Memphis Swanson ran ahead of her mother, knocking excitedly on the front door before shoving it open.


"Baby girl!" Jesse Swanson swung his five year old above his head, grinning as her laughter rang through the hallway. "Ready for a big weekend? Hey Becs, looking lovely as usual".

"Thanks weirdo". Beca Mitchell grinned back, smiling at the way that Memphis crushed her father with a hug (that little girl loved her mama but was a daddy's girl through and through). "She's ready for a big weekend, I hope your prepared".

"Daddy, where's Uncle Benji?" Memphis interrupted, squirming to be put down.

"Hey, there's my girl!" Benjamin Applebaum appeared in the doorway, beaming at his niece and goddaughter. "Hey kiddo! Where's my hug?"

Jesse dropped her to her feet and Memphis took off running, flinging herself at the man in question.

"Uncle Benji!"

"She's been talking about this all week", Beca laughed. "I don't know what you've got planned, but it sounds like something big".

"Hey there sweetheart!" Aubrey Posen appeared from the living room, grinning at Memphis, and Memphis wrapped her arms a little tighter around Benji's neck.

"Hi Bree".

"Hi Beca, always nice to see you", Aubrey said, almost stiffly.

"Aubrey", Beca said coolly.

Aubrey Posen and Jesse had been in a relationship for a little over six months, and Beca didn't like it. But she couldn't outright tell Jesse that she didn't like it, for the fact that they weren't a couple anymore, and hadn't been a couple for four and a half years.

They'd met in college- on their first day of their freshman year. And while Beca was convinced he was just a movie nerd (he was), he went out of his way to make her day, irritate her, and weasel his way into her heart. And while she was hesitant (she knew how love ended, all she had to do was look at her parents), she had let him.

When they were nineteen and in their sophomore year, she found herself pregnant. And on a stormy evening in May, Memphis Jae shrieked her way into the world.

They were young. They were just too young. And while Jesse had thought Beca was the love of her life (hell, Beca had thought that too), the pressure of a baby was too much for their relationship. By the time that Memphis was six months old, Beca and Jesse were a thing of the past, continuing only as friends for the sake of their daughter.

They were friends. But their friends, the ones who had known them before they had a kid, knew that they were so much more. But then Aubrey strolled onto the scene and whatever chance they had of being 'more than friends' was shot right out of the water.

"Have a good weekend, alright baby? I'll see you on Sunday night". Beca knelt down to hug her daughter, whispering in her ear. "be nice to Aubrey, okay?"

"Okay", she grumbled slightly (because Memphis like Aubrey, if possible, even less than Beca did). "I love you Mama".

"I love you too". Beca kissed her nose before digging her fingers into Memphis's ribs and making her squeal. "Be good! Bye Benj, see you on Sunday Jesse. Bye Aubrey".

"Bye Beca". And Aubrey smiled saccharine sweetly, making Beca frown slightly. She opened the front door, letting herself out, waving to Memphis at the front window.

Jesse followed her down the path, walking her to the car. "and while I'm chasing a five year old around all weekend, what will you be doing?"

"Sleeping", she informed him (because she loved her sleep and didn't get a lot of it because for some God unknown reason, Memphis liked to get up at the crack of dawn, an hour that should have been made illegal long ago).

"With?" and his eyes sparkled, Beca smacking his chest playfully.

Despite everything, the two had remained close, and not just for the sake of their daughter. They had a spark that no one could explain- he was protective of her, and she held in jealousy towards the relationship he was in. they were both aware of their chemistry, but remained comfortable enough with each other to ignore it.

"You're funny, Swanson". She opened the car door, barring teeth at him. "Don't let Memphis go to bed too late. I had a meeting last night and Amy let her stay up to wait for me, even though she was beyond tired. Oh, and this week she hasn't touched a tomato and actually gagged when there was one on her plate. Enjoy that. Have fun at the park with Aubrey".

"Becs, wait. I need to tell you something. About Aubrey and me".

"Yes?" she paused, halfway into the car.

"We're… Aubrey and I…"

"Spit it out, weirdo", she said lightly.

"We're engaged".