Caroline had routines, work plans, schedules of chores, lists of things to do, a list of her lists – she was not entirely inflexible, but close enough to it. Spare time was a foreign concept, so of all things following her break-up with Tyler, not to mention the hostile takeover of her charity and the general absence of Bonnie and Elena, it was the disruption to her carefully planned existence that was the most disconcerting.

It wasn't that she didn't love Tyler, on some level she believed she always would, but their relationship had always been more comfortable than passionate. If it wasn't the MikEvilsons it would have been something else, they loved each other, but they didn't love each other. Still no break up was without its heartache, and her break up with Tyler was not an exception. She'd had a good cry, bemoaned all that went wrong, and she really did miss Tyler…and the sex – oh how much did she miss the sex?! – yet that only took up so much time and there were a good 18 hours of productive time each and every day.

The whole schedule thing was less than ideal, but luckily for Caroline organising and re-organising just happened to be one of her favourite past times. Plus it had the added bonus of occupying her mind thereby preventing her from dwelling too much on the failure of yet another relationship and the loss of certain relationship benefits. What they said about absence making the heart grow fonder might not necessarily be true but abstinence certainly made her lament losing her bed partner. Still her libido did not control her and she wasn't about to put aside the whole drugging her thing simply to save on batteries.

Of course the consideration of her schedule and taking care of those other matters were not enough to fill the time she previously spent with Tyler or her friends – and the charity work Rebekah had taken over - nor was organising her canned foods by expiration date, hand washing every glass and piece of cutlery/plate/bowl/pot/dish that she owned, completing a full forensic cleansing of her apartment, or re-organising her already organised closet. Even an increase in her already heavy case load didn't quite fill the schedule holes. She'd clearly allocated too much time to the man and with Rebekah freezing her out, and her friends still otherwise engaged she was in desperate need of a new project.

Sadly she had yet to find one, and that was why she had thought it advisable to go drinking on a Tuesday with the paralegals from her latest case and then instigate something of a drinking competition. Caroline had drunk her two companions under the table – who said there was no advantage in knowing Salvadork? – but she hadn't exactly been in the best of shape.

She'd felt sober enough to politely refuse a ride home from both of the paralegal's significant others but half an hour after they'd practically carried their other halves out the alcohol had caught up with her. She'd been aware of the need to go home, but something had been wrong with her legs and her head had seemed to have difficulty remaining upright unless propped it up with her right arm – her left being busy propping up her right.

After doing her best impersonation of the thinking man for another hour, she somehow managed to get herself home and though she didn't recall doing such things in the morning she'd stripped off her clothing, sorted it into dry cleaning and machine washable, run a load of washing, removed her make-cup, brushed her teeth, and found her way to her bed. Which is where she'd awoken the next morning feeling as though she'd been run over by a truck, and almost regretting her competitive streak. Still, she'd dragged herself up and having forced a couple aspirin down into her churning stomach with a large cup of black coffee made it to work in time to attend the mid-week work in progress meeting.

It was ten minutes prior to the meetings end that Caroline came to truly regret her overindulgence the night before, for that was when her boss asked her if she had the capacity to take on a custody incident. Had her brain been in functional order she would have immediately realised just what incident to which her boss was referring and she'd have had the good sense to answer in the negative.

But as her marinated brain failed to make the connection and answered in the affirmative Caroline ended up saddled with Mikael's mysterious demise. The Medical Examiner's initial finding was natural causes, but as Caroline was just shy of certain his death was far from natural she rather expected it to be upgraded to homicide. She was very clearly conflicted, but very much unable to disclose herself as such. After all, just how was she to explain that she couldn't take the case because the man most likely died because he joined her friends in an ill-conceived plan to kill the Big Bad?

Caroline couldn't think of a way - excepting of course turning herself in as an accessory after the fact.

She was so screwed. Just not in the way she wanted to be.

He'd been on a two week celebratory tour of Washington DC's finest drinking establishments, incorporating a tasting tour of the female variety, and was far from finished reveling. However, being who he was and doing what he did, it wasn't possible to avoid work. He wasn't an absentee boss who sat back waiting for the little people to fund his gregarious lifestyle, he ran Mikaelson Incorporated with an iron fist - knew each and everything that occurred in his glass towers.

So whilst he spent his nights thoroughly enjoying all life had to offer one such as himself, he was at work every morning by eight and remained there until six in the evening. A shorter day than was usual for him, but it wasn't every day the bane of one's existence was put in the ground or in John Doe's case most likely to be cremated before finding a home in a lovely cardboard box. It wasn't like Klaus was going to claim him as his own, none of the Mikaelson's who actually shared D.N.A. with the man were in the system, and he was fairly certain the Salvatore's and company would maintain their silence on the matter so he was free to consign Mikael as a random crazy.

