Here it is, the final chapter. I'll keep this thingy short so you can get right to the chapter. Please enjoy.

Lucas woke to the taste of life noodles. He was rarely angered enough to let his guard down, but Porky was all that he hated. This was the person who turned Claus against him. This was the person that caused all their pain. Everything wrong with this world stemmed from this boy. Unlike during a normal fight, Lucas was unable to hide himself in cold logic. Instead, he let his anger run his body. This ended up getting him hurt.

He had been so happy when he saw that Claus had come back to their side. They could be a family again. Then Porky had to go and taunt them. He called Claus a thing. Lucas was furious. He had let his guard down and as such took a nasty hit from whatever Porky did.

The boy didn't know how long he'd been out. The cold nose on his hand told him that it was Boney that came to heal him with the Life Noodles. He would normally have patted his dog, but Boney moved his nose away suddenly. Something must be coming at them.

Lucas tried to move his body, but he had just woken up and it was still too sore to move. The Life Noodles, while amazing, worked slower than he would have liked. This could very well spell out the end for him. That's when he looked up and realized someone was in between him and Porky. They had no intension of moving either. Lucas didn't even have to look at them properly to know who they were.

"CLAUS!" he managed to yell. He wanted to yell for his brother to move, but those words wouldn't be fast enough. Even this wasn't. As he made the first sound, metal burst out of his brother's back, having gored through him completely. Lucas gave a horrified scream. The heart. That would have gone right through his heart.

Lucas put all of his PSI energy into a PK Life Up. He was ready to use it on his brother when he heard Claus speak.

"Don't worry Lucas, this doesn't hurt at all."

He couldn't see anything. He could only hear the world going on around him. There was a strange beeping noise. It wasn't like anything Claus had ever heard before. It went with a steady rate, a familiar rate. It reminded him of the beat of his mother's heart. That would offer him a little bit of comfort if he could not hear the voices of people around him. They were people that he didn't know. The way that they spoke scared the boy. What were they planning?

At first he couldn't make out words. Everything was all grabbled together. The only clear sound was the imitation of a heartbeat. Claus tried to focus on it when suddenly he felt a terrible pain. Something was wrapped around his heart. Something cold and metallic. He couldn't make a sound to express his pain. He wildly searched with all his working senses for the source of this pain. As a result, he finally began to understand to words.

"…less robot. Didn't you get that? Take this thing out. When I say heartless, I mean completely heartless!" came a voice. Claus did not like this voice. It sounded slightly metallic as well as young. Whoever it was happened to be close to his body.

"But the body can't sustain itself without a heart!" came the voice of someone else. They sounded farther away. "Surely having a real heart won't effect-"

"What I say goes and I say the heart goes!" the metallic child yelled. Claus felt even more fear as the hand around his heart got tighter and tighter until the pain was unimaginable. His mind, no longer able to bare the stress of this, turned off, allowing the boy sleep at last.

"CLAUS!" someone yelled. Claus wasn't sure if it was Lucas or any of the others. It was more likely Lucas than anyone else. His brother must be horrified when he saw this. Poor Lucas was right behind him, less than a foot back. If there were any blood in this part of Claus' body, his brother would have no doubt been splattered in it.

Claus felt bad for his brother. Nobody except for the doctors that worked on Claus and the boy himself knew the specifics of the changes they had made to his body. To Lucas, it must look like he was stabbed right through the heart. If only had had one of those. That area was nothing more than empty space. The doctors, fearing Porky's wrath, had purposely kept that area blank while moving his heart-lung machine down to his stomach area.

Claus could felt an extremely powerful buildup of PSI behind him. That was more than his brother had to spare at the moment. Though it was painful to speak at this time, he had to reassure his younger brother before the blond did something stupid.

"Don't worry Lucas, this doesn't hurt at all." That was a lie. This hurt like hell. Regardless if the area was empty or not, the attack had cut through bone and skin. Though there was no blood, he felt like his body was on fire. How he kept his voice level despite this pain, he would never know. "This idiot couldn't hurt me if he tried."

"I-idiot?! Says a pile of junk!" Porky tried to pull his leg out of Claus, but the boy placed his one human arm on it, holding it in place. He was sure the old man now regretted giving him super strength. The former Commander quickly turned his cannon arm back to a normal arm by hitting the button on it with his side. He placed that hand on the leg as well.

"If I'm junk, they you're gonna get your oversized ass kicked by junk!" Claus yelled as he began to pull on the leg.

