Hello everyone and welcome to the written version of "Blood Stains and Paint". Unlike the other version I was unable to find any plot of the story until I came up with this one and have a full range of ideas for this story. I hope you enjoy this rewritten version.


You ever have that one sibling who is perfect in every way that everyone compares you too? Well, that's my life as I have always been compared to my older sister. Emily your sister is so smart! Emily your sister is so beautiful! Emily you should be more like your sister, she is amazing! My name is Emily Grey, my older sister is the beautiful, powerful mutant known as Jean Grey. Yeah, I'm that bitch's younger sister. UGH! I hate her so much! Always being compared to her! In school, powers, beauty, fuck everything!

When I was younger living at the mansion, I constantly heard of my sister from other students and the teachers. Nothing I did seem to matter; if my grades weren't perfect, if I didn't exceed sports or training, if anything I did was perfect I had to be reminded of my sister. Yes, like my sister I have red hair but my is more red wine color as my hair falls to my lower waist is soft waves with my bangs falling around my face. Skin is porcelain with lush full lips, slender body with small round breast, and only five foot five. Like my older sister, I have telekinesis powers like Jean to move things with my mind. Though I do not have the telepath mind control powers like my sister, I do have a healing factor much like Logan's.

I hated training with my sister, so much I ignored her. Not like anyone took notice of me anyway. Spent most of my time in the art room or my own room painting, drawing, and sculpting. My art was my only outlet for me and I was pretty damn good. With money I saved up from my job at a coffee shop, allowance, and help from a few other people I was able to open a gallery when I was eighteen. I had gotten an agent named June who was able to make the gallery happen and boy it was great. All my art I had created was bought by several people and an actual rich woman saw my art and bought most of it. No one showed from besides the guest but I was used to it even though it hurt a whole lot. That day I made a pretty penny and I knew that I had a good thing going on for me.

June thought so as well, by the time I was twenty I had saved enough money where June found me a nice home in California. Leaving the mansion on my twenty birthday with everything I owned, no one seemed to care or notice that I was leaving; so I left without telling anyone. Finding a nice small loft that was a few blocks from the beach in California was perfect. Living there I felt free from my sister's shadow and was able to finally be myself. I opened my own gallery selling my art and sculptures as many tourist often came and bought what they liked. Even some higher paying customers came usually asking for a commission if I could paint something for them. I have three high rollers who love my work and have worked with them on a few projects such as home painting of their homes or help with some art museums. Though I don't just do paintings, June was able to get me a few modeling jobs for advertisements of perfumes and other products. Most of my work is in magazines and a few television commercials. The modeling I have as a second career just in case my art doesn't sell anymore. Everything was perfect, well as perfect as it could be.

It has been almost five years since I left the mansion; no one has called, written, or anything. The loneliness set in fast, if they weren't going to try and contact me then I wasn't going to go back begging if anyone knew I left. Keeping my mind off them, I kept busy with work to take my mind of them. I have tried to date but nothing seemed to fill that lonely feeling hell even the sex was not good and these men think their gods in bed -snort- yeah right.

Pulling from my thoughts when I heard my phone go off when a familiar ringtone caught my attention, placing my paint brush down I lifted my phone only to smile at the message. Strange how we keep in contact, we don't text or call everyday as I know he has his own busy life. As strange as it seems that I feel a great joy from hearing from him that the loneliness washes away like a river washing the land away in a flood. I know my distance from his as his missions take him around the world, even he wouldn't like a bothersome woman texting him every day. Though when we do talk it is very rewarding, he doesn't talk often besides listening to me about my day and my work. Sexting was absolutely awesome, we tease each other so much we have a little game to see who will cave in and call. So far I am losing by one point while Victor is – Opps!

Oh screw it, yes I am sex texting with the famous, murderous villain know as Victor Creed. You're probably wondering why he would ever call or text someone like me. I will tell you my little tale, it started five months ago at the Bellagio Hotel where my agent June was to be married and where we first met.