A/N: I have nothing to say except thank you thank you thank you to everyone who reviewed. Beautiful, inspiring people, the lot of you.

Good Men


The last remnants of her dream gradually waned as a quite, rhythmic rumble close to her ear awoke her from a deep sleep. Beth's entire body pressed against something solid and soft and she let out a low, appreciative hum at the gentle warmth that radiated from the comfortable object. A compelling aroma of cut grass and petrichor and engine oil and sandalwood accompanied a familiar thick, musky scent that perfumed the compact space and slowly attempted to soothe her back to sleep. Beth nestled her nose further into the heat, then furrowed her eyebrows as she recognised the tickling texture to resemble soft strands of hair. Beth yawned, her sleep clouded mind slow to react. Her eyes fluttered open and her vision was completely obstructed by a familiar brown mane of hair.

Startled, Beth raised her head away from the unwashed head of hair and blinked down at the body beside her.

At some point during the night her body must have sought out Daryl's for warmth. Her body was curled snugly around his side and her hands were tucked up close to his underarm. Daryl lay on his back with his face turned to press into the curve of her neck and an arm slumped carelessly over the dip of her waist. A weighty thigh trapped her legs between his own and against the folded car seat. It took Beth's drowsy mind a moment to take in the sight and comprehend just how compromising the position was, but when it hit her, she could feel her whole body burn from the strength of her blush.

Her mind started with a suddenness that almost sent her into a panic and it was then, as her mind raced with different suggestions to get her out of this predicament without waking Daryl—Who would have a fit, a voice in the background of her mind warned—that Beth caught the quite rumble that roused her from sleep earlier. Beth's eyes drifted down to Daryl's sleep softened features and lingered on his parted lips and she realised then: Daryl was snoring.

The even rumbles were scarcely audible over the moaning of the new morning breeze and helped to calm Beth's scrambled thoughts. She had been in almost constant company with Daryl throughout the winter months, yet she had never once heard him snore. Just for a moment, she allowed herself to consider, to hope, that maybe Daryl felt secure enough in her arms to drift off into a deeper, restful slumber. He certainly deserved it. Yet the thought almost made her scoff. She was ridiculous, desperate even, to assume that Daryl might need her in some way. In any way. It was wishful thinking.

Beth sighed, and it sounded woeful to her sympathetic ears. She then dared to let her bold fingers brush his unkempt hair away from the side of his face and stared down at his turned head with a heartfelt fondness. Her curious eyes traced the thin worry lines on his small forehead and admired the sharpness of his cheekbone with eagerness. She followed the elegant arch of his long nose that hooked over narrow lips and yearned to caress his stubbled cheek and sturdy jaw and rounded chin. His skin was tanned from years of roaming through the Georgian woods and grimy from their living-off-the-land lifestyle. Her eyes caught sight of a long, faded scar that ran along his hairline just above his ear and she puzzled over the story behind it.

Beth smiled down at his attractive countenance, slackened in sleep, her heart open and beating with affection. Carefully, so as not to wake him, she settled back down beside him and nuzzled her nose deep into his hair once more.

She couldn't know how long she stayed that way, but she knew she didn't care if she wasted the entire day. She savoured and revelled in the experience of having Daryl's body so close to her own in such an intimate fashion and listened with a bitter-sweet sting in her heart to the gentle rumbles that emitted from between his parted lips, because Beth doubted she would ever have the chance to wake up beside Daryl again.

After a time, Daryl's snoring dwindled, then ceased altogether and his breathing gradually became shallower, and Beth braced herself because she knew he was beginning to wake up. Daryl sighed sleepily and moved closer to her and murmured something unintelligible against her neck. The arm that stretched out over her body curled inwards, towards her, and the very tips of his fingers whispered up the length of her arm to grip the back of her shoulder. Daryl fisted her shirt and yawned and arched his back as he stretched out against her, his hip pressing hard into her stomach, and her body sung.

Mid-stretch, his body froze. 'The f-?'

'Shh.' Beth hushed. She prayed he wouldn't react too badly and without thought patted his chest. 'It's just me.'

