Been super busy with work and everything X_X Hopefully trying to save for a new computer though and preparing for Dragon Age 3!

Nonetheless, I do appreciate the continual support from followers and favoriters but a special bit of extra love goes to the reviewers!
+ Kamikashi: The identity crisis starts becoming more visible in the current time chapters :)
+ OnePieceLover: Actually all the admirals rotate between being my favorite but Borsalino actually for me is the funnest to write. Hope you enjoy!
+ Kizaru Lover: Glad you like it so far :)

Nonetheless, my rambling aside, please enjoy and I will try to update this a bit more often X_X!

I do not own One Piece - That is property of Eiichiro Oda

Chapter 8 – Past: Dancing

"I watched the world float to the dark side of the moon. After all I knew it had to be something to do with you. I really don't mind what happens now and then as long as you'll be my friend at the end." – Kryptonite – 3 Doors Down

Borsalino was surprised at how quickly he was able to get dressed despite his nerves. Clothing was not an issue as his family was all too pleased to hear that their son was actually attending the highly touted Marine event as a technical guest of honor with another guest of honor on his arm. The suit in his hands though felt a bit heavy as he looked at it. "You okay?" Sakazuki grunted as he peeked into his friend's normally cluttered room and was astonished to see it spotless. The best way to describe the lanky man was organized chaos and to see everything so blatantly orderly was very startling. "You know, this isn't what they meant by 'cleaning up for a lady.'"

"Very funny, Sakazuki." He threw a nearby pillow at his friend and sunk back onto his bed as he looked at the suit with a groan. "I'm actually nervous. This never happened to me."

"Maybe because this matters? I mean, fuck I wouldn't know since I'm going by myself and it feels like an ordinary day to me," the bulkier man shrugged as he looked over the suit that had been sent for him.

"But you like dressing up and shit," Borsalino whined as he threw his arms up in surrender. "Me not so much. Reminds me of those damn balls mother would attempt to drag us to."

"Nothing wrong with privilege," his friend reminded him gruffly, causing Borsalino to pause as he realized that he had stepped on a nerve.

"Sorry about that," he apologized with a slightly bowed head. "I suppose I should get ready."

"You have to pick her up too, remember? You were telling me you had reserved a place to eat a light dinner before taking her there."

Borsalino blinked for a few seconds before slapping his forehead suddenly. "Yeah I reserved a nice place but fuck, I'd forgotten it until now. I need to let her know!"

Chuckling lightly with amusement, Sakazuki rolled his eyes before pointing towards his friend's suit. "Then get dressed. I'll go let her know since you apparently forgot to." He was walking towards the Den Den Mushi they had kept in their room when he heard his friend once again gape with shock. "I took the liberty of procuring her number a while ago in case of emergencies. I'm surprised you didn't notice that I had written it in the book called Contact Information next to the damn snail."

"The only number I ever call is my parents otherwise they'd nag the both of us. Plus, it never occurred to me to ask for her number yet alone call her since we see her every damn day… except the weekends. What exactly is it that she does then?" he yelped before Sakazuki rolled his eyes and swung his friend's door shut, forcing him to change while he picked up the Den Den Mushi.

"So dramatic," he grunted as he dialed the number. He did not have to wait long before getting a dial tone. "Oi, you there?"

"And hello to you too, Sakazuki-kun," Serenity's cool voice pierced the silence with amusement. "Do you need something?"

"Letting you know that your date," he placed a bit of emphasis on certain words as he had a feeling she was squirming and nervous just like Borsalino, "has reservations somewhere but forgot to let you know in his excitement. So prepare for a light dinner or whatever."

"I already knew that. I overheard him making the reservations," Serenity giggled softly but Sakazuki realized that the laughter was not her making fun of his friend but rather, a pleased laughter. "It is pretty thoughtful though, nonetheless. Thank you for calling me."

"Of course and if you'd excuse me…"

"Wait Sakazuki-kun." The bulky man held the receiver of the Den Den Mushi skeptically. "Who are you taking to the ball?"

"Me, myself and I," he muttered as he hung up the snail, no longer amused. He went to his room and almost sighed as he held his borrowed suit in a clenched fist. Soon I'll be able to pay you and your family back for helping me all those years, Borsalino. Soon. Please stay patient with me…

"What'd she say?" he heard a rather jovial chirp on the other side of his door as he started to change.

