I should let you guys know, this chapter contains a ton of swearing. You have been warned.


"Marshall Lee! The fuck is it so dark in here? You're motherfucking nocturnal I know you're not asleep." A voice loudly called from downstairs. I was awake and alert the second a new scent entered the house, but I'm not worried. In fact, I'm ecstatic she's here. I just hope she didn't wake up Fionna.

The blonde in question mumbled something in her sleep and rolled over. I let out a sigh of relief.

Now to deal with the red-headed annoyance downstairs.

I quietly float down the ladder to find Vesper looking around, taking in my place. She finally noticed me standing in nothing more than plaid pajama bottoms and her golden eyes light up in amusement.

"You really were asleep? What poor chick did you trick into coming home with you? Wait, please don't tell me you're back with that Ashley bitch again. She was fucking nutso." Vesper snickers.

"She wasn't all that bad at first. And keep your fucking voice down, asshat!" I reply, grinning. I had almost forgotten how Vesper's. . . creative, language rubbed off on me within seconds of being together. She flopped down on the red couch and instantly winced.

"I see you still have the couch-o'-torture." She said, closing her eyes. "Ah, bring backs memories of the time I walked in on you and Ashley fucking on this couch. Gob, thanks for traumatizing me a second time."

"Get your dirty feet off my fucking couch." I say, pushing her legs off anyway.

"Not like I'd make it any dirtier. Ashley's been on it, right?" She smirks.

"You just hate Ashley, don't you?" I ask.

"Yep! She was a total bitch to me, so I feel no need to be polite about her in any way, shape, or form. Plus, I'm still mad about when she called me airheaded. I know I'm a star and stars are literally made of gas, but I'm fucking smarter and more clever than most of you." She chirps happily.

I roll my eyes. "Whatever you say, Vessie. . ."

"Don't fucking call me that." She threatens. Then, as an afterthought, she adds: "Marshie."

I glare at her, although I'm really happy she's here. Vesper and I go way back. We've been best friends since we were kids, and she's always been like my annoying little sister.

"So, are we just gonna sit around like dumbasses or are we gonna do something?"

"I can't leave 'til Fionna wakes up." I say.

"Fionna?" She asks, obviously intrigued. "Who is this Fionna?"

Before I can answer, the blonde in question calls: "Marshall?" downstairs, obviously half-asleep.

"Down here, Fi. Go back to sleep." I call back. I look back to Vesper's raised eyebrows and mischievous smile on her lips.

"A nickname, huh? You know this girl pretty well, I'd say."

I just look away, mumbling, "Something like that."

"No way! No motherfucking way! You're in love! Badass Marshall Lee's in love! You've been acting weird and now I know why! You didn't even act like this with Ashley! Holy fuck, you're in bad!" It seems like every sentence out of her mouth was said with an exclamation point.

"Shut the fuck up, Vesper. It's not like you'd know whether I'm in love or not." I snap. She just smiles like she knows something I don't.

"You, of all people should know a lot can happen in a few hundred years, Marshall." She says cryptically, an unusually small smirk on her face.

"Who's the lucky guy?" I ask, quickly going from annoyance to curiosity.

"Her name is Sasha. She's a water elemental. Can't tell a fucking joke to save her life, but I love her anyway." She laughs.

"She? Never knew you played for the other team." I smirk.

"I though I told you I'm bi. Huh. Sorry 'bout that." I just shrug.

"Honestly I don't care who you fuck as long as they treat you well. You are like my baby sister, you know." At that, she rolls her eyes.

"Don't remind me. It's not my fault our moms' were best friends. It was the least I could do, staying your friend after their relationship turned to shit." She shrugs.

"Well, thanks." I mumbled. I started to float off the couch, heading to the ladder. "You can crash on the couch if you want. I'm going back to bed."

"Thanks, Marshie!" She calls, getting one last tease in before I disappear into the bedroom.

I wake up to a cold bed and voices coming from downstairs. Distinctly female voices. Fionna and Vesper's voices. Which means Vesper is, no doubt, telling Fi everything embarrassing I've ever said or done.



"Marshall's done good with you. Much better than the witch-bitch." Vesper says.

"You mean Ashley? Yeah, she's a pain in the ass. Knocked me out yesterday. But Marsh and I aren't together, just friends." I reply.

"Honey, I've known Marshall since we were kids, and he's in love with you. I'm sure you know his whole 'I don't give a fuck' attitude, which is true for the most part. However, he cares abut a few things, and when he cares about someone, he's incredibly loyal and sweet. No matter how much he acts like he's some badass vampire, he's a huge softie. Now, just don't break his heart, because then I'd have to fucking kill you, and I don't want to do that because you seem sweet." She smiles. I've been talking to Vesper since I woke up, and in that short amount of time she's manged to scare me, make me laugh, and teach me some rather interesting words.

"Fucking hell, if you're telling her about that one time when I was 14, I'll throttle you." Marshall says, floating down the ladder.

"Nope, I'm just telling her how you slept with your baby blanket every night until you were 200 and still do when you get lonely." Vesper smirks at him.

"Fuck off." He grumbles, but smiles all the same. I just do not understand these two's relationship.

"Won't you be a dear and make some coffee, Marshie?" She asks, sweetly.

"I thought you preferred tea, Vessie." He shoots back. She laughs and shakes her head.

"Well, you aren't wrong. I gotta go. Sasha's waiting for me and I know how she hates to wait. Ta-ta!" She says, getting up from the red couch. "Oh, and Fionna, please remember what I said." She adds, winking at me, before she's out the door.

"What'd she say to you?" Marshall asks.

"Nothing, nothing. Just how adorable you were when you were a kid, Marshie." I tease.

He murmurs something like: "Oh, fuck, not you too." and I just laugh.

Don't you just love Vesper? She's great! By the way, this chapter is dedicated to my friend Kurohana806, who helped me with Vessie's sass. Go check her out, she's got an awesome Fiolee fic on her profile!

And if you don't like Vesper being with another girl, I'd kindly like to ask you to go to the top of your page and click the "X" button. It takes much less energy to simply not read this than to leave a nasty review that'll be deleted, so please do so. Thank you.

Now that that's done, I'd like to thank you for reading and leaving a review? Maybe? It'll make me so happy! But even if you don't it's cool! You're still a super-awesome person for just reading it!

Kisses! *mmm-wah*