Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter only the oc's.




(Black Household)

Sirius was sitting in the living room. He had been reading up on some child care books. He knew that Harry may be sweet now but he might rebel later. He also knew that his son was going to get into trouble. All kids did. He wanted to know the most effective punishments that didn't involve using magic, like the cruciatus curse. He was using what his mum had done as an example on what not to do. A flash of light caught his attention. Sirius put down the book.

"Fawkes?" He was confused as to why the phoenix was at the house so late.

With a trill Fawkes went over to him. He handed the man the letter.

"Thank you." He said.

Fawkes trilled once more. He went over to a chair and perched himself on the back of it. He waited for Sirius to finish the letter and reply.

Dear Sirius and Remus,

After spying on Dumbledore Fawkes told me what the man was planning. That plan was to get rid of you both. He plans on using Death Eaters that are still out there and weak to the imperious curse. He's planning on them attacking you both and killing you so that he can gain custody of Harry. I suggest that you all move to Egypt or at least another country. His previous plan was to declare Sirius unfit but that failed. Since he is willing to kill you both off I do believe he will go after anyone he knows that is close to you all. They should move as well. He is getting desperate and that is making him even more dangerous.


Christopher Fletcher

P.S Be careful.

"REMUS!" Sirius yelled for him. [I won't let this happen.]

"What's wrong?" He asked as he ran into the room.

"Here." He handed over the letter.

"Shit." He cursed after he read it. [I wish that old fart would just leave Harry alone.]

"Yeah." He wrote a quick reply and sent it off with Fawkes.

"We shall call the others here in the morning and tell them." Remus said.

"Okay." The two had a hard time sleeping that night.

(Next Morning)

"What's wrong?" Harry asked at breakfast when he noticed their strange behavior.

"We'll tell you when the others arrive. We want to say this only once." Remus said.

"Okay." He said.

"Thank you." He was relieved Harry wasn't going to make a big fuss about it.

"Of course. Who is coming?" He asked.

"The Malfoys, the Tonks', and Kingsley." Sirius answered.

"Oh, okay. Thank you." He said.

"You're welcome." He smiled at his son.

After breakfast they went to the living room and waited. The Malfoys were the first to arrive. They greeted each other before sitting down and waiting. Next to arrive was Kingsley.

"Kingsley!" Both Harry and Sirius yelled as they tackled the man with a hug.

"Umph!" Kingsley fell to the floor and the two landed on him. "Hello to you both." He grunted.

"Missed you." Harry said.

"Me too." Sirius agreed.

"Get off him Sirius." Remus rolled his eyes.

The grey eyed wizard looked at his mate with a pout. "Bu-"

"Off now." He ordered.

"Okay." His pout deepened as he did as he was told.

"You too Harry." He said.

"Okay." He grinned as he rolled off of the man and stood up.

Kingsley stood and hugged Harry. "I missed you too." He then hugged his mates. "Good morning Remus, Sirius."

"Good morning." Remus smiled.

"Morning." Sirius grinned.

"Tonks!" Harry yelled and went over to the purple haired teen. "Hi." He hugged her.

"Hey kiddo." She grinned.

"Good morning aunt Andy, uncle Ted." He hugged them.

"Morning Harry." Andy hugged him back.

"Morning." Ted hugged him back as well.

The three sat down and Harry looked over at Sirius. "Everyone's here."

"I can see that." He replied dryly.

"Mean!" He stuck his tongue out at him.

"Shush." He rolled his eyes.

"Kingsley, Sirius is being mean to me." He pouted.

"Don't be mean to a child, Sirius." He scolded the man.

"W-what?" He stared at Kingsley in shock.

"Don't be a child." He said. "Come sit Harry."

"Okay." He stuck his tongue out at Sirius once more before sitting down next to Kingsley.

"HEY!" Sirius looked offended.

"Is for horses." The phoenix child giggled.

"Brat." He said as he sat down next to Harry.

"Yup!" He agreed.

Sirius shook his head before getting serious. "We called you all here because we received this letter from Christopher Fletcher." He read the letter.

None of them were happy. Kingsley held Harry to him. No one liked that as long as Dumbledore was around Harry would always be in danger. They wondered what the world had against the child.

"Remus and I plan on moving as soon as we can. The Blacks own a hut in Egypt." Sirius said.

"Since Kingsley and the Malfoys aren't publically with us, you four are safe. Andy, Ted, and Tonks aren't." Remus said.

"Egypt is a beautiful place." Tonks said.

"You don't mind?" Sirius asked.

"They have aurors there and I'll be with family." She said.

"Thank you." He smiled.

"You're welcome." She smiled back.

"Andy, Ted?" He looked at them.

"Of course we don't mind." Ted answered.

"Good. Kingsley?" He looked at his mate.

"We'll be in touch. I'm spying on him." He said.

"We want you with us." He told him. "But I understand why you want to stay here and spy on him."

He kissed Sirius. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." He said.

"What about us?" Draco asked.

"We will still see each other. For your protection you and your parents will stay here. Dumbledore doesn't know that our family is still close. He believes that your mum stopped talking to us." Remus answered.

"Okay." As long as he could still see his cousins then he was good.

"Let's get ready." He said.