Title: Bred To Kill Them All

Author: Amaranth827

Over-all Rating: MA

Word Count: 3,208

Full Story Series Characters: Agron, Nasir, Duro, Mira, Spartacus, Sura, Gannicus, Saxa, Donar, Nemetes, Ashur, Auctus, Chadara, Crixus, Naevia, Oenomaus, Varro, Aurelia, Liscus, Acer, Lucius Caelius, Lugo, Rhaskos, Sedullus, Gaius Cladius Glaber, Ilithya, Melitta, Quintus Batiatus, Lucretia Batiatus, Barca, Seppia, Seppius, Pietros, Brictius, Camila (Medicus), Diona, Adal, Aria, Correus, Euclid, Fortis, Fulco, Harudes, Kraynos, Leviticus, Litaviecus, Lydon, Lysandros, Mannus, Ortius, Peirastes, Plenus, Pleuratos, Pollux, Pyrrhus, Rabanus, Sophus, Theologidis, Timocles, Totus, Tychos, Verenda, Vitus, Belesa, Attius, Castus, Diotimos, Kore, Laeta, Santos, Sanus, Sibyl, The Egyptian, Trebius, Tiberius Crassus, Salvius, Sabinus, Rufus, Varinius, Marcus Licinius Crassus, Marcus, Heracleo, Furius, Ferox, Chay(OCM) (I named all these characters because I didn't know their names): Slaves from Nasir's Dominus: Ghita(F), Nakia(F), Arlo(M), Bas(M), Kofi(M), Ramis(M), Irati(F), Julen(M), Cipriana(F), Batitatus Slaves: Delu(F), Keelin(F), Orla(F), Denys(M), Ector(M), Absolon(M), Eitan(M) Taite(M), Yervant(M), Germans: Adelina(F), Agnes(F), Beata(F), Cacilia(F), Dana(F), Flora(F), Jordis(F), Leberecht (M), Marius(M), Ortwin(M), Reiner(M), Seppel(M), Ueli(M), Alban(M), Boris(M), Emil(M), Geert(M)

BTKTA Character Relationships: (These relationships happen or are mentioned at some point in the story) Agron/Nasir, Agron/Dominus/Domina, Nasir/Dominus/Chadara, Nasir/Dominus/Naevia, Crixus/Naevia, Crixus/Lucretia, Naevia/Asher, Spartacus/Sura, Spartacus/Mira, Varro/Aurelia, Rhaskos/Chadara, Donar/Chadara, Gannicus/Melitta, Gannicus/Saxa, Barca/Auctus, Barca/Pietros/Auctus.

Story Summary: AU, Agron!Duro!Twins. The story starts just after they have escaped Batiatus villa, it starts with grieving Agron and follows his journey with his friends and fellow Rebels, to find peace, freedom and love, something Agron didn't think he deserved, not until he finds a certain wild little dog that is. This story is set in the same time line as the show but does not follow the show completely, it follows some of the key things but with twists of my own, I've added my own things to make the story how I want it. Certain characters are not dead thus new friendships are built. I just wrote this for fun so I hope you all will enjoy it too.

Warnings: May contain Triggers! Read at your own discretion! There are probably going to be a lot of touchy subjects in this story which may include but not limited to: Slavery, forced sexual acts, physical abuse, mental abuse, violence, multiple sexual partners, fighting, killing, drinking, torture and anything else you may find in the Spartacus Series and in Starz shows. It is rated MA, for more than one reason, so please read with caution. I will try to give a chapter warning also. Also I am not an expert in the speech they used back then but I tried my best so bare with me.

Disclaimer: I don't claim to own the character of Spartacus or to have anything to do with the show, which solely lies with Starz and Steven S. DeKnight. I just like to use the characters as toys in my imagination. Sorry Agron and Nasir! I write these just for fun, no profit was made!

Chapter Rating and Warnings: R, Mild to strong language, mentions of death, grieving loss of loved one, talks of sex.

Chapter 01: Cry of the Broken

A howl of pain ripped through the quiet night and echoed off the walls as Agron dropped to his knees on the cold, damp, hard stone. The coldness of the stone and the ever changing night started to creep into his bones and he felt his body start to tremble. The ache he felt deep in his chest and the cold that seem to unpleasantly surround him made him collapse forward, pressing his arms and forehead against the stone too. The tears started to roll down his cheeks as he let out another cry of pain that was now muffled against his arms.

It had been almost a week's time since Duro, Agron's twin brother had been taken away from him by a Roman blade to the stomach. Duro had been trying to save Agron's life, the stupid fool. If anyone was to ask Agron, it was if both of them had died that day on the sands, the sands they had trained so hard on to become part of the Brotherhood, to become Gladiators, Batiatus' Titans.

Most of the time Agron felt numb, numb to everything that was going on around him, those were the good days, but today, today was one of those days that Agron wished he could curl up and never move again. He let the tears flow freely until he heard footsteps coming towards him. He had gone into a secluded part of the cisterns that they were taking refuge in, away from the prying eyes of the other freed slaves, but he knew that he was not out of earshot when he had roared out his pain. He slowly got to his feet and angrily wiped at his eyes with the back of his hand.

Agron remained back to the person that was coming towards him. It wasn't until he felt the hand on his back that he turned his head to see who it was that had approached him. Gray eyes met his sore, green ones and then he was pulled into their strong arms. "Donar…" Agron was going to tell him to let go of him but he knew Donar wouldn't listen.

