A/N: Two updates in two days? Is this for real?! YES! Really procrastinating on writing this paper, and fanfiction is WAY more fun! A lot of information is in this chapter, hope you enjoy! The end of this chapter is rated M (for smut) if you don't like it, I don't think it's very necessary to read if you don't want to.

As always, I don't check for grammar, so there may be a few mistakes.

Brooke soon realized she didn't have enough space in her 2 bedroom home for a teenager and 2 toddlers, so a few days after Sam moved back in with her she began looking for a larger home for the 4 of them. She didn't expect to see her childhood home on the market once again, and without hesitation made an offer the current owners wouldn't be able to refuse.

Jay unloaded the last of Brooke's boxes from the moving truck. It had been three weeks since putting Max Nichols behind bars, and in the quiet town of Tree Hill, there weren't currently any cases worth covering for his unit, so he was able to leave work earlier than usual and spend time with Brooke. He wasn't exactly sure what he and Brooke were, they had yet to "DTR". They spent most of their time together, he watched the boys when Brooke had to run errands or go by the café for a few extra hours. Which would seem pretty coupley to most, but they haven't been on a real date yet; where it was just the two of them- no kids- no friends- one where Jay could really show her what he's all about. He decided that was time to be changed.

Jay carried Brooke's final box through the red door and placed it next to her couch. Sam took the boys to the park for a little while so he and Brooke could do some much needed unpacking and organizing, but Jay thought now would be the perfect time to ask Brooke out on an actual date. He came up behind Brooke, who was standing in the kitchen unboxing some dishes, and wrapped his arms around her waist. Resting his head in the crook of her neck he whispered, "Let's go out to dinner tonight. Just me and you."

"Are you asking me out detective Halstead?" Brooke asked as she turned in his arms, wrapping her own arms around his neck.

"That I think I am" He replied with a grin and pulled her body closer to his.

"How do I decline when you look at me like that?" She could tell things were about to get heated. They really haven't had much physical contact over the past month, apart from a few pecks on the lips while greeting one another. First Jay was caught up in his case, and Sam was always around in the old house; then with Brooke's move, sex was the last thing on either of their minds.

"You don't." Jay said before lifting her up and sitting her on the counter. He started trailing kisses along her jaw, and down to her neck, stopping at her collarbone, and going back up on the opposite side.

Brooke was already starting lose control of her body, "Dinner it is then." She wrapped her legs around his waist, trying to get their bodies as close as physically possible and pulled his head away from her neck, so she'd be able to kiss him. As soon as their lips connected Brooke and Jay completely lost all control and were invested in only the taste of each other's lips.

They kissed like that for a while, until Jay broke them apart. "Great. See you at 7. Dress nice." He gave her a final peck and was out the door a millisecond later, leaving an aroused and flustered Brooke behind.

Four hours later Brooke stood in front of her bed in her bra and underwear, hands on hips staring at the clothes spread across her bed. She'd already changed her outfit six times, and had yet to find something she liked. Once again, she was nervous to go out with Jay. It felt like a déjà vu to the Naley barbeque, which was over a month ago.

"You're gonna look hot no matter what, you know?" Brooke was startled by Sam's sudden appearance, and jumped to find something to cover herself with.

"Sam!" She exclaimed when she turned and saw Sam standing in her doorway, chuckling slightly.

Sam swiftly made her way towards Brooke bed and looked at what she had laid out. "That one." She said pointing to a strapless navy dress. "It's classy and elegant, but still sexy enough to get him into your bed."

"Sam!" Brooke repeated as her eyes went wide. "Out. Now."

Sam silently laughed and muttered "You taught me everything on I know." on her way out of Brooke's bedroom. Brooke stared at the dress, Sam did have a point. She decided to try it on, and sure enough she felt confident in it. She was slipping on her red heels when she heard Sam call for her from downstairs. Putting on some bold red lipstick to tie her outfit together, she walked downstairs, only to come face to face with a breathless Jay Halstead.

After giving a quick rundown of their plans to Sam and giving hugs and kisses to Jude and Davis, Jay led Brooke to his car.

"I thought I told you no more driving." She said as he held open the passenger door for her.

"It'd be difficult for you to drive though, considering you don't know where we are going."

The drive was lasting a lot longer than Brooke initially figured. "Where are you taking me?" Brooke asked for the hundredth time that night.

"I already told you. It's a surprise, you're not getting it out of me." Jay told her, glancing over at her and grinning. "Besides, we're almost there."

Sure enough, less than 5 minutes later they arrived at restaurant just outside of Charlotte. Jay got out first and opened the door for Brooke. The small French restaurant was filled with people. Young and old, couples and families. It was a restaurant Brooke had never been to before, and what shocked her was how Jay knew about the place, even having some type of "connection" with the owners. That being said, they got seated quicker than anyone else in the restaurant, much to the other guests' dismay.

They were led to a table near the back. Jay's hand was placed gently on the small of Brooke's back and her she held tightly onto her clutch.

