Well I wrote and rewrote this chapter about a dozen times and I'm still not sure if it's any good but here you go. I tried to channel the Klaus from episode 1 of The Originals – the one who (initially) didn't give a crap about anyone - including his baby. So if he seems harsh here, that's actually what I was going for. I hope I accomplished it. Thanks for all the reviews thus far. They are so appreciated!

Chapter 3

"Niklaus," Elijah said in a warning voice. Hayley crossed her arms and glared at him, daring him to do his worst. Klaus pressed on without heeding.

"No one orders me to do anything," Klaus reiterated. "Far worthier adversaries have tried and let me tell you, they suffered – greatly."

"I am not your enemy! Besides, this isn't about you," Hayley shot back. "Good God, this involves a sick child! One that you could possibly save if you'd only get your head out of your ass."

"That is assuming that I am the child's father. And you know what they say about assumptions…"

"There was no one else, Klaus! No one. So once again, I am demanding – yes, demanding - that you come back with me to Mystic Falls and take the test to see if you're a bone marrow match."

Klaus smirked. "Still issuing ultimatums? What makes you think I owe you a damn thing?"

"You don't owe me anything. However, you do owe your kid. She will -" Hayley paused for a moment; it was so hard to say the word –"die if she doesn't get a bone marrow donation. Do you really want her death on your conscience?"

"You're assuming I have a conscience."

Hayley went on undeterred. "If she dies and you could have helped her… There will be nowhere you can hide from me."

Klaus's smirk disappeared and he glared at her. Anyone else would have been intimidated by the wicked glint in his eyes. Hayley was not just anyone though – she was the mother of a very sick child and she was very determined. If she had to knock out Klaus and hog-tie him to get on the roof of the plane, she would do just that.

"You are awfully confidant. Some might even say foolhardy."

"I will do anything for my daughter, Klaus. If you have a soul, you won't let her… die… just because you're pissed off."

Klaus narrowed his eyes. Elijah immediately got between the warring parents. He looked at his brother. "Niklaus, please calm yourself and take a walk with me."

"I don't need you telling me what to do, Brother. No one-" he looked at Hayley –"especially she can intimidate me."

Elijah looked at Hayley. "You'll have to excuse my brother. This shock has rendered him completely and totally without tact." He forcefully yanked on the sleeve of Klaus's jacket and pushed him towards the door.

Klaus looked back at Hayley. "Do make yourself comfortable," he said sarcastically. "Try some vodka from the wet bar. I seem to remember that you have a special affinity for it."

Elijah shoved Klaus out the door. Klaus looked ready to kill him for his audacity. Hayley watched them go and then sunk into the nearest chair. Her legs simply, finally, gave out on her.


"Niklaus, that was incredibly bad form," Elijah chastised his brother though he kept his voice even. Elijah Mikaelson was not one to be so easily be riled. Far from it actually, but he would do what was necessary to ensure that his brother went on to save his child. Elijah believed with all of his heart that Hayley was telling the truth. One could not fake the look of pain in her eyes when she had revealed that her beloved child was in need.

Klaus shrugged. "What do I owe her? Nothing."

"But you owe your child." Elijah and Klaus climbed on the elevator and Elijah pressed down on the number one. He would drag Klaus all around the whole city if necessary to talk some sense into him.

"Why am I not surprised that you're siding with her? A pretty face and doe eyes always have been your downfall. You are especially susceptible to the feminine wiles of brunettes. Katherine, of course, immediately comes to mind."

Elijah shook his head. "Niklaus, I do believe with all of my heart that this woman is being sincere and truthful. She is no Katherine Pierce. She is not trying to manipulate us. She is not asking for money or anything of the sort."

"Not yet."

"Niklaus, stop this juvenile behavior. A child – your child – will certainly die if you don't agree to be tested. While there can be no guarantee that you will be a match, at least you will have tried. And if worse comes to worst, you owe it to your daughter to make her last moments as comfortable as possible."

Klaus snarled. "In other words, you want me to attempt to bond with a child who will just go and die on me?"

"Me, me, me. Listen to yourself, Klaus. Once again, this isn't about you. It's about a suffering child. You must do what is right."

"When have you ever known me to do so?"

"You are a good man, Niklaus. You have the potential to be a great one if only you allow yourself to feel for the plight of others." The elevator doors sluiced open and they walked out. "Look about you, Niklaus. You have built an incredibly successful empire but you lack the one thing that makes a person truly powerful – a family."

"I have all the family I need in you, our sister and brothers. I need no more relations. I have enough problems controlling all of you as it is."

