First off I just want to apologize for the prolonged update. I could sit here and make excuses but I won't keep you guys guys waiting any longer. Thank you to all of you for following the story and supporting it. You guys are my motivation.

Disclaimer: All rights of HG to Suzanne Collins.

I was surprised to see him in the driver's seat of an old pick up truck. A friendly smile illuminated on his features, he got out of the truck to come around and open the truck door for me. My lips involuntarily curved upwards and I murmured a quick thank you before he closed it. My cheeks heated with a faint blush.

"How are ya?" He perked hopping into his seat, strapping his seatbelt intact.

"Awake." I was being honest but he took it as humor.

"I'm glad." He chuckled. I rummaged through my head, trying to think of something next to say so there wouldn't be any awkward silences.

"I like your truck." I blurted out.

"Thanks, bought it myself when I was 16." He smiled proudly patting the dashboard with his free hand. "Was that your Honda back there in your driveway?"

"Yeah." My eyes shifted down to my hands in my lap embarrassed by my bucket of a car.

"You can drive stick?" His eyebrows rose slightly.

I nodded, my eyes met his for a second or two before we both turned our gaze forward.

"Impressive." He whistled under his breath.

"There's a lot you don't know about me." I challenged, attempting to make my tone a little playful. Woah this was different to me. With most people I never had a desire to keep up a conversation, not that I was rude it's just the way I was after Dad. Peeta's presence on a small scale reminded me of him, warm and full of good energy. I was starting to feel more comfortable... and even safe.

"Enlighten me." He repeated my words from that night at the Hob.

"Well what do you want to know?"

"Anything, everything, the deep stuff." He shrugged while the smile stayed plastered on his face.

"Deep stuff?" I echoed.

He approached a red light and took this opportunity to look me straight into my eyes. I was slightly in awe to see that his face had grown completely serious.

"Yeah you know the deep stuff..." He didn't blink causing me to gulp as I kept my gaze steady on him. "Katniss I've been dying to know... What's your favorite color?"

We both cracked a smile at the same time.


The drive flew by, once the conversation between me and Peeta started it didn't stop. I had found out that his full name was Peeta Michael Mellark. His birthday was March 8th which made him a Pisces. When he wasn't at school or working in the family bakery he liked to sketch and occasionally coach wrestling at his old high school where he had almost neglected to mention he was three times State Champion. In fact, he had got a full ride to Panem State for wrestling, however after his second year of college he stopped wrestling and focused on his business degree.

I was able to gather other information about him that he didn't directly vocalize. For instance, the way his face lit up when he talked about his father contrasting the way Peeta would shy away from talking about his mother. He seemed to view Finnick just as much of a brother as his actual siblings. There was one person that I was curious to know more about but he never mentioned... Delly.

District Four reminded me of a castle from the fairytales you read when you're a kid. The structure, the landscape, the beach's shore as the backyard. My nose tingled as I breathed in the salt water air. No doubt this hotel would suite Finnick and Annie perfectly.

The inside of the hotel was even more breathtaking then the exterior. It was an old Europe feel, very artistic and elegant. I followed Peeta into the hotel lobby, stopping at the front desk.

"Welcome to District Four, what can I help you with today?" A young clean cut man greeted.

"Hi there we have a 9:30 apt to finalize the Odair wedding reservation." Peeta informed.

"Yes indeed sir we have you scheduled to meet with our event coordinator Eileen, she should only be a few minutes. Feel free to make yourself comfortable in our lobby while I go ahead and give her a call." The employee gave a polite smile before he excused himself to make the call. My eyes roamed the spacious lobby. The furniture looked all too pretty to sit on so I made my way over to a window that looked out to the ocean.

Peeta's voice was low as he approached me and the window. "This place is pretty nice huh? Kinda screams Finnick, always trying to get the absolute best for Annie."

"Nice and expensive." I sighed before another thought occurred. "It's unbelievable that this type of venue wouldn't have long waitlists? A few months doesn't seem like enough time to reserve a place like this."

Peeta smiled before replying to my curiousity. "Yup they do." It sounded as though he was withholding back information. So I turned and quirked a brow at him.

"What?" He chuckled scratching the back of his head. I had only known Peeta a couple weeks but I already learned this was a routine nervous habit of his.

"Why do I feel like there's more you're not saying?" I crossed my arms against my chest.

"Okay okay fine." He sighed giving up to me more easily than I thought he would. "You can't ever tell Finn I told you but he signed up on the waiting list about eight or nine months ago."

"That doesn't make sense though because he hadn't even proposed yet ?..." I paused taking in the new information. "Him and Annie had only been dating for a couple months back then."

"Exactly..." Peeta was enjoying my confusion, "but he had already chased her for three years before that. And come on this is Finnick we're talking about here he wouldn't have let Annie get away even if she wanted to... He had said himself when you know you just know." Peeta's last words hung for a couple seconds before I heard a pair of heels come up behind us.

"Good morning, you must be the lovely Mr and Mrs Finnick Odair to be, I'm Eileen event coordinator of District Four." A professional looking woman with light brown hair stood before us holding a manicured hand out at us. Her words almost made me choke on my own saliva, Peeta must have noticed because he chuckled slightly.

"Nope but we're the next best thing." He smiled his usual friendly smile, gently shaking Eileen's hand first. "I'm Peeta, the Best man and this is Katniss, the beautiful maid of honor." I timidly rolled my eyes at Peeta's compliment.

