Hermione felt the back of her neck tingling. It was almost midnight and she was patrolling the deserted hallway of the seventh floor. Even after eight years at Hogwarts and reading Hogwarts a History over a hundred times she felt that the ancient Scottish castle had its own mind; it was constantly changing and moving, strange little nooks and crannies sprang up in unexpected places but this strange feeling welling in her belly had nothing to do with the cool slightly humid summer wind blowing through the windows.

Hermione Granger had returned to Hogwarts to finish her last year of schooling, things with her and Ron hadn't quite worked out as they had imagined them to, Hermione was ambitious, driven and focused while Ron was content with his life as it was, he was in no hurry to achieve more, he was happy with his status as a war hero but Hermione's agile mind demanded she move to the next challenge in her path, from overachieving teenager and child to successful adult and she knew it was going to be hard. Hard to carve out a life for herself away from Harry's shadow, away from the shadow of the war, to grow and transition. But she would work hard, just like she always had.

Harry was struggling to do just that… move on, the things they saw and experienced were hard to put behind them, for a period Harry had struggled with a substance abuse problem before he was told that if he was to become an Auror he had to get his act together, Hermione had coped by pushing herself to her academic limits and Ron simply leaned on his family but what they had gone through together, all those months travelling from one dank, damp place to another to look for Voldemort's Horcruxes had made the three of them a sort of dysfunctional family of their own. So though she and Ron were no longer together they were still just as close if not closer as they had been before they had begun dating.

All three still struggled with various forms of stress, all of them had endless nightmares and what the muggle psychologists referred to as PTSD or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, like Harry's substance abuse Hermione too suffered from alcoholism that she was trying to battle. Surprisingly during this whole ordeal because Ron had his family he was never pulled into the abyss of darkness that sometimes threatened to pull either Harry or Hermione under. Hermione's problems had begun when she went to Australia to restore her parent's memories, safe to say that that conversation had not gone well and they had chosen to stay back in Australia, her mother was only now beginning to respond to her letters and phone calls after a year and her father still refused to talk to her.

Hermione had always shared a special bond with Harry even before they traveled together, they had always been closer than Ron and she ever were and now they struggled together because somehow it was like no one else understood them like they understood each other. They were more than just brother and sister, it was like a million tiny invisible strings connected the both of them and she had been devastated when he chose not to return to Hogwarts with her and right now, she was missing him terribly, there was a horrible sinking feeling in her stomach and she just wanted to see her best friend's face or hear him laugh, being alone was a horrid-horrid thing.

Hermione's footsteps echoed in the dark hallway, bouncing of the stone walls… all she wanted to do was get to her room and sleep. Being Head Girl had its perks; she had her own personal quarters that she only shared with the Head Boy, Draco Malfoy.

Obviously when she heard the news she had been reluctant but it had been one month since she had returned to Hogwarts and she had barely seen him outside of Prefect meetings and official business. He kept well out of her way and she out of his.

He was an enigma though, granted a full pardon in very public and messy trial, news of him working as a spy for the Order came out and the very next day the Prophet's front page was splashed with the headline.

Bad Boy Gone Good

Lucius and Narcissa unfortunately were not that lucky even though Narcissa had saved Harry's life the Ministry was cracking down swiftly on all living Death Eaters and those that hadn't escaped were locked up in Azkaban. Narcissa's sentence was light compared to Lucius's, who was sentenced to death. For now the Malfoy Manor and all the assets of Malfoy Financial, Malfoy Apothecaries and Potions, the Malfoy stakes in each major company including the Firebolt, Nimbus, and media companies like the Witch Weekly, Goblin Financial and the Prophet were held by the eighteen year old Draco Malfoy. He ran a multi-billion galleon collection of businesses while he was still in school. All Hermione knew was that because of his father and mother's sentences he had to drop out of Auror training and return to Hogwarts to do his NEWT's but according to the financial section of the Prophet Draco taking over his father's companies and the various stocks and shares was for the best, the companies were thriving, diversifying and expanding with the help of a few intelligent men and women in his team. Officially of-course Draco could not take over the companies without earning his NEWT's and a muggle degree in finance, a muggle degree because most of the new investors and shareholders were CFO's and CEO's of muggle Fortune 500 companies.

So she was essentially living with a celebrity. A celebrity who hadn't said ten words to her in the course of the one month they had been living within a hundred feet of each other, he would merely grunt or say things like 'move Granger,' 'Pass the mustard Granger,' 'Go over the schedule Granger,'. So basically he was the same inconsiderate arsehole who had bullied her for seven years and a messy arsehole at that. Draco Malfoy was a dumper… not in the relationship sense but in the literal 'throw your Quidditch equipment in the Common Room' 'leave your dirty laundry and candy wrappers lying around' sense. The exact, infuriating opposite of Hermione.