This did not go over as he planned. He thought the leg would come off if he applied enough force. That was not the case. Instead, the whole mech started to lift. Well, he couldn't stop now that he had started. The boy continued to apply force, using all the false strength his machine parts gave him. The mech went up and up. Claus started to bend backwards as he lifted it. After a certain point, the mech simply went over his back.

With how close they were to the edge they both started to go over. Claus took a step back and tripped over his brother. He lost his grip on the machine. It tore out of his chest, causing him a huge amount of pain, and went over the edge of the cliff. It was only because of Lucas that Claus hadn't gone over as well. If he hadn't tripped by pure luck, he probably would have fallen and died.

"Claus! Are you alright? Oh no, you're bleeding!" It was like Lucas didn't take air breaks between speaking. He crawled over to his injured brother. In the process of tearing out of him, the leg of Porky's machine had ripped open part of Claus' stomach. This gave his brother a full view of the machines there. He was surprised he could even bleed still. He thought he was too much machine for that.

"I-I'm gonna need some healing now, but I'll be fine," Claus managed to get out through the pain. He hardly needed to say this as his brother was already working on a PK Life Up. The wound closed up quickly after that.

The burning pain remained though. All the machine parts throughout Claus's body were sparking, having gone into overdrive. The red haired boy suddenly cough up a puff of black smoke, causing his brother to look at him with surprise.

"Are you sure? You're sparking." Claus hadn't realized he was sparking on the outside too.

"I'm a little broken, but I'll heal. It'll just take time. Lucky for us, the pig's out of the way now. And I did it pretty much by myself." He gave his brother a quick wink.

Lucas looked to the red head with a rather surprised expression on his face. "You planned this?"

This got a good laugh out of Claus. His brother still thought he was capable of plans. The more Claus thought of his plans, the more he realised they all amounted to rolling with the punches and trying to recover.

"Sorry, Luc, I was just winging it. It's good though he never looked at my blueprints or I'd be completely screwed." The boy gave another puff of smoke when he finished talking. This didn't stop Lucas from punching him in the shoulder.

"Idiot! You could have gotten killed! Then what am I supposed to do?" Lucas sounded rather angry at first, but that feeling faded quickly. "You're not allowed to die, okay Claus?"

"I'm not gonna." Claus tried to get to his feet. Nothing happened. He tried again with the same result. He could move a little, but something as big as standing up, he couldn't manage. It seemed that the damage that frying his circuitry did was more severe than he had thought.

"Claus, are you alright?" Lucas tipped his head to the side curiously. "You're rocking back and forth. Is something wrong?"

"I can't move."

As calm as Claus tried to be about that, it didn't stop the group from being surprised at his answer. Boney, who was to the boy's right, gave a little whine.

"(You should have been more careful with your body. It's not like healing PSI works on machines.)" It was weird getting scolding by a dog that should rightfully know nothing of machines. Then again, Boney had always been surprisingly smart.

"We can ask Doctor Andonuts to fix you later," Lucas said. He reached under Claus to pick the boy up. Due to his injuries, Claus could tell his brother was struggling a little bit with this. The Life Noodles had helped a lot, but even they could not fix everything.

Duster placed a hand on Lucas' shoulder. "I'll carry him. You've gotta save your strength for the needle."

Having never pulled a needle himself, Duster probably assumed it took a ton of strength to pull a needle. It was more mental strength than anything. That was something that Claus learned early on. The boy was picked up by the limping man. Lucas didn't protest. Right now, being in Duster's arms was the safest thing.

As much as Claus just wanted to rest, he had an uneasy feeling. He knew how indestructible his former master and his mech were. He was worried they might pop up again. Once they cleared the area, Claus felt a little better. Porky still hadn't shown up. His machine was probably in too much disrepair for that.

The trip to the needle from there on out wasn't very long. They had already made it most of the way there. Claus knew the way and offered guidance whenever any of them hesitated or thought they had gone the wrong way. He insisted it was a short trip, but it was actually much longer when one isn't running is absolute fear.

At last, they had reached the needle. Though everyone looked to Lucas expectantly, he looked to Claus. Claus knew pulling a needle could be both painful and exhausting. If he could, he'd do it for his brother, but he couldn't stand, let alone pull a needle. They both knew this. Lucas was the hero, not Claus. He would be the one to save the world. This was something that had become more obvious during the time they spent together.

"Go on," Claus encouraged. He would gesture to the needle, but even lifting his arms was a bit too much effort for his disused human muscles.

Lucas approached the needle, freezing suddenly as he heard a loud sound. Claus frowned. Now that the worst time for that man to show up. There was no element of surprise when you're climbing up a cliff face by stabbing into it. They could hear him long before he arrived. Normally Claus would have gotten ready to attack, but he was useless as he was.