'Beth?' Her name was nothing more than a guttural groan against the curve of her neck.


She felt his eyelashes flitter like butterfly wings over her skin and she found it deeply intimate. 'Am I still sleepin'?'

Beth huffed out a quiet laugh. 'You're awake. Barely, but you are.'

Daryl went to move, to get up and away from her, but Beth wasn't willing to let this moment end just yet. With a fearlessness she didn't usually possess around the redneck, Beth pressed her hand harder on his chest and it caused Daryl to pause. 'The sun's not up yet.' She commented, then whispered, shy and sure he would deny her, 'Stay. Stay with me.'

For a minute that could have lasted a lifetime to Beth, Daryl stayed tense and rigid against her and she waited with bated breath for him to scoff, to move far away from her and admonish her, to tell her how being pressed up against a child, a little girl, was inappropriate and wrong and repulsive. Only he didn't; Daryl slowly, as though still undecided, relaxed his body against her own and the hand on her shoulder slipped away to wriggle between them and wedge itself against his side and her stomach. He cleared his throat, a nervous habit that she had become familiar with over the long months, and, his voice as rough as sandpaper and low and cracked from sleep, asked, 'You sure I ain't sleepin'?'

Beth smiled against his locks, despite her confusion over his inability to believe her. 'Do you need me ta pinch you? 'Cause I'll do it.'

Daryl grunted against her neck and the short vibration sent pleasant shivers from her neck all the way down to the tips of her curling toes. 'No need. Ma dream Beth don't dare ta sass me.'

Her hand trailed up his clothed chest and rested over his heart. 'Don't dare ta, is it?'

'That's righ'. If she dared I'd give 'er a good n' proper spanking.'

All of the air whooshed out of her lungs at his thoughtless response and a tiny, unseemly voice from the deepest recesses of her mind purred to her just how much she wanted that spanking, wanted Daryl's hands on her in any way, how bad she was willing to be for him and only him, how good it would be to have Daryl dominate her so completely. Beth closed her eyes, ashamed and unwilling to believe the unwanted voice, and she was frantic to think of something, anything else to change the subject because she could feel Daryl tensing beside her again and despite the awkwardness, she didn't want to leave his arms yet. She didn't want to leave his arms period.

Beth buried her cheek further into his hair, then it came to her. 'Your hair is getting long,' Beth observed and her voice only trembled once. 'I like it.' She brushed her fingers through his growing brunette locks and lost her breath again when Daryl crooned against her neck.

She felt him stiffen the instant the quiet trill left him, embarrassed by his incapability to control his mouth in his half asleep state, and before she could try to placate him, he ripped himself out of her hold. Beth gasped at the suddenness of the action and had to bit her lip to stop herself from pathetically begging him to stay in her arms again. She felt cold without him so close and her chest felt vacant, as if her heart was no longer there. For a split second she even questioned whether or not she would be able to sleep without him any more. Waking up beside Daryl had felt right, somehow. She stared at Daryl with saddened eyes as he sat up and hunched his shoulders to avoid the low roof of the car. He didn't look at her once as he reached for his rucksack and pulled out his ration of cigarettes and matches, then shuffled over to the open trunk to dangle his legs over the side.

Beth pulled herself up and wrapped her arms around her bent knees. The air was thick with tension and an uncomfortable silence descended between the pair. She watched the way the thinning material of Daryl's shirt stretched tight along his shoulders as he lit the tip of the cigarette and tossed the match away. Don't pull away... Beth pleaded silently to his back. No, she wouldn't let him.

Her eyes narrowed in determination and she threw the blankets off her and, undeterred by the bite in the early morning air, crawled towards Daryl's unsuspecting form. Once Beth reached him, she nudged his arm with her hand and ducked her head under his arm to nestle into his side. He flinched at her touch and his head snapped down so that he could glare at her. She curled his strong arm over her shoulders and leaned into him and stared up at his uncertain expression with—at least what she hoped to be—an encouraging smile.

Daryl's gaze was controlled and pierced right through her but she wouldn't waver. His heavy sigh was his gesture of surrender and she grinned in victory once he had turned away to take another drag from his cigarette, the tip burning orange.