But a rather hot opposite if she let herself think about that, he had grown up and grown out… his thin pinched expression of half-starvation had been replaced with merely beautifully sculptured cheekbones and a jaw line any muggle male-model would kill for, his hair had grown out, falling in messy bangs around his wild gunmetal gray eyes, he had grown into his face and into his body, at a little past six feet he towered over Hermione who was a diminutive five feet one inches, he used to look gangly and uncoordinated but over the summer lean muscles and a swaggering grace had taken the place of noodle legs and arms too large for his body. Sleek and tapered, leashed strength like a caged panthers. He was beautiful, infuriating horrid man who aggravating her by his mere existence.

Hermione just shook her head and continued down the hallway to check the empty classroom at the end.

She paused at the door of the classroom and raised her wand, something wasn't right…

And just as she had suspected when she tried to open the door it wouldn't budge.

"Whoever is in there, open the door this very second?! It is almost midnight; you are not allowed to be out of bed at this hour. Open the door immediately or I will be forced to." she said loudly. She waited for a response but when it didn't come Hermione muttered a spell under her breath Draco Malfoy momentarily forgotten and then the door swung open… and then she understood why no one responded to her.

Astoria Greengrass was pushed up against the wall, her arms looked like they were bound with leather, and her uniform skirt was hiked up as she moaned, a familiar head of shaggy blond hair was bent over her amber head as Draco Malfoy, Head Boy and her roommate thrust into the girl. Hermione was so shocked that she shrieked and dropped her wand but that did nothing to stop the fucking couple. A few seconds later when Hermione could finally move, Astoria gave a loud moan and collapsed against Draco and finally lifted her eyes only to spot Hermione rooted in shock and horror at the doorway of the classroom.

Hermione saw Astoria's gaze and turned and fled from there, running fast towards her own rooms.


I never talk about this, I forget I ever saw what I saw, nothing happened, what the fuck was that?! Hermione finally in her room was tucked into her bed trying NOT to think about what she had just witnessed.

It was just sex, normal people have sex… she reassured herself, there was nothing wrong with sex… except that didn't look like normal sex, that looked like kinky sex. What is it with powerful people and fetishes? She wondered to herself.

Hermione wondered what it would have been like to be Astoria, tied up… helpless, it didn't look like it was hurting her, actually just the opposite, her face had been contorted in pleasure, the kind of pleasure that Hermione had yet to experience, she was jealous and curious.

She wanted to see what it was like and so she did something she had never done before, with hesitant, exploratory fingers she tugged her nightgowns lace panels apart and ran a single finger down her center. What would it be like, to have him touch me? His hands were larger than hers; she scraped her fingers lightly over her rosebud nipples, her thumbs caressing the underside of her tender breasts. She had never been touched before, other than a few kisses from Ron. She wet one fingertip and drew around her areola, wondering all the while what it would be like to have it sucked gently into Draco's mouth.

Would he tie her hands and legs together? Moisture gathered slowly, a soft tight feeling in her belly. She felt strange…swollen, rucking the white nighty up to her hips she pulled the boy-shorts she had on down her smooth legs.

She spread her legs slowly, one hand still danced on her right breast but she was curious to know more, the other played hesitantly on her softly rounded belly before finally reaching down to gently part the lips of her pussy… she was wet, her slim fingers explored lightly, touching slowly until she reached the little nubbin at the head of her sex, she played around her clit, rubbing teasing circles around the bundle of sensitive nerves. She turned her face, moaning as silently as she could into the pillow near her. Two fingers playing along the length of her soft wet cunt, rubbing at her clit furiously as images of Draco and her jumped through her mind.

Her thighs were slick and moved restlessly on the bed, the tight knot in her belly wouldn't ease, her other hand's fingers danced from breast to breast, playing with her sensitive nipples, rubbing, pulling trying to unclench the tightness in her womb. Before long she was panting, her hand slicked with her warm, sweet juices and her body arching up out of the bed, her belly quivered and Hermione felt her body tighten mid-arch as the heaviness in her stomach grew almost painfully tight, unconsciously her legs opened wider and tremors of harsh pleasure ran up and down her spine as her pussy leaked her sweet-sweet juices down her legs, her orgasm shook her body violently and as she came down she realized she had just touched herself to images of Draco Malfoy fucking her.


She felt like a voyeur and a slut. Hermione stood in front of the mirror for the tenth time in the morning, it was already 11:30 and she hadn't had the courage to step out of her room, thankfully it was a Saturday and there were no classes but she couldn't hide in her room forever. She didn't look any different but she couldn't shake the feeling that Draco would know what she had been doing if he saw her.

This is ridiculous she told herself sternly, you can't stay in the room all day… you have to get out. So Hermione squared her shoulders, lifted her chin and reassured herself a thousand times that Draco Malfoy was rarely in the room on a Saturday before stepping out.

She almost breathed a sigh of relief before shaking her head and heading to the portrait hole to leave their quarters before a soft, wicked voice said in a taunting tone… "Going somewhere Granger?"