"She'll be ready," Sakazuki improvised, carefully omitting the fact that she was all too aware of the plans. No need to burst his bubble. "Now go on and escort her otherwise I'd have to step in and the world would end or something to that effect."

"So dramatic, Sakazuki," Borsalino murmured with amusement as he tightened the tie around his neck. It was a bright yellow tie with blue stripes running through it that complimented the blue stripes of his dark suit very well. "I hope she likes this color. Hmm… What color dress does she have I wonder? Oh damn it. Dates are supposed to coordinate right?"

"Again, how would I know?" Sakazuki pointed out as he tugged on the cuffs of his suit angrily at the sight of a stray string. Can't wait until I buy my own… Damn it! "Just show up and it'll be fine. She isn't the normal type of girl that you used to associate with."

Borsalino gave a grim shake of his head as he agreed completely. "She's something else all right. Beautiful and strong but… Her eyes…"

"Just go. Maybe you'll soften her up." Borsalino blinked at the statement in confusion. "You are influencing her whether you see it or not."

"She's influencing both of us actually," he pointed out wryly with amusement. "Don't think I haven't seen you two collaborate every so often against me in training. It's so cruel," Borsalino sniffled dramatically before grinning. "I'll see you at the party, Sakazuki. Maybe you'll find a pretty woman to dance with," he waved as he walked through the door, closing it behind him.

Serenity sighed as she slowly placed her hair in an elegant bun on her head then cursed as she missed clipping it, causing it to cascade back onto her shoulders. "Damn it," she howled as she threw the clip at the mirror, causing a crack to form and the female marine to sweat drop. How will I explain this now?

Calming quietly, she reached for the clip and sighed in relief that it did not break. She walked back to the very small jewelry box she had and placed the clip back in before sighing. As she closed the box, she stood there for a bit, hand on top of the box before tensing as she heard a knock at the door. "Sere-chan, you ready for dinner and dancing?"

"That crazy man," she muttered with a half smile as she locked the box and went towards the door before blinking slightly as she opened it to see her date grinning owlishly before he too blinked and pointed at her. "What?" she responded instinctively as she crossed her arms in front of her chest, all too used to the man teasing her.

"Just… damn. You look good," he complimented her as he could not help but let his eyes dwell over her a few extra seconds. He always had mentioned her looks before but now seeing her in the dress she was wearing, he definitely could not help but acknowledge it yet again. "I don't know what else I can say."

The blonde woman could not help but feel like she should tug her dress down a bit more but she knew if she did that, it would only draw attention to her legs or her chest. The black dress she wore hugged really tightly around her before billowing out near her hips down into a long skirt trimmed with golden and silver threads. The sleeveless halter top of the dress was also trimmed with gold and silver that ran around the tip. "Thank you?" she replied after a moment of fidgeting but Borsalino could not help but smile.

She looks nervous. It's actually kind of cute since she normally tries to be so elegantly aloof. "Can I come in? You don't look like you're ready," he motioned to her ruffled hair before raising an eyebrow slightly at the cracked mirror. And that's a crap ton of bad luck… Let's hope that doesn't strike tonight at least.

"Oh… I can't fix it up," she protested as she let him inside and motioned towards the couch. He dropped onto her couch and glanced around her room curiously as she went back in front of the shattered mirror in an attempt to salvage some type of hairstyle.

"I've never been in your room before. It's pretty comfortable," he chuckled as he noticed the framed calligraphy on the wall as well as pressed flowers while considerately ignoring the broken mirror. Nothing in the room seemed expensive at all but rather, created from effort. "Did you draw those?"

"Write the calligraphy? Yes," she said quietly as she ran the brush through her hair slowly, unused to all the attention her room was getting. The few times she had anyone over, such as Elyse, they would scold her about how humble her room was and that with the bounty money she had, she should live a little. "I felt it was more meaningful. Same with the flowers. I remember picking them myself. I think I wrote when I picked them in the corner."

"Yeah I see it," Borsalino confirmed as he looked around the rest of the room. Everything seemed to have its own special place but there was something empty and open about the room. It was almost devoid of something special that would make it truly a place for this particular female marine to relax. "You know, I like your hair down like that. It looks nice when it is long like that."

