A/N WOW thank you all for the wonderful comments and all the faves. It has been an amazing ride for my first fan fiction I guess I need to see about writing more...but maybe not this long, LOL! Also, this is definitely my favorite chapter. ENJOY!


Oliver found himself taking the back streets and alley ways to Felicity's house. He was running so fast he thought for sure his legs would give out at any moment but he just kept going. He pulled up short in the alley just across the street from Felicity's house. He looked up and down the street but saw no sign of her car. Oliver checked his watch and realized that he must have beat her there. Oliver decided to wait in the shadows for Felicity to get home.

Oliver was pacing back and forth. What was taking her so long? Surely he couldn't have beat her by that much? What if she was in an accident? His heart stopped at the thought. He decided to glance again at his watch to see how long he had been waiting...five minutes. He had only been waiting five minutes but it felt like an eternity. He was just about to call the police to check and see if there were any accidents reported involving vehicles like Felicity's but then he saw her small car pull up to the curb and stop.

Oliver watched as Felicity got out of her car and walked up the steps to her brownstone. She unlocked the door and walked in. Oliver waited across in the alley way until he saw lights flicker on in the third story window.

Oliver quickly crossed the street and then went around back to climb up the fire escape to the roof. He quickly picked the lock on the roof access door and made his way down the stairs to the third floor. He was able to figure out exactly which was Felicity's apartment based on the lights he saw go on.

Oliver reached his hand up to knock but stalled. He panicked for a moment realizing he had not thought of what he was going to say. He took a deep breath and decided he would just say whatever came to him.

Oliver rapped on the door three times and he heard some shuffling coming from behind the door and then Felicity calling out "just a minute".

Oliver grew more and more nervous as he waited for Felicity to open the door. He was about to duck and run when the door was opened and Felicity was standing on the other side wearing only a robe.

"Oliver what are you doing here? Is something wrong? Is it Diggle? OH NO is it Layla?" Felicity moved from the door inside her apartment all the while mumbling things to herself. Oliver only caught bits and pieces. Oliver watched as she seemed to fly around the apartment looking for things. Oliver followed her into her bedroom where she was fumbling around in her closet.


Felicity did not make a move to acknowledge that he had said anything so Oliver walked over to her put his hand on her shoulder and said again "Felicity".

Felicity stopped rummaging around to look at Oliver.

"Everything is fine I just...I just need to talk to you."

Oliver watched as Felicity stared at him in what could only be described as wonderment.


"Oh sorry. You wanted to talk. So let's talk," Felicity's eyes darted to her bed and a deep blush bloomed across her cheeks and she started walking out of the bedroom and pushed Oliver with her hand and saying "uh maybe not in the bedroom where there's a bed. Not that I think that your thinking something like that...oh no now you think I'm thinking something like that but I'm not...uh let's just go in the kitchen".

Oliver watched as Felicity practically ran out of the bedroom and he smiled for the first time in a while. He realized then that since their talk a few months ago he had not really been the easiest person to get along with.

"Oliver would you like some tea, water or soda".

"I'll take some tea thanks."

Oliver sat down at Felicity's dining table, pulled off his hood and watched as Felicity set about making their tea. He enjoyed just watching her move around the kitchen. He felt a sense of peace wash over him and he knew that this was the best decision of his life. He got up from the table and walked over to Felicity who had just put the tea kettle on the stove.


Felicity startled at the sound of her name. "Oh sorry I was just in the zone ya know. The tea zone". Oliver found himself laughing along with Felicity.

As they were laughing Oliver watched the light in her eyes sparkle and after their laughter had died down he reached up and placed his hands on her upper arms. He just stood there stroking his thumbs back and forth and looking at her. Felicity. If you would have asked him a year ago or even before he was on that island if he would ever feel this way about someone he would have told you "no". But now standing here looking at Felicity he knew that he loved her and none of the other women who had come and gone in his life even came close to making him feel the way she did.

"Oliver what's going on?"

"Felicity I just think that...", he just could not seem to find the words he needed to say.

Felicity looked at him with those eyes and said, "For once Oliver can you please just say what you feel".

Oliver knew then that the only way he could truly express what he was feeling was to show her. Oliver pulled Felicity into his chest and he leaned his mouth down and whispered "I love you" before taking her mouth with his lips. There was no hesitation from Felicity. She grabbed at his leather suit and pulled herself in even further. Oliver released her arms and she glided her hands up his chest and wrapped her arms around his neck.

Oliver pulled away after a moment and looked at her and her eyes were even brighter than before and her lips were red from their kiss.

"Sorry I just really didn't know how to say it".

"You said it perfectly."

Felicity placed one of her hands on Oliver's cheek and said, "Just so you know. I love you, too". Felicity pulled him back in for another kiss.

Oliver felt like his heart was going to beat out of his chest. This moment with Felicity was the best moment of his life and one he would remember forever. He would hold onto it and her with everything he had and would never let it go. He would never let her go. He felt a deep possessiveness come over him and he thought about the guy Felicity had dinner with tonight.

Oliver pulled away and said "So what's with that guy you had dinner with tonight".

Felicity looked at him slyly and said "Oh my gosh you were spying on me."

"No I wasn't".

Felicity playfully slapped at Oliver's arm and said, "Yes you were."

"Okay I was. I had to see who my competition was after all".

With that Felicity let out a loud laugh and Oliver knew then that her laughter was his favorite sound.

"Well I'm sure you saw that the guy never shut up." Oliver smiled at this and Felicity continued, "We met online in an MIT alumni page. So we had a lot in common but..."

"But what?"

"He wasn't you."

Oliver pulled Felicity in for another kiss. Oliver knew then that he had made the right decision and whatever came next he and Felicity would face it together and they would get through it together.