UPDATED 7/1- a few tweaked things, probably more to come. Subtle changes that I hope make this chapter smoother.

Note: I own nothing of the franchise. Also, be warned of language and mildly graphic yuri images. If you don't like the girl on girl, turn around. This is set in their final year of high school, following all the events of the Sailor Series.

I'm aware that things happen a bit fast in this chapter, but I'm having a hard time slowing it down. The other chapters are more well-paced so bear with me. And review to help me out!

Rei groaned. She couldn't sleep. Again. She was exhausted after the day's training, but she couldn't nod off. She hesitantly squinted at the clock on her nightstand – 3:23 AM. This was impossible! What was wrong with her? A million reasons were considered and dismissed. Adrenaline, maybe? She rolled over to her side and suddenly her futon felt very… big. As if a puzzle piece were missing or–

Absolutely not. No. She violently stamped the thought out. She had never needed anyone. Adrenaline was definitely the source of her wakefulness.

She chanced another tentative look at the clock – 3:26. She huffed in frustration and flung her blanket over her head with the hope of suffocating herself into oblivion.

"Hit the sake a bit hard last night, Rei-chan?"

Rei turned murderous bloodshot eyes toward the source. They spat hate at the evident cheer in Usagi's voice, forceful despite her exhaustion. The blonde's smirk faded a bit in fear, but she pressed on anyway. "What did you do last night Rei-chan? And without MEEEEEEEEE!"

"I didn't. Do. Anything." She said through gritted teeth, "but if you make this headache any worse, I will end you - Princess status be damned."

At this, Usagi's baby blue eyes welled up with predictable tears and a pouting lower lip. She sniffed once, then twice, Rei's eyes narrowing further with each sniff. If Usagi knew what was good for her…

"Awe, Usagi-chan – no need to warm up your vocal chords this early; even I don't! Besides, if Rei burns down the temple trying to kill you, we'll lose our meeting place and I for one refuse to give up my 5 minute walk here."

Warm hands rested on Rei's shoulders, their pressure comforting and stilling of the volcanic eruption that the fire goddess had threatened to unleash.

Hot breath whispered in her ear "Count to ten and remember when Usagi got sick on too much questionable sushi and we convinced her she was pregnant with a baby squid. Or picture her naked – I've heard that helps."

A chill shot up Rei's spine, freezing her entire being. The tingling in her ear made her heart skip a beat before she realized what the words has meant. She felt her cheeks warm and the idea of a naked Usagi - Rei had never been a big one for nudity and was embarrassed to even take her shirt off in front of anyone. She shook her head like a wet dog before smirking a bit about the baby squid incident.

Usagi looked at the two girls grinning across from her. "What did you say to her? Do I have something in my teeth? I'm sorry I ate all the snacks I brought, but my mom's cake is just sooooooo goooooooood… or is there something on my face?"

"No, but are you sure you aren't a few months along with your own bunt-cake in the oven?" Rei's eyes twinkled mischievously.

Usagi blanched. For once, the big mouth just opened and closed wordlessly in embarrassment. Everyone in the room burst out with laughter, recalling the squid incident and thoroughly enjoying the look on the meatball head's face.

"Alright, alright," Ami chuckled in the attempt to quiet them, "we can do biology experiments later, but we've still got to finish up math. Mako-chan, I can check yours really quick since you're done."

Makoto and Ami began pouring over her worksheet while Usagi blushed and buried herself in her homework. The tinkling laugh behind her gave Rei a funny little smile, when she realized the hands were still on her shoulder. She flushed a bit as warmth grew in her stomach from the contact.

The hands drifted away as the idol plopped herself next to Rei. Her cerulean eyes examined the miko's profile for what felt like ages. Rei squirmed a bit under the intense scrutinization.

"What?" she spat.

"Why aren't you sleeping?"

"I thought I was supposed to be the psychic one," Rei mumbled.

"Psychic or not, the bags under your eyes are extreme even for you. What's up? Another bad vision from the fire?"

When Rei didn't answer for a minute, a soft hand rested on her thigh. "I – it's – no, it's nothing like that." She wanted to pull away, but just couldn't bring herself to. "It's adrenaline keeping me up or something I think. Too much excitement."

