Chapter 34

"Well El Halcon, it seems that you've managed to be a big help to us all," Cezar said as he looked at Sequoia with a slight smile.

Sequoia couldn't help but give one back even though it was a bit painful with the split lip and the few bruises that were marring her face. It also didn't help that she was sporting a gunshot wound that was given a field dressing much to her Shappa's chagrin. "I said I would help but it was your people and El Libertad that did the heavy lifting."

"Modest as ever," Cezar replied, nodding in agreement. He looked around the compound.

The smoke was drifting lazily into the air as the Federation prisoners were being escorted to holding. There were choppers inbound from the Americans to pick up their people and the prisoners. It had been a gamble but in the end the beginnings of a major virus attack had been averted and the compounds were seized. It was a victory for all.

Sequoia looked at her surroundings. They managed to stop the Federation once again. They were losing support and it seemed that the people who were resisting were starting to get the upper hand now. They were making a stand and saying that they didn't want to be under Federation rule anymore. She looked at Cezar, "Not modest. Just speaking the truth. It was your people; you said enough and made it happen."

"Ah but you showed us how. Don't ever take that lightly."

"I don't, especially since it came at a cost." Sequoia shifted to look at her team the Ghosts. She could see Logan and Hesh looking a little worse for the wear but otherwise alive and okay. Keegan was sporting abrasions to his face from debris and Kick had a sprained ankle from dodging out of the way of a grenade. Harris was alive and unharmed as well as Skye. Still it had been a harrowing experience since she caught sight of Reed and his men.

Cezar looked at Sequoia and then in the direction she was looking in. He knew that what she did was going to come back onto her. She did what she did knowing the consequences and she did it willingly. "You have a generous heart El Halcon," he said as he turned to look at her, "And it's the reason why things will work out for you."

"I don't know about that," Sequoia replied as she looked back at Cezar.

"It will. And I do not bear ill will against you."

Sequoia gave a slight hiss between her teeth as she remembered what she had done. She chewed on her lower lip. "And I regret doing what I did… even if I didn't go full on…" She sighed as she put her hands on her hips.

"It was necessary," Cezar waved her off, "And I knew that you were not what that man was."

Sequoia studied the elderly man. She looked a bit downwards as she replied, "There isn't that much difference in this line of work, Cezar. The things I learned and what I can do…" She shook her head at that.

"And it is how you do it that matters. Remember that," Cezar countered as he raised his finger in a warning. He then patted her shoulder in encouragement, "Besides, you have your friends and him." He gestured with his eyes.

Sequoia shifted to look and gave a small smile when her eyes lighted on Hesh. He was sitting on a crate while waiting for the others. It was then that she noticed Reed speaking to Keegan. He was flanked by his two lackeys. This was it and she knew that when she noticed Hesh's posture stiffen as he looked at Reed. She looked at Cezar.

Cezar saw the three newcomers. He knew too and looked at Sequoia and patted her shoulder. "It will be alright, El Halcon. They will see what you have done here. It will take time but it will be fine. You will be with him."

Sequoia looked at the elderly man. She gave a slight smile and said something in Spanish since it was the only thing she could think of and her Portuguese was rudimentary at best. She then turned and walked to where the team and Reed's team were meeting. She came across the leader of El Libertad and it looked like he was going to stand up to Reed and she knew that wasn't going to go over well. She waved him off and indicated that it was going to be okay.

There were some protests along the way but no one interfered. Sequoia didn't say anything or look at anyone as she walked over while trying not to wince. Where Rorke hit her was painful and abdomen shots usually were. She could understand how Hesh felt the first time around and no doubt Carol would eventually gross her out on the details. She was good at dealing the hurt and knowing where to strike but she didn't really like hearing the gory details. It was Carol's revenge for dragging her into the field and onto the patrols of the wall. Sequoia adjusted her arm to gingerly touch her side to numb the pain.

Straightening up she walked right up and Reed said, "Finally. Get your shit together."

Keegan held up his hand, "Hold on. Hawk was found by our people. We're bringing her in." He looked at Reed with a hard look.

Reed looked at Keegan with narrowed eyes. "We have orders to bring in Lt. Williams on charges of espionage."

"That is bullshit and you know it," Logan spat out after putting his hand on Hesh's shoulder to keep his brother from moving too much. He ignored Keegan's attempt at calming him down. "This asshole has had it in for Hawk ever since he showed his face here."

Sequoia knew that it had the potential to get ugly and she heard the warning tone in Reed's voice when he said, "At least I do what I am ordered to do. Can you say the same?" He shot a look mostly at Hesh before showering the Ghosts with contempt. "You Ghosts aren't above regs."

