(The Next Morning: 9:30 am)

Vanellope opened her eyes and yawned. She put on her bathrobe and slippers and walked to the bathroom, not yet noticing what the racers have done to her. She rubbed her eyes, looked into the mirror and screamed which woke up Rancis

"Vanellope, why're you screaming?" asked Rancis

"My hair is pink, my skin is covered in colorful dots, and what happened to you?" asked Vanellope

"What do you mean what happened to me?" asked Rancis

Vanellope dragged him in front of the bathroom mirror and he screamed in horror. His beautiful golden hair was shaved in the shape of a tic tac toe game and his skin had stars all over it

"What happened to me?" asked Rancis

Lucy ran into the bedroom

"Mom, Dad, i think there's something wrong with me" said Lucy

Her skin was colored like a rainbow

"I don't know" said Rancis

"I don't even want to say what happened to kevin" said Lucy

"What happened to him?" asked Vanellope

They all ran to kevins room and knocked on the door

"Kevin, son?" asked Rancis

"I don't have no fingers, don't look at me i'm hideous" shouted Kevin

Vanellope opened the door and was shocked. Her son was the color purple, and his hands were replaced by horse hooves and he had a horse tail coming out of his pants. A horn popped up out of his head

"What's happening to me? I need a doctor or something" shouted Kevin


The family looked in the hallway and saw all the racers in sugar rush.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO US?!" shouted Vanellope angrily

"Consider it a little revenge for all those nasty pranks you did to us yesterday" said Jubileena

"Come on it was a joke, don't you have funny bones in you?" asked Kevin

"Not when it came to the stuff you all did" said Crumbelina

"What did you put in us?" asked Lucy angrily

"Why do i have horse feet for hands?" asked Kevin angrily

"Why is my hair PINK?" asked Vanellope angrily

"Why is my hair mostly GONE?" asked Rancis angrily

"Well i bought a magic kit from this gypsy woman, mixed up a bunch of random ingredients, put them in needles and put them in you all" said Candlehead

"I shaved your head" said Taffyta

"I dyed your hair" said Reese

"Serves you right for all those mean pranks going to far" said Sticky

"Why i oughta-

"Hey be glad it was just that, Candlehead wanted to steal your stuff" said Taffyta "Caught her taking Lucy's jewelry and Vanellopes keys"

"HEY!" shouted Lucy and Vanellope

"By the way kevin, why's a jawa your prized figure? I mean its just a jawa" said Candlehead

"Vinyl cape instead of cloth,very rare and worth about, Hey why am i explaining this to you, FIX US" shouted Kevin

"Ok i guess the joke's over. Candlehead give them the antidote" said Taffyta

"The antidote? Oh right that antidote, its in my kart i'll just go get it" said Candlehead

She walked away and then ran at full speed

"She's not coming back is she?" asked Vanellope

"Nope" said Taffyta

"Is this the part where we start running?" asked Gloyd

"What do you think?" asked Rancis

Vanellope pulled her phone out of her bathrobe and pushed a few things. Magnaguards popped out of secret compartments in the walls

"Get them" said Vanellope

The guards charged for the racers. The racers screamed and ran away.

"Totally worth it" said Gloyd

"Shut up gloyd" said Taffyta