Serenity paused as she was about to tie her hair up. Her fingertips brushed the strands and she could not help but flush red slightly before letting her hair drop. "If you say so."

"I wouldn't say it if it wasn't true. You are on my arm tonight," he teased slightly as he went up to her in the mirror. He could not help but smile as he saw them reflected back. Damn. We look good together, broken mirror or not. "Now quit stressing and let's go eat. It's almost time for our reservations and it'd be a shame to lose them."

"We're the top recruits. We'll make it," she said with reassurance as she bent over slightly to step into some heeled ankle boots. "But I've decided something, Borsalino-kun, and I'll act on it."

"Oh?" he waited outside as she locked the door and she smiled at him. He did not know why but the motion made him feel giddy for a second before she held onto his arm.

"I had already talked with Sakazuki about this but…"

As Sakazuki walked into the restaurant, he sighed as he sighted the restaurant host who all too quickly escorted him to a certain person he was meeting before the ball. A discreet motion and he was across the dining area and at a private room with a table. He could not help but scowl at the person calmly sipping coffee before him but he also felt irritation at the dozing marine also at the table. "Don't tell me it'll be a waste of time," he grunted as he crossed his arms and took a seat in front of him.

"Serenity-kun told me you'd be more polite than this," Admiral Sengoku retorted as he set down some greens for his pet at his feet while his friend, a certain Vice Admiral Garp, shifted slightly in his sleep. "Unless she was wrong."

"Forgive me but this cannot feel anything but planned. Especially considering you are most skeptical of her behavior. I know that for a fact, sir. What changed?" The bulky man's arms only tensed as he noticed the admiral reach into his coat and place onto the table in front of him a devil fruit but not just any fruit. The very fruit promised to the young marine youth was finally in front of him and he was annoyed at the very sight of it.

"It took some convincing but you do have the potential. It only was a shame we didn't see it earlier. Leadership potential. Ability to think under pressure. We are sorry that you were underestimated," Sengoku attempted to placate the recruit but as he noticed Sakazuki's eyes narrow with suspicion, he wanted to sigh. Of course he isn't buying it at all.

"What did that woman say?" Sakazuki had not made any motion towards the fruit despite how he had desired it greatly.

"That if it was not for you or Borsalino, she and those other recruits would be dead. That there would be a lot more casualties than just one misfortunate captain's life is something that I as an admiral cannot overlook even if the higher ups want to gloss over it. I believe in rewarding those marines who uphold what is right." He motioned towards the fruit slightly. "And you had rightfully won this. I wish you to accept our apologies, take the fruit and be on your way."

"It can't be that damn easy. Life before and during the marines has taught me that," Sakazuki glared at the fruit slightly before resuming. "There has to be something else to influence your decision."

"I know you overheard our conversation," Sengoku continued steadily. "There was a bit of sensitive information involved as well." He allowed Sakazuki to stiffen for a second and stew almost in fear before smirking. "She doesn't want you to end up like her. She realizes there are similarities enough to warrant such but she made a deal with us."

"What deal could she have done? She's just a recruit like me and Borsalino."

Garp finally woke up and it was with a grim voice that he responded. "She will be honest with her comrades now to protect them. Did you know she actually considers you the closest she has to family? All she wants to do is protect but we told her she needs to stop hiding what could be crucial information. So starting tonight, she will do so. Starting with your friend."

"This is a nice place indeed," Serenity whistled lowly as she watched Borsalino banter with the host briefly before being told that their table was almost ready.

"It really is. After all, Sakazuki told me about it. Wait a moment… How is he here?" Borsalino blinked in confusion slightly and Serenity followed his gaze to see indeed their friend lumbering out of a private room with an expression as if he was force fed something disgusting. "Sakazuki?"

"Sakazuki-kun, are you alright?" Serenity asked in concern but she paused in confusion as she watched him nod his head at her.

"I am. Thank you for your concern and I'll see you two later," he said briskly as he left the pair to stare after him.

"That was bloody weird," they both muttered before shooting each other a glare which quickly turned into smiles.

Any potential musing about the grumpy man's behavior was cut short by the arrival of the restaurant host who led them to their table. It was candle lit but not in a dark corner. There was however slightly darker lighting which made the scene almost intense and romantic. "Your waiter will be with you shortly," the host bowed deeply as he motioned towards the table.

