"Gingkaaaaaa!" Madoka's voice sounded throughout the tiny apartment in Metal Bay City.

It was a beautiful day in the small city; clear blue skies without a trace of any cloud, a slight wind giving the warm day slight cool, birds chirping and beyblades bashing. The windows of the couple's apartment were opened slightly, letting the nice breeze blow into the small area. The orange sun was just setting, giving the blue sky colors of red, pink, and even purple. It truly was a beautiful Friday evening.

And just like every Friday around dinner time, Gingka ate his favorite meal: Madoka's hamburgers. He sat at the kitchen table that seated two, with a plate of not only the burger, but potato chips too. A soda cup lies just before the plate as well as a bottle of ketchup. Opening his mouth, Gingka's golden-brown eyes blinked excitedly, wanting to eat the burger as fast as he could.

However, right before the 24 year old was about to take a bite, his wife's voice shouted once again: "Gingkaaa! Put down the burger!"

Smiling, Gingka set the burger down and got up from his chair. "She knows me too well…" He mumbled, taking long strides to their bedroom. With his tall yet muscular form, Gingka leaned against the door frame, eyeing his wife. "Yes, my love?"

The two were married about 6 months ago in the summer. While Gingka's dad was smiling and congratulating his son, Madoka's dad sobbed the entire time, claiming that "he was losing his little girl."

The wedding was so memorable however; it really was a….interesting wedding… Benkei practically ate the entire cake, Yu and Kenta got a little carried away (note the sarcasm) on the dance floor and scared the rest of the guests off, Kyoya growled and glared at every person who walked by also scaring them away while Hikaru, his wife, scolded him in front of everyone. It seemed that Tsubasa was the only one normal. After all, he was the quietest of them all.

The honeymoon, however, was a completely different story. Gingka surprised Madoka with a trip around the world to see all of the beautiful sights the world had to offer. It truly was a week to remember, that's for sure…

"I-I need to go to the store." Madoka's voice suddenly grew in a whisper as she pulled on her boots.

Leaning forward, Gingka placed a hand around his mouth. "Why are we whispering?"

"Because," Madoka whispered but stopped and shook her head. "Because, no reason. I just need something." Her voice was back to normal, ignoring Gingka's curious gaze.

"What's the something?" Gingka asked, his eyes following her as Madoka stood up.

The 21 year old brushed past him, grabbing her purse and jacket. Following her close behind, Gingka watched his wife get ready. "Please tell me, baby! I hate being in the dark here!"

"Uh, girl issues." Madoka shrugged on her light jacket, her cheeks a little bit pink. "And besides. Don't you want to finish my homemade hamburger I made for you? It's your favorite, with the three patties and everything!" Madoka teased, raising her brown eyebrows and smiling slightly.

"The burger can wait." Gingka brushed aside, blocking the front door. "I'll go with you."

Shocked, Madoka blinked, completely quiet. "Gingka…" Stepping forward, Madoka avoided his tempting golden-brown eyes. She wrapped her small hands around Gingka's muscular frame and tried to push him to the side but failed. He stood rooted to the ground, watching his small wife try to pry past him.

"Madoka," The 24 year old began. "You can tell me."

Madoka tried and tried to move him over and over again but came nowhere. Huffing with frustration, Madoka looked up into his eyes. "Do you really want to know?"

Nodding continually, the famous blader waited patiently.

"I, uh," Glancing around the apartment, Madoka blushed. What should she come up with? It wasn't like she liked lying to her husband but for this situation she had to. It could be a false alarm! Seeing a pox of tampons in the bathroom, Madoka's mind brightened with the idea. "I'm on my period! Yeah, that."

Scrunching up his nose, Gingka stepped to the side. "In that case, go right ahead."

Mentally sighing with relief, Madoka opened the door. "You never grow up do you?" She laughed, seeing his uncomfortable expression.

Smiling mischievously, Gingka walked away and grabbed his plate with the burger on it. "I'm not a kid in some things." Sitting down on the couch, Gingka winked at his wife who was blushing furiously. "And neither are you."

"Gingka!" Madoka groaned, looking around the hallway of their apartment, making sure no one could hear. "Stop being such a little boy!"

