Donnie's instructions. Then, as they entered the room, what they were confronted with was a giant tank. He water was a murky blue colour and the boys could see movement within the tank. "Is there someone in there?" Mikey asked.

Suddenly, a loud thud was heard against the tank, making them jump slightly. As they regained their composure they saw that there was a woman with her hands pressed against the thick glass. Only, her lower body, from the waist down belonged to that of a fish. The scales were a dark jade green colour with flecks of navy blue on it. The scales went from her waist to the bottom of her tail, also there was a section of scales covering her chest area. Her tail fin was pale green that faded to a florescent lilac. There were also flowing fins on her arms with webbing between her fingers. She had pale creamy skin with pointed ears and gills on her ribcage, and a sun tattoo around her belly button. She was wearing a black, strong necklace that rested just above her chest. She had pointed ears, bright yellow eyes with a dark blue tattoo going down the middle of her face to above her lips. Her hair was scarlet red streaked with white that was tied in two long plaits that were half the length of her tail fin. She looked at the turtles with an anxious expression. "Please help me!" She yelled through the water, the boys were shocked at how she could speak from underwater.

Erika slammed her fists against the thick glass. "Don't worry we'll get you out of there." She reassured and the girl nodded from in the tank. She looked at the boys who were still shocked. "Don't stand there gawping! Get her out!" She yelled.

Donnie set to work at the consoles, but a red siren was then set off. "Oh hell!" Raph yelled. "You've set off an alarm genius!"

"I'd like to see you break firewalls of inscription codes Raphael!" Donnie said in annoyance to his brother.

"Shut up! The soldiers will be here any minute and we can't leave her here." Fern said in a calm-ish voice.

Donnie kept on hitting the buttons but the sounds of heavy feet running alerted them that security was on their way. "Any time today Don." Mikey said before he and Leo had to go to the door to fight off a couple of soldiers.

"I can't figure out this sequence." Donnie said shakily as he noticed the numbers were increasing. The girls bean to get very nervous. "I can't get this-"

Raph abruptly sliced his Sai into the glass and shattered the tank, causing the water to flow out everywhere. Mia fell out of the tank onto the floor, her tail flapping against the wet floor, splaying water on them. Then her scales melted off to reveal her legs that formed from the shape of the tail. Thankfully for the boys, her scales formed a pair of shorts and bra covering her modesty, but it still caused the boys to blush slightly. After shooting Raph a death glare Erika grabbed a lab coat from a chair and raped it over Mia covering her more up. Erika was still glaring at Raph. "What? Donnie was taking too long."

"I hate to break this up but…" Fern said as she shook herself dry. "We need to get the hell out of here!"