"Nice to meet you Eileen." I let my head nod once as I shook her hand next.

"The pleasure is all mine. Your friends must trust you very deeply leaving you with such a big responsibility." She mused gazing between Peeta and I.

"I like to hope so." Peeta joked lightly.

"Well let's get started then shall we?" She beckoned Peeta and I to follow her. "Effie has given me very detailed notes as what we'll use for the wedding's blueprint so to speak. You guys are fortunate to be working with one of the best wedding planners in town, she's phenomenal."

Eileen guided us to the center of the hotel where the grand ballroom was. It was huge and of course, the décor was just as beautiful as the rest of the building.

"This is the ballroom was interested in, it has a capacity of 300 people while still being able to accommodate a large dancefloor. We can fit up to thirty tables seating ten people at each. If you could just step over here we've set a table as an example..." She gestured towards a table off to the side.

There's woman fiddling with the boquet of flowers in the centerpiece of the table. I quickly recognize her as Effie.

"That'll be all with the table arrangement. Can you bring us the menu choices and cake testers please." She dismisses a hotel employee and makes her way towards us swaying her hips. "Hello my darlings." She brings us both in for hugs one by one kissing both of our cheeks.

"Good to see you Effie." Peeta greets her back.

It took us more than an hour to finalize everything. Annie was right, for the most part her and Finnick had confided most major details with Effie so Peeta and I were left to scrutinize the minor things. They had us overlook the final dinner menu and practically forced us to feed each other the cake samples, well forced on my part since Peeta was of course game for it.

"We have narrowed the cake down to two types. The buttercream french pecan or the traditional whipped vanilla on red velvet." Effie gestured to the two samples a hotel employee placed in front of Peeta and I.

"Both are a specialty of District Four." Eileen humbled. Peeta grabbed the buttercream first and before I knew what he was doing the thin slice of sweetness was approaching my mouth.

"You first." He urged a grin tugging the corners of his lips.

"You eat it." I gritted through my teeth, anxious that if I opened my mouth too far he would stuff it in.

"I'll let you feed me the second one." He bargained playfully.

"Their chemistry is adorable." Eileen murmured to Effie. I don't think she meant for us to hear but judging by the way his grin grew I knew Peeta heard her too.

"Katniss it would be best to get an opinion from the both of you dear." Effie advised. I was tempted to roll my eyes, fine if nobody is going to take my side...

"I'm capable enough to feed myself Peeta." I reputed sarcastically.

"But where would be the matrimonial spirit be in that Katniss." Peeta chastised. I narrowed my eyes at him, if he wanted to play games I needed to show him I was a valuable contender. I opened my lips wide enough for him to fit half of the slice into my mouth. I bit down to break it into half well aware that Peeta was watching my oral movement so I slowly licked the frosting off my top lip.

"Yummy." And it honestly was. I saw a momentary fire burn in those indigo eyes before he composed himself and put the remaining half into his own mouth.

"Tempting." Peeta appraised and I wasn't certain if he was talking entirely about the pastry.

"And the red velvet?" Effie reminded. I took charge grabbing the slice this time.

"Your turn." I hummed bringing it to his lips and Peeta unblinkingly bit three fourths of it from hand.

"Even better than I thought." He managed in between chewing. I popped the rest of it into my mouth.

"Mmmm... it almost gives your cheese buns a run for their money." I amusingly taunt him. What he does next knocks me off my game though. His pointer finger moves to the corner of my lips to wipe a small amount of frosting that was left behind. He then brings his finger back to his mouth to eat the frosting off it. Holy shit.

"The red velvet was my favorite." He resolved and by a slight flicker in his eyes I knew our little game or whatever the hell it was, was over. He had won.

"Me too."

We mapped out exactly how everything would be set up including the dj, cake and gift tables, the stage where Finnick and Annie would be seated surrounded by their wedding party. We made a timeline for the night. The bride and grom would make their entrance, bridal party toasts, dinner, first dance, cutting the cake, dancing, removal of the garter, more dancing, the money dance and lastly the bonquet toss. By 11 we had wrapped up just about everything and I couldn't be more grateful.

"And to think I always thought weddings were just about a big pretty white dress, saying I do and the open bar after." Peeta joked as we made our way back to his truck. He was back to his normal happy go lucky self despite the little cake incident.

"Yeah can't say I would be unhappy if I never had to design another flower arrangement or pick out cliché wedding songs." I murmured.

Peeta's humor faltered in that second. "What about your own wedding?"

"Marriage doesn't seem all that appealing to me." I shrugged. "I mean I get it for people like Annie and Finnick but not every aspect of it seems happily ever after to me." I didn't look up at Peeta, embarrassed and slightly regretful of what I had just said. I had unthinkingly opened up to him and I probably sound like some broken hearted scorned girl. When in reality I just don't want to end up like my mother. I wouldn't end up like her.

"My dad used to always say sometimes its about the story and not the happily ever after." Peeta replied softly opening the passenger truck door for me. Thankfully he left it at that as he walked around to his side and climbed in. He turned his keys and started the ignition. "Hey do you need to get home anytime soon?"

"Not really. Why?"

"That's for me to know and you to find out." He winked seeming pleased with what he had planned next.

Reviews are greatly appreciated! Hope you all enjoyed :)