No more words were exchanged as Beth remained tucked up against his side, warm and complete once more, and waited for Daryl to finish his cigarette. The musty odour of burnt tobacco remained suspended in the cold air long after the coiling tendrils of smoke faded away and the turbid, acrid vapour stung the back of her throat. Daryl stubbed his cigarette out against the rear bumper and removed his arm from her. 'It's gonna be a long day, girl. Go n' get ready for the run.' Daryl ordered. 'And make sure you got your knife.' He scratched his jawline and muttered as an afterthought, 'Gonna hav'ta find ya a gun. I reckon Carol will lend ya hers. Gonna hav'ta remind me ta ask her 'fore we split up.'

'All right.' Beth acquiesced and braced herself on the edge of the trunk.

'Beth. Look at me.' Beth paused and twisted to face him. She looked up at his drowsy eyes and gentle expression and sleep-swollen lips and had the fervent urge to kiss him. 'Don', under any circumstances, wander off taday.' Beth went to duck her head, but Daryl caught her chin. 'I mean it.' He looked so serious, so earnest, and she nodded her understanding. His fingers pinched her chin tighter. 'Say it. Tell me you won' leave ma sigh'.'

Beth delighted in Daryl's total dedication to protect her. 'I won' leave your sight, Daryl. I promise.'

He seemed appeased at her promise. Then his thumb began a gentle trail along her jawline, right up to the joint of her jaw where the tip of his thumb tickled the edge of her earlobe. Daryl's eyes slowly travelled downwards and her heart jolted hard in her chest when she realised his shimmering-blue eyes hovered over her lips. Beth let herself believe, as she witnessed his eyes become warm and heavy-lidded, that she may be attractive, perhaps even desirable, to him, but then he glanced away and relinquished his hold on her chin and Beth chided herself. She was a child to him, a friend at the most. He would never see her how she wished, he would never feel what she felt for him. Beth had to come to terms with that, and quickly.

Beth hummed a half-forgotten nursery rhyme to Lori's unborn baby. During the ride to the mall, Lori had complained of the baby's constant kicking and squirming, and Beth had taken pity on her. She had offered to sing to the baby since, more often than not, her singing helped to settle the child down.

She finished the upbeat tune and stroked the stretched skin as if it was the baby's head. 'You're already causing your mama plenty of trouble.' She cooed and pressed her cheek against Lori's swollen stomach.

Lori groaned and she sounded like she was being tortured. 'Why is it that women forget just how terrible an experience pregnancy is until we're pregnant again?'

Beth smiled up at Lori and patted her stomach in sympathy, only to receive a little a little kick in return. Beth squeaked and recoiled from the little devil. She rubbed her cheek and laughed. 'Your child is going to be a strong little thing.' Beth predicted, completely smitten with the baby already. Boy or girl, the baby would have them all wrapped around its little finger, Beth was sure.

Lori lovingly rubbed her stomach. 'I hope it's a girl this time. I've always wanted a girl.'

Beth grinned and wondered with a pang of longing whether her mama had sung her and Shawn lullabies when she had been pregnant with them, like Beth did for Lori's baby. God, she missed her mama. Beth rested her head on Lori's stomach and begun to hum to the fidgeting child again. Beth closed her eyes and imagined a little baby girl in Ricks arms, with a tuft of mahogany brown hair and a cute, scrunched up face and tiny arms that would wave impatiently for more of her daddy's attention. Beth smiled gently at the picture; she would be a pretty little thing.

'Ready, Beth?' At Maggie's sudden inquiry, Beth's humming halted and her eyes snapped open.

Beth lifted her head from Lori's stomach and her hand automatically went to her belt. Her fingers wrapped around the handle of her knife, then she nodded at Maggie. 'I'm ready.' Beth stated with a confidence she genuinely felt and stood up.

'Be safe.' Lori implored with a strained smile and she had to use the handle attached to the car door to help herself up from the car seat.

'I will.' Beth replied, then placed a hand on Lori's stomach. 'See you soon, baby.'

