Chapter 3: Midorikawa x Reader

Song: Sparks Fly

Artist: Taylor Swift


(f/n) - First Name

(l/n) - Last Name

(f/c) - Favroute Colour

(h/c) - Hair Colour

(h/l) - Hair Length

(e/c) - Eye Colour

Honoka: Hehe! Hi people! Sorry I'm late! Like I always am! ^_^' Anyway today we have Midorikawa-Kun with us!

Midorikawa: Yes! This is gonna be awesome!

Honoka: Yep! I'm sure it will! So the reasion I'm late is because I have been super duper busy with different things! And I didn't want to rush this you guys deserve the best!

Midorikawa: Aww you really care about them don't you?

Honoka: Yes Midorikawa-Kun! I really d-

Midorikawa: I care about them more! ^-^

Honoka: No I do!

Midorikawa: No I do!

Honoka: I'd smack you silly right now but If I did...I'm afraid Swaggy-chan may kill me =_='

Midorikawa: Haha I win!

Honoka: You win this time! But only because I care about Swaggy-chans feeling! Now do the Disclaimer!

Midorikawa: Honoka-Chan does not own Inazuma Eleven or any of the Inazuma Eleven Characters all credit goes to Level-5! Nor does she own The song or it's artist!

Honoka: Let's Start! ^-^

The once peaceful and quite morning was ruined by the sound of your panicked yelling.

"I'M LATE!" You yelled as you scrambled out of your bed and rushed to get ready for the day ahead. You were meant to meet your friends by the riverbank at 10:00 AM and it was now 10:30 AM. After getting dressed and brushing your teeth you hurried down the stairs to quickly brush your hair in front of the mirror before running out the door. Your mother then waked into the living room, where you were located, while holding the laundry basket in her hands.

"Morning Honey!" You mother said in a kind voice.

"Hi mum!" You replied in a rushed voice.

"Aren't you meant to meant your friends today?" Your mother asked you while folding the clean laundry.

"Ah yeah! No shit mum! Why do you think I'm rushing!?" You hissed at your own mother while brushing your hair. You didn't get any reply. You now felt extremely guilty, you place the brush on the table and turned around to look at you mother. She was still folding but had a sad expression on her face. You sighed and waked over to her "I'm sorry mum. I didn't mean to snap at you like that. I'm just in a rush that's all. Please forgive me" you said with an apologetic smile as you stopped in front of her.

She looked at you and smile "I know you didn't mean it honey. I get like that to when I'm in a rush."

"So, you forgive me?" You questioned.

Your mother giggled "Of course I do!"

You then gave your mother a quick hug before running to grab your phone and headphones. You stuck the two items in your bag and said "Bye mum! Love you!" To your mother before darting out the door to meet your friends.

While making your way towards the river bank you waked past a local park that you used to play in a lot. You decided to take a quick look into the park to see what was going on. Children were playing, owners were playing with their dogs, families were having picnics it was the basic park atmosphere. You (e/c) orbs then landed on a group of boys who were having a deep conversation by the looks of things. You then focused your gaze on a boy with olive green hair and sharp black eyes. For some weird reason you couldn't take your eyes off of him, it was as if he hypnotised you into looking at him, was he magic? Your daydream was disturbed when someone stood in front of you spoke.

"Excuse me miss, are you alright?"

You then snapped out of your daze and looked to see who spoke to you. You tilted your head backwards a bit to look up, as the person who had spoke was half a head taller than you. Your eyes widened at the sight before you, it was the same boy you were daydreaming about just moments ago. You were lost for words, you just stared at him and you thought "Wow! He's even better looking up close! Those sparkling black eyes, his silky green hair! I just want to run my fingers through it! I...I just want to k- Wait! Did I just think that?! Stop thinking like that (f/n)! Your turning into a pervert!"

"Umm...Miss?" The greenette spoke up again with a concerned look on his face, making you realise you have been stealing at him for about 5 minutes now.

"A-Ah U-Um! H-Hallo! Umm yeah I'm f-fine! W-Why do you a-ask?" You said with a stutter.

