Authors note: Sorry for the delay on this end, anyway hopefully these chapters sent in tandem will help out some.

CH.7: Peak of time

Astrid's emotions were all over the place as she spun the wheel of her aunt's car. She should've never taken Ruffnut to the museum, never gone over to Hiccup's, it was all like some horrible nightmare. Her tears were blinding her and she nearly crashed on her way to the cliff. The town wasn't too big in itself so getting to the cliff was quite easy. She couldn't lose Ruffnut…not when she was the only person left in her life that hadn't been disgusted by her coming out, well aside from her Aunt.

"I'll never forgive myself if she jumps," she softly, her own voice foreign to her as she hadn't really been down this road before in her life. For the most part she had kept it together…but now with it all falling apart she just wanted to pull over and cry her heart out.

Spotting the cliff up ahead she found some parking and keeping the engine running she leaped out with an adrenaline burst. Her legs carried her half way until she fell onto her knees; her breath had nearly left her as she saw Ruffnut looking out at the ocean. The Viking was rather quiet and hadn't even noticed her.

"All it takes is one step…and I'll be back with him. It is so easy…and yet…I find myself unable to do it. All my life it has been one reckless decision after another, so, why don't I do it?" Ruffnut had her fists at her side and tears streamed freely out of her eyes. Her body trembled as this was the one thing she wanted…and she couldn't do it.

"Ruffnut…" Astrid placed her hands on her knees and thought of something to say, some motion to pull her back to her. Had she screwed up and it was too late?

"Hey Astrid…glad you could make it. I figured you could help me out here." She finally looked over her shoulder at the beautiful girl who had freed her.

"Yes Ruffnut…I'll do anything," Astrid got up and as she walked slowly towards her she saw the girl smile sadly at her.

"Could you help push me over the edge?" Ruffnut saw her look and laughed. "Oh c'mon, it isn't that hard, Tuffnut used to do it to me all the time. Once I'm in the Ocean I figure I will freeze as I did…then I will be back in my own time-."

"It doesn't work like that…you'll die!" Astrid yelled. Didn't she understand this? That height of a fall would kill the person if not have them drown upon impact. She didn't even know if Vikings could swim.

"Everyone I know and care about is dead…it would be no different. All I have done since being brought back is ruin your life…typical me. All I ever did was mess things up and get in trouble, and what did it get me…nothing but loneliness. Do you know no one ever told me they loved me? My parents were away so much all it came down to was me and Tuffnut against the world…now I don't even have him. I don't belong here…no one wants me-."

Ruffnut stopped then as she felt arms wrapped around her. Her breath was caught in her throat and all she heard was sobbing. She was confused and yet she did not immediately rush to rid herself of this warmth…or was that the tears soaking through her shirt?

"How can you be so selfish? How can you throw your life away thinking you were ruining mine? Before you came into my life things were stuck, I never even considered my sexual orientation and now that I know…I have finally got to know my Aunt better and know my father will never change his ways. You say you don't belong…I say you are wrong. And if you still wish to throw yourself off…go ahead…but you will be taking me with you."

Ruffnut remained quiet but a small smile replaced her sad one. "You would really do that wouldn't you?" She looked over her shoulder at her.

Astrid lifted her head and nearly melted into her eyes. "Of course I would stupid, I love you." She leaned in and gave her a long kiss. The two stood like that for a bit, neither wanting to move…that is until the sirens came.

Ruffnut was the one to break the kiss and heaved a sigh. "They are coming for me…aren't they?"

"Yeah…but I'm sure you can explain you were off your meds or something," Astrid laughed lightly, but saw Ruffnut was looking away. "Oh c'mon I was joking-."

"That is not it…I have to go." Ruffnut made a move but found Astrid's hand in hers.

"You are not jumping off that cliff…didn't you hear me?" Astrid stared hard but found Ruffnut's body against hers.

"Thank you for everything Astrid. I will never forget it…maybe when I find out where I truly belong, I will come and find you. I love you too…goodbye." Ruffnut let go and raced off…not at the cliff though but down a side street vanishing just as the cop cars came around.

Astrid stood there unsure what to do…she just looked off in the direction she came then looked as the cops came. "She jumped officers…there was nothing I could do to stop her."

"We were too late…are you alright?" The officer asked.

"Yeah…I think I'll be just fine." Astrid saw Hiccup and walked to her car finding him kicking at a loose pebble. "Get in…I'll give you a lift home."

"Thanks…you're not mad?" He asked as he climbed in.

"Oh I am plenty mad, but, I believe you can work yourself back into my good graces." Astrid began to back out and wondered where Ruffnut had gone off to. Leading the car out she felt the day's events weigh heavily on her.

College Semester was just beginning and Astrid was walking with her books clutched to her chest as she was making her way to her first class. The campus was huge and sprawling and she had already got lost a few times already. Her hair was a little longer and her outfit consisted of a blouse over a checkered skirt. She had decided to attend an all-girl school instead of following Hiccup to the school they had planned attending together.

Her father and she were still not in contact, which was fine by her, and her Aunt had left for Washington D.C. leaving her to look after the house. She had got a job working in a coffee shop and her scholarships helped pay for her classes. She hadn't heard or seen Ruffnut since that day and not a day went by without her being in her thoughts.

Bumping into someone she fell onto her butt and her books scattered. "You have got to be kidding me…now I'm going to be late for sure."

"They are just books, pick them up and you'll be fine." The voice said with a touch of irritation.

Astrid then and only then looked up to see those beautiful eyes of the girl she had lost. Her hair was a shorter blond then when she last saw her and she wore a tank top over blue jeans. That mischievous smirk she wore was there as she recognized her.

"Ruffnut!" Astrid threw herself at the girl without thinking and landed on top of her smothering her with kisses. "Where have you been?"

"Easy there Juliet…I just had to take some time for myself is all." Ruffnut allowed the kisses and rolled them over so she was on top.

"I was so worried about you," Astrid kissed her again and held her close. The feeling of being late left her as she was back in the arms of the one she loved.

"Relax; I never intended to be gone forever. I went to your aunt and she helped me with some education, getting me prepared for this and all. Turns out books can be more useful then hitting people with."

"Wait…you're a student here?" Astrid sat up on her elbows and saw Ruffnut relax as she sat on her.

"Yep, and I believe we both will be late if we don't get our butts into motion." Ruffnut gave her a playful kiss before getting to her feet and helping collect the books.

Astrid noticed she had a female studies book just like her. A small smile graced her lips as she held her book to her chest and leaned over giving her a kiss on the cheek. "I am keeping my eyes on you…just in case you decide to slip away from me again."

"Alright…but maybe you can keep an eye on me from behind. This is gonna be fun, no more forbidden love, all out free love." She began to sway her hips and looked on ahead at her future which looked sunnier then when she had been frozen.

Astrid smiled watching her butt closely…but was more invested in the girl who the butt belonged to. The summer had definitely been a wild one at that, but, now that school began she finally knew where she belonged…with her Viking Girlfriend.

Authors note: I would've split this up to have the finale in another chapter, but figured I had taken enough time with the last chapter and this one so put it all into one. I hope you have enjoyed this tale of forbidden love and thank all those committed to see it through to the end.