As dinner went on, there were no awkward silences. They spent the evening laughing and getting to know each other better. This one on one time between the pair was desperately needed in order for them to move forward with their relationship.

Jay paid for their dinner, no questions asked. After dinner, they walked around for a little bit, taking in the scenery and enjoying each other's company. "I'm glad I met you, Jay." Brooke said on the car ride home. "I didn't think I'd ever be able to bounce back after the divorce, but being with you makes it seem like a possibility." Brooke looked at him, and he just smiled and kept his eyes on the road.

It took a while for Jay to say anything, mostly because he afraid of Brooke's reaction to what he wanted to ask. "Brooke?" He asked quietly.


"What happened? With Julian, I mean." The second he asked he wanted to take it back. He knew it wasn't appropriate. "No, I'm sorry- you don't need to answer that."

Brooke was silent for a moment, and Jay was shocked when she cleared her throat and answered, "No, it's okay." She started, "About four months after the twins were born, Julian was really stressed; he had this big sound stage that no one was willing to buy. He couldn't find a way to fill this empty space, we were struggling financially as well. One day he had this huge meeting- some television producers were interested in the space. He was supposed to drop Davis off at the daycare on his way to the stage; Jude was sick, I didn't want Davis to catch it." Brooke's voice was small and Jay could tell this story was a tough one for her to share. He reached over the center console and grabbed her hand. "He never told me the full story. All I know is that Julian had forgotten Davis in the car. Thankfully Davis was okay. But Julian, Julian was a mess. I was upset at first myself, although I was able to forgive him, trust him again. And after that I did everything I could to try and get him to forgive himself, but the day never came. Three months passed and I was raising our boys by myself. Julian fell into alcoholism, and I couldn't do it anymore. So, when he got a job offer to produce a movie in Taiwan, I told him to go- I let him go. I haven't seen him since. A couple weeks after he left, I had my lawyer draw up the papers and send them to his set and he signed them without hesitation. It hurt. I never thought Julian and I would end. I thought I finally got my happy ending." Jay was now pulling into Brooke's driveway. She wiped the tears from her face and they stared at each other for a moment before Brooke exited the vehicle.

Jay followed suit and they walked towards the front door. Brooke was embarrassed for crying in front of Jay on their first date, "I'm sorry." She said, laughing lightly and moving her hand to wipe away more tears.

"Julian's an idiot. And there's a reason he wasn't the end to your story, only a chapter. A chapter that gave you Jude and Davis, a chapter you learned from, but It's time to start a new chapter, Brooke Davis." He slowly placed his hand on her cheek and forced her to look at him. As soon as they made eye contact their lips came crashing together.

Their mouths moved in sync for several minutes. Their tongues battled for dominance. Soon, Brooke was searching her clutch for her keys, and as soon as she found them, jammed them into the keyhole. Finally inside, Jay lifted her up bridal style and carried her to her bedroom. He laid her down on her bed, still covered with clothes that she decided not to wear. Brooke chaotically tossed all clothes to the floor and reached for the zipper on her own dress, but Jay soon cut in and helped her slide the navy material down her body. Brooke realized she was in her underwear, yet Jay was still fully dressed. She grabbed his neck and pulled him down to her, kissing him passionately, she started to undo the buttons of Jay's gray button up. When his shirt was removed, Brooke slid her hands down to his belt, and unbuckled that as well. They pulled apart as Jay completed the removal of his pants but resumed kissing only milliseconds later.

"Is this the 'next chapter' you were talking about, Detective?" Brooke asked seductively between kisses.

"Well no, but it's a step in the right direction." He shot back at her. Jay's hand travelled down Brooke's body and had found the waistband of her underwear. He gently slipped his hand underneath the thin material and entered a finger inside of her. Brooke moaned in pleasure. She moaned again when Jay entered a second finger into her heat, and his thrusts became deeper as their kisses became sloppier.

Brooke managed to stop pulling at her lover's hair long enough for her own hand to reach his boxers. She was able to feel his growing erection on her thigh, which was only making her want this man even more than she already did. "I need you inside me." She said, completely out of breath while her hand began to stroke his cock.

Jay moved his kisses down to her neck, and made a trail down the valley of her breasts. He stopped at her belly button and used his teeth to pull down Brooke's underwear. She grunted and ran her fingers through his hair. After discarding the panties, Jay kissed his way back up meeting her lips once again in a mind blowing kiss. Their tongues danced as Jay carefully slipped inside of her. They both gasped at the feeling. He slowly began pumping, making Brooke call out his name- only turning him on more.

They both came minutes later and ended the night cuddled up in each other's arms, content with where their lives were going.

A/N 2: So you finally found out what happened to Julian! What do you think? Does it seem realistic? I don't write smut very often, so I hope that ending was okay for y'all! Morning after is next, see you soon!

Also! Don't forget REVIEW! My last chapter only got 1 review so I am a little worried…