Nepeta grabbed a pair of grey skinny jeans, a black tank top, and white knit sweater from her dresser. She changed quickly to make up for the extra time she planned on spending on doing her hair. She ran to her bath room and found her cat, asleep, on the shower mat.

She scooped him up in her arms and spun on her toes. "Oh Pounce can you believe it?! I finally have a date with Karkitty! After 12 long years we're finally getting somewhere! I guess it's true what they say-good things come with time. Who's they anyways?"

She raised the massively overweight cat to her eye level. The half-asleep Pounce De Leon slowly blinked, and then yawned.

Nepeta giggled. "You're right. Who cares?!" She gently sat the cat back down on the floor and he walked out of the bathroom, irritated that his nap time had been interrupted.

She brushed her teeth, applied a small amount of makeup, and put on deodorant. She grabbed a bottle of perfume and spun in circles as she sprayed it. She set the bottle down with an added bounce and grabbed her hair brush.

She turned to the mirror.

"Okay hair, I know we made a deal that if I washed you regularly that you could do whatever you wanted-but today I'm going to need you to collaborate!" Nepeta announced, raising her brush high above her haid.

Then she quietly whispered. -And listen, Ice is back with my brand new invention!

She giggled to herself, and then faced the mirror, her face straightening quickly.

She then began brushing her hair, and after ten minutes of futile brushing attempts, she ran into the front dining-room kitchen area in her apartment. She grabbed the unopened hair-straightener from under her kitchen sink.

Thank you Kanaya! She whispered to her ceiling.

She checked the time, and realizing she only had five minutes to get ready, she bit as hard as she could into the plastic, yanked her head back, and sent the straightener flying across the room. It thankfully didn't knock over anything, but she was worried she might've broken it.

She ran over to the straightener and plugged it into the nearest outlet. She was quietly whispering please please please the entire time.

To her relief, it still worked. She decided she didn't have enough time to straighten her hair in the bath room so she opened the front camera on her phone and used that as a mirror.

Just as she was finishing up, there was a knock at her door.

"Eep! Hold on a few seconds! I'm just finishing up getting ready!" Nepeta said.

"Okay!" she heard Feferi's voice call from the other side of the door.

Nepeta finished the last of lock of curly hair and looked over the final product in the camera.

"Oh my...I sure do look different," she mumbled. She then stuck out her lip. "I look really bad."

She exited out of the camera and tossed her phone on the kitchen counter.

Nepeta ran to her door and swung it open.

Feferi stood in the doorway, bouncing on her toes. She was wearing her black bathing suit and a hot pink strapless sundress.

She and Nepeta jumped into a hug and squealed.

"Aren't you excited?!" Feferi asked.

"Yes! But you have to help me, I look like a total disaster!" Nepeta exclaimed, grabbing a fistful of hair.

"You look fine!" Feferi said.

"You're only saying that because you have perfect straight blonde hair. My hair is short. And light brown. And curly. Not straight." Nepeta said, folding her arms.

Feferi folded her arms in return. "Nepeta. You're beautiful. And your hair is fine. If you're so worried about it, try a hat."

Nepeta's face lit up and she tackle-hugged Feferi. "A hat! Duh! Thanks Feferi, you're a true friend!"

"Of course I am! Now get that hat and let's get going! Eridan said he's already there!"


Nepeta ran into her room and dug out a hat she had lying in the back of the closet. She grabbed her purse from her bedside and ran back into the front room. She put on her favorite pair of shoes, blue vans. When she normally wore this outfit she would wear her combat boots, but considering that they made her an inch taller than Karkat, (and yes, she did measure) she decided she'd humor him and let him be taller.

When she finished putting her shoes on she jumped up onto her feet.

"Ready?" Feferi asked.

"Are you kidding? I've been ready fur this day since the furst grade!" Nepeta said, her excitement slipping in a few cat puns.

"Then let's go! This is going to be so much fun!"