OMG It's time for the last chapter! Thanks for coming along for this ride with me, I'm not sure if I'll have any stories up anytime soon but at least there is closure on this one for me now. Thanks for reading, and remember even if you are reading this 20 years from now, please leave me a review.

Mel ran to her door hoping he was still in the hallway. He wouldn't leave without saying goodbye to everyone, she hoped. "Blake" she called; no answer. "Blake" she said again. She turned at the sound of steps coming down from the attic.

"He just went upstairs to keep an eye on Sandra and help her finish a potion. Now I'm going to let the rest of the crew know that they are back here" Hope said as she orbed out.

Mel ran towards the stairs. She climbed the stairs to the attic. "Wait" she said as she saw Blake holding a vile as Sandra filled it with a potion.

"Mel its fine, you don't have to say anything. I won't be here much longer" Blake said not looking at the young witch.

Mel walked over towards Sandra so she could look Blake in the eye. As she approached, she saw the book was on the page for a power stripping potion.

"What is this? Why did you make a power stripping potion?" Mel asked looking at Blake and Sandra.

"Blake wants my Elder powers so he decided to strip his demonic powers out so I could transfer mine to him" Sandra explained.

"No, if he becomes an Elder, I'll never see him again" Mel said.

"He makes it sound as if you don't want to see him at all" Sandra replied.

"Don't do it Blake" Mel said turning towards the young manticore.

"Mel, I want you to be happy, but I can't bear to watch you be with anyone else. It's the only way" Blake explained.

"Or I could be with you" Mel said silently.

Blake's eyes widened.

"That kiss; right before you left my room. I felt it, I felt everything, and it was more powerful than that love potion Faith and Portia gave me. I love you Blake and I don't think I can live without you" Mel explained as she started to smile.

"Are you sure?" Blake asked grabbing Mel's hands.

"Positive" Mel replied as she leaned up and kissed him.

"I'm sorry Sandra, but I'm afraid I can't become an Elder" Blake said as he wrapped his arms around Mel.

"I understand Blake" Sandra replied with a smile. "But now, who am I going to pass my powers on to?"

"Can I make a suggestion?" A voice out of nowhere came as white lights swirled in the middle of the room.

"So you're sure you can do this right? It's not like a breach of contract or conflicting interests?" Blake asked the ghostly member in the middle of the attic.

"It's a perfect idea; the Elders need someone up there who isn't just going to follow blindly. They need a new perspective on things" Mel said looking as her deceased Aunt Prue.

"Plus if this is going to happen" Prue said pointing between Blake and Mel "You're going to need someone on your side up there."

"Will we ever get to see you again?" Mel asked curiously.

"Honey, you just said I don't follow the rules, of course you will see me again. Maybe not every time you summon me, but I'm going to come down and see all of you as much as I can" Prue said as she gave her niece a hug.

Sounds could be heard coming up the stairs to the attic. The rest of the Halliwell gang was well on their way.

"We thought you got abducted" Wyatt said walking in and seeing Sandra was alright.

"I've been perfectly fine, I even got my corn dog that I wanted" Sandra replied.

"Aunt Prue, what are you doing here?" Parker asked looking at her Aunt.

"I found my replacement" Sandra said proudly.

"And you are all here to watch me become an Elder" Prue replied.

"But Mom and our Aunts aren't here!" Exclaimed Peyton who had made it back to the manor.

"It's alright, like I told Mel, I'll still be around as much as I can. They'll see me again, you'll all see me again" Prue said happily.

"Ready to do this Ms. Halliwell?" Sandra asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be" Prue said facing Sandra.

Sandra closed her eyes and started speaking in a language none of the Halliwell children could identify. Sandra's body became engulfed in orbs, the orbs floated up and out of her body and into Prue. Prue glowed a magnificent blue color. When the light faded her clothes had changed to Elder robes. The crew looked over at Sandra who started fading from their sight. "It is done, blessed be young ones" she said as she disappeared from their sight.

"See you all as soon as I can" Prue said as she orbed out.

The nine cousins just stood there for a moment. Finally H.J. spoke up.

"Alright so recap, Faith and Portia drugged Mel causing her to run off, we found Mel and gave her the antidote to what you two gave her. Sandra came down and needed protection so she could pass on her powers, even though we had no leads on who would receive her powers, we fought off darklighters , almost died, took Sandra to the pier, went on rides, lost her, found her here and she passed her powers on to our dead Aunt who is now an Elder. Did I cover everything?" H.J. asked.

"I think that about sums it up" Faith said looking at her brother.

Portia turned to Mel "Do you forgive us?" she asked looking between Mel and Faith.

"Yes Portia, I forgive you two. But never, EVER do anything like that again, remember I can blow things up" Mel said with a stern look.

The group started laughing at the look on Portia and Faith's face.

"Well now, I think we all need some well-deserved fun" Peyton stated.

"I'm going to catch up with Warren, I feel like I haven't talked to him in forever, toodles" Portia said as she disappeared in a heart.

"Come on you two, we are going to hit up that music festival that I saw today while at the pier" Parker said as she left the attic followed behind by Hope and Faith.

"Well then, P3?" Wyatt asked the remaining members.

"P3" they all said in unison.

The group arrived at the club later, Chris made sure to take a moment and let Bianca know they were there so she could meet up with them. The group was hanging out having a good time. Mel got up from the table and walked towards the back of the club so she was out of view from her family. A little while later Blake came through the crowd and the two went down the hallway leading to the office.

"So, when are we going to tell your family?" Blake said as he nibbled on Mel's neck.

"Can we just wait for a little bit on that? I sort of want to enjoy this for a bit, you know before my brothers realize that their baby sister is dating their best friend" Mel said pulling back with a smile.

"Alright, we can wait for a little bit, I at least want to live until next weekend" Blake said as he wrapped his arms around Mel and the two swayed side to side.

"Why? What's next weekend?" Mel asked.

"I'm taking you out on our first date" Blake said as he leaned in a kissed her.

Hey remember to leave me a review. - Thanks