A/N: So here's the last chapter/epilogue! Sorry for the slight delay. Thank you so much for all the interest and lovely reviews. Thank you to cherucaustic for the initial prompt :)

And last, but certainly not least, thank you to my lovely beta H T Elia who always made me laugh with her comments and who I annoyed with deadlines! Thanks chuck!

This is gospel for the fallen ones
Locked away in permanent slumber
Assembling their philosophies
From pieces of broken memories…

And truth be told, I never was yours
The fear, the fear of falling apart

This is Gospel by Panic! at the Disco

They really did try to do the opposite to all the cute couples that Mark and Sebastian had mocked, but in their attempts to be an ordinary couple with realistic expectations, Mark and David convinced no one. At a weekly dinner with Kurt and Blaine, they deliberately avoided touching, but it seemed that whatever they did, they were merely inches apart. David would help set the table, whilst Mark helped Kurt with the food, only to find that he would bump into David as he put a dish down. Or as David reached to get glasses from a higher cupboard, he would accidentally knock Mark's shoulder. David blushed and Mark would apologise, but Blaine and Kurt knew. And their insufferable smirks were too much for Mark.

"Oh, will you just stop," he said, stopping in the middle of the kitchen, causing everyone to pause and look. "I know what you're doing and I can see why it would drive Sebastian away."

At the mention of his ex-roommate, Kurt's face fell. He'd been mocking David and Mark for a while gently laughing and knowingly glancing at Blaine. But the thought of Sebastian with no one made him stop.

"That's not fair," Blaine said, coming closer to Kurt in an attempt to save him from further pain. "Sebastian left of his own free will. He felt he needed to, it is not our fault."

Mark looked a little contrite and finally sat at the table, joined by David. Kurt assembled dinner on the table in silence, and by Blaine's help, they finally sat down to eat.

"Do you think he's okay?" Kurt asked. No one had started to eat, so Kurt broke the silence. Mark looked kindly at Kurt, realising his earlier mistake.

"I don't really think you drove him away," Mark said. "I just think he'd had enough of soulmates. He needed to be on his own."

"Have you heard from him?" Kurt asked and David seemed to be suddenly aware of how Mark would find the conversation awkward around him. He touched his knee and Mark clung onto his hand in gratitude, offering a smile.

"No, I don't think he'd want me to contact him. He needs his space, I get that."

Kurt nodded.

"He knows how to contact us, Kurt," Blaine said, touching Kurt's arm gently. "When he's ready he'll come back."

"I hope so."

In the end it took a wedding invitation to prompt his return. He hated to admit it, but Sebastian had always known that Kurt was a great friend and he missed him terribly. But getting on with his degree, making new friends that hadn't met their soulmate yet either, had been the best thing for Sebastian. He was the life and soul of a party and yet his wit and charm ensured he made genuine friends. He enjoyed mocking other soulmates with kindness and mirth, encouraging laughs from his friends and they greatly admired his optimism. But they knew that despite his positive attitude, deep down Sebastian was lonely and really just waiting for 'the one', just like everyone else.

Kurt and Blaine would still see Sebastian on occasion, but the closeness was lost and although it hurt Kurt to know he'd lost a good friend, he knew and respected the reasons for his distance. As graduation approached, Blaine had always known that a wedding would be the natural conclusion for the best four years of his life.

The proposal had been simple and sweet but exactly what Kurt had wanted. They'd often joked about those couples that needed the show and the performance of a proposal and really their love was better than that. Kurt wanted class and love and romance, not a cabaret. So Blaine started planning as they started their junior year of college.

They'd found a place, somewhere only they knew, and although it wasn't as quiet as their place in Ohio, they still managed to lie back and watch the stars, just like old times. After busy times, and assignments coming out of their ears, Kurt needed his time to unwind and one day he returned from class to find a simple note on their kitchen table.

Why don't we go somewhere only we know?

Kurt smiled, knowing exactly why Blaine had written the note today. It was the two year anniversary of their collision, their bodies finally realising what they should have known since they were little. He rushed to their secluded spot, only to find it completely quiet and devoid of other people.

He lay down on a blanket he'd brought and looked at the clear sky and the many stars. He smiled upwards, thinking that he hadn't felt so at peace for a while, with all the buzzing to and fro of college and work. The silence was broken softly by someone singing, though it still seemed so far away.

It's just another night
And I'm staring at the moon
I saw a shooting star
And thought of you
I sang a lullaby
By the waterside and knew
If you were here,
I'd sing to you

So open your eyes and see
The way our horizons meet
And all of the lights will lead
Into the night with me
And I know these scars will bleed
But both of our hearts believe
All of these stars will guide us home

Kurt sat up and watched as Blaine had approached but it was only as he came closer that he stood to meet him, the biggest smile graced his face.

I can hear your heart
On the radio beat
They're playing 'Chasing Cars'
And I thought of us

Kurt laughed as Blaine sang, clutching his hand to his chest. It was just like Blaine had written the song for them.

Back to the time,
You were lying next to me
I looked across and fell in love
So I took your hand
Back through lamp lit streets I knew
Everything led back to you

So can you see the stars?
Over Amsterdam
You're the song my heart is
Beating to

Kurt let him finish and clapped, leaning in for a kiss and thanking him for the best anniversary gift. But Blaine hadn't finished.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm getting down on one knee," Blaine said, smiling upwards from his position on the grass as he watched Kurt realise what was happening.