With a wave, Beth and Maggie turned and started towards the spare vehicle she and the guys would be using to load up with supplies. She found Daryl leaning against the passenger door with Glenn and Beth felt her confidence grow. Maggie sighed beside her and linked her arm through Beth's, just like they used to when they were little. 'You've got nothin' to prove, Beth. You don't have to—'

Beth frowned and interrupted her. 'I've told you enough times, Maggie. I want to.'

Her arm tightened around Beth's and it almost hurt. 'I should be coming with you.'

'The guys will keep me safe. And Daryl's been training me for months. I'm really not as helpless as I used ta be, Maggie.'

Maggie gave a vague hum in response and Beth's eyes narrowed. 'What? What is it?'


'It's something.'

Maggie took the time to search for the right words and brushed her fingers through her brunette tresses. Even during an apocalypse, Maggie managed to look stunning. Beth often wished she looked more like her big sister. 'Look, I know Daryl's a great guy. He's been good to all of us. Took it upon himself ta train you, even. I'll always be grateful to him for that.' Maggie paused and Beth bit her lip in worry. Maggie had always been a strong, opinionated woman, something Beth had always admired, so to see her struggle to voice her concerns made Beth suspicious. Whatever Maggie had to say, Beth would not like it. 'It's just... Men only do things when they think they're gettin' somethin' out of it, Bethy.'

Beth halted in her step and Maggie jolted from the abrupt action. Beth turned to gape at her sister, her eyes wide and disbelieving. 'You honestly think...' Beth tried to speak, but she was truly at a loss of words. She was reminded of how little her sister, and most of the others in the group, knew of Daryl. Without a single doubt in her mind, Beth stated with enough force, 'Not Daryl. He's like daddy.'

Maggie drew her eyebrows and pursed her lips the way she always did when she thought Beth was being naive. 'Daddy's no saint, Bethy.'

'Then he's even better than daddy.' Beth countered and stared her sister down with such intent and stubbornness that Maggie could only sigh and roll her eyes.

'Whatever. Just come here and give me a hug, you stubborn bitch.' Maggie huffed, but there was no real heat behind her words. She smirked at Beth's pout and opened her arms out wide and gathered Beth into a crushing hug. Beth relaxed into the familiar hold and held her tight. Her sister always gave the best hugs. 'You be careful, Beth. I've told Glenn to keep an extra eye on you. If you come back with even a scratch...'

'Maggie, it's just a small run!' Beth cried, exasperated.

'Beth.' At the low-toned utterance of her name, Beth let out a relieved sigh. Her daddy slipped an arm around each of his daughters shoulders and pulled them close. 'You should know by now your sister is just overprotective of you.' Beth groaned, annoyed, and dropped her forehead onto her daddy's sturdy chest. Hershel chuckled at her over-the-top reaction and squeezed Maggie's shoulders. 'Go and say goodbye to Glenn.' He urged her and gestured towards Glenn's general direction. 'He's been staring at you like a kicked puppy.'

Maggie's face lit up beautifully. She pressed a chaste kiss to Beth's forehead, then left Hershel alone with his youngest daughter.

Her daddy grasped her chin lightly between his thumb and forefinger, much like Daryl had earlier that morning, and his eyes memorised her face as a loving, parental expression graced his ageing features. 'When did you grow up?' He whispered with a nostalgic ring in his tone. Beth felt hot blood pool in her cheeks and she shifted awkwardly, unused to seeing such a sentimental side to her father. The smallest of smiles tipped the corners of his lips and he pressed a kiss to her forehead, just as Maggie had. 'Be safe, Bethy. Please.' He murmured against her skin and her throat tightened at the torment she heard behind those words.

'I will, daddy. I promise.' Beth felt her promise settle deep within her heart and she knew she couldn't cause her daddy any more heartache. She wasn't sure he would be able to cope if he lost her or Maggie. 'I promise I'll come back. I have Daryl looking after me. He won't let anything happen to me.'

Hershel gently forced her away from him and held her shoulders at arms length. There was an odd glimmer in his crinkled eyes as he admitted with unequivocal certainty, 'He is a good man.' Beth stared up at her daddy in wonder. To know her daddy saw Daryl in the same light as herself erased any doubt she may have had about him. Daryl truly was a good man. And Hershel may not realise it, but he had just given Beth his blessing.

