
Hello everyone, to those who have read Missing links, True side, Akashi's ghost and waiting for the update and to those who are waiting for the AoKaga (part two of Kuroko's birthday) sorry but it would take a long time before I can update those. You see, my laptop was stolen when a thief got inside our house in the middle of the night. Scary as it may be, I woke up when he was inside my room. Sadly, the files I was supposed to update those fictions were not saved on my flash drive. So yeah, I am rewriting everything first.

As sign of apology I will be glad to present everyone a one-shot AkaKuro.


It had been years since the night Kuroko Tetsuya had beaten Akashi Seijuuro at the winter cup finals. He can still remember that night clearly. The ex-captain of generation of miracles was bowed down the whole time the winner of the match was being announced. No one knows whether Akashi was just silently completing his lost or whether the red head was crying from his loss.

It was guilt that made Kuroko leave the sport he loves.

It was guilt that made him leave anyone who have any connection to the sport.

Kuroko knows and admit that the guilt was not winning the game and beating the ex-captain of the G.O.M. It was the guilt from hurting the one he love most.

The one person who saw the capability in him. The same person who showed him on what he can do. The only person who made Kuroko welcome at the basketball team using Kuroko's very own skills.

Kuroko knows that he had made a haste decision that time. So now that a few years have pass since that time he had decided that it was time to go back to japan and face the people he had left behind.

And the first on his list is Akashi Seijuuro.


Kuroko looked at the huge building at his front. The teal-haired boy knows that a few years had already passed but it was not that long for Akashi to really handle the Akashi corporations. From what he heard Akashi was one-step away from taking his own father's business away from him. Kuroko knows that it was stupid of him to just show up at the place without appointing any schedule ahead for meeting Akashi. Akashi should be a very busy guy and would have no time to see the very guy who plotted his defeat years ago.

Afraid that his going here would do no good to the relationship he had damaged he turned his back away from the building deciding to leave the place for now.

Kuroko made a vow that Akashi would be the first person he knows to see him back at Japan. So until Kuroko is backing out from meeting Akashi he could meet no one else.

He was steps away from totally erasing his presence from the place when he was stopped from a shout belonging to the person he thinks that hate him.

"Hey! Tetsuya!"

Only one person calls him that. The thought that that person still calls him that way was enough for him to put a smile across his lips. He looked around the place wasting no time to look for the source of the sound.


It had been years since Akashi Seijurou experienced his first loss and it was a long time ago since he saw Kuroko Tetsuya. The person behind his loss that time but now Akashi knows that the person really behind his loss was Akashi himself. It had taken him a day to accept the fact. Yes, it was just only for a short period of time but it was long enough for Kuroko to cut all ties with him and everyone else- if everyone was telling the truth.

Akashi does not have the habit of looking outside from the glass wall of his office but since the start of the week he always found himself looking at the street at the front of the corporation. It was as if some element were pulling him closer to that place. However all the paper works were waiting for him to be done. He was supposed to look one last time at that particular place when one familiar teal-haired guy crossed his line of sight. Akashi right away made his way outside to reach the guy not wasting any second to make sure if the guy was the person he was looking for.

"Hey! Tetsuya!"

He shouted the moment he set foot outside the building. He did not even wasted any time to look for the familiar baby blue hair and eyes. He depended upon Tetsuya to hear can always find Tetsuya anywhere he goes and it was the same for Tetsuya. Tetsuya can always find him anytime and anywhere.


A/N: yes, I am cruel to end this now. I don't know whether to continue this or what. This is why I hate writing one-shots. It makes me want to do something deeper. Then again to those waiting for my update, I will try my best to update whenever I can get hold of my sister's laptop. I will be like a ninja since no one knows my identity here at the internet.
