
Spring, 2027

The wind whistled along the bleak landscape, scattering handfuls of snow and grit that coated the barren ground like a blanket. In the distance the sea beat relentlessly against the shore, like a wild animal trying to claw it's way ashore. From the water a single set of foot prints exited the black surf, crookedly making their way over the sloped beach.

A few yards away, hair fluttering in the wind, was a woman. She was beautiful and elegant, her long black hair and pale complexion seeming to be fashioned of the snow and night itself. Her eyes, which were black as the water in front of her, focused on a figure slowly approaching her.

"You are late."

The sharp, melodic voice carried to the man making his way across the bleak tundra. He winced though it wasn't from the cold. Trying to hide his shivering he bent low, lips kissing the gritty snow. "My most sincere apologizes, my queen."

The woman said nothing, simply shaking her head as if his very presence irritated her. "Rise, boy. It doesn't do your kind good to be so close to the cold. It seems like perhaps that's one thing the angel forgot to bless you with." She raised a dark eyebrow, daring him to defend his precious angel.

"The angel is not who I serve to," he murmured, swiping his black hair out of his eyes. "I serve to you and you alone, my queen."

The queen was reminded faintly of another boy in another time, his hair white like the first snowfall of winter. A boy that was the closest thing she had had to a son. Something ugly rose within her and she quickly swallowed it down. It would do her nothing to dwell on the past.

"Good. I am glad." Reaching out she grasped his hand, pulling him tight. His dark eyes were narrowed as if he expected pain. Giving him a wicked smile she brushed her pale lips along his cheek. "Go swiftly my young one. Bring me the children."

Startled, the man raised his eyebrows. "But surely you can't be serious. They're too young to be-"

"Bring me the children." The queen demanded, her gaze unwavering. At last the man bowed his head.

"As you wish."

As the man left, walking back towards where she knew the village housed the wretched children of the angels. She couldn't hide the barely veiled feelings of pleasure raging inside her. Soon they would all burn at her hands and if would all be thanks to her new strategy. Unlike its predecessor this one would not fail.

She, Lilith, Queen of Edom and newly reformed would make sure of it.