"Sorry, Claus. I'm going to need my hands as well…" Duster muttered. He placed Claus on the ground. The red haired boy flopped onto his side as the four able bodied fighters got ready for Porky's arrival.

It took a few minutes for the pig king to make his way up to them. There would have been enough time to pull the needle, but with the loud noises, Lucas would not have been able to. Pulling a needle took absolute concentration. If that concentration was broken, even for a moment, the needle would take your whole heart.

"Thought you saw the last of me, huh?" Porky called as his mech finished scaling the cliff. It was in considerable worse condition than it had been when Claus last saw it. One of the legs was missing. It also had dents all over it.

"In that condition, you barely got up here," Kumatora taunted. "Can't you tell when a fight is over? Claus is back with us, you're falling apart. You're as good as done."

"If you really think that's all there is, you're sorely mistaken. There's more than one way to skin a cat. I could have done it the quick and painless way, but now I think I'll go for the painful and slow way. It's more fun to watch the world fall apart slowly, though a bit boring after a while." Porky's robot moved faster than expected. It stood by the needle, trying to prevent the group from getting to it.

"There… Can't be any other way to destroy the world, can there?" Duster looked around as if that could give him an answer.

"I have more power then you could ever imagine. If I can't get the dragon to do it, I'll just blow this whole world up. It won't take long to whip up what I need for that. Right now, I need to get you out of the way. Go disappear or turn into the garbage you are." With that, the fight had begun.

Claus was useless, all he could do was watch. It was like the bottom of his stomach fell out. Lucas was right in front of him, people Lucas cared about were there too, but he could do nothing to protect them. Despite that, he had a bit of confidence. Lucas had become so strong since they had gotten separated. His brother would surely be able to bring down the pig king.

Porky sprayed something in all directions. At the last minute, Lucas threw up a shield that protected the group from the brunt of the attack. With Porky needing to recharge for a half a second between attacks, the group struck.

Boney was the fastest, so his attack connected first. He jumped over on leg and slammed into the side of the mech. This unsteadied it, causing some of the already damaged legs to bend badly. As soon as Boney had done that, Duster was there with a swift kick. The mech tipped towards the cliff again, but it didn't go over. The man looked like he wanted to kick again, but there wasn't time. The man and dog jumped back just in time to dodge a PK Lightning Beta from Kumatora.

Porky's machine creaked, as if it was about to go down. This didn't lower the group's guard, which was lucky. The machine quickly lashed out at Boney. It would have been fatal if he was not prepared. The leg cut down the dog's right forepaw. He gave a loud whine. Duster was there in an instant to grab the dog and pull it out of the range of danger. Lucas moved next, casting a quick PK Lifeup on the dog before it lost too much blood.

Rather than use another PSI attack, Kumatora raced forward and punched the machine. It creaked forward a little. She did considerably less damage than Boney or Duster, but that didn't mean her strength wasn't impressive. She was still too close to the device at that time to realize that Porky was about to attack.

She was thrown back without any understanding of what even hit her. Lucas ran and caught her before she was sent over the edge. The blond boy skidded back a little bit, but was relatively uninjured. The princess gave him an appreciative pat on the head before readying herself for the next round.

Boney and Duster raced forward once again. As non-PSI user, they were limited to certain attack patterns. At least that was what Claus thought. Boney leapt onto the mech, right where Porky was. He gave the man a harsh bite before jumping away. That gave Duster the chance to throw wall staples at the old man. Unfortunately, Porky's machine was faster than that and simple knocked the staples away from him.

"He's quick for a fatty…" Kumatora grumbled. She was louder as she though, because an angry shout from Porky came in rebuttal of her statement. Claus wondered why she had bothered to be so loud.

"I am not fat! This is all muscle!" he yelled to her. The old child spit something at the girl, but she simply rolled out of the way to dodge.

"Sorry, but last time I checked, muscle doesn't jiggle like that!" the pink haired girl yelled as she came out of her roll. At this point, Claus realized she was taunting the pig king to draw his attention. Lucas looked to be charging up his PSI for the next strike.

"I'll make you sorry for saying that!" the pig king shouted. He attempted to attack her twice more in rapid succession. The first attack missed, but the second was too fast for her.

"Kuma!" Duster yelled as he ran over. Unlike Lucas, he had no PSI and knew nothing of the plan. He must have assumed she was really hurt. Still, the girl brushed him off.