"Thank you," Serenity murmured in somewhat surprise as Borsalino ended up pulling the chair out for her.

"I do have manners somewhere," he chuckled. "It's rather easy to bring them out when needed however and I'd consider this one of those scenarios. This isn't the typical day after all."

"Oh?" Serenity sipped at the lemonade that was brought to her table and hummed slightly around the glass. "What makes it so special to you?"

"Well besides the ball that I'm escorting you to?" he chuckled as he dumped more sugar into his glass. "Spending time with you always is fairly interesting. Especially since you are so mysterious. I can't help but be drawn to it."

Serenity sighed slightly into her glass but had a small smile nonetheless. "That's rather reckless to be interested in dangerous things."

"How would I know if something is dangerous if I know nothing in regards to it?" he fired back with a smirk. "I should have taken Sakazuki's advice ages ago since you seem so flippant about it now?"

"About what?" she smirked back as she sipped more of the sweet drink.

"Yourself. I'd be a fool if I didn't realize how damn scary you were on the ship."

"Were? I must be losing my touch then," Serenity laughed genuinely, causing Borsalino to be torn between a smile and a sigh. "And you are scary in your own right. You and Sakazuki. The two of you are seriously a force."

"Our determination or at least mine is different though. In our right, aren't we geniuses? But yet, Sakazuki's specialty is different than mine where yours is close to mine in a way but more brutal. More relentless." He then had a thoughtful look on his face. "Almost single minded in fact. Why is that? You're always as cool as a cucumber but yet…"

"Pirates," she responded simply before smiling sweetly at the waiter that came to inquire about their food. "I would enjoy the veal if you would be so kind."

"The same but I would also like a glass of the recommended wine," Borsalino murmured as he handed the waiter the menu impatiently scowling as the waiter spent a few seconds more than necessary receiving Serenity's menu before finally yanking away Borsalino's. "And bring more candles. It is darker than practical here." He paused as he noted with annoyance the waiter's rolled eyes as he went off to fulfill the request. "Stupid idiot. You wouldn't ever be interested in the likes of him."

"Oh?" Serenity smiled again, unable to cover up her curiosity with the detachment she used to be able to call upon easily. "Why do you say that?"

"He's not a fighter and too tame. It is obvious in his demeanor. You would also worry about corrupting him or something because of how you are." She nodded, confirming his suspicions. "You don't seem like you'd settle down to do something so mundane as dating either."

"You're a lot more observant that you let others think," Serenity sighed as she winced suddenly and gingerly touched her sides. Borsalino's sharp eyes had caught the slight motion and his expression was one of great worry.

"Those scars… Did they open up again?"

Serenity stiffened slightly at the mention of the thin, almost line-like scarring on both sides of her hips. When Borsalino had to take her uniform off to access the damage during the battle, he had seen them at the time but knew better to bring them up until now where it was unavoidable. "No. I've been tightly bandaging them just in case but I just felt a bit uncomfortable for a moment."

"I apologize then," the lanky man offered graciously despite watching her carefully. What's wrong with admitting weakness? I wouldn't judge you at all considering how much you power through everything nonetheless. Those scars you have looked deep and with how you fight, you must be under pain fairly often for quite some time. But that's not even the worrying part. What mental scars do you have…? "My ears are open for you if you ever want to talk about it."

"And I'm sure your shoulder would be comforting to cry on too," Serenity responded with a dry smile that did not quite reach her eyes. "I may not show it too well, but I do appreciate the effort."

"I know you do," he responded simply as he reached for her hand. A blonde brow arched in response but her lip quirked slightly. He noticed she did not make a remark or withdraw her hand either though. "But that's enough of such serious talk. We do have a ball to attend to whenever the damn waiter arrives with our food!"

Sakazuki scowled as he walked into the receiving area for the ball. It had taken his fiercest glare to stop the attendant from announcing his name as the last thing the bulky recruit wanted was attention. After securing some liquor from a nearby bar, he sulked in a corner of the room to take in the scene before him.

Many of the higher marines he noted had opted for simply wearing their actual uniforms. The suits and coats of the marines however looked rather good together and thus, was not out of place compared to the rest of the attendees. Even though the recruits technically dressed up in an effort to impress, they were still woefully inferior when one would glance upon medals of honor that adorned the chests and uniforms of many of the higher ranks.