"If you think I'm a little boy, we have a lot of work to do tonight in the bedroom, babe." Gingka replied casually, leaning back on the couch with one arm behind his head, the other grabbing his burger.

Slamming the door shut, Madoka ran down the hall, trying to hide her red face. Her heart slamming against her chest, Madoka reached the store with shaking limbs. Biting her bottom lip, Madoka tried to hide her secretive smile already thinking about tonight.


Jumping, Madoka quickly turned around to find her best friend, Hikaru, standing near the food section. The blue-haired 25 year old, blinked curiously with a basket in her hands. "What are you doing here?"

"Well it's a store…so…" Madoka looked over at the women's section. "I'm getting some things?"

Following Madoka's glance, Hikaru slightly smiled. "What type of things?"

Smiling, Madoka just shrugged innocently which, being a woman herself, Hikaru immediately got the idea.

"I see," Hikaru giggled softly, walking up to her best friend. "And does this husband of yours know?"

Shaking her head, Madoka blushed. "No, I'm not so sure myself."

"We'll that's why you're here, girl! I'll help you pick out the best brand." Hikaru answered, walking down the aisle. "This brand is the best." Picking up a light blue box, Hikaru handed the 21 year old the box. "I used this one to determine if I was pregnant a few months ago." Hikaru explained, showing her the label. "It gives the closest answer." Placing her hands on her swollen belly, Hikaru smiled.

Kyoya and Hikaru were expecting their first child about 4 months ago. While Hikaru wanted a girl, Kyoya claimed he wanted a boy, however, Hikaru could see the 26 year old secretly very happy if they were to have girl as well. The couple lived a few blocks down from Gingka and Madoka in a small apartment as well. They were married about one year ago, the wedding practically just as a disaster as the younger couple. However, this time, Gingka complained that there were no hamburgers, or steak, and pouted for the rest of the time, dragging Madoka around as she apologized to the bystanders who gave them curious looks.

"How did you tell Kyoya?" Madoka laughed as she looked down at the box.

Shrugging, Hikaru smiled. "He likes a blunt answer, simple as that. But I let him figure it out himself. My husband is stubborn, that's for sure." Hikaru smiled wider as Madoka laughed from her comment.

"That's Kyoya for you." Madoka replied, walking towards the counter.

After buying the box, Madoka placed it in her purse before grabbing a basket herself.

"Good thing you're buying other things." Hikaru commented as the two walked towards the food section. "He'd be pretty suspicious if you were to come home with nothing."

Laughing, Madoka picked up some bananas and examined them. "I told him I was on my period. He wouldn't question after that."

"Always works," Hikaru smiled.

After about 30 minutes of shopping and gossiping, the two took their separate ways, heading towards their homes. When Madoka got home, she placed the groceries on the counter as she held onto her purse for dear life. Standing on her toes, Madoka looked towards the living room to find the spot now empty. Sighing, Madoka ran to the bathroom and stuffed the pregnancy test with all of her other feminine supplies. He wouldn't look in there! Madoka thought to herself before walking back towards the kitchen.

"Gingka?" Madoka finally spoke up, after placing all of the food and other supplies she bought away. "You here?"

Walking into their bedroom, Madoka blinked as she saw her phone vibrate to life on the bed.

"There you are," Madoka mumbled, picking up the device she'd been looking for the past few days.

Text from Gingka:

Found your phone earlier! I'm at Bey Park with Kenta, teaching some younger kids. I'll be back soon. Love you X.

Smiling, Madoka shook her head as she responded.

Thanks, babe! Don't be gone too late. Love you X.

Placing her phone on the table by their bed, Madoka glanced up towards the bathroom. Now is her chance to find out… In an instant, Madoka's small feet jumped up from the bed and sprinted towards the bathroom, slamming it shut. Locking the door, Madoka turned and chewed her bottom lip as she got out of the box.

Pacing around the apartment, Madoka kept glancing towards the front door, worried that Gingka would show up any minute. Chewing on her bottom lip, the brunette blinked her sapphire eyes widely. Man, was she nervous. She suddenly stopped as a smile crept onto her lips. What if I really was pregnant?! Then we'd be a family!

After what seemed like a life time of waiting, the woman ran back to the bathroom and gasped, reading the test over and over again.