It was at his office that the F.B.I. arrived, with the lovely assistant D.A. in tow – not exactly following correct procedure, but he wasn't going to make an issue of the leggy blonde folded gracefully in one of his visitor chairs. He momentarily imagined a meeting of a different sort and how much more delectable she would look in the space beneath his desk with her pretty pouty lips wrapped around his favorite appendage before his attention was claimed by the less visually pleasing agents accompanying her.

"Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to go over this with us Mr Mikaelson," Jordan the older of the two agents said sounding less than sincere.

"Not a problem, now how can I be of assistance?" though the question was for the officers he maintained eye contact with the lovely blonde making a more personal offer with his dark gaze. He was pleased by the pink tinge that blossomed in her cheeks – not quite so much by the thinning of her pressed lips or the narrowing of her eyes.

"Much appreciated," Rosza the younger officer, was almost believable. "This is merely a procedural matter, you understand, it is required to investigate all death in custody cases so we will need you to tell us everything that occurred," he topped it off with a smile presumably meant to be reassuring.

Klaus found it all rather amusing and without further prompting launched into a heavy edited version of events leading up to John Doe's incarceration. He greatly enjoyed the blonde's reactions in his peripheral vision, biting her bottom lip in a clear effort to prevent herself from pointing out the blatant lies he sprinkled throughout his less than faithful retelling. Luckily for both of them the agents' eyes remained fixed on his face which gave nothing away. A few follow up questions and half an hour from their intrusion the agents seemed about done when the elder received a phone call, apologizing he excused himself and then a minute later the younger also excused himself leaving Klaus alone with the leggy blonde.

Klaus had never been one to waste an opportunity. "Care for a drink love?" he inquired standing from his chair and moving to the small bar area to the side of his office.

She turned her head looking at him dubiously before rising out of her own chair bringing her briefcase and handbag with her. "Thank you, no, I think I'll see what's keeping them," she said politely enough if one disregarded the disdain blazing in her eyes.

"And here I thought you were a good southern girl. Surely you won't force me to drink alone sweetheart," he smiled winningly. At least he thought so.

Caroline sighed as though greatly inconvenienced. "It's a little too early in the day for me Mr Mikaelson," she responded - polite smile but a firm tone.

"It's five o'clock somewhere, love, and please call me Klaus," he deepened his voice and threw her his patented smirk – responsible for dropping not just a few women's panties. Strangely she appeared more annoyed than aroused.

"Ms Forbes," she intoned. "Or if you must, Caroline."

He stared at her blankly; it wasn't as though he was unaware of her name.

She seemed to find the lack of a response all the more annoying. "It's not love, or sweetheart, or any of the many other endless endearments you no doubt use on the never ending line of interchangeable bimbos you surround yourself with. I have a name, and I would appreciate it if you would use it when you address me," her voice turned deceptively sweet on the final sentence, but her eyes were two narrow slits spitting fire. "Now, if you'll excuse me," she left him no time to respond as she strode out the door like he was some kind of leper.

If he found her arousing before, she was doubly so now.

Caroline didn't return though Jordan came back in a minute later to advise that they were done, but would let him know if they needed anything further.

Klaus insisted on seeing them out and found her waiting by the lift with Rosza, looking none too pleased as he joined them. When the lift arrived she strategically placed herself between the wall and Rosza, but upon reaching their destination made the error of holding back for the others to go first. Klaus held the doors open with his body, deliberately standing in the middle thereby forcing her to brush him on her way out. Klaus enjoyed the light blush that rose upon her cheeks and the barely noticeable shiver of her body at the slight touch – she was clearly not immune to his charms, at least physically. He turned and immediately followed her, smirking as she shot him a glare at his continued proximity.

"Thank you again for your time," Rosza said, his partner offering only an short acknowledging nod before exiting the building.

"Please feel free to contact my office if you have any further queries," Klaus dismissed him and stepped in front of Caroline blocking off the exit she so clearly wished to be out of already. He further encroached upon her personal space grabbing her hand and bringing it up to his mouth. "It was a pleasure to see you again Caroline," he purred before pressing his lips to the back of her hand. Her eyes widened, whether in surprise, pleasure, or both he couldn't be sure. However, she quickly recovered snatching her hand back and then rather childishly wiping it on the fabric of her skirt as though it might erase the contact.

Caroline opened her mouth, presumably to respond, only to snap her lips back together shortly after swallowing whatever, no doubt snarky, response she might have made. Then with a uneasy sounding, "Mr Mikaelson," she left.