He saw Sengoku slink in but unlike the recruit, his rank dictated that he would be announced and it was with a scowling face that he politely applauded the admiral. The marine with the afro was oblivious to the glare aimed at him as he shot his own glare towards his friend who came in rather loudly with a booming laugh. Those two are quite an unusual pair. How that happens they are best friends…

The duo seemed to immediately quiet down at a feminine throat clearing and Sakazuki almost smirked at seeing the two cowed so easily. That reminds me of something similar… Shaking his head, he looked around and wanted to groan at everything. The people were clean and well kempt, the food was over the top yet tiny to please the ladies supposedly, and alcohol was prevalent but yet he could not help but dread and hate every second passing.

Delicately cleaning her hands, Serenity looked at the mostly empty plate and chuckled as she saw Borsalino pushing around food. "It's so weird that you ate so slowly," he whined as he finally chewed on a last morsel.

"We're not on duty right now so we can take our time," she reminded gently as she placed her silverware neatly onto the table again. "Besides, you didn't have to eat slowly if you didn't want to."

"Then what else would I possibly be doing in a restaurant, hmm?" he pointed out with a snicker as he waved down the waiter for the bill. "It would have been rude to stare at you when you still were eating anyway."

"I suppose," she huffed in defeat as the waiter refused to take her money and went off with the money Borsalino had provided. "Why didn't you let me…?"

"Look I have a decent amount. Not trying to rub it in or anything but yeah. Just let me do this, okay?"

Serenity frowned despite knowing from Sakazuki also grumbling about it that Borsalino had more than just 'a decent amount' of money. "You will let me pay you back."

"Perhaps not in money," he winked as she just gaped at him. "Like a lunch. Homemade lunches are nice."

"Oh… I can handle a lunch."

"But who knows. You'll find a way," he assured her with a chuckle. This caused the flush she had seconds earlier to reemerge even more vividly. "Now then, shall we?"

Taking his arm, Serenity was astounded at how quickly they made their way to the venue with not even any bit of chatter. Rather, it was an almost content peace that neither of them felt the need to add to. All things had to end and sure enough, they arrived. Many other marines were gathered around, some with dates like the two of them and others in a herd of their friends. The two noticed the varying attire and smiled at each other. "We actually go well together, don't we?"

"I wasn't sure how formal you were going actually," he admitted sheepishly. "It was dumb luck."

Serenity could not help but laugh at this as she shook her head. "Anything but dumb." She then frowned slightly as their presence was announced and she saw many people turn towards them. "Well fuck," she cursed as they noted all the attention on them.

"How did Sakazuki tolerate this I will wonder," Borsalino agreed as they posed for an obligatory photograph before pulling her away from the entry way. Serenity raised an eyebrow as she followed him to the snack table.

"You think he's already here?"

"Where else would he have gone? Sakazuki is very much an on time, be there for the necessary time then leave type of guy. He would just try to get it over with." He noticed her shrug and reach for the punch bowl. "Besides, it's not like this is fun for him either. Speaking of which, I see him now."

Sure enough, the surly bruiser held some sake in his hand while a gaggle of ladies were around him, trying to get a reaction from him of some sort but he just stared at the alcohol in his hand like it would save him but instead, it was doing the opposite. "Is it just me or is he unfortunately giving off the strong, silent type vibe?"

"I would never have noted that," Borsalino grunted but he realized his tone might have held a note of irritation that Serenity unfortunately picked up all too well on. "What's that look for?" he whined referring to her smirk.

"It would almost sound like you're jealous," she teased him lightly as she slapped his arm good naturedly. He pretended it hurt but she knew he was just hamming it up. "Well?"

"Well what? I don't care to be surrounded by a bunch of ladies who don't get a Beri about me… Not anymore anyways." His jaw tensed afterwards, showing his irritation. "Things are different now."

"Well if I didn't realize this, I would say that was a very mature answer," an amused voice chuckled and the two recruits turned around to see Sakazuki sans the crowd of females. "What's the occasion?"

