HEY THERE! Bet you weren't expecting an update in this story, huh? Well it isn't just an Author's Note! I just wanted to inform all fans of this story that I am rewriting it! I read through it and the writing is dodgey and the characterization is... EHHHH. The fact that I read through it in under two hours was also slightly disapointing. I just feel like I could do better with it. And don't worry, some parts will stay in there, but some stuff might get tossed. I really want this story to be something great, or at least good. because this version is so cringe inducing to me now XD Any ideas what I should name the rewrite? Because I havent a clue in the world. First chapter of the rewrite is like a third done, should be up in like a day or two, maybe. Or less. Not sure XD Just thought you ducklings might want to know that a less cringe version of this is happening XD