"No reason really it's just, you have been staring at me for awhile now and..." He trailed off unsure how to finish the awkward sentence

You felt your cheeks heat up and were pretty sure they turn red as an apple by now. You weren't sure if it was because you were embarrassed at the fact that he had caught you staring at him for so long or because you found him so damn cute! Either way you had to say something and fast before he thinks your a complete idiot!

"No I was see..." "Oh come on! Think (f/n)! Think!" You thought before continuing. "You, you look like someone I know that's all! Haha!" You said awkwardly. "Your so bad at lying (f/n)!" You mentally scolded yourself.

He then lost his concerned look and smile at you "Well as long as your alright!"

You were about to thank him for being so concerned about you, when your phoned buzzed, which meant you got a text. "Huh?" You pulled out your phone from your bag and checked your text.


Reading the text your cheeks turned from red to white in an instant. You had been so caught up with this cute guy of yours you completely forgot about your friends that you were meant to meet. So you quickly texted back.

To Ryuko from (f/n)- Gomen Ryuko-San! I'll be right there!

You looked up to, as you like to call him, your 'Cute Guy' and smiled an apologetic smile "Gomen! I have to go now but it was nice talking to you! I'll see you around! Ja Ne!" With that you ran away from him and started heading towards the river bank.

As you walked you started thinking about what had just happened. 'That boy I met just now was so nice and so sweet! I really hope that I'll met Ummm. Oh crap I don't even know his name! I have fell for a guy who's name I don't even know yet! Wait what am I saying "yet" for! I don't know if I'll even see him again! Ooh what should I do? Go back? No, I can't do that he'd think I was weird! Maybe some music will help clam me down. Yeah that's it! Music! Now where are my headphones?' You searched through your bag to find you most wanted headphones. After you found your headphones you place them in your ears and listed to the first song that was on your playlist.

For you time had pasted fast and you had already arrived at the riverbank. You made your way down the steps and saw your friends bay a large pine tree. Once you reach the bottom of the steps you slowly jogged towards them, not that that would Chang you being late or anything.

"Hi guys! Sorry I'm..." You paused to look at your watch to see exactly how late you were. " hour late!" You said with a bit of guilt in your voice.

Your friends just glared at you for a moment with an awkward silence filling the air. But then, out of nowhere, started to laugh.

You looked at them puzzled. "Hey! What's so funny?!" You yelled with an annoyed tone.

"Your not late at all, (f/n)-chan!" Haruna said to you with a smile.

"Excuse me?!" You said, a bit unsure.

Aki rolled her eyes and said "We knew you would be late so we told you to be here an hour earlier than we would actually meat up! As for the text we sent you, we just wanted to make sure you were on your way or at least awake!"

You looked at your friends with a smirk. "I don't know if that sweet or just plain mean!"

You and your friends laughed and you waked closer to them."So what's the plans for today?" You asked.

"Well we are going to the cinema! Then just wherever we feel like going!" Natsumi stated.

"Cool! Sounds fun!" You said with a giggle.

"Oh and I hope you don't mind, (f/n)-chan, but some of our friends are joining us today!" Honoka explained.

You raised an eyebrow. "Oh really? Who?" You asked.

Honoka smiled and said "Looks like your about to find out! OVER HERE GUYS!" Honoka yelled.

You sighed, you didn't really like meeting new people, sometimes you did but most of the time you just wanted to stick to your group of friends. You turned around and right there in front of you, you saw a group of around 7 teens,

One with red hair stood forward and said "Hello girls, we're you waiting long for us?"

Honoka smiled. "Not at all Onii-chan! Oh yeah! This here is (l/n) (f/n)! She's are friend and classmate! (f/n)-chan, these are our friends and teammates!" Hooks introduced.

You smiled and waved to the group. "H-Hello! It's nice to meet you!" You said as you bowed.

Tara walked over to the group and said "I'll introduce them to you!" She then placed her hand on the shoulder of the boy with red hair. "This here is Kiyama Hiroto he's very nice and he is also Honokas brother!"

Hiroto smiled and bowed his head as he said "Nice to meet you!" You bowed as well.

Tara then walked over to two boys, one with silver hair and the other with blue hair. "This boy here is Fubuki Shiro! He is so caring towards others! And this one here is Kazemaru Ichirouta! He is very kind!" Both boys smiled.

