Woo, first multi-chapter story! My friend was writing a HetaOni fanfiction, and I figured, why not write a 2P Hetalia one? So, I hope you guys enjoy. I'm sorry if they're ooc, by the way.

Disclaimer: I don't own Hetalia or HetaOni.

A deserted house in a mountain, about three hours on foot from the world summit place.
No one knows how long it has been there or used to live in it.
Rumours had it was…haunted.

"Hm…who knew it was really here, no?" Italy mused.

"I don't think it's very interesting, though." Germany said with a small shrug.

"It has a desolate feel…not bad. But I've seen more desolate places." Prussia said.

"No one cares, Prussia." Germany responded.

"Can't we just look at it from outside and go? I have better things to do than explore a rotting building." Japan muttered.

"Aw, after all the trouble we had to find it? Can't we just go check it out for a little bit?" Italy asked.

"Tch…fine." Japan nods and the four of them enter the building.

"It's cleaner than I thought…" Italy said, looking around. "Certainly not rotting, right, Japan?" He added with a smirk.

"Shut up." Japan glares at him.

"I think we should go now.." Germany said.

"What's wrong, West? You scared?" Prussia asked.

"No! I just want to go home!"

Prussia was about to say something, when…


"Look, I really think we should go now!" Germany exclaimed.

"Oh please. Where's your common sense? It's not like there are any monsters here." Japan rolled his eyes and began to walk to the source of the noise.

"Where are you going?" Italy asked Japan.

"I'm just going to check what that noise was."

"Be careful of monsters, Japan!" Prussia called out.

"Shut up, Prussia."

Japan walked down the hallway before seeing a door. He goes up to it and tries to open it.

"It won't open." He shrugs and keeps walking.

He soon reaches a room that appears to be a kitchen. He looks around a bit and sees the source of the noise.

"Just a broken plate. I should be careful not to cut myself." He picks up the plate shard. He sees another door and tries to open it.

"It won't open." He walks out of the kitchen to see the others are gone.

"Have they already gone?…How regrettable." He walks over to the front door to open it, only to find out that it's locked. "Well…it was a good door while it lasted." He attempts to kick it down before hissing in pain. "Ow ow ow…畜生! That usually works…" He cursed while bringing out his katana. He tries slicing the door but up to no avail. "Maybe there are other exits…"

He walks towards the hallway on the left and sees another door and tries to open it.

"It won't open." He sighed and keeps walking.

At the end of the hallway he sees a giant grey creature with its back turned. Japan stays quiet and the thing goes into the room it was facing.

"What…was that just now…?" Japan asked himself, blinking. "Maybe I'm just tired…" He nods and turns back.

He decides to go to the second floor. Nearly every door was locked, or wouldn't open. He managed to find what to see something on the bed.

"…Germany's whip? What's it doing here of all places?" He shakes his head and picks it up.

He finds another room unlocked and goes inside, seeing a curtained door. He goes over to it and takes a step back, surprised. "Germany?"

Germany was unable to talk, looking shaken.

"Germany? Where are the others?"

Still no response.

"…Let me get you something to drink." Japan shook his head and left the room.

The first place Japan went to was the kitchen. He tried to open the tap.

"The tap is broken." He wanders around before finding a bathroom. He walks to the toilet, thinking. "…As much as how I want him to drink it, I should look around more. Besides, knowing him, he might ask me to drink it too." He goes over to the sink and opens the tap.

"…Thank God, it doesn't seem to be broken." He fills up a glass and walks back to the room where Germany was.

"Here, Germany." Japan said, handing him the glass of water. "Drink it and try to calm down."

"What if you poisoned it?" Germany said, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm glad to know I'm trusted." Japan rolled his eyes and took a sip. "See? Not poisoned."

"What if you already took the antidote?"

"Just shut up and drink it."

Germany hesitantly took a sip and finished the glass. "Is this…even water?"

"Judging by the colour…probably."

"I see…sorry for falling apart like that. At any rate, we ran for our lives. Italy and Prussia ran off in different directions…I think. Sorry, I just need to get myself together."

"It's fine. I'll go take another look around, maybe I can find Italy."

"Alright then…oh, by the way, I found this while I was running." Germany hands Japan a key. "Maybe it'll be useful."

"Right…anyways, I'll be right back." Japan exits the room.

Japan tries using the key on different doors, but fails. He walks to the hallway on the right and tries to unlock the door, and fortunately unlocks. He walks inside to find out the room is a library. He walks by the bookshelves.

"Hm…if I had the time, I'd definitely read these…well, maybe just one won't hurt." He leafs through a book on self-defense. He nods, putting the book back on the shelf. "That move might be useful later."

He wanders around and sees something on a table. "Is this…? It is! It's an ordinary rice ball!" He picks it up and proceeds to leave but runs into the thing.

After a short battle, the thing recoils a bit and Japan runs to the door, only to find it locked. "The key! I must have dropped it!" He looks around, avoiding the monster and finds the key. He quickly picks it up and hurries to the door. He opens it and hurries out, shutting the door.

"What was that…I have to find the others soon." He begins to walk, but stops. "…I have a feeling I'm missing something…" He walks back in to see the monster has disappeared and left a key on the floor. "…Maybe it dropped it during our fight." He picks it up and walks back outside.

"Now to find the others."

And that was chapter one! Sorry if it's not good. But it's my best. ^^ One done, sixteen to go. I'll be updating randomly and it might take a while because of school, but expect chapters on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. :)


畜生 – Damn it