Once the Doctor had left, supposedly to try on dresses, Clara sank into a chair. A girl. The Doctor- her Doctor- was a girl. How could this happen? She hadn't even realized that as big a change as this was possible. Did the Doctor even know how to be a girl? She groaned and buried her face in her hands at the thought of going around with a girl who acted like a boy. He- no- she was going to go into the wrong bathroom so often…

"How do I look?" Clara looked up to see the Doctor, wearing a simple purple dress that ended just above her knees. Clara couldn't help but feel jealous at how nice it looked on her.

"You look beautiful, Doctor." said Clara, smiling to herself. She'd never thought she'd say that.

"Well, that's a strange thing to hear. Usually it's something along the lines of, 'take off that ridiculous bowtie'," she said, going back to examining the TARDIS console.

"Right." said Clara quietly. She followed the new Doctor to the console. "So, what were those things chasing us?"




This statement was followed by a long silence before Clara asked, "are you going to tell me what a Rectofur is?"


"And… why not?"

"Because I don't know much about them myself. Apparently they're a species from the outermost edges of the universe. Pretty much nothing is known about them except that they're extremely violent and they travel in packs."

"Yeah, I got that impression from the pack that violently attacked us."

The Doctor pointed at Clara, grinning, as if to say, 'now you're getting it' before she turned her attention to the console.

Clara raised an eyebrow. Sarcasm never was the Doctor's forte. "Okay, I'll bu that, but why would the Rectofur come after us?"

"Didn't I just tell you that's all that is known about them?" said the Doctor, irritably, though the effect was lessened by her broad smile.

"Right." Clara nodded. "Hang on, if that's all that is known about the Rectofur, then how do you know that it's what's following us?"

"They got their name from their battle cry, that's also known, I probably shouldn't mentioned it, too. Well, I suppose I've got everything that I know out now." she said, smiling at Clara as if they were discussing Sunday brunch, and not a pack of ravenous beings that killed the Doctor and forced him to regenerate into her. She moved and sat down on her usual chair, putting her feet up on the console.

Clara's eyes widened. "Doctor, are you wearing underwear?"

"Hm?" said the Doctor, looking up. "Oh, yes, boxers."

"No, Doctor, you need..." she sighed "You need to wear panties. And a bra."

"A what?"

"A bra."

The Doctor's eyebrows furrowed and she pulled a few switches before looking at the TARDIS screen. "Oh, that's a bra." he said. Clara looked up to see he had looked in the TARDIS' records for what it was, and was now looking at a picture of one. "Yeah, there were a couple of those with the dresses but I didn't know what they were, so I just left them.

Clara sighed. "Do you at least know what panties are?"

"Yes!" said the Doctor proudly.

"Great, then go put them on." she said, pushing her slightly. Honestly, for the oldest and most experienced creature in the galaxy, the Doctor sure was uninformed on how to be a girl.

"Clara, where does this 'bra' go?"

Clara rolled her eyes. So much for the all-knowing Time Lord er... Time Lady. "Where do you think it goes?"

"Well, my first thought was on my butt, however that's where the panties go. Are they like earmuffs? How come I never see you wearing one?"

Clara sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. This was going to be a long regeneration.