
By Anime no Miko


*whispers*  It's true, I, Anime no Miko, came up with CCS.  *sighs*  They just won't give me any credit. .            

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Chapter 2:  Surprise!

(Tokyo International Airport)

Hands thrust inside the pockets of my dressing pants, I paced back and forth across the airdrome with great impatience, completely unaware of the increasing probabilities of me making a hole in the white marble floor.  The frown on my face deepened as I casted a glance at my new brand watch.  Two hours.  I had been waiting for two damned, boringly inactive and insufferable long hours!  She was actually making me wait for her.  I gritted my teeth.  The nerves of that girl!  She should know better than playing with my time, that Kinomoto Sakura.  Our first encounter and the damsel decides she is going to be late.  She'd better show up now or else ...

I shook my head slowly and ran a hand through the mess of my unruly hair thus ending up messing it even more, if such a thing is possible.  I was being illogical.  She ought to be late.  The flight had been delayed due to some precarious torment in the Mediterranean and she couldn't possibly be blamed for it or could she?  Goddamnit!  How I hate to wait!  I was never the patient, indolent type of guy.  I have to be always active, working on either body exercises or carnal pleasure, or doing mental work, some thinking, any. 

Obviously the latest fitted the best in my surroundings, so I engaged in an evaluation of the course of my actions.  Pick up the girl at the airport.  I arrived with one hour of anticipation.  Foolish of me.  The flight is delayed due to the weather.  I had already phoned Fujitaka so he wouldn't worry or god forbids it, suspect of me.  After that, I waited and waited.  Still no signs of the plane's arrival.  I continued waiting.  I waited longer than I've ever had in my whole life.

Concentrated on these musings I had made my way to a nearby bench.  Now I laid sprawled on a corner, my back reclined against the metallic sit and both hands locked behind to support my head.  I closed my eyes and sighed.  This was going to be a long night. 

"Air France flight 607 from Paris has arrived.  Passengers will disembark at gate G17."

Finally, I thought, but I didn't move an inch from my place.  Instead, I made myself more comfortable and reassumed my pondering.  They would without doubt take their time to disembark totally, considering they had to go through customs and all the annoyances which constitute airports' policy.

"Li Xiaolang, I suspect?"

I stiffened upon hearing my name.  Had I gotten in trouble so soon?  Without having even  started working on Fujitaka's daughter?  Had I been caught?  I opened one eyelid and then the other, cautiously.  I smiled foolishly at my momentary paranoia and relaxed.  Peering down at me was a girl with light brown hair pulled back into a french braid.  I recognized her at once.  Kinomoto Sakura.  Careless of me to forget the priviledges of first class. 

She backed up making space for me as I straightened up to my full height.  My amber eyes studied her for a moment, from head to toes, widening considerably.  She looked so ... right down, pathetically childish with that pink attire!  Even the eyeglasses that concealed her huge baby-like eyes were pink-colored.  I winced.  Pink, such a girlish color.


The hint of impatience in her voice brought me back to present time.  I confirmed her suspicion on my identity, bowed and excused my early impertinence promptly.  I told her I was a friend of the family and the business.  She acknowledged with a gesture and politely, very politely but with a tone I didn't quite like, asked me to carry her handbags.

Whoever she thought I was?  Her personal luggage carrier?  For the second time in that night, I gritted my teeth on account for her.  Nonetheless, I obliged gallantly. 

 "Here, let me help you."  I diverted my deadly glare from Kinomoto's back and looked up at the stranger.  He had black-blue hair that contrasted with his pale skin and wore round, silver-rimmed eyeglasses.

"Dear, you need not to do that," she spoke to him sweetly.  So I met her boyfriend.  Surprise!  She had a boyfriend.

He just smiled at her and picking up one of the bags, walked towards her, offering his free arm, which she took smudgely.

He looked at me over his shoulder and I for a moment I thought I saw a  mischievous glint playing in his eyes. 

.~*~.  .~*~..~*~.  .~*~..~*~.  .~*~.

The ride to the Kinomoto's residence was weary, as expected.  I was aware of the great distance from the airport to the mansion, situated on the outskirts of the city, but somehow amidst the silence that reigned in the car, it felt longer than it was.  Hiragizawa and I talked about non-important things once or twice during the journey, he reserving what I wanted to know and I doing the same in exchange.  As for her, no long after we got out from the airport did she fell asleep on his lap.

(Kinomoto's Residence)

Finally, the huge portal bearing the Kinomoto's star-shaped shield of amrs came into sight and I drove the car through the beautiful gardens adorning the alley. 

The butler opened the huge door and uttered a cry of surprise at the sight of his little mistress cuddled comfortably in the arms of a stranger.  He calmed down when he noticed me though, and told me that Fujitaka and Touya were not back from their meeting yet.  Interesting, I thought.  Since she was fast asleep, it was up to me to introduce him to the family manservant, which I did, as briefly as I could, without adorment.  Just then the sleeping child half opened one eye groggily and asked him to take her to her room. 

"Eriol, I ... want ...my ... bed."

"I know, my Sakura.  Shh ... I'll carry you upstairs."

The words spoken convinced the butler, who stood aside making way for the couple.  He asked me if I was staying as well.  I shook my head.  This was not the right time, for my plans had gone havoc with the recent turn of events.  The door closed behind me as I turned around, got into the car, started the ignition and sped away.

Making her fall for me wouldn't be as easy as I first thought.  I had a rival.  His name, Hiragizawa Eriol.

TBC ...

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Arigatou-gozaimasu, minna!  Gomen for taking so long to update this.  I will continue writing from Syaoran's POV, but when you get tired of it do tell so I can change.  Ja! And don't forget to review ... comments, death threats, queries, flames ... I appreciate them all.  ^-^