Links and Ropes-

It was hilarious to think that Giotto cared.

Pairing: Onesided!G27

Warning: Yaoi-Incest

Genre: Angst

It was often said that Giotto cared. That he was the one who went out of his way to make sure people were alright, that he was the one who tied everyone together.

The idea of that in itself was hilarious, for he didn't.

If anything, he only cared a significant amount for two particular people.

The first was himself, of course. The second was the person he cared the most about.

That is, his older brother.

It was ironic, that he was the one who unwittingly garnered the attention of his brother's most special people, yet his own affection for the oblivious brunet went uncaught. He didn't want said friends' attention, nor did he want his brother ignoring him.

Sometimes he wondered why he loved Tsuna so much. Was it the dazed, yet understanding aura about him? Or the fact that he was the only one not taken by his admittedly infatuating looks?

Maybe, but perhaps it was for one single reason.

If people said Giotto was the link who tied people together, then Tsuna was the rope who tied Giotto to everyone else.

Not quite sequel to Through the Looking Glass. Not particularly meant to do anything, but if you enjoyed it, well, review I guess.

This isn't quite meant to be the sequel. I have taken into consideration the ideas concerning the Arcobaleno and Byakuran, but well, wait a bit while I make a decision on what to actually write I suppose.

Admittedly, to that particular reviewer, Through the Looking Glass is meant to be depressing. It wasn't meant to add anything to the canon, unlike some (if not most) of my other one-shots. It was just something I somehow managed to write up after thinking of the Lewis Carroll novel.

Well, this was no.2 in this apparently new series. I can continue it if you want, or if you prefer to end it here, it's all fine with me. I probably would write something anyway.

If you enjoyed it, please review.