Sequoia stepped in before it could get ugly having been in this conversation before. She glanced at the team while she pushed against Logan and Reed. "Stow it. Logan…" She gave him a look that was more along the lines of a mother scolding her unruly pup. When he backed down with a slight reluctant nod she turned towards Reed with a firm look. "Reed, you may have been sent here to retrieve a prisoner but it gives you no right to insult my team. For the record, you better report everything about what happened in taking this place down or I'll make SE 102 look like picnic in comparison."

The confusion was apparent on everyone else's faces except for the two soldiers staring at each other. Reed looked at the woman that was a constant thorn in his side. While he disliked her intensely, he knew better than to piss her off. He knew exactly what she meant when she mentioned that one time and she never let him forget it that it was his fault he lost his medic due to reassignment to her unit.

Looking at her with a narrowed look he glanced at the Ghosts and then at her and said, "You have to go in. There is no avoiding that."

"I know. I don't expect anything less from Command." Sequoia gave a slight nod as she said that. "I'll go with you but my threat still stands."

"Like it would be any different with you, Echo bitch."

Sequoia gave a wry grin at that statement. "Fucking Charlie Leader," she muttered. She detested the man as much as he disliked her so just saying that was more along a grudging respect. She knew that the Ghosts would take her back but it was integrity on the line and they were barely toeing it with what happened here. It was the right thing to do. "Can I have a moment?"

Reed huffed a bit before taking a couple of steps away. Sequoia didn't look at him but her posture indicated that she only tolerated his presence. She relaxed slightly when he was sufficiently away and gave a tentative smile. "Well, this was fun."

"Don't try, Hawk," Keegan replied a bit more gruffly than he intended. "It still ends up with you going with him."

"And I would have thought you'd see the larger picture Ohanzee," Sequoia replied with a somber expression. "Can't forget the six."

It was a not too subtle hint but Keegan and the others understood it. Not everyone had to like it though. Keegan stepped forward, "Merrick will be pissed."

"Since when is he not?" Sequoia couldn't help but chuckle at that. "I just bring my obnoxious self to the party." Sobering she continued, "But he'll understand and it's not like I'm going to the ends of the earth. Call it protocol."

"You're not a traitor," Logan muttered under his breath still clearly pissed at the whole thing.

It was difficult but Sequoia knew it was right. At least she was coming in on her own free will and if she knew Ashford and the colonel, they would have a say when she was brought in. She spent her moments telling the team that it was okay. Keegan, being well aware of her relationship with Hesh, moved everyone away after she finished telling Logan to be a good pup and teasing her cousin.

Sequoia appreciated the gesture from Keegan and noted how Harris gave a pat to Hesh's shoulder. She couldn't resist teasing, "Seems like you two are getting along."

"Meh. More like I don't like you but I'll work with you. It was my idea and…" Hesh trailed off, not wanting to get into that. He sighed as he added, "So you… really are letting Reed take you in." He stated it more than questioned it.

"Yeah," Sequoia replied with a nod.


"Something I don't take lightly and… I never wanted you guys to toe the line to the point of nearly crossing it."

"Like you wouldn't do the same?" Hesh looked up at her. He didn't like that he was sitting but if he tried standing…

Sequoia hummed at that and smiled, "Yeah you got me." She sighed as she looked at the ground. There was a lot to say and what she wanted to do but she wasn't going to make a scene and definitely not give Reed any more ammunition against the Ghosts. "I have to go, Shappa."

"I know. You told me at camp but…" Hesh looked up at her while swallowing the lump in his throat. "I set out to find you and I did but now you're being taken from me… again."

Sequoia knew what he meant by that. She didn't like it either and she wanted nothing more than to be back to what it was before the train. She took a breath and replied, "I don't like it either. At least though it's our own side and we're better than the Feds."

Hesh gave a slight smile at that. By then Reed was impatient and demanded that they get going. Sequoia looked at the Ghosts there and took in their faces. She turned to follow Reed but not before she reminded Logan to take care of Ash and she leaned in to whisper something to Hesh. She then marched in front of Reed towards the helicopter that was to take them back to Command. Her last look was seeing Hesh standing there with Riley.

Three Months Later

The tangos were in sight. There were three of them. They looked like they were standing around but appearances could be deceiving. It would be best to approach cautiously and let them separate. The chance came when one veered closer. The signal was given.

The Fed didn't see it coming until a ball of fur landed on him and snapped his neck. The other two were taken out with sniper shots. The sniper moved up to make sure the area was clear. He approached with caution and kneeled next to the dog. There was silence but it was an uneasy silence.