"Oh haha. Very funny. Let's laugh at Borsalino when he's trying to be serious," he snapped slightly before downing his punch. The slight bite of the alcohol within was welcoming but he noted that the duo in front of him exchanged worried looks. "Look, I get this is a bit weird for me but that day on the ship made me realize that there is a time for joking and a time to be serious."

"And isn't this a time to joke around and have fun?" Serenity pointed out as she sniffed warily at the punch. "I doubt any pirate would be stupid enough to do anything now."

"Even I'm relaxing somewhat now," Sakazuki added as he took the discarded punch from the blonde. "Granted, this is comparably hell for me but eh. I'm dealing with it."

As Serenity took a step towards Borsalino, she winced slightly but he caught her quickly before she could fall. "Look, shit happens. So let's just enjoy this night and after, make sure it cannot happen again. Don't give those pirates the satisfaction of knowing they got to you."

"Even from beyond the grave, don't let them have that power over you," Sakazuki intoned but Borsalino noted that the words did not seem aimed to him but rather, at the female marine who was nodding empathetically. She did not realize though that both of them were watching her with worry. "So, I'm guessing you two will dance and I find a quiet corner to enjoy some of the alcohol brought out?"

"Sakazuki-kun, no one should be alone," Serenity protested but she looked down guiltily. What exactly will he do this whole night? "At least dance with me once."

"I wouldn't mind that," Borsalino added but he gave his drink to his friend before taking the female in his arms and spinning her slightly. "But I got dibs."

"Did you just call dibs on me?" she asked dryly but she merely heard Sakazuki snicker in the back.

"You owe him that since he's your date," the bulky man waved in amusement before blanching how the women who were scorned earlier seemed to swarm him in droves now, seeing him alone and with alcohol.

"I suppose I owe you but not a long dance. We need to save Sakazuki," she chuckled as she motioned to the now inundated man who was looking for a quick exit or respite.

"It may not be long but I intend to enjoy it," Borsalino replied smoothly as he tugged her close to him but she stumbled and ended up quite a bit closer than she had originally intended. He noted her blush and he could not help the slight one he had formed as well as he could easily feel the curves of her body through the dress and his own clothing. "No objections against this either," he remarked lightly as he kept one hand in her own while the other supporting her back to guide her in the dance.

Serenity had a hard time hiding her surprise at the fact that Borsalino was an able dancer and he chuckled at her face. "Being an orphan doesn't lend one too many instances to learn how to dance," she sneered slightly as she tried to not stumble around the faster steps of the dance.

"Even Sakazuki would be better on the dance floor and he abhorred the events mother would drag us to," he drawled with amusement as he gave her a slight twirl. "Practice makes perfect though."

The blonde woman however shook her head. "Events like this are rare for marines anyway. And the only reason I'm went to this was because protocol demanded this and networking."

With a mock hurt expression, he put his hand above my heart. "And not for the chance to be on my arm?"

She rolled her eyes but he noticed the slight smile rather than a smirk on her face and could not help a smile of his own. "You act like that's truly difficult. I know how you are with the ladies. They would flock to you like moths at a flame if you were by yourself."

"Yeah… like Sakazuki." He shrugged and took a dare with his next move: he held her a bit closer to himself. "But I want you to be here with me, not any other."

Serenity did not know if the blush that came over herself was due to his proximity or the words but she meekly nodded, causing him to chuckle. "It's really nice of you to say that, Borsalino-kun."

"Why wouldn't I? It's the truth, hmm?" He lifted up her chin and looked into her eyes. The sun glasses he wore sometimes did not completely obscure his eyes, allowing her to see the sincerity of his words in his gaze.

Sakazuki smirked as he saw his two friends get closer and closer to each other. They will be good together once they realize it. Unfortunately for him, one of the girls around him mistook his smirk as a sign of approval. "See! Sakazuki-kun agrees that I would be the best for him to dance with."

He winced at the informal address. He tolerated Serenity using it and never bothered telling her otherwise because they actually knew and interacted with each other on a regular basis. Akin to friends actually… "No," he muttered in annoyance, causing the females around Sakazuki to gasp. "I want to be left alone." He then paused and added, "And I refuse to dance with any of you. I had no date and will leave with no date."

"How rude," they shrieked as they left at once.