Elijah shook his head. "Therein lies the problem. You can't control people, Niklaus. You cannot demand of them to bend to your will. If you give them loyalty and understanding, however, it will be returned. I have stood by you – all of us have - even when it was most difficult. I never have asked anything of you until now. I am imploring you here – don't let an innocent child suffer just because you are angry. You know the truth, Niklaus – that if you let your child - god forbid - die, you will never forgive yourself."

"'My child, my child'. You and she keep tossing those words about but they are just words dammit. Elijah, I know nothing of that little girl. I don't know a thing about her - how old she is; what she looks like; or even her name. Why couldn't she have told me about the child before all of this shit began?"

"Maybe because, Niklaus, 'she' knew you would act just this way." Klaus went to protest but Elijah held up his hand. "You may press Hayley for answers about her decisions at another time. For now, you need to focus on the life of your child."

"There is it again … Tell me, Elijah. How am I to bond with a child I know nothing about? She likely knows nothing of me either."

"You will both need to learn about each other then."

"I never asked for a child. I never wanted one, let alone with some woman I hardly know a thing about. I feel nothing but scorn for Hayley and this betrayal is one I can never forgive."

"That is your right then, but Brother, if you condemn your daughter to death because you're angry, then are you not just as bad as our father?"

Klaus's eyes blazed. "Don't you ever dare compare me to that insufferable monster. He destroyed my life."

"He did. He lacked mercy and empathy. You never knew his love or affection, Niklaus. Do you want your child to suffer the same fate, the same condemnation?"

"I don't know why you are so hell-bent on pushing this obligation onto me."

"Because I know that you will forever regret your actions otherwise. Your self-loathing will be endless... An innocent child is involved here, Niklaus, and though you wish to appear intimidating, indifferent and most of all, apathetic, so as to never be hurt, I believe that you are a good man."

"You think far too highly of me, Elijah, but then you've always been on a mission to save me from my self, to help me find salvation."

"Niklaus, please be rational here. March right upstairs and tell Hayley that you want to save your child. That you will do whatever it takes to do so."

Klaus looked towards the elevator. "If I were to do this, I am asking for something in return from you - that you will not try to broker peace between Hayley and I. There can be no peace between us when she cheated me out of what is mine."

"I won't try to make you best friends. Far from it. I will simply ask for you to grant her some measure of civility for she suffers greatly too. She has had to sit by and watch her beloved child waste away before her eyes. In some ways, she has spared-"

"Spared me?" Klaus bellowed. "She spared me nothing. Rather she cheated me. She-"

"Niklaus," Elijah said, lightly grasping his arm, "in the words of a wise person, not everything is about you. Straighten up and do the right thing."

Klaus growled at him. "I need to get over this, do I?"

"You need to get over yourself. The second you learned that you were a father, it was no longer about you. Everything is about the little one. Now go upstairs and pack your bags. We are going to Mystic Falls."

"You're coming too? Why - you don't trust me not to kill the woman on the flight?"

"No, I trust you, Nikalus."

"Maybe more than I deserve, don't you think?"

"Don't put words in my mouth… The truth is that I want to be tested too. The little one is my blood and I could be a match, possibly. I am praying that at least one of us is. I know you don't want to lose the child before you even get to know her."

Klaus said nothing as he spun on his heel and marched back towards the elevator.


Hayley heard voices coming from outside the door and quickly tried to wipe away her tears, but it was too late; Klaus and Elijah had seen them.

"Dry you tears, Hayley," Klaus said. "I will do as you demand, but not for you – for my child."

"Good," Hayley said. "And for the record, I never wanted a damn thing from you before this."

"I am warning you now. If you have lied about any of this-"

"Don't threaten me, Klaus. Other people may be afraid of you but I'm not."

"You would be wise to never cross me again."

Elijah sighed and looked at Hayley. "Would it help the cause if I came to be tested too?"

Hayley nodded. "Yes, very much."

Elijah nodded. "I am glad to help my family, and you are family now."

"Thank you," Hayley said. She looked at Klaus. "And … thank you too."

"Was that very painful?" Klaus asked. Hayley just shook her head. "Never mind then. I will have the jet fueled up and alert the captain that we wish to fly to Virginia. Be ready in thirty minutes."

Hayley nodded and watched Klaus walk to the door. She was surprised when he turned around and looked at her. "What is her name?"


Klaus just nodded and walked out the door.

I promise there will be more Klaus and Hayley interaction in the next chapter. Klaus will also get to meet his daughter!