The blonde's eyes twinkled evilly. "Excitement keeping you up? This wouldn't happen to be Yuuichirou's… doing… would it?"

Rei stood in an instant, heat radiating from her as she violently swatted the hand away. She shot daggers with her eyes, spitting every word.

"Yuuichirou will never touch me. I would never defile this shrine with vulgar, childish antics – unlike someone disgusting I know Aino."

Minako seemed bemused.

"I never took a vow against having a good time like you, baka! I am the goddess of love – I'm supposed to be enjoying my talents," she winked. "Besides, your vow only gives you an excuse to exclude the opposite gender. You should give the others a try."

For a moment, bewilderment at her words and shock drained all color from the miko's face. All the other girls turned to stare at her as she gaped like a fish at her leader. Rei's brain had jammed. Did they know she wasn't completely straight?

She always had an easy reason. Rei was too busy with her Shrine duties, protecting their princess, school, and training. She had no time to date men – hence her general disinterest. Not to mention her vow of chastity was to show utter devotion to Usagi and the future of their universe, not because she didn't like men.

But what if it isn't? a small part of her brain suggested. Maybe you've never really been interested at all? Maybe this has all been excuse after excuse to avoid your disinterest.

Rei felt lost. She had hardened her heart against romantic love a long time ago. What if –

Rei stopped. She remembered once again that she had three confused friends and one bemused senshi staring at her. She mustered a huge scowl for them all before stalking out the door without another word, door slamming behind her.

She headed toward the woods to find her special place and cool off. Rei felt hot, sticky, and dirty. The sooner she reached her favorite tree, the sooner she could breathe normally. The cherry blossoms always soothed her nerves with their dependable annual presence.

Stupid Minako and her mind games. It didn't matter anyways. She couldn't date anyone because of her duty and her vow. The Princess was the only one who could hold her love.

Who cared if she liked women anyway? She hated men, so that narrowed her options a bit.

If I had options, that is.

Her eyes found that elusive, beautiful tree. The trunk was full of ugly knots, split awkwardly, and twisted in a grotesque manner, but the beauty rested in its ability to persevere and always produce gorgeous blossoms and an unearthly smell. She closed her eyes and breathed in the delicious scent. A small sigh escaped her lips and she curled up beneath its protective branches. The best thing about her tree was that it didn't judge, or ask questions, or leave her. She could say, think, and dream whatever she wanted here. Closing her eyes, she leaned against the familiar bark and let her mind clear.

Time became inconsequential as she let her mind wander. She reached a semi-meditative state and floated there, undisturbed. Visions of her friends passed lazily and slowly turned to visions of the life of Sailor Mars.

"Stop pretending I'm not here, Mars," a soft voice breathed in her ear.

She turned toward those lips and kissed them lightly, teasingly. "I could never pretend you were anywhere but at my side. But then again, I should really get back to training. I'm sure I can see you later –" Mars made to go out the door when she was stopped by a strong hand on her arm.

"Where exactly do you think you'll be training?" the same voice growled. "I've got plenty of new exercises for you to try," the voice teased.

Before Mars could offer a retort, her lips were crushed against the offender. Their soft warmth spurred her onward to taste, exploring and ravaging that gorgeous mouth. She pulled away slightly, flicking her tongue tauntingly against those delicious lips, outlining their fullness.

Her breath caught as her lover's hands rose from her hips to her chest. Their soft caresses over her armor offered little stimulation, but more than she could bear nonetheless. Her lover found a patch of bare skin and Mars gasped. Her hunger could hardly control itself. Her hands began to roam as her mouth continued to tease her partner's. Thankfully, her lover wasn't yet wearing practice armor and her hands could roam freely. Hungrily, she let her fingers slide up underneath the cotton fabric until they reached beautiful, full breasts. She held them lovingly for a moment before her thumbs began to tease the erect nipples. She smiled as her lover let out a soft moan –"

Rei came crashing back to Earth. Her breathing was heavy and she struggled to get it back under control. Color rose quickly to her cheeks.