"Hey here, (l/n)-san" Kazemaru said.

"I hope we get along!" Fubuki said in his soft voice.

You nodded with a smile and look to see who Tara walked to next. She stood beside a boy with light cyan hair and tan skin and another boy with brown hair and goggle "(f/n)-chan! Please meet Sakuma Jirou! Who is very cool! And Kidou Yuuto! Who is very smart!"

Sakuma smirked and said "Cool, huh? Yep that's me I guess!"

"Sakuma! Don't be full of yourself!" Tara yelled at him. Sakuma just continues to smirk as Kidou rolled his eyes. (Not that we can see his beautiful eyes because of those damn googols but you know what I mean! XD)

Kidou then held out his hand and said "Pleasure to me you!"

You shook his hand and said with a smile "Likewise!"

You were about to say something else when you felt a pat on your head.

"Well your small, aren't you?! You look kinda weak too!" Said a voice beside you. You looked to your right and saw a boy with dark brown mowhawk-like hairstyle, with white streaks at the sides.

Honoka sighed "That, BAKKA, there is Fudou Akio! He is, weird!" Fudou growled, but before he could respond Tara coughed to get your station again.

You looked over to where she was and your eyes widened, yet again, and your jaw dropped. Tara smiled. "This here is Midorikawa Ryuuji! He is very sweet!" You couldn't believe it. It was the same guy that you met in the park, your cute guy.

You lost yours surprised look and smiled. Midorikawa also smiled and said "We meet again!"

You nodded and giggled. "I-I guess we do!"

Tara looked at you them at Midorikawa. She did this a few times before saying "Wait! You two met before?"

"We met this morning in the park!" Midorikawa stated.

Aki giggled. "Well that's nice to hear! Now that everyone know each other lets get going!" The rest of the group nodded in agreement and started to walk towards the mall where the cinema was located.

You stayed at the back of the group talking to Aki and Honoka. But you kept looking forward at Midorikawa, every time he's near you, you can't stop looking at him, it's official, he must be magic! You wanted to talk to him more so you can get to know him better and from what you've heard he is a sweet and fun person to be around. 'I'll talk to him later, I guess!' You thought as you continues to stare at him and talk with your friends.

You all arrived at the cinema about 15 minutes later and everyone was now getting ready to watch the movie. While you went in and got seats for you and your friends, everyone else was getting popcorn and drinks. You were siting there kinda bored when all of a sudden you felt a tap on your shoulder. You looked up and saw Midorikawa smiling at you. "Can I sit here?" He asked pointing to the seat beside you. You nodded with a small bush on your cheeks. He sat down and placed his popcorn in between your seat and his own. You thought "Great! Now would be my perfect chance to talk to him and get to know him better." You opened your mouth to speak but...

"Sorry we're late! Took us ages in the line for the drinks" Kazemaru said as he walked by you two.

You sighed, "Can't you people see I want to spend time alone with Midorikawa! I really want to get to know him better! But I can't very well do that if you keep coming in and ruining it, now can I?" You rubbed your head, unsure what to do now as Fudou sat down beside you.

"Hey short stuff!" Fudou teased you. You just sat there and rolled your eyes, you had one nerve left and this Fudou guy was getting on it.

"You, Move! I'm sitting there!" Honoka told Fudou off. Fudou groaned and moved down one seat.

Honoka sat beside you and smiled as she said "I won't let him annoy you, (f/n)-chan! Oh and I see you got to sit beside Midorikawa! Hehe! Nice" Honoka finished with a wink and a giggle."Huh? What's that supposed to-" you were interrupted when the lights went out and the movie started.

Will you ever get to talk to Midorikawa to get to know him better? Or will things continue to get in your way?

To Be Continued...

Honoka: That's it! Stay tuned for part two!

Midorikawa: What?! How come everyone else got there's in one!

Honoka: Because your is taking longer than I expected! And I want your story to be special! So you get two parts! :3

Midorikawa: Aww you want mine to be special? Thank you! *Hugs Honoka* Yay! *Happy Dance* Minna! Please look out for part two! It would mean a lot to me, thanks! ^^

Honoka: Please Review! :3