In the city known as Ikebukuro, crowds of citizens were absolutely amazed by the sight in front of them. The reason was because what they were witnessing was probably one of the most bizarre sights in Ikebukuro.

Shizuo Heiwajima, the strongest man in Ikebukuro, was smoking his cigarette as usual. He appeared to be calm and relaxed, which put off some of the citizens. The smoke from the cigarette flared out of his lips, echoing the sigh he made.

Standing not too far nor too close to him, was none other than Izaya Orihara. The information broker was silent as well, with his hands in his short brown fur black jacket pockets. Unlike the usual smug or mischievous smirk he often wore, Izaya seemed to be perfectly calm. There were no hints of malice or scheming on his face. He stood perfectly still right next to Shizuo.

The people of Ikebukuro could not close their jaws. It was a well-known fact that the bartender and the info broker hated each other with a passion. Their constant battles and the inevitable destruction of the city was proof of that. There was always a pattern.

Izaya would call out and taunt Shizuo, causing Shizuo to lose his shit and attack him. That was how the city had become accustomed to the rivalry between the two. But now...

They were standing right next to each other, not saying a single word to each other. Shizuo looked perfectly calm, with no traces of anger or annoyance written on his face. Izaya looked pretty mellow, with his arms now crossed as he leaned against the wall.

Among the spectators was Namie Yagiri, Izaya's secretary. Although she normally didn't care about what Izaya did or didn't do in his free time, she never would have expected this to happen.

There was also Anri Sonohara, Mikado Ryūgamine, Masaomi Kida, Shinra Kishitani, Celty, Tom, and even Simon, who had stopped advertising his sushi to stare in curiosity at the rivals.

A few moments later, Izaya leaned forward and regained his balance, walking away from the strongest man of Ikebukuro, while the latter remained where he was, smoking his cigarette.


The sound of Shizuo's cell phone rang, and the man reached into his pocket to pull it out. Clicking on the message option, he discovered it was from Izaya.

Are they still staring at you and me?

Shizuo huffed as he released a breath full of smoke. He looked up to see some of the citizens staring at him, and the other half watching Izaya leave. Remaining silent, Shizuo typed on his keyboard.


He was about to put the phone back until it rang again.


Are you free next Sunday?

Doesn't matter. I've got nothing better to do anyway.

Want me to bring something?

...Could you bring some milk?

Only if you bring fatty tuna.

Shizuo grumbled, hating the smell of fatty tuna to no end. Hesitantly, he replied back.


Placing his phone back in his pocket, Shizuo placed the cigarette in his mouth.

They weren't friends. Not in the slightest. It was just a temporary truce between the two. Nothing more.

After all, even arch enemies needed a little break once in a while.

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