There is this part of the day on a farm that's just so beautiful that you wish you could capture it forever. Months had passed since the battle of Sokovia and since the day the newest member of their family arrived. Katie stood on the porch of their house looking out to the setting sun, and the scene took her breath away.

"There you are." Clint said appearing behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist as he kisses her neck.

"Talia still sleep?" Katie asked spinning around in his arms to face him.

"Yes, and it's a miracle. I thought that kid was born to cry and poop."

"Well she took after her daddy." Katie replied bringing her arms around his neck as he brings his lips to hers.

"Very funny dear." Clint's lips met hers in a sweet, passionate kiss. He's not sure how it happened, but after Talia's birth their kisses seemed different. Well if he's honest everything seems different now and he's not sure how to explain it. Clint Barton doesn't think he's loved anything as much as he's loved his girls.

"You know you can kiss me all you want, but you're still doing the dishes." Katie says pulling away in laughter as she heads back into the house. "It was the deal, I cook, you clean."

"You burnt the chicken!" Clint called following behind her laughing as well.

"Yeah, well your child was crying and since you were out fixing-" she turned back to him. "What was it this time?"

"The porch had some loose floor boards. It was dangerous, so I fixed it."

"And so the chicken was darker than it needed to be." Katie replied with a shrug walking into the kitchen. She headed for the table to grab her note book about to leave when Clint snagged it from her hand. "Hey give it back."

"You know I don't know why you don't want me to see your freaky little doodles." Clint says paging through the scribbled drawings. He found one that looked like a smiling tree. "I mean this, what is this?" he turned it to her and Katie looked at it for a moment.

"That is Groot." she said with a nod before reaching over and taking the notebook from his hand.

"And what is that underneath him?" Katie looked at the small rodent and laughed.

"That's Rocket. He has a very smart mouth, but he's equally adorable." she looked over to Clint who looked at her like she was crazy. "It was your idea to get these freaky dreams on paper."

"Yeah, but I didn't know that these characters in your head had their own little personalities." Clint said snatching the notebook once again and flipping through the pages. "I mean look at this guy." he turned it to face her and she looked into the dark eyes of the one who usually haunted her dreams. "What is he purple. You dreaming of purple guys with weird gloves."

"That is Thanos, and that glove is the infinity gauntlet. He needs all the stones to put into that weird glove to wield immeasurable power." Katie said her eyes on the drawing for a moment before taking the notebook and flipping it closed. "Don't worry, I know this is all just the craziness locked in my head, nothing else." she moved to walk around him out of the kitchen, but Clint quickly grabbed her and tossed her over her shoulder causing her to squeal. "What are you doing?"

"I just realized that we have a sleeping infant for the first time in months. We shouldn't waste it." Clint gave a slap to her butt before heading up the stairs. Her laughter filled the house as he carried her to the bedroom.

"You're still doing the dishes!"

That night, like many other nights, Katie awaken from one of her man weird dreams to muse about in the nursery just staring down to her sleeping daughter. She could literally watch the girl for hours and not lose interest in the slightest bit.

"Your mommy wants to make you a promise." Katie whispered not wanting to wake the child. "My whole life was running, hiding being afraid." she placed a hand on the girl's belly and smiled. "I promise that won't happen to you. You're going to have a life. Maybe not a normal one since your aunt and uncles are the Avengers, and I think I should apologize now for the crazy life that's ahead of you. But I promise we will face it together. We're no longer running scared baby. We're running fearless and anything that comes at us, we're taking it head on." Katie bent down to place a kiss on the child's head, lingering just a few inches above her just to inhale that precious baby scent. "I love you."

Katie quietly left the nursery, carefully closing the door behind her as she walked down the halls back toward the bedroom, but stopped because she really wasn't that sleepy. She decides to head down stairs, heading straight for the kitchen in search of ice cream she knows has her name on it. Television usually helps her get to sleep, so with her ice cream in hand, Katie plops down on the couch in the living room and flick on the television. She happens upon a late night news channel.

"Sure the Avengers have saved the world, but at what point do we have to admit that they're usually the reason we need saving." the broadcaster spoke. "Something needs to happen. There needs to be some kind of accountability and I think it should start with them." The phone suddenly rang and Katie nearly jumped from the couch. She quickly answered it before it woke the baby.

"Hello?"she answered quietly.

"How did I know you were awake?" Tony asked, sounding just as tired as she felt.

"You didn't, you were just really hoping that I was." Katie says lowering the volume of the television. "And I thought we discussed these late night calls."

"And I thought we agreed that when I needed to talk to you, that I would call."

"Fine, what do you need to talk about?" The line went silent for a moment and a smile pulled at Katie's lips. "Tony?"

"Maybe I just wanted to hear your voice."

"Where's your fiance?"

"Sleeping. Where's your husband?"

"Sleeping." Katie replied glancing behind her to make sure she hadn't woke him up. She let out a sigh before lying her head back on the couch. "Fine, conversations with you usually put me to sleep, so maybe this could be a win-win."

"You see this stuff on the news?" Tony asked.


"I'm actually kind of worried."

In a small house in the middle of practically no where, Martin and Cynthia Chamber sleep peacefully. That is until a hard knock on their front door jolts them awake. Martin glances over to Cynthia, placing a finger to his lips for her to keep quiet as he carfully stands from their bed. He grabs the gun he keeps under his pillow before quietly easing out of the room. He moves slowly and quietly toward the door, his gun firmly in his hand.

"It's me Chambers!" a familiar voice called from the other side and Martin let out a sigh before walking over and pulling open the door to reveal Nick Fury and some he really didn't expect to see. "I'm sure you remember Director Coulson."

"Not sure I can forget the thumb over our lives." Martin replies looking between the two men. "May I ask why you're at my house so damn late?"

"Well Mr. Chambers, some interesting information passed my desk and when I shared it with Fury he insisted we talk to you about it." Coulson said.

"What information?"

"About your daughter." Coulson replied looking behind the man where he saw Cynthia standing with wide eyes. "Mrs. Chambers, I think it's time for the truth."

"Cindy?" Martin says looking back to his wife who stood speechless. "What-" he turned back to Coulson and Fury. "What are you talking about?"

"She's special." Cynthia finally said and Martin turned back to her. "And it's my fault."

A/N: Thanks to all over you who have stuck this out with me. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. I can't wait to see what lies ahead..