Wow! Over 20 reviews on chapter 3…y'all are awesome! PLL comes on tonight! Oh and by the way follow me on PLL accounts! Vine: Pll edits…It's a picture of Lucy (As Aria) One of the recent posts had writing on it that said 'Aria + Ezra'. Instagram: Pllinvids, Twitter: Lucysoundsgucci

Anyways here's chapter 4, and for those of you that want an Ezra POV chapter, don't worry. I've been planning the first appearance of Ezra's POV since the beginning so I think it'll be in about 2 chapters. I'm not quite sure, but it'll be pretty soon! Oh and by the way, there's like a 3 week time jump in this chapter. Anyways, thanks so much!

"Aria, just ask him. I know you don't want to talk to him, but technically it's a school thing." Spencer said as she continued to persuade me to ask Ezra, well Mr. Fitz, for help on my college application's essay.

"It's not like you'll be asking as a friend, you'll just be asking as a student. Just go to him after class. I mean what kind of person are you looking for to help you?"

After thinking for a second I had come up with my qualifications, "Well, I want someone older, but around our age. I just- I want someone that's gone through the process and someone that actually got in to their first choice. I want someone smart, but I also want them to know me. I want them to know my personality and what I like."

"You literally just described Ezra." Spencer deadpanned.

"I did not!" I retorted as I opened my locker to retrieve my first period books.

"You did."

"Did not."

Spencer just responded by staring at me with that 'Mh hm. Okay.' look.

As I was about to say something, Hanna strutted up to us with Emily in tow.

"Hi guys!" Hanna interrupted.

"Excited for English?" Emily asked with fake excitement.

I narrowed my eyes at her joined with a look of confusion, "What's happening in English?"

"That health instructor person or what ever you call them is coming today, remember?" Hannah replied.

"Oh, that's today? Great! A whole forty-five minutes of fun!" I said with complete sarcasm.


"Ok guys, so I know we've only been in school for three weeks, but as you all know we already have a guest speaker! So, I'm going to let Mrs. Higgins introduce herself. Be polite. No talking, please." Ezra said with that boyish smirk.

As he walked away to sit down at his desk, a woman who looked to be in her forties, dressed in a very casual, bright green dress, and brown flats, made her way to the front of the room.

"Hi everyone, I'm Mrs. Higgins, as Mr. Fitz said, and I'm a health instructor! I'm going to try my best to not bore with health facts! So, today I'm going to talk to you about the cons of smoking and drinking, then we're going to talk about CPR."

After about twenty five minutes of listening to Mrs. Higgins failed attempt at trying not to bore us with facts about smoking and drinking that everyone has heard way too many times, she finally changed the subject.

"Alright so, now moving onto CPR! Sudden cardiac arrest is the leading cause of death in adults. Most arrests occur in persons with underlying heart disease. CPR doubles a person's chance of survival from sudden cardiac arrest. You can use this in many situations. Another example would be if someone was on the verge of drowning. And guess who gets to learn how to do it today? You guys!" She said with way too much excitement.

Before she went on, she turned to Mr. Fitz with a bright smile, "Mr. Fitz, would you like to be the victim?"

He hesitated before replying with, "Uh- uh- sure."

Mrs. Higgins grabbed Mr. Hands, holding onto it for a second too long, and dragged him to the front.

"Now, if you would just choose one of your students to perform the CPR, preferably a girl, I don't want the boys to take this as a chance to rough house with their teacher." She joked, but also had a serious tone of voice.

As she said this, all the girls in the room's eyes shot up when they heard that may get the opportunity to have their hands all over out English teacher's chest, hovering over his face.

As most of the girls in the class' eyes were filled with joy, the only four that weren't were me, Spencer, Hanna, and Emily. Mostly because they were in relationships secondly they couldn't see him like that, more than a teacher, or a friend I should say, they didn't want too, not after what I've been putting myself through him.

I just sat there praying and hoping, "Please don't pick me, please don't pick me."

"Aria." my name rolled off his tongue smoothly, crushing the dreams of the girls around me and crushing my hopes of him not choosing me, but of course he chose me.

I carefully arose from my desk and quickly made my way to the front of the class room, wanting to get this over with.

When I got to the front, I chose to stand on the other side Mrs. Higgins, away from the Ezra as she continued to speak.

She then turned around to Ezra and instructed him to lie down. After he was settled, she instructed me to walk over to the other side of Ezra, so that the class could see my hands and kneel beside him. As I got down my knees I made the mistake of looking in his eyes. As soon as our gazes met, I tore my eyes away and Mrs. Higgins began to tell the class, that was completely oblivious to Ezra and I's awkward vibe, more CPR facts.

Ezra took this as his opportunity to speak to me.

"Aria." his soft, voice whispered, "Please just look at me."

When I refused, he started again, "Please?"

I heard the sadness in his voice and I couldn't help but turn my head to him.

"I know that we obviously can't talk right now, but will you please just stay after class for a minute?"

After thinking for a moment I replied with, "I have to ask you something anyways, so yea, sure, whatever."

"Thank you."


"Alright!" Mrs. Higgins clapped. "So, Aria listen closely, so that you know how to do this correctly."

"First take one of your hands and interlace it with you other, place them on his chest and push up and down. But do it softly! If this were a real situation, you'd do it much harder, but we don't want to cause Mr. Fitz, here, any unwanted pain." She flirted.

I rolled my eyes at the married woman's attempt at being flirtatious with someone two times younger than her.

As I placed by CPR ready hands on his chest and began to make the correct movements, I didn't dare look into his eyes. I just enjoyed feeling his steady heart beat, grow faster as we came in contact and I couldn't help but internally smile.


As the bell rang and everyone made their way out of the class, I stayed behind to ask Ezra about the whole essay situation.