The blunt marine recruit however felt a bit more peaceful especially when he turned around to glance towards where his friends were dancing. A smile almost tugged itself onto his face as Borsalino's expression showed some consideration while Serenity's was almost peaceful. They were gradually getting closer to each other when the dance ended and the lanky recruit motioned towards the drink table. Damn it. So close.

Serenity's heart pounded while she watched her date get some nonalcoholic punch for her to drink. Damn it all. Why can't I stop blushing? Like it was a close dance but… And he's being so nice too… She glanced at him to see him stop at the buffet to grab a sandwich for the two of them and could not help but soften her expression further. I might have been a bit harsh on him after all.

It was a grinning Borsalino that came back with a couple sandwiches and drinks. "Here, I thought you'd need this. I could hear your stomach growl during that dance. Where do you put it all? After all, we did have a pretty big dinner."

Sakazuki promptly felt his forehead slip into his palm.

It was an exceedingly awkward pause before Serenity took his drink away from him. "Perhaps we should steer you away from anything alcoholic."

He barely opened his mouth to protest when she plucked the drink from his grip and poured it in the nearest potted plant. "I wasn't done with that," he whined slightly before she shoved part of the sandwich in his mouth to silence him.

"Well I'm glad that what I drank wasn't alcoholic if it makes potentially good dates flub their words," she scoffed. "And you drank a few during the dinner too. Don't impair yourself. We're marines after all."

Sighing, Borsalino finally swallowed some of the sandwich and began chewing on the rest. And now she's gone back to being serious. And we were actually having fun too. Didn't she just tell me earlier to have fun? "Nothing bad will happen. Some of the strongest marines are all around here. No pirate, no matter how foolhardy, has the balls to try anything here and now."

"Doesn't stop them from simply existing, Borsalino-kun," she hissed harshly but she almost squeaked when her fellow recruit merely sighed and tilted her chin upwards.

"Stop acting like you'd have to face them alone. I'll be there by your side as well. Never forget that."

"I…" she stammered slightly before allowing herself to finally relax. Her eyes slid shut for a moment as his hand began to cup her cheek. Humming softly, she could not help but smile. "Perhaps you're right."

"You know I am," he smirked and he did not know what happened but she did not bite back a reply but rather, her smile suddenly seemed inviting as he approached carefully. Their noses were nearly touching and he could feel her breathe hesitate in anticipation when he noticed that her hand which was braced against a nearby table ripped the tablecloth. Her face instead of the calamity it was earlier now was a stormy rage. "Serenity?" Borsalino asked as he could not figure out what in the last moment could have angered her.

"Please excuse me," she said distantly as she put some space between them. "I need to freshen up."

A moment earlier

Sengoku groaned as he listened to the news before him. "What do you mean that Kaido has been spotted so close to Marineford?"

Garp sighed and tried to lower his voice but he simply did not do quiet very well. He decided to try to steer his friend towards the drink table as fewer marines were around there and tried again to convey the message. "I've been stuck on a lot of patrols lately and that's what we've seen. A lot of pirates affiliated with him lately and not just run of the mill small fry but actual decently bountied pirates. Where there's smoke, there's fire…"

"Garp shush. Wait until afterwards to tell me about this so we can figure out how to present the report…" However Sengoku's words fell on deaf ears as Garp realized that the worst possible person to overhear was staring at him from behind her date's arms.

"How did this get fucked up?" Sakazuki scowled towards his friend who just stared at his drink. "It was…"

"Don't say it," Borsalino rolled his eyes impatiently. "I just want her to be fine."

The bulky man reached for a new cup of sake as he had shattered the one he had previously a few moments prior. "It was hard to hear over the chatter so I don't know what happened to make her like that. You sure nothing went wrong?"

"It didn't seem to. I…"

"I'm back." The words seemed a bit frantic but both men turned to see their blonde friend breathless but more composed than earlier. The anger within her eyes had not dampened but it was more controlled. "And I suppose I owe Sakazuki-kun at least one dance."

"I'm fine with the one then I'll head out," he said with a quick glance towards his friend who began to look towards the alcohol table longingly. "This really isn't my scene at all."

"Alright," she gave a nod before turning to Borsalino and giving a brief kiss on his cheek. "I'll be back then alright?"

"Don't dawdle," he hummed back as he slumped into a nearby chair. Well at least not a total loss but ugh. I can't believe I didn't pay attention. What the fuck happened to make her have that mood swing?