So at last we reach the final chapter in SOB. This has really been a fun story to write and I hope you all have enjoyed it. Now on to the last chapter.

A week later the Wayne family was back in the states all exhausted from the long flight. Alfred immediately picked up the family and drove them back to the manor.

"It's good to be home." Bruce said.

"Yes sir, especially now that the young masters are getting along."

"I wouldn't say that quite yet. There are still a few necessities needed to be done." Damian said looking at his sleeping brother.

"Like what?" Bruce asked. Damian did nothing but smile.



Dick woke up due to a strange light coming from the foot of his bed. He opened his eyes and sat up on his bed. His room was now fully lit from various candles scattered everywhere including at his bench at the end of his California King bed. Also lying on his bench was an orange robe with an extended neck collar and a thin line of embellishment going up the very edge of the collar. There was also a note that said 'put on and come to garden.' Dick took the robe and carefully put it on which happened to be a perfect fit. After he smiled at himself in the mirror, he went downstairs to where the backdoor was. He opened the door and there was a walkway through the garden using the same lit candles as before which led up to a table which Alfred was standing behind and Bruce standing off to the side.

"Whoa," Dick said taking in the sight.

"Glad you like it," a voice behind him. Dick turned around and saw Damian wearing the exact same robe he was except it was a much darker shade of orange. "You see where I'm from its considered a great honor to call a non-family member your brother. So we do this ceremony to make it official and valid," Damian explained.

"Cool! I mean, let's go," Dick said and he and Damian walked out of the house together, side-by-side towards Alfred through the pathway of candles. It was still dark but the brightness of a new day was starting to make its presents know. As soon as the two got up to the "alter," Alfred opened a book.

"Damian Thomas Wayne, Richard John Grayson, let it be known that on this day of August 15th 2015, you have both come forth to establish yourselves as brothers by blood. Is this statement true?" Alfred asked.

"It is," Damian said and Dick repeated.

"Very well," Alfred said and turned to Bruce who gave him a large unlit candle with two stems and placed it on the table and another single candle that was lit.

"Damian Thomas Wayne, you may now recite your oath," Alfred said and Damian took the lit candle.

"Grayson, I've made a lot of mistakes ever since I got here in regards to you. But I swear to you as your new older brother, I will treat you better and not act like you are a mistake because you're not. You're someone who Father took in to love and care for and I now know what my purpose is for you; to help better train you to eventually take on the mantle of Robin. My oath to you is to teach you everything I know about being an assass…..crime fighter and to…to….." Damian said and took a deep breath squeezing the candle tight struggling to finish his thought.

"…loveyouasabrother," Damian said and quickly lit the side of the candle that Dick stood in front of. "I hereby announce you as my brother and no force now or ever will chance that," he stated.

"Richard John Grayson, you may state your oath," Alfred said as Damian put the candle down on the table.

"But…I dunno what to say," Dick said.

"Just say what's on your mind," Damian said.

"Okay," Dick said and took the lit candle while Alfred watched him like a hawk.

"Damian, you and I really didn't like each other that much at first. But everything's gonna be different now. We'll play catch together and go to the playground together and I'll show you some acrobatic moves that you might use when you're Robin. I love you," Dick said and went over to half hug Damian with his arm that didn't hold the candle. Damian quickly squeezed Dick back with his right arm before releasing and putting his hands behind his back. Dick then went over and lit the side of the candle. Damian cleared his throat getting Dick's attention who whispered "I hereby announce you as my brother."

"Oh right! I hereby announce you as my brother and no one will ever change that," Dick said.

"Close enough," Damian whispered to himself.

"Very well," Alfred said letting out the breath he had been holding. "We will now conclude with the ritual," Alfred said and put two sticks drenched in red paint except for the very bottom.

"Huh?" Dick asked.

"Now we're supposed to become blood brothers but Pennyworth wants nothing to do with it so we had to compromise," Damian said. "Just put the paint over your wrist," Damian said as he demonstrated but secretly slid out a hidden knife and proceeded to make a small slash across his paint covered wrist enough for a small amount of blood to come out without Alfred noticing. Dick caught wind of what Damian was doing and his expression dropped.

"Come on, it's just paint," Damaian said sliding the paint stick over Dick's right wrist before as gently as he could slid the blade over Dick's wrist. Dick silently gasped before looking at his wrist with 'blood' on and smiled. Damian winked at him and held up his wrist which now interlaced with Dick's. Alfred then tied a gauze around both the wrists.

"Damian Thomas Wayne, Richard John Grayson, I now pronounce you as brothers by blood and nothing now or ever will change that," Alfred said and closed the book.

"Very nice," Bruce said clapping. "I say this calls for a celebration."

"Father, this is a celebration. The feast isn't usually until tonight."

"I'm talking about another lesson on how to be a normal boy." Bruce said and tossed Damian a football.

"What is this?" Damian asked.

"It's called a football. You toss it around for fun with your friend and sometimes your family." Dick said.

"This sounds like some kind of training."

"It is. We'll use it to work on our hand-eye coordination." Bruce said and started walking out of the room until Alfred suggested they get some breakfast first. The family all agreed to have French toast and went outside to start 'training after Dick and Damian took off their robes and saved them for later.'

"Okay boys, are you ready?" Bruce asked.

"Ready!" Dick said.

"Okay Damian, you're first." Bruce said and through the football at Damian. He jumped up, caught it, and threw it back to Bruce.

"Nice one Damian. Okay Dick, you're next." Bruce said and threw it high. Dick started running towards it and Damian got on all fours acting as a boost for Dick. Dick then jumped off of Damian, grabbed the ball, and did a front flip.

"Show off!" Damian shouted.

"I'll show you showing off!" Dick said and tossing it to Damian before he could even blink.

"That's it Dickie." Bruce said and the family spent the rest of the morning having fun and being a family

Yes before you ask, I am planning on making a sequel. I have watched Batman vs. Robin and have tried to follow the movie using my version, but it's gonna be hard to do. So I decided to make some parts based off the movie and other parts from what I was thinking when I first saw the trailer. I don't know when it will be posted but I have so many ideas to work with. I hope you have enjoyed my version of SOB and will see you all it Batman vs. Robin (My version).