"We've been here so many times, and to our place in Ohio, but you may not know that I knew before. I knew as I watched the stars above me when I was on my own or with you in special places. It's never really felt like I've been getting to know you, it's always felt like I was remembering you from something. As if in every lifetime that you and I have ever lived, we've chosen to come back and find each other and fall in love all over again. Over and over. For all eternity. And I just feel so lucky that I found you so soon in this lifetime, because all I want to do, all I've ever wanted to do, is spend my life loving you." Kurt looked overwhelmed, his eyes filling as he stared down at his soulmate.

"So, Kurt Hummel, my amazing friend, my one true love, will you marry me?" All Kurt could do in that moment was nod.

"Yes," he whispered and then swallowed to get better control of his voice. "Yes."

Blaine looked ecstatic and leapt up to pull Kurt towards himself in a tight embrace, with a kiss to end all kisses.

It had always been inevitable, but Kurt felt the need to qualify his simple agreement.

"I choose to marry you, Blaine," he whispered as Blaine's lips left his. "I love you so much."

"I love you too."

Kurt called out to Sebastian as soon as he saw the back of his best friend on his wedding day. Sebastian turned and smiled, confidently nodding his head in acknowledgment of the greeting.

"You look amazing," Sebastian said as he came closer, "You really do brush up good, Kurt."

"So do you," Kurt said, looking him up and down. "You wore what I sent you." He had been apprehensive about it, not sure if Sebastian would be willing to be directed, but Bas had worn the given outfit and he looked pretty dapper.

"Yeah, everyone follows the fashion advice of one Kurt Hummel," he said, smiling to let Kurt know that all was as it should be.

"It's great to see you."

"Well I wouldn't miss the wedding of the century," Sebastian said. "My best friend would kill me."

Kurt's face fell though he tried to school it otherwise. "Oh? Someone from college?"

"Oh the best, but I knew him from high school actually. And he really can shake his tush on the dance floor."

There was a beat of silence and then Sebastian saw the realisation dawn on Kurt's face. Kurt laughed.

"We have all of that to look forward to tonight," Kurt said, grabbing his arm, causing Sebastian's eyes to widen. "But first we need to get in our place."

Kurt was surprisingly strong and able to pull Sebastian all the way to a little alcove before he could be stopped.

"Our place, what are you talking about?"

"You're my best man silly," Kurt said smiling wide. "I couldn't risk you wearing any old thing as you walk down the aisle with me."

Sebastian dropped his jaw slightly, causing Kurt to giggle.

"You think I'd leave you out of the wedding party?"

Sebastian shook his head slowly.

"Good," Kurt said nodding, "Because Blaine will be walking towards me with Mark and I need to look as confident as you at all times."

Sebastian recovered, his heart beating fast in pleasure. He hadn't been forgotten; he was just as treasured as ever.

Gabriel Clarke had seen enough weddings but this one had to be his first where love was just everywhere. It wasn't even that obvious or tacky, just there and he stood back after his job was done and wondered how it had been achieved. The flowers were tastefully done, mainly white lilies, the baby cupcakes were cute but surrounded the more traditional round cake for the two guys to cut. The music was happy and clearly the band knew all the personal family favourites because all the uncles and Burt were on the dance floor showing off their best moves. Even people that weren't dancing and having obvious fun, were set to the side and having animated happy conversations full of laughter and nostalgia. Gabriel crossed his arms and just surveyed the room.

"I know, it's everywhere isn't it?" said a voice, suddenly by Gabriel's side, sardonic and almost gleeful.

"What is?" Gabriel said, turning to face the taller guy who had spoken. He wasn't expecting the guy to have such mirth on his face or such striking eyes.

"Love," Sebastian said, pulling a face, but in such a jokey manner that Gabriel knew he didn't mean it.

"You know them well?" Gabriel asked, "You're one of the best men, right?"

Sebastian nodded. "Remember taking my photo?"

"Yes," Gabriel laughed, "Amongst the many others tonight, you were one that stood out."

"I'm nearly a foot taller than Kurt and Blaine," Sebastian said, "I would."

Gabriel joined in the laughter, feeling instantly lighter and suddenly aware that his job for the day, as wedding photographer, was coming to an end.

"Need a drink?"

"Yeah, that would be great. I'll have…"

Gabriel was cut off as he turned to fully face Sebastian only to find that Sebastian had decided to face him too. Gabriel's hand brushed along Sebastian's arm, just gently, barely there, but it was enough. It started.

Sebastian's eyes went wide at the sudden sensation.

"You're Gabriel?" he whispered in shock as Gabriel realised the same and mouthed the name of his soulmate too. They came closer, hearts beating quicker and they embraced.

It was only as he looked over Gabriel's shoulder that he could see Blaine and Kurt still dancing on the dance floor. Kurt smiled over Blaine's shoulder, his eyes twinkling and Sebastian knew. That cheeky bastard had known all along! But boy was he was grateful.

And he decided then and there that he would name his first born son, Kurt.

Songs quoted:

'This is Gospel' by Panic! At the Disco

'All of the Stars' by Ed Sheeran

A/N: I don't have anything to write at the moment and no immediate ideas or plans but I don't really want to say goodbye either! If you ever have a prompt or something you want me to write, just let me know. I know my writing quality has diminished recently but I always enjoy writing a good story!

I'll just say au revoir instead!