At that moment, a Fed came out of hiding and was going to shoot the handler and his dog. He didn't get a chance since he was hit by a round and he was down on the ground. The handler looked in the direction the shot had been fired from and said, "Nice shot Logan."

A buzzer sounded and the downed players got up to stretch. Hesh stood up after giving Riley a pat saying he was a good boy. He couldn't resist giving a scratch to the dog's ears as he turned to look at the "Fed" he had taken out and said, "Color looks good on you Harris."

"Fuck you, Walker," Harris countered in a good natured way as he looked down at the bright colored paint on his armor. "Next time you're getting shot."

"Been there. Done that," Hesh countered smoothly as he turned to greet his brother. "Cut it a little short there Logan."

"Only because I wanted to make you sweat. I still haven't forgiven you for the last one," Logan teased as he advanced. He reached out and scratched Riley's ear. "And your ass was in my sights."

"Liar." Hesh gave his brother a grin before turning to the others that were joining them. "Guess that was a good one."

They had been running a sim training the past couple of days. It was in preparation for an op on a Fed outpost. Intel said that it was of major interest, something about a supply run and cache; it was important to the Federation and even though they were floundering, better to keep them at bay. It was a live sim and it carried with it a certain satisfaction of being able to shoot the people that you thought were a pain in the ass just not kill them.

This one was one of the last ones as the team gathered around to go over the results, which usually meant a chewing out by Merrick, since Merrick was not in his usual posture. Hesh took his usual place off to the side and to the back with Riley where he could listen and be alone with his thoughts. He focused his attention on Merrick.

"That was a good run but you're still waiting too long Logan," Merrick was saying.

"Plenty of time," Logan muttered more to himself. He had become a bit more sullen at times but never outright insubordinate. Louder he said, "Needed a clean shot and it was a sleeper." He gave a slight shrug.

Merrick looked at him. He knew that Logan was right. He just wasn't sure how to deal with his being more like Hesh. He already had to deal with the elder Walker brother on occasionally biting heads off but they were becoming less frequent and being replaced with an almost despondency at times or something like that. It was a question for Carol who was inclined to say that it was normal and that he was lucky it wasn't worse. He had to concede to that since they were all pretty pissed and they channeled it towards the ops Command sent their way. It was just…

Clearing his throat after giving Logan a hard look, he turned his attention to the rest of the team. It was hard looking at them since the bright paint made it look hilarious. Still he kept a straight face and continued, "Anyway, we've got the call and we'll be leaving tomorrow." He paused a moment since he knew that this might garner protests. "And we're getting a shoe in."

Hesh perked up a bit as Merrick made his announcement. They were getting someone added to the team. He didn't want to hope but… "Anyone we know?"

"Asset codenamed Falcon. He'll be here at 1000 hours," Merrick replied, "So get some rest and be ready. Dismissed."

There was no need to really say anything. Every single one of them was secretly hoping that their long lost teammate would be coming back. To hear that they were getting a new guy… they would welcome the FNG but he would have to earn his place like everyone else had. Logan pulled a face and started heading towards the lockers to stow his gear.

Hesh waited until everyone was gone before moving. He sighed as he started walking towards the barracks with Riley on his heels. He knew Logan was disappointed and taking it hard. He had been pissed when she had gone with Reed and… I'm sorry Logan.

"Tough break."

Hesh shifted to see Keegan standing there. He had forgotten that the man sometimes tailed him like a shadow if he perceived something was wrong. It was more out of concern at the fact that he and Logan seemed to switch personalities almost. He gave a lopsided grin and countered with, "I'm fine Keegan."

Keegan couldn't deny that. For the most part things had gone well. But he knew a little better what was going on. "Hey, I know you were thinking it was her."

"We all were," Hesh pointed out, "Merrick too."

"It's been three months, kid, and the only thing we have are the reports."

Hesh chuckled slightly, "Not everything." At Keegan's look, he revealed, "Ashford's been passing letters to me and to her."

There was the answer to Hesh's mellowness... at least in part. Keegan continued to walk with the younger soldier still trying to wrap that around his head. "The civvie shrink? She's been telling you how Hawk's been?"

"She sent me a letter Hawk wrote but they wouldn't let her send it." That was at least what Hesh thought. "Ashford sent it to me along with an offer to send anything I wanted to write to her. I took it."

Keegan nodded while the obvious question was on the tip of his tongue. He didn't voice it since he figured out the reasons why. It certainly did explain things regarding Hesh and why he was taking the absence better than expected. Then he had a thought, "Logan?"