She was in shock. What the – what exactly had she just seen?

A girl? She was actually in love with a girl? What girl? Who was Mars' lover? Was it someone only in the past, or was it another sailor senshi? She shuddered a bit at the thought of being so intimate with someone as pure and innocent as Ami.

Apparently Mars' passion was a force to be contained. Passion wasn't something Rei actively felt with anyone she knew, hence the chastity. And Rei didn't need anyone – she was too independent for a relationship. No matter how much she would like to ease the loneliness in her heart.

With a sigh, she decided it was best to put her questions to rest. If she continued musing, she might end up picturing a writing Makoto beneath her and –

She shook her head. Nope. Not what she needed to envision.

Pulling herself up from her meditative position, she made her way back to the study group.

Hearing the door open, the girls turned a bit sheepishly toward the fire goddess. She calmly met each of their stares before resuming her place and her studies. An awkward silence ensued. Minako occasionally glanced over, the ghost of a smirk still on her face. After a long minute or two, Ami and Makoto tried to ease the tension by reading the word problems a bit more loudly than strictly necessary.

Usagi scooted over toward her best friend. She hugged the stiff miko and rested her head on Rei's shoulder.

"I'm sorry Rei-chan," she murmured. "I didn't realize you were sensitive about giving up love. If you ever change your mind or find the boy of your dreams, consider yourself released from your vow. I don't want you to miss out. I love you and just want you to be happy!"

For a moment, Rei didn't answer. Usagi was clearly afraid of an outburst, and pulled slightly away to look at her.


"Princess, my vow was to devote myself entirely to defending our world. And protecting you," she said flatly. "It was not an excuse to evade love. It was to focus as deeply as I focus on my visions in the sacred flames. Someone has to concentrate, since you obviously can't."

Usagi really pulled away now, looking in shock at Rei's face. Rei turned to her with a slight smirk, indicating that old Rei was back. Usagi stuck out her tongue and the raven did likewise.


"Dumpling head."

Rei smiled to herself as she went back to her studies. Dwelling too much would only lead to more headaches.

Once again, Rei found herself staring at the ceiling, praying for a few hours of rest. Nothing helped. Tea, exercising, meditating, reading - she had tried it all. It was maddening!

She forced her whole body to relax and she began to clear her mind of any thought. She instinctively curled on her side and evened her breathing. Instead of sleep however, she was hit with another vision.

The bed was so soft that she hardly wanted to open her eyes. They shot open when she realized her arms were empty.

"Whhhhhyyyyyyy kimiiiiiiii," she groaned, eyes shut tight again. Mars began to stretch out, taking up as much space as possible.

"If you keep this up, there will be no place for me, baka."

Mars peeked around the room until she found her prey. Like a cat, she pounced on her girlfriend and dragged her down onto the bed. They wrestled for a moment as her lover squealed with mirth. They finally settled side-by-side, stupid grins on their faces.

She could look at her forever. She loved those brilliant cerulean eyes and the way they shone with exuberance for life. She loved the curve of her chin, her cute little nose, and her rosy lips. Her hand rose to the side of her lover's face as she gently touched her soft skin, tucking a strand of golden hair behind her ear. Mars let her arm wrap around the small of her back, pulling the two closer as their legs intertwined. Their foreheads instinctively leaned forward to the others'. If there was any sort of heaven, she was pretty sure she'd found it.

Mars sighed contentedly.

"Geez, Mars – no need to ruin the moment with that toxic breath."

She flared right up, all romantic notions gone. The offender, seeing her mistake, leapt out of the bed with a yelp. Mars growled, sending her lover searching for the nearest exit.

"You c-can't come after me like this. I was j-just trying to wake you up, you know? Training and all that –"

"This is my palace, princess. I can do what I want."

"B-but y-y-you're n-naked," she said nervously, knowing Mars.

"And thankfully, so are you."

In a single bound, she leapt out of bed and began to chase the squealing princess, eager to extract revenge.

As the vision faded, she felt blood rushing to her cheeks. As pleasant as the memory had been, its implications were far from such. There were only two blonde princesses she knew. This was going to be a long night.