Beth beamed up at him. 'He is. He's a very good man.'

Before too long, the group parted ways. Rick's group departed for the nearest town where they would find shelter for the night and left T-Dog, Glenn, Beth and Daryl to gather their needed supplies from the super-sized mall. The area was deserted and silent and Daryl assured them that there were no recent walker tracks around the building. As they neared the glass structure, Beth noticed the once automatic sliding doors used for the main entrance had already been smashed. Beth knew that could possibly indicated others had already looted the mall before them. Beth only hoped there were enough supplies left for her group.

Daryl held his hand up and they instantly stopped. Beth watched him with a raising anxiousness she tried to smother as Daryl stepped over the remaining fragments left of the doors, his crossbow raised and ready, and shards of glass crunched nosily under his heavy boots. After a quick scout of the enormous area, Daryl motioned them to come forward, then disappeared from view.

T-Dog was the first to follow, then Glenn stepped up next to her. 'You go on, Beth. I've got your back.' Glenn reassured her and Beth was grateful to have him with her.

Once Beth had climbed through, she scrutinized the wide area with keen eyes, just as Daryl had taught her. The wide expense was made up of small, diverse stores, with a couple of dust-coated candy carts scattered around the main strip. A motionless escalator provided the only route to the upper floor where an extensive supermarket was situated.

Daryl appeared beside them and gestured to the stores before them. 'The place is clear. We can spread out ta save sum time. Get whatever you think the group needs. When y'all are done, we'll meet back here and check out the supermarket tagether.'

'Sounds like a plan.' T-Dog approved, then started off in a random direction.

Glenn motioned to Beth to follow him but Daryl placed a hand on her shoulder and nodded at Glenn. 'Beth can come wit' me.' Glenn nodded and with a last, reassuring smile at Beth, Glenn took off after T-Dog.

Daryl's hand slipped away from her shoulder, yet Beth felt his touch long after he withdrew, as though his palm had branded her skin as his own. 'Lori said sumthin' 'bout gettin' baby clothes.' He said, then pointed to the nearest children's store. 'Go an' have a look in there. I'mma be in the weapons store opposite. I'll be able ta keep an eye on ya tha' way.'

Beth nodded and wandered over to the store. On the way, she passed one of the candy carts and couldn't stop herself from taking a quick look. She couldn't remember the last time she had a piece of candy. Too long, she decided. There was a rainbow of brands to choose from and she didn't even try to resist as her hand reached for a Kit Kat bar. She tore eagerly at the wrapper, brought a chocolate finger to her mouth and bit down. A burst of sweetness danced on her tongue and she almost squirmed on the spot from the sheer pleasure. She grabbed a handful of bars and shoved them in her rucksack.

'Though' I said we was only gettin' stuff we actually need.' Daryl's voice startled her and she blushed, bashful.

She grinned up at him and playfully countered, 'Snacks are a necessity.'

Daryl smirked down at her, then his hand snapped out and stole the remaining chocolate finger. He disregarded her irked, 'Hey!' and sauntered off towards the weapons store. Beth reluctantly smiled, she enjoyed his rare mischievous side. She threw a couple more bars into her rucksack for the others and headed for the children's store. The shelves were full and Beth was easily able to collect a small number of newborn clothes and bottles and blankets and she even managed to find a pacifier. She placed them all in her bag and did another once-over of the store to make sure she hadn't forgotten anything vital for the baby that was due any day soon.

Beth picked up the sound of a sharp whistle and she glanced over to the weapons store to find Daryl vying for her attention. He held his hands up and Beth saw an unfamiliar crossbow in his hands. She tilted her head in question and he lifted an eyebrow at her in an are-you-stupid expression. Beth gasped when it finally registered what it was he was suggesting. 'For me?' She called over to him, her excitement barely contained. Daryl only smirked at her and motioned with his head for her to come and take a look at the weapon for herself.

