Um yeah. So I finished cohf in like three days and I cried for like another three so yeah. I don't really know what the parabatai ceremony is like so I went with what I wanted too. Anyways, don't read if you haven't read cohf yet!

Julian gripped the stele in his right hand and looked into Emma's eyes. Do it. Emma told him, telepathically. He smiled lightly before bringing the stele down and drawing the Parabatai rune on Emma's inner forearm. The familiar sting of the stele left her skin when the rune was finished, for a moment it glowed a deep red and Emma thought Jules had done something wrong. The panic left her when the rune turned silver for a brief second and then black. She took the stele from Jules and drew his rune on his shoulder. And together, they said these words:

"Whither thou goest, I will go;

Where thou diest, I will die, and there I will be buried:

The Angel do so to me, and more also,

If aught death part thee and me."

That was it. They were bound together as one, souls knit together, a newly made bond between the two stronger than blood sibling. Emma would just have to hide her secret feeling for Jules...

Clary sat at the table with Jace hovering over her like a hawk. She was drawing Emma and Julian on the stage. Both Emma and Julian had small wings sprouting from their backs. She drew them both older, so Julian was taller than Emma by a few inches and Emma wore a floor-length gown and her blond hair cascaded down on shoulder and the rest down her back, in between her wings.

"Beautiful," Jace smiled and kissed Clary's cheek.

Clary and Isabelle had become Parabatai a week after Jocelyn and Luke's wedding. It was bound to happen, right?

Simon walks in to the room Clary and Jace are sharing. They all have been coming to Idris more often now. Simon wore training gear and could now bare Marks, as he had become a Shadowhunter the same week as Clary and Isabelle's Parabatai ceremony. Jace and Alec had been training Simon for a while now, and he looks more bad ass then he did when he was a vampire.

"Hey," Simon said as he walked past them and grabbed Izzy's whip that she had left from an hour ago. "Alec and I are portaling to New York so I can fight a demon."

"Awesome," Clary smiled. "Don't die!" She yelled as he sprinted out of the room.