When the room was cleared I awkwardly walked up to Ezra as he attempted to speak me.


I quickly cut him off, "Look, I just stayed behind to ask you something, so pleas don't make this any awkward than it already is."

"But, I-"


His face contorted into a look of rejection and I couldn't help, but feel regret as I realized I had been too harsh.

"I'm sorry, I just- I- I wanted to know if you could help me with my college applications essay, I would find someone else, but you're the only one that meets my qualifications and-"

"Aria, of course I'll help you, I'm your teacher."

"Yea, ha, I don't need the reminder." I mumbled.

Neither of us spoke after that slipped out of my mouth and before I knew it, his second period class was already making their way through the door."

"So, when can we start?"

He thought for a second, "Uh, today? After school? In here?"

"Okay, yea, I guess."

Before I turned to leave I had to say one more thing, "Thank you." I said sincerely.

He just smiled, "Yea, of course."

The rest of the day flew by and I was now sitting in my last period class, thinking about how awkward this whole situation was going to be. I was actually starting to rethink my decision through out the day, but Spencer kept telling me to just give it a shot, so I decided that that's what I'm going to do. I just keep reminding myself that it's for my future and that I'm eventually going to have to talk to him someday.

"Alright class, that's all for today, have a great rest of the day." Ms. Gibbs, my human anatomy teacher, said as the bell rang signaling the end of the day.

This is it Aria, just go in there and focus on your essay.


I turned around, coming in contact with the eyes of Spencer.

"So, you're still meeting with Fitz, right?"

"Yea, ha. Wish me luck."

"Ar, it'll be fine, just focus on the essay, like we talked about."

"It's easier said than done, Spence.

"I know, but just try, okay?"

"Yea, yea, I know."

"Alright now go." As she said this, she shoved me towards Ezra's room, which we were now standing just a few feet away from.

I looked behind me once more, receiving a reassuring nod form Spencer.

Here we go Aria, just open the door and walk in there.

After taking a deep breath and grabbed the handle, turning it, and pushing open th e door.

As I closed it behind me, Ezra's head shot up and our eyes met.

We kept our gazes locked as I made my way over to his desk.

While we were looking into each other's eyes, it was like we were transferring messages back and forth to each other. He held a look of apology, sadness, and confusion while I held a look of sadness and longing.



As we said each other's names, Spencer's voice came into my head.

"Just focus on the essay, Ar."

Focus on the essay, focus on the essay, I chanted over and over again in my head.

Clearing my throat, I brought his attention to the essay.

"Uh- t- the essay. Um, they gave us choices for essay topics, and uh, I want to do the topic that asks about a lesson we've learned in life. Um, I have a few ideas, but I need help choosing that idea and making strong decisions in it.

"O- okay well. Here, let's go sit at the desks." he said as he got up and pulled two desks together.

As we got seated and got out plenty of paper and pens, he began to question how far I had gotten in choosing the topic.

"Well, I've written down my top three topics, but I'm stuck on choosing one."

"Do you mind?" he questioned as he pointed to the slip of paper that I had written my ideas on.

I shook my head, handing him the paper, watching his eyes as he read the three topics.

The Power of Love

What Respect Means

The Power of Truth

"Sooo…" I said as a moment of silence passed.

"These are really great topics, but if I had to choose, I'd go with The Power of Love because if you choose that one, you can then incorporate the meaning of respect and truth into that."

"Okay, then I guess I'll do The Power of Love. That's what I was leaning towards anyway."

"Are you sure, that's what you want to write about? You don't have to choose that one just because I'd choose it."

"No, I know. I- I just think that I can elaborate more with that topic."

"Well, it's a good choice." He responded with a small smirk.

"Y- yeah, I guess so." I smiled.

As I got lost in his blue, dreamy eyes, I was brought out of my day dream by Ezra's voice.

"So, is that all for today? I know we didn't get much time, but I know you probably have homework and everything. I mean we can continue-"

"Yeah, yeah. You're right uh- uh thanks."

"Yeah, uh do you want to come back tomorrow after school? You can come in the morning too. If you want."

As I quickly thought it over in my head, I kept telling myself that if I came in the morning too, I'd be able to get this essay stuff over with quicker, but deep down I knew that wasn't the reason why I wanted to go before and after school.

"Uh- y- yeah okay, what time?"

Stupid, Aria. You're still mad at him and he's your teacher.


"Okay, yeah, um, bye. And thanks for uh- for the help."

He looked up at me with those blue eyes and smiled, "Anytime."

Just as my hand grasped the door handle, I heard my name being called.

"Aria? Look I- I know you're still mad at me and I know you're not ready to talk about it, but when you are. I'm here."

I simply nodded my head, my nerves shooting everywhere before hurrying out the door.

As soon as I made my way further down the hall, I leaned against the wall of lockers, throwing my head back and up.

"Can I really do this?" I thought to myself.

You have to Aria, just focus on your essay, college, and your future.

As I thought about how I was going to focus on my essay while being a few inches away from Ezra, his blue eyes kept popping into my head along with his boyish grin.

I couldn't stop myself from getting lost in the depth of his eyes even when I was just thinking about him.

I didn't know when I'd be ready to talk to him about how hurt I was because honestly I knew what I was going to say, but I had no idea when to say it. Was I supposed to wait a year from now, was I supposed to wait until he dropped to his knees begging me? Was I supposed to wait until he found himself standing at the altar across from Jackie.

That thought made me cringe, and I decided one thing.

I didn't know when, but I had to tell him soon.

And that's chapter 4! I'm really excited because my favorite chapter is coming up! Yay! Thanks so much for all the reviews! 15 reviews and I'll Update! Thanks!:)