Thing About Superheroes

I do not own Avengers or Spider-man in any way.

A/N-Welcome to the in-between story for the Steve/Madison series. The next one will be "Bullet in Her Daddy's Gun" and then another set during Avengers: Age of Ultron...when we get there.

Madison walked the streets of Manhattan until she came to coffee shop. She walked in and saw Peter sitting in the back. She ordered a hot chocolate and walked over to him.

"Hey", Peter said, not looking up from his laptop.

"Nice to see you too Peter", she said sarcastically. She took out her own laptop and logged on.

"Sorry. I was emailing my newest pic of Spider-man", he said.

"You mean the one I helped take?" she asked him.

"Of course because you're an amazing girlfriend", Peter said.

Madison's eyes widened.

Peter blushed when he realized what he had said. "Maddie…I'm sorry", Peter said.

"Peter, it's fine. Really. Steve and I…we're over. He left me. Besides, I have you now", she told him.

"I don't want to push you into another relationship. The way you talk about Steve…it seems…intense", Peter said.

"Well I loved him. He was my first everything. So anyway…battle any villains lately?" Madison teased.

"Not really. Shot anyone lately?" Peter asked.

Madison forced a laugh and said, "No. Still waiting for Fury to call me back in. I'm not cut out for civilian life".

"How are your father and Natasha?" Peter asked.

"Both in DC", she said.

Peter gave her a bored look.

"Fine. You're no fun!" she said, "Daddy still hasn't plucked up enough courage to ask her to marry him. I think they already fancy themselves married. They've both raised me".

"Where are you living now?" Peter asked.

"When Daddy's not in town, I either live by myself or in Stark Tower", she told him.

There was a silence.

"Do you ever think about going to DC?" Peter asked her.

"Sometimes, but not for Steve", she said, "Being a S.H.E.I.L.D. agent is what makes me truly happy. The danger, the thrill, knowing that you've saved people. Isn't that why you do it?"

"Not all the time", he said, "I was given this gift for a reason".

"You sound like Bruce", she told him, "You should come over to the tower. I'm sure both Bruce and Tony would love to run tests on you".

"Tests?" Peter asked.

"Oh don't sound so scared", she teased, "Just blood work and stuff like that. Tony can help you improve your web slingers".

Steve walked into his room and collapsed onto his bed, not even bothering to take his uniform off. He let his thoughts wander.

They eventually settled on Madison.

He wondered who she was with, what she was doing.

It had been 6 months since he had last seen her, but Natasha kept him up to date on what she was doing.

Clint still wouldn't talk him.

They were lucky Fury hadn't put them on a mission together.

Steve missed Madison. He wondered if she missed him.

"Where have you been all day?" Tony asked Madison as she entered the living room.

"I was out with Peter", she told him.

"Spidey? You're still seeing him?" Tony asked.

"Not like that", Madison said blushing.

"Still getting over Capsicle?" Tony asked.

Madison glared him and Tony knew he had touched a nerve.

His assumption was proven when he heard Madison slam her door.

At night, Madison didn't know what to do with herself. She went into bathroom and downed some sleeping pills. Maybe she would get through the night without a nightmare or flashback.

Don't forget to review or PM ideas for future chapters! I've already got some ideas, but I need more material.