Beth hefted her weighty rucksack onto her shoulder and made her way out of the store. Beth practically skipped towards him and almost missed the sudden movement in the corner of her eye. Beth craned her head in the direction, not expecting to find anything of importance, and froze in her tracks at the horrifying sight before her. An endless herd of walkers surrounded the mall and were pressed up against the cracking glass walls. Further, many of the undead beings had found the smashed entrance and were making their way inside. 'Daryl!' Beth shrieked and her hand went straight for her knife.

Daryl was by her side in a second. He took in the sight with a single glance and cursed. 'We need ta find Glenn and T-Dog.' He exclaimed and seized her hand. 'C'mon!' He ordered and dragged her away from the walkers that closed in on them.

They heard a loud shatter from somewhere behind them and Beth turned to find the glass had caved to the weight of the walkers and splintered. Walkers upon walkers begun to pile in through the new gap. Her heart stopped at the sight and she gripped at Daryl's hand for strength. They rounded a corner and T-Dog and Glenn were there, running towards them. 'Man, have you seen the size of the herd?' T-Dog bellowed. 'I ain't seen one this big since the farm.'

'Where did they even come from?' Glenn asked, but no one had an answer.

Together, they sprinted through the mall until the glass wall beside them smashed and millions of shards rained down on them. Beth felt a sting on her cheek but she didn't have time to examine it because a huge wave of walkers crashed down around them and all Beth could do was stab at any that got too close. She ripped her knife from the temple of one walker and searched for her group, only to find them a far distance away. Fear spiralled in the pit of her stomach and she shouted for Daryl. She slashed at another walker and saw Daryl searching wildly for her and tried to make herself visible to him, but then another wall of walkers blocked her path and she had to retreat.

Beth twisted on the spot and ran in the opposite direction. Walkers surrounded the main entryway, but Beth was able to find a small break in the glass that she was sure she would be able to escape through. She fought her way over to her escape route, adrenaline making her a force to be reckoned with, and she ducked through the gap. The tiny glimmer of hope she felt spluttered and gave out as a resisting force jerked her body to a stop and caused her knife to fling out of her hand. She twisted and found her shirt snagged on a jagged piece of glass.

Beth whimpered and her trembling hands tugged at her shirt, then a walker was right in her face and Beth screamed. Panic-stricken, she wrenched at her shirt but then the walker hand its filthy hands on her and she knew this was it; she was going to die. Beth held her breath, petrified and unready, when a thick blade rammed itself through the walkers skull and halted inches from her temple.

Daryl? The rotten body fell away, but it wasn't Daryl that greeted her. She stared, paralysed, into unfamiliar squinting eyes. A big, grizzly man towered over her. 'Don't jus' stand there n' let ma generosity go ta waste, girl. Get movin'!' The man didn't talk, he growled. His command quickly snapped her to attention, if for no other reason than to not test his patience.

Beth pulled at the material of her shirt, but the man snarled and sliced his blade clean through the fabric. Beth almost tumbled over from the sudden separation. But the large man was there, again, and caught her shoulder and rightened her. 'That's it, darlin'.' She wondered if the man was making an attempt to calm her, then she realised he had succeeded. He turned her and shoved her forward. 'Follow me.' He ordered and started off without waiting for a response.

And Beth did follow him. She didn't really have another option, and the man had saved her life. She picked up her knife and watched his bulky muscles flex and tense as he took down the closest walkers with an ease that could rival Daryl. She helped to fight off the walkers whenever she could as they slowly advanced over to a beaten down pickup truck. It was then, with a hit of reality, that Beth remembered she had no idea who this man was, if he was friend or foe. She skidded to a stop and the man noticed. 'The fuck you doin'? Get your ass over ta the truck.'

Beth shook her head. 'I have to find my group.'

She could see him grit his teeth and she would wager he had a terrible temper. 'Look around ya, girlie. Even if yer group was still alive, you won' never find them with this herd lurkin' 'round.' Beth knew he was right and she felt a surge of misplaced hate for his honesty.

'I can't jus' leave them.'