"Logan knows. He's just upset that she's there and not here," Hesh offered. He wasn't going to go into detail about how a letter for his brother was included in the packets that went between him and Ashford. What they wrote about… it was private unless Logan needed a punching bag or a shoulder to cry on. It was the best he could do but he was there for his brother when he needed him. "They were always thick as thieves."

Keegan nodded at that. He didn't have trouble believing that since he had seen the pair of them together at times and he had watched when she had begun teaching Logan how to use a tomahawk. He glanced over at Hesh and noticed that he was in a thoughtful mood. "Hesh… you know if she were to come back… what you two…"

"I know. And I get if she was reassigned but… If I get a chance to see her…" Hesh gave a sad smile as he looked at Keegan.

In that brief moment, Keegan saw the full extent of what Hesh was feeling. He knew full well what was going on and the only reason Merrick hadn't said anything was because they both did their jobs and he suspected Merrick was amused by their antics with their banter. The fact that Hawk was Elias' goddaughter had nothing to do with it. Yet what Keegan could see… it was real and not a fling or blowing off steam. It would be a problem but at the moment, Keegan was seeing a rather mature acceptance with the hint of hope. He put a hand on Hesh's shoulder. "Keep it up kid," was all he could say.

Hesh gave a smile more for Keegan's benefit. He chatted a little more with the man about nothing in particular. He declined hanging out in the rec room with the others and opted for an early night. He headed towards his room with Riley in tow but was stopped by his brother and he was trailed by Ash, the dog that saved their asses three months earlier, "Hesh."

Hesh turned to acknowledge his brother, "I'm fine Logan. Got my hopes up like everyone else."

"Hey, I miss her too."

"I know."

Logan looked at his brother. They exchanged a silent conversation before he nodded and said, "Not giving up bro."

"Me neither but… you could be a little better. You're turning into me." Hesh gave a grin and pointed at Ash. "At any rate at least Ash is looking good. You won't be able to take her though. Merrick pulled enough strings to get her a place on base with us."

"Made a promise and I aim to keep it." Logan grinned at his older brother feeling better about the day. He made a slight face and offered, "Maybe the new guy will be okay."

Hesh nodded at that. He was willing to give a chance to the new guy. "Maybe." He paused and took a breath and added, "Well I'm gonna…" He gestured towards his room at the barracks.

Logan nodded and let his brother leave. He got it and he didn't blame Hesh. His brother had been going on rock solid the past three months and being the one to comfort him when he got upset. It was weird and backwards but… He nodded and turned to leave. His brother needed to be alone. Logan clicked his fingers for Ash to follow him as he went to join the others.

In the meantime Hesh stripped down and took a shower. He thought about the upcoming op and he came to the conclusion that it probably wouldn't be too bad working with the new guy. It was another thing to write to her about. He mulled on it as he dried off and headed towards his room to call it a night with Riley at his heels. He only paused before opening the door and he stopped in his tracks.

The room was dark but the moonlight was coming in. It filtered in through the window and fell across the person standing in his room. The silhouette was one that Hesh knew well. His throat convulsed as he looked at the face, not sure if his eyes were playing tricks on him until he heard, "Hello Shappa."

Hesh didn't say anything but grabbed his visitor in a bear hug and was rewarded with a hug and tears of joy. He ended up picking her up off her feet but held on. He breathed, "I missed you."

Sequoia held onto Hesh with her arms around his neck. She buried her face into his neck and breathed in his scent. "I missed you too."

Hesh set her back on her feet and looked at her. Nothing much about her changed. He cupped her face and rubbed her cheek with his thumb. She was there and in front of him. "How…"

"I've been reassigned… I report in the morning. Here to stay."

"You're Falcon?"

Sequoia made a slight face and shrugged to indicate that it wasn't her idea. Hesh didn't care at the moment except for the fact that she was there and she was there to stay. There was a lot to say but all that he said was, "Now to do this right."

Sequoia couldn't help but smile as she lifted her hand and placed on Hesh's chest over his heart. Her fingers once again were caught on his dog tags. Looking up at him she said, "I accept."

Hesh put his hand over hers. He stared at her for a few moments and then leaned forward and kissed her on the mouth. He wasn't going to let her go so easily again.

The rain was pouring as it usually did in the jungle. It was the one consistent thing along with the humidity. But he didn't care. He looked over the group that was waiting for him. He gave a slight grin. He may have been bested this time but the next time… He grinned bigger as he thought about what he intended to do. The hunt has just begun Little Charlie…

A/N: And that's a wrap folks at least for this story but we know that the story never truly ends. Seems like there is room for one more. Thanks to all who have read and favorited this and There Are No Coincidences. You guys make things possible!