Disclaimer: I do not own "How to Train Your Dragon."

A/N: Hello all, I just want to say that I thought "How to Train Your Dragon 2" was phenomenal, I thoroughly enjoyed it and cannot wait for the next one! But I must say, there were some parts in there where those 3D glasses came in handy. I have never teared up watching a movie before. The only time I came close was "The Green Mile."

This is Berk. A prominent land once thought to be the epitome of dragon slaying Viking life. You see, ever since dragons have moved in, life on Berk has changed for the better. We now have extra hands in the crops, a vast selection of wild entertainment, and faster means of transportation. Now, two years ago, we had simple dragon races where riders would try to capture sheep for points. Now we've taken it up notch. We have dragon battles.

A spine tailed, Nadder zoomed past a double headed Zippleback, rifting the snow that glazed the jagged rocks below. A wicked smile plastered on her face, Astrid hulled on her dragon and the two flew behind the Zippleback.

As Ruff and Tuff swung around to face her, Astrid had already sent razor-sharp spine shot at them. In a quick command, both green heads spread from each other, the spine shot speeding through the void section in between.

Astrid growled, "Don't worry Stormfly, we'll get them." The Nadder agreed in a squawk.

"Hey, Astrid," Tuffnut yelled, "You'll have to do better than that if you want to defeat us!" The twins then high-fived in taunting laughter.

"Hmm, let's see how they deal with our special attack." She informed her dragon and in the glint of excitement that shone in her eyes, Stormfly tucked her wings and spiraled toward them.

"Hah," Ruffnut began, "She's so predictable!"

"Yeah, even I wouldn't be this obvious!" Tuffnut said.

As Astrid approached, the Twins both shouted to their dragons. Gas ignited in a fiery explosion. Once it had cleared Astrid was nowhere to be found.

"Where'd she go?"

"Did we blow her off the island?"

The two and their dragon turned their heads in search for the girl. Nothing.

A blast lit up from a rock in the distance. Their heads were there instantly. Then Barf detected something from behind, turned his head. His eyes narrowing, gas flowing like fog from his open mouth, he prepared.

"What is it, Barf?" Ruffnut asked then gasped at the incoming rider. "Tuff!" She called.

"What?" He questioned. It was too late.

Stormfly had fired a blast at them. It ignited Barf's gas and sent the two and their dragon into the snow. Tuffnut rose up from the fluff in a daze. "Huh, what happened? Was it awesome?"

"No Idiot, we lost!" Ruffnut exclaimed.


The Zippleback was there in an instant, each head checking to make sure their rider was all right.

Astrid zoomed by from above, arms thrown up in a loud cheer, echoed by the screeching of her dragon. "We did it girl! We did it!"

See? We Vikings take games very seriously. Though, sometimes it can be problematic.

"The winners are Astrid and Stormfly!" Hiccup announced. The new Viking Chief sat in his podium chair. His mother sat to his left and Toothless to his right.

"Oh, have you ever seen such a beautiful performance, son?" Valka asked.

"I agree, she's improving." The rankings went as follows: Toothless a solid number one, then Cloudjumper, and now Stormfly.

"Are you saying that from observation of the two of them, or of her?" She asked with an arched eyebrow.

Hiccup looked at her, as if insulted by her question. He caved after a moment, "All right you caught me. But don't you agree that she is beautiful?" His eyes caught the cheering Viking in the sky.

"Ay, that she is." She paused, "You should hurry up and make your move son. The Chief needs an heir. And having grand kids would be nice, too."

Hiccup went bright red above his facial hair, put a hand to his head, "Oh, mom."

"Oh, don't be dense, Hiccup. If you can run a village, you can run a family."

"Mom, let's not talk about this now."

"One can only put things off for so long. As Chief you should know this."

He waved it off with his hands. He was not interested in talking about such thing with his mother or anyone for that matter. After a long pause, he asked, "How do you think, you and Cloudjumper will fare against her?"

She let a chuckle slide from her throat. "Well I haven't been training twenty years with him for nothing. Why, who do think will be victorious?"

His eyes hardened, "As Chief, I don't think it is fair to choose sides."

"Ah, you think she will win." She smiled.

"I didn't say that." He said stubbornly.

"But you're thinking it." She laughed at the look he gave her, "It's all right. It's the duty of a lover to have full faith in their other."

"As is the obligation of a Chief to his people."

She smiled sadly at him, he noticed this.

"Mom, are you all right?"

"I'm fine it's just… your father would be proud of you."

He looked to the ground in respectful sadness, then returned his glance to the sky as both competitors landed before them.

Hiccup rose properly, "Congratulations, Astrid, Stormfly. Good fight, Ruffnut, Tuffnut, Barf, and Belch."

Astrid smiled widely and patted the Nadder on the head. The twins just scowled at each other and left.

"The games this year are the best we've ever had! And I have no doubt that they will continue to be that way." Toothless nudged him. "And Toothless thinks so, as well."

The Night Fury huffed at him, wagging his long tail.

He let his hands rest on his hips, "Oh, you want to fly, don't you? Well, I guess I can whoa-a-a!" He shouted as the dragon hoisted him up onto the saddle and jumped around ecstatically. "All right, All right bud, we can go."

Before he could even get another word in, the Night Fury extended his wings and blasted into the sky.

"Oh no he doesn't!" Astrid said, hopping onto her dragon and flying off in pursuit.

Then before Valka could even blink, they were gone. She smiled blissfully at them, "Berk has never been more peaceful." She then looked at the large dragon next to her, "Come, Cloudjumper. I shall prepare a meal for their return."

On the shores of a shattered island a scar faced, Drago Bludvist sat on a stony shore, eyes cast to the north. A quirked smile touched his face, "Oh, Foolish Berkians. They have no idea of what is to come, now do they, Kanquest?"

At that moment a jet-black face peered through the foliage, and then came to his side. The long, flowing body, large bat-like wings, and streaks of red that flowed down the face from green irises stood next to him.

He laughed maniacally, "Now the ranks are even. Now I too have a Night Fury!"

The dragon looked with monolithic eyes at him.

"Let's go, Kanquest. We have an army to rebuild."