As entertaining as the meeting had been it had delayed him from his work long enough so he hurried back to his office conscious of everything he needed to complete before another night of debauchery could commence. However just an hour later he found he wasn't making a whole lot of progress, thoughts of a certain blonde welcoming him between her long legs claiming entirely too much of his processing power. It was at this particular moment his eternally irresponsible brother turned up.

"I'm so tired," Kol moaned.

"I'm working," he muttered in response, valiantly attempting to finish the report he'd been stuck on for the last hour.

Kol dramatically collapsed unto Klaus' leather couch. "I worked a whole two hours this morning," he announced as though it were no mean feat. "That new minder is a slave driver – I had to pretend we had a lunch meeting to get rid of her," he continued in a morose tone.

Klaus wasn't sure who the new minder was, Elijah tended to handle Kol's hirings, but he was glad to hear that they were actually doing their job as opposed to the last few who had – depending upon their attractiveness – either spent their working hours playing solitaire or in a variety of creative sexual positions.

Were it solely up to Klaus Kol wouldn't be in his company's employ, but Elijah had believed Kol would get in less trouble if he a job and it wasn't as though anyone else would hire him. For his part Kol enjoyed the salary and the fact that when questioned about his vocation by a prospective bed partner marketing executive increased his success rate from trust fund playboy. As an added bonus he found corrupting each and every one of Elijah's appointees especially entertaining, particularly when Elijah found out.

"It's been a month, you'd think the little witch would have seen reason, but no, she continues to schedule appointments – actual appointments – and don't get me started on those stupid reports she makes me read," Kol advised, clearly not overly bothered that Klaus didn't respond. "Work isn't fun anymore, there's no joy. She's a joy sucker."

Klaus grunted in response, still no closer to finishing his examination of the report on the Asia expansion and despairing that he never would.

"I shouldn't have to read reports Nik let alone be in the office by 9 am, you know she rings me continuously if I'm not in by then and if I turn my phone off she has one of those underlings of yours come bang on my door. You know I don't get to sleep before 4 am, how am I supposed to be my normal charming self on such little sleep? I'm much better suited to wining and dining prospective clients over a late lunch or introducing them to all the best night spots. You need to get Elijah to call that little pit bull off," he whined pathetically.

"I will do no such thing," Klaus snapped.

"But Nik, she's evil, she removed all the alcohol from my office," Kol said acting as though the world was ending.

That caught Klaus' attention, he looked up, giving up on the report altogether. "She did what?"

"She took it all away including Pappy's - said it was impacting my productivity, since when am I productive?"

"Tell me she didn't throw it out," he demanded ready to fire the girl himself should the answer be in the affirmative.

"Almost as bad, she gave it to Elijah," Kol advised before dragging himself off the couch and approaching Klaus' well stocked bar.

"Don't even think about it Kol," he warned his younger brother off his own bottle of Pappy Van Winkle Family Reserve 23 year old bourdon.

"Just one glass Klaus, it's against employment law or human rights or something to deprive one of basic needs."

"Feel free to ask Elijah for yours back, or better yet resign," and with that Klaus rescued the bottle Kol's resentful gaze focussed on.

"Wanker, take me out for a drink then," Kol demanded.

Locking the bottle in the bottom draw of his desk Klaus sighed. It was barely mid-day and he had a hell of a lot of work to do. He really should tell Kol to come back in a few hours, but he hadn't really gotten anything done since the blonde interrupted earlier and couldn't see himself getting anything done in what was left of the working day. Much like Kol he was in need of a little entertainment, a letting off of steam so to speak. As though anticipating his capitulation a wide smile spread across Kol's face.

"Bloody hell, why not? It's not as though you'd let me get any work done," he answered, doing his best to sound reluctant.

"Fantastic! Let's go," Kol enthused already half way out the door.

Aware that his working day was at its end Klaus logged out of his computer before following his brother out the door. By the time he arrived at his secretary's desk Kol was already at the lift tapping his foot.

"Cancel the rest of my day Greta, I'll see you tomorrow," he advised before joining the impatient Kol who was holding the lift.

Though he would no doubt regret it the next morning he found himself greatly enjoying his work free afternoon. Following a long lunch he and Kol enjoyed a few glasses of the world's most expensive bourdon at a gentleman's club before adjourning to a bar where a gaggle of women vied for the brothers' attentions. By 11 pm he was pleasantly drunk and taking the delightful red haired Aurora to bed, the blonde far from his thoughts.

I'm trying to move this along as I"d like to finish this and get back to Wake Up and Burn with Me. I've still not caught up on the TVD or TO and I"ve reached the stage where I'm thinking I won"t bother. That said I do intend to continue writing but if you"re all up to date my characterisations might not be as accurate.

For anyone wondering, yes it is the Aurora from TO but she won"t be in it long enough for me to need to know what her character is like.