A/N This is the first time I've attempted smut, so please forgive me. I wasn't sure about the rating, so better safe than sorry, right? Thanks for all the support during SQ Week, it's been the first time I've ever attempted anything of this scale, so basically thanks and I love you all.

"EMMA SWAN! PUT THAT DOWN THIS INSTANT!" Regina came storming into the bedroom practically vibrating with anger. Emma immediately dropped the remote she'd been playing with, trying to get the TV to turn on.

"Okay! I was just trying to get the TV to work! Are there any batteries in this thing?" Emma said defensively, dropping the remote. Regina snatched it and fiddled with it.

"It's not for the TV, it's…. uh…" Regina thought fast, "It's for one of Henry's toys. The damn thing keeps getting under my feet while I'm trying to work." She went to a drawer and swapped it for another remote. "This one is the TV remote. I'd have thought you would recognise it by now."

She dropped it unceremoniously into Emma's lap. "There you go. Now stop distracting me."

With that, she marched out of the room.

Emma eyed the drawer Regina had put the other remote in. She was pretty sure that Henry kept all the remotes for his toys in his room, and it didn't make any sense for him to leave it in their bedroom. She figured it couldn't do any harm, so she fished it out again. She inspected the buttons and dials, noticing that there was no writing on any of them. She twisted one experimentally.

"EmmaaaaAAAAHHHH!" Regina called from downstairs, her exclamation trailing off as it rose in pitch.
Emma studied the remote more carefully. There was a logo on the back that looked strangely familiar, but she just couldn't place. She fiddled with the dials once more and heard Regina's reaction from her study.
The answer hit her like a truck driving at 70 miles per hour. This was the remote of some kind of sex toy. A sex toy that she presumed Regina was using right now.

Deciding to have a little fun with it, she snuck downstairs and peeked round the door to Regina's study. She could see her wife laid back in her office chair, eyes closed, cheeks flushed. She twisted a dial and heard Regina's corresponding moan. She played with the remote, bringing Regina close to the edge, then stopping altogether. Finally, Regina spoke.

"Emma, are you going to let me come or not? I know you're hiding, just let me finish…." Her words were breathless, and trailed off as Emma turned the dials up to maximum. Regina was panting, her head thrown back as she enjoyed the sensations coming from that unseen place Emma had complete control over. She truly loved watching her wife come undone. In no time at all, her eyes snapped open as shockwaves pulsed through her body. Emma, satisfied, turned off the remote and pocketed it. She was going to enjoy this new plaything.