A/N: hey guys. Sorry it took so long to update.. A part of me got lazy, SORRY! And another just didn't want to let go of this story, cause my friends.. This is the final chapter. Maybe there will be a sequel.. But until then. Be happy I hope, with this last chapter in Horatio's sweet girl

Horatio smiled watchin Arya play with Emma in the front yard. They had since won the case. Emma was innocent, of course. And had fully moved her into their home. She even started calling him daddy. It kinda hurt Arya whenever Emma did, but she wouldn't admit it. But that was understandable. Arya backed Emma up the porch, grinning at Horatio. He smirked and got up quietly knowing what Arya wanted. The second Emma got too close, Horatio held her up and tickled her sides. Emma screamed laughing. "No! Mommy daddy! Stop it!" Instantly they all stopped what they were doing and stared at each other. Arya covered her mouth, tears falling. "You called me mommy.." Emma smiled her own tears falling. "Mommy.." With a happy cry Arya wrapped her arms around her daughter and held her close. Horatio teared up and wrapped his arms around them both. "My girls!" Arya laughed and popped Emma onto her hip and grinned. "Well our girl looks like she's hungry." Emma nodded vigorously. Arya grinned. "How does grilled cheese sound honey?" Emma gasped and grinned bouncing on Arya's hip. Horatio laughed kissing both their heads. "I think that's a yes." With a radiant smile Arya lead their girl inside for lunch.

She smiled making tuna fish for herself, cod fish for Horatio, and grilled cheese for Emma. By the time the other two filed in to eat, the kitchen smelled fantastic. Horatio moaned inhaling. "Woah sweetheart.. It smells like heaven in here..." Arya laughed. "It's my cooking, of course it does. I leaned from the best." She pointedly looked at him. Horatio taught her how to cook. He grinned, letting some of his cooking ego show. "Yes you did." Emma cocked her head. "Who'd you learn from momma?" Arya and Horatio looked at Emma and burst out laughing. "Daddy taught me how to cook baby, it's a joke." Emma scrunched her face up in thought. "Not a very good joke mommy." Arya laughed hard handing them both their lunches. "I'll keep that in mind honey." Emma nodded and smiled digging into her grilled cheese. Horatio smiled as Arya handed him his lunch, kissing him on the head. He smiled kissing her cheek. "Thank you baby." And he tore into his sandwich heartily. She grinned to herself watching her family as they ate. She loved them with her whole heart. And just before she tore into her sandwich, she touched her stomach, thinking about her family.

After lunch, Arya put Emma down for a nap, freeing her and Horatio to lounge and cuddle on the couch to their hearts delight. Arya smiled contentedly and snuggled in close to Horatio relishing in the feel of his warm body against hers. "I love you, you know that right HC?" Horatio chuckled. "Yes I do and you never fail to remind me." Arya giggled and placed a kiss to the underside of Horatio's jaw. "That's right 'daddy', get used to it to.. I love you so much." Horatio grinned holding her against his side as she nibbled and kissed her way across his jaw. "Sweetheart you keep that up... And I might take you up.. On the offer your putting out." Arya giggled slinging her leg over his waist, straddling him. "Maybe that's what I want baby..." Horatio let his hands glide up her thighs and hips. "Oh sweetheart.." He groaned softly, as to not wake up Emma. "What did I do to ever deserve you..." Arya smiled kissing his lips sweetly, feeling his hands glide up her back and under her shirt. "Just by being you my sweet man..." With a growl Horatio yanked her shirt off, pulling her down against him. "I'm not always sweet..." And he crashed their lips together.

She moaned and flipped them so he was ontop of her, never breaking the kiss. Horatio growled pinning her hands, putting just enough pressure to excite her. She bucked up against him, needing more. He willingly gave it. Sucking and biting her neck, down to the collarbone and sucking the sweet skin until she was panting for him. Horatio grinned slowly rolling his hips against hers. "Your still sweet sweetheart.." Arya groaned and pulled his lips back down onto hers. He kissed her with a fervent passion that left them both breathless. She moaned granting his questing tongue entrance to her mouth. She struggled against his hold, wanting her hands freed. He let her and she grasped fistfuls of his shirt, pushing it up his torso. Leaning back away from her, he pulled his shirt off, and launched back into her with an intense kiss. She always tasted so good.. He couldn't get enough of her. He never could. Suddenly something in Arya broke, and she frantically pushed at his chest. Groaning Horatio moved to kiss her neck, thinking she needed air. But Arya continued to push. "Horatio... God I need you to stop..." He moved back onto his arms to stare at her. She was biting her lip. "Something wrong sweetheart?"

"You said... You were getting to old to be a daddy.. Did you really mean that?" Ice crept into Horatio's heart. "No sweetheart! I was just joking! Why do you ask?" She looked down rubbing her arms and stroking her waist, it looked like. "No reason.. I was just thinking.. Never mind. It's stupid." She laughed it off but Horatio could see that her hands now rested on her stomach. His eyes widened. And he moved to sit back, pulling her up with him as he did. He grabbed her arms and squeezed lightly. "Sweetheart... Are you...?" She nodded meeting his eyes again. "Yeah.. I found out this morning.. It's too soon to tell but im pretty sure I'm gonna have a girl.." His eyes continued to widen. She elaborated. "My mom told me when she was pregnant with me she craved tuna.. And so have I." Horatio stilled dropping to his knees in front of her. "So your.. Pregnant.. With our little girl..." She nodded, for some reason fearing the worst. Horatio made a happy sound and pulled her into his arms, hugging her, and as he stood, spinning her around the room. "I'm gonna be a dad again!" She started to giggle, happy tears falling. "So your not angry? You want to have this little girl with me?" Horatio snorted and kissed her hard, holding her to him, and rubbing her stomach. "Of course! First Emma now this?" He stopped, and dropped to his knees pressing his face against her stomach. "Hey there my sweet girl... It's your papa.. I can't wait to see you.." Arya laughed and held his face to her. Happy beyond belief. Horatio wrapped his arms around his woman's waist. Looked like Horatio would have sweet girls.