'Jesus Christ, girl, you ain't gonna find 'em.' He barked and climbed into the truck. 'Way I see it, ya have two choices: ya can come wit' me and stay somewhere safe fer the night and come back tamorrow if th'herd's gone and find them then, or ya can stay here an' get ripped apart by them walkers creepin' up behind ya.'

Beth glanced behind her and knew he was right. The only way for her to survive would be to trust and go with this man, this stranger. She wouldn't say another word about her group to him, Rick had made it clear the safety of the group was what mattered most and she completely agreed with him. She would come back tomorrow and find them. Even if she didn't find them at the mall, she knew where they were headed. She would go back to the gas station, pick up another map and make her way to the prison. And what really turned her plan in her favour was that she knew Daryl would look for her. He wouldn't stop until he found her.

Beth, with a heavy weight on her shoulders, jogged up to the truck and climbed inside.

'Where is she? Can anyone see her?'

Glenn's words buzzed in Daryl's ears to the point where he couldn't make any sense of the sentence. The world around him was slow and numb and dull to his unblinking eyes. T-Dog was out in front of him, he knew that. Glenn was already at their vehicle, he assumed, though he wasn't too sure. He was near, though. And Beth...

Beth was gone.

A forceful shove and a snarled, 'Daryl!' had him blink back into focus. T-Dog stood before him, his muscles rippling and his expression like thunder. 'Wake up, man! You're gonna get yourself bit. We ain't ever gonna find Beth if you turn.'

T-Dog was right and Daryl's nostrils flared with the utter anger he felt at himself. He nodded at the larger man to show he was back in his right mind and T-Dog, with one last sceptical glare, started for their vehicle. Daryl went to follow, but the faint sound of a running engine had him turning towards the source. In the distance, he spotted a rusty, cobalt blue pickup truck driving away from the mall and his heart sunk in his chest. Beth was in that truck. He felt it; he felt it in his bones, in every pore and deep within his heart. He felt it with every single fibre of his being.

'Beth!' Daryl cried, a wild panic piercing his thundering heart, and he sprinted over to their car.

Glenn was in the drivers seat and Daryl ripped the door open and barked at the startled Korean, 'Start the Goddamn car!'

The younger man recoiled from the venom in his voice. 'It's not starting. That's why I asked you and T-Dog to keep the walkers at bay.'

Daryl couldn't remember any command given but it didn't matter anyway. All that mattered was Beth. Without any thought to Glenn's safety, Daryl gripped him by his scruff and hauled him out of the vehicle. 'Go help T-Dog keep the walkers away.' He ordered with finality. Then he threw himself in front of the wheel and his fingers fumbled with the keys in his urgency. 'C'mon motherfucker.' Daryl roared in frustration as the engine yet again refused to start and he knew he should have brought his Triumph with him. He glanced up and his breath hitched when he saw the truck join onto the main road and drive away.

Daryl couldn't let them take Beth. Nonono not Beth. He hurled himself out of the car and took off after the truck as fast as his legs allowed. 'Beth!' He shouted with a frantic and furious need for her to be in his arms. She would be safe there. The pickup truck effortlessly surpassed his speed and he could only watch, helpless and crippled with self-blame, as the rear bumper quickly diminished with every inch that was placed between them, until the truck disappeared completely from sight. But Daryl pushed on, his determination to protect Beth unwilling to permit him to give up.

His lungs burned like never before and his legs weakened with every powerful step and he just needed Beth. Daryl was determined to push on, and would have, but then two arms wrapped around him and trapped him against a hard chest. He fought against steel-like arms and he thought he heard his name being called.

Then two hands clutched at his hair and a bellowed, 'Daryl stop!' had him freeze against the sturdy hold. Glenn was there, right in front of him, and T-Dog was growling in his ear.

Daryl gulped for breath and Glenn gradually released his hold on his hair. Daryl ripped himself from T-Dog's hold and he couldn't believe it, he couldn't believe he let Beth get away. Every instinct in his body screamed at him to continue after her, to never give up because fuck knows what would happen to her otherwise, but he didn't. He knew he needed to clear his head first. His chest heaved and his hands hovered out in front of him, as though he believed he could just reach out and stop the truck in its path.