"I'm made of tougher stuff than that. That lard cake couldn't put a scratch on me!" she continued to taunt, wiping the blood from her face. The last attack had thrown her to the ground, reopening an old head wound.

Porky gave another angry cry and lashed out as the two. Both Kumatora and Duster were fast enough to jump out of the way of this attack. The pig king, so focussed on the person taunting him, didn't notice the dog running at him. Boney attacked the side of the mech with more legs, forcing the machine up. It was unable to rely on the side with fewer legs and ended up tipping over. This revealed a large crack in the bottom of the machine.

"PK LOVE OMEGA!" Lucas yelled out. The attack shot directly at the crack at the bottom of the device. Having taken so much damage, the whole thing began to spark. Most of the legs burst off, leaving only Porky's bed area.

The pig king tried to fiddle with the controls, but the machine was completely wrecked. He was silent for a second before finally speaking.

"I'll never die. I'll never die, nor will I ever be beaten." He spoke with the pettiness of child who refused to lose as a game. "…But, it appears my machine is out of power for the moment. You haven't won, so you know. I'm just going to duck inside this 'Absolutely Safe Capsule' for the time being. When I'm inside, attack will have no effect on me whatsoever."

A metal ball, about the size of a human fell from the roof and bounced beside the old man. It had the symbol of the Pig Mask Army. Claus knew right away this was the capsule Porky spoke of, but he doubted it was as safe as the pig king believed it to be.

"I'm sure you're thinking to yourself 'there's no such thing as absolutely', but there is such a thing… And this is it!" Claus would have jumped if he could. He was rather surprised that Porky was actually able to guess what someone was thinking accurately. With the pig king's twisted point of view, he was wrong on such guesses most of the time. "The Absolutely Safe Capsule I tricked Andonuts and the Mr. Saturns into making for me! Me! ME! All for me!"

The old man began to laugh, but his coughs cut it off. The capsule floated up into the air and then hovered over Porky, pulling the man inside. As he entered, he gave one last statement. "It's not like the dragon's really going to help you. I bank on it destroying this world more than helping it."

With that, Porky was sealed away. No matter how hard the group hit the capsule, all they could do was roll it. It rolled back and back until it reached the edge of the cliff and rolled off.

"As bad as Old Porky was, I still feel a bit bad for him. This capsule is absolutely safe…" The group turned to see Dr. Andonut approaching. Claus would have asked how the man made it all the way here without being attacked by any of the creatures down here, but he remembered the fact the man was actually quite gifted with a gun. "Once you're in, you can never come out. So the world is absolutely safe from Porky as he is safe from it. I did tell him he shouldn't use it. I wonder, am I wrong to feel this way about it?"





"Hell yes."

The only compassionate answer he got was from Duster. Kumatora's harsh nature wouldn't allow her pity for someone so cruel. As for the twins and their dog, they'd gone through enough at that man's hands that they couldn't forgive him no matter how terrible the fate he put himself through was.

"I guess in the end he got what he wanted though, eternally safe, but never able to change that." The white haired doctor sighed. "Well, I see that the capsule has already been used, so there is no need for me to stick around. Good luck to all of you in saving the world."

Like that, the strange doctor wondered off. Claus was a little confused as to why he didn't bother to question anything, but that was okay. He could talk to that man later when he got his repairs. Duster returned to Claus's side and picked the red head back up again. It was better than laying on the ground when this amazing thing was about to happen.

"Claus…" Lucas muttered. "I'm going to be the one to pull the needle, okay? I'm sure that you have a good heart now and it would turn out well either way, but…"

Claus shook his head, using all the effort he could. "It wouldn't turn out well if I pulled the needle. I think too much with revenge and in the moment. You're the heroic one, Lucas, not me. You're the one willing to forgive everyone and make this place like new. That's what this world needs, a hero like you, not a guy like me."

Lucas was still for a moment. Once that moment was up, he walked over to Claus and Duster and pulled his older twin into a quick hug.

"Thanks Claus. I really needed that. I promise, I'll do everything I can to fix this world." With that, Lucas let go and headed to the needle.

Once the younger Tazmily twin reached the needle, he took a sharp breath. He allowed the power of PK Love to fill his body, teal green lines showing all over his skin. Finally, the boy reached down and pulled the needle. That was when the world began to fall apart.

It had been several months since Lucas pulled the needle and saved the world. Apparently, there was now more to the world than the Nowhere Islands, but nobody was ready to check yet. The Dragon had warned the blond twin that the past could not be undone, and so nobody who died was returned. However, the land was changed for the better.

Tazmily was back to the way it was supposed to be. There were no longer large building and the technology had disappeared. A lot of people were upset over this, but once things began to settle back into their old ways, people found themselves grateful. They had missed having a connection to everyone in the village. It was back the way it was supposed to be. Everyone took care of each other and everyone always had enough to eat. That also counted for the new people, even those who were former members of the Pig Masks.

The citizens of Tazmily were shockingly forgiving when they realized the majority of these soldiers were torn from their own times and brought here to fight for Porky. They were welcomed into the village, though most were forced to stay in the overcrowded Inn until housing had been built for them.

There was need for more labour than ever before. Most of the soldiers were hesitant, but eventually offered their help in creating these new homes. Claus was the first to offer his help. Sometimes he wondered if the soldiers followed him into that choice because they were still scared of him. Still, it was nice to have the help.

Lighter had taken Claus as an apprentice when it came to carpentry, which was helpful. It meant he outranked most of the people that tried to help, with the exception of Fuel. Fuel would never let him live down the fact that he was the senor apprentice and Claus was the junior. With his training, Claus was able to help the volunteers learn how to build properly, something he considered worth Fuel's teasing. His PSI was also helpful. He couldn't count the number of time he had to heal someone's hand after they drove a nail through it. Fuel would never live down the fact that he once had to get his hands fixed by Claus as well.

The harvest season was equally difficult. The town was having trouble making enough food to support everyone. More fields had to be dug up. Once again, the new folks were pressure into that work. Claus had once again volunteered himself, having taken a short leave from working for Lighter. Lucas had offered to help on this too, though he was there less often because he had to help their father deal with the sheep.

Today was another day of carrying rocks out of the field. It was far too hot for their type of work, but Claus wasn't going to back down. The boy struggled a little with the lifting. While one of his arms was still strong enough, the new arm the Dragon had given to him still needed gather a little more muscle. Having inherited Lucas' heart, the Dragon also inherited his love for his twin. He was glad for the arm, he just wished it wasn't so weak.

"This was easier when I was made of metal," Claus couldn't help but 'comment insightfully'.

"Well then, Mister Complainy Pants, maybe I shouldn't have asked the dragon for new body parts for you." Lucas wasn't all that far away, carrying several rocks of his own. Unlike Claus, he had kept his muscles.

"Sorry, sorry. Thanks for getting my junk back." The boy noticed his brother flush red slightly and groaned. "Not that junk, get your mind out of the gutter, Lucas."

Lucas looked away from his brother, pouting slightly. "Well, you could have worded that better."

"Only someone with a dirty mind goes in that direction." Claus began to carry the rocks he had gathered back to the pile they were forming. "Yeah, but also thanks for getting my junk back."

Lucas nearly tripped, dropping his rocks everywhere. "Damn it Claus!"

"It's not my fault that you're a klutz." Despite his words, the older twin walked back over and helped the blond gather rocks again. "I am glad to have my body back, I really am. It's just hard adjustment."

"I know." Lucas stood back up and went back to carrying his rocks away. "You'll get there eventually."

"Yeah, I know. I mean, I do have a supportive little brother to help me." Claus stood back up and ruffled Lucas' hair. His got his arm swatted away.

"You're only older by a few minutes." This had always been a sore spot for Lucas, but he had more or less accepted it after the separation. Now it was something they could talk playfully about. More than anything, though, Lucas was upset that Claus ruffled his hair. He worked hard to make it look nice.

"Older is older. Sorry bro, you lose." Claus stuck his tongue out at his brother. Lucas turned away from him in mock anger.

"Someone's not getting an omelette tonight…" Lucas muttered.

"Oh come on, that's not fair." Claus gave a small whine.

"All's fair when it comes to omelettes. You were the one that taught me that, after all. …Omelette thief." Lucas stuck his tongue out at Claus. "Now come on, those were the last rocks. We're done for the day. Let's go home."

As Claus followed his younger twin back to the house, he couldn't help but feel that there was no happier end for himself and his brother.

And that's it. That's the end of the story. Now I am start working on my other fic ideas. I hope everyone enjoyed this fic. I did my best to give it a happy ending.

There were a lot of scenes that I intended, but never got to write. Still, I'm mostly happy with the way that this fic turned out. By the way, the last scene was originally supposed to be between Claus and that one Pig Mask that has a crush on him (which is based on the one Pig Mask at Thunder Tower who gives you a gift, thinking you're the Commander, and asks all flustered). I figured it worked out better with Lucas and Claus, because I need more Lucas and Claus fluff.

Also, the hell yeah was Claus. I thought I should clarify.