'Beth, she's... she's in that... Beth...' He stammered and his mind spun, emotions erratic and suffocating as he tried to come to terms with the fact that she was gone. Just gone.

Something deep within Daryl's chest snuffed out like the flame of a candle bowing to a strong gust of wind. He was hollow.

Daryl staggered back and into Glenn.

'They... They took her—they took her from me.'

Beth's long nails dug deeply into her rucksack as she held the tattered, weighty bag against her chest and between her thighs and she wondered why it was that she always managed to attract danger. Beth pulled her lips over her teeth and bit down on them as she tried to come to terms with the turn of events. The beating of her heart was loud and fast in her ears but she didn't mind at all since she found it much more preferable to listening to the stranger beside her prattle on and on about how his group would keep her safe.

Beth breathed heavily through her nose in a weak attempt to try and keep her tears at bay and she wondered if Daryl believed she was dead. She visualized his pain, how he and Glenn and T-Dog would break the news to the group, then she thought of Maggie and her daddy and suddenly she found it hard to breathe.

Beth clutched the bag tighter to her chest and pressed her face into the rucksack and tried to remember the way she woke up that morning. She pretended the rough fabric of the rucksack was Daryl's scruffy locks, but the picture just made her pine after him all the more. Her broken heart was racing and she shifted in her seat to try and open her chest out more. Then she thought of her daddy, her poor, poor daddy. She had broken her promise to him. Beth panted harshly; she truly believed her daddy couldn't cope with another loss, and he didn't deserve to, either. Beth had to find her family tomorrow, for her daddy's sake.

'Hey. Hey, doll. What's th'matter wit' ya?'

Beth lifted her head and scraped at her neck. Her chest and the tips of her fingers had turned numb. 'I can't breathe!' She sobbed and heaved and the tears poured down her cheeks and dripped onto her frayed rucksack.

His rugged face creased in surprise and disgust and he growled deep in his throat. 'Fuck sake,' he muttered and pulled over to the side of the road.

Beth clawed at her clothing as her chest tightened and she didn't notice that the man had disappeared until her door was thrown open and the man's scowling face greeted her through her wet gaze. Without any warning, he wrapped an arm around her waist and lifted her from the pickup truck and settled her onto the muddy ground. Her legs trembled and she clutched at him with utter desperation. 'I can't breathe.' She repeated hysterically because she was becoming light-headed.

'Turn 'round.' He instructed and she wasn't quite sure how she managed to do so on her rubber legs, but she did.

Her tears were warm and fat and her heart broke whenever she thought of her daddy or Maggie or Daryl. Her breathing was fast and shallow now and her chest ached. Then she felt a hard chest press against her back and a powerful arm wrap around her waist and she was thrown back to her very first training session with Daryl. 'Yer havin' a panic-attack, sugar. Ya need ta listen good ta me, ya hear?' Beth pressed her eyes closed and nodded her head and she hoped he was right. 'Breath wit' me, darlin'. In...' He breathed in and his wide chest pressed hard into her back. She inhaled with him. '... and out.' His breath blew cold over her ear and she envisioned Daryl in his place as she breathed out with him.

With her eyes closed, Beth could almost conjure up Daryl's soothing scent and imagined his strong arms around her and the weight of his head on top of her own. Her heart slowly begun to calm. 'That's it.' The tall man encouraged, and if she didn't know better she would have sworn he sounded uncomfortable. Beth melted against his wide chest as the feeling began to return to her chest and the tips of her fingers. His head dipped down to hover beside her ear. 'Been a long time since I've held such a pretty lil' thang in ma arms.' The man flirted and Beth's head fell forward. Then she froze.

The arm pressed against her stomach was completely disfigured. His hand and a fair bit of his wrist was missing and in its place was a long, sharp blade and she wondered, dazed, how she hadn't noticed before.

Beth turned her head to face him, her eyes wide and frightened.

His grin was feral. 'Nifty lil' thang, ain'it? And ta think, ol' Merle has a righteous asshole and a nigger ta thank for it.'

There was a stunned pause. 'Merle?'

'That's me, doll. Merle Dixon.'