Donar stood less than an inch shorter than his fellow German, but he was built much the same, if not a little bigger. That may just be due to age though, Donar was at least five years the young German's elder. That's just what Agron was, young. Donar let out a sigh and tightened his arms more pulling Agron's bare back flush against his own bare chest. Sure he had made attempts at Agron in the past, in their time as Gladiators but now was not one of those times, not when Agron was grieving such a loss.

They had all grieved Varro's death when his life was taken too soon because Spartacus had been forced to kill him and now they all grieved Duro's death. Duro had been a loud mouth fool and not one of the best fighters but he had been improving and Donar could tell how proud Agron had been of him. But now the lovable fool was gone, just like several others of their fellow Gladiators but the loss of a twin was ten times the pain than losing someone else close to you, Donar was sure of it. He couldn't image what Agron was going through, but he had heard the cry he had let out and he sounded and looked totally broken. Donar was going to offer comfort, that's all he wanted to do and hoped Agron knew that.

Agron didn't fight as Donar tightened his arms around his chest pressing their bodies together. Agron had come to realize that his German kin were all huggers and Donar was no exception. He was used to it, Duro always hugged him too. He knew that Donar wouldn't cross the line when it came to this embrace he was just being a good friend. He relaxed some back against Donar and silently wondered how much effort it was taking for Donar to control himself.

Agron suddenly felt relieved that he had something else to focus on other than the grief he felt towards his loss. Maybe mindless fucking was what he really needed, but he wouldn't do that with Donar, too many feelings involved there. As if Donar sensed what Agron was thinking he pressed his lips against his temple and shook his head.

"No, you do not need that." Donar knew what Agron was thinking, about finding someone to have sex with and he knew it wouldn't make him feel better.

"What does he not need?" A voice asked from behind them.

Donar knew who it was without having to look. Auctus had been with him when they had heard Agron but had remained behind, but he obviously couldn't stay away. "He is thinking of finding someone to fuck, thinking it will help him forget his grief but it will not." Donar told Auctus and then released Agron from his arms. He turned around to Auctus wondering if he shared his view on it. Donar motioned with his head towards Agron, hoping that Auctus would talk to Agron.

"What are you, in my fucking head now?" Agron questioned Donar. It was eerie that his friend knew what he was thinking. He was used to it with Duro, but not with anyone else.

"He's right, you know. You may think it will solve things but it will not, trust me." Auctus ignored the grumble he heard from Agron, he knew it was at him saying 'trust me', Agron didn't trust people easily. He stepped past Donar and up behind Agron and slowly wrapped his arms around the younger Gladiators shoulders, taking up the spot Donar had just been in. Auctus had quite a few years, ten to be exact, on Agron, but that hadn't stopped him from bonding with him. "I thought much the same when Barca and Pietros…" Auctus cut off his sentence he knew Agron knew what he was going to say. "But it did not help, it actually made me feel worse."

Agron had tensed slightly when Auctus wrapped his arms around him but he soon relaxed. "But Barca was your lover…and Pietros…of course it made you feel worse after." Agron whispered. He didn't really know what Pietros was to Auctus but he didn't have enough energy to think about it either. Barca and Auctus had been lovers for a long time and then Barca had been interested in Pietros, Agron really wasn't sure of the whole story, it had happened before he had come to the house of Batiatus. He wasn't usually one to get involved in others relationships.

Agron had a point. Losing a brother, a twin brother at that and losing a lover were completely different, emotionally. Maybe fucking someone would make Agron feel better, get his mind off Duro for at least a little while anyways. "Maybe…"

"No, it will not make him feel better." Donar interrupted. He really wished he could help Agron feel better with something that didn't involve sex, but he didn't know what to do. He ran a hand through his short dirty blond hair and let out a sigh.

Auctus turned his head and smirked at Donar, seemed the German was in both his and Agron's head this night. "What do you suggested he do to occupy his thoughts then?" He asked Donar who was now pacing the small room they stood in. "Seems even you can't come up with a better option." Auctus smirk grew when Donar stopped pacing and glared at him. "Don't cast me that look and do not tell me you are not tempted." Auctus' smirk grew more still when Donar's glare grew harsher.

Donar ran his hand through his hair once again and glanced at Agron who was just standing there still back to them in Auctus' arms. It was true he was really tempted to give into Agron if Agron would ask him. "I suggest training or finding Roman's to kill!" Donar finally offered it was after all the only things he had come up with. "I shall speak to Spartacus on the matter." Donar gave one more look at the two men and turned walking back down the tunnel and out of the small room hoping that Auctus would behave himself.

"We are alone if you wish to forget your troubles." Auctus placed his hand flat on Agron's muscular stomach and moved it down slowly, giving the young German plenty of opportunity to move away, but he did not move away instead Agron turned around so he was facing him and just looked at him.

"How did you survive and Duro was for the afterlife?" Agron wondered aloud as he looked at the scar on Auctus' abdomen, much in the same spot as Duro's scar would be had the damn fool survived. Agron reached out and placed his fingers on the scar, the skin was smooth under his rough fingers.

Auctus let out a breath he hadn't realize he was holding when Agron removed his fingers from the scar. "The medicus said I was blessed by the Gods to have survived such a thing." Auctus looked down at his own stomach to the scar that now marred his flesh. A scar which had been given to him by none other than the Gaul Crixus, when they had fought each other in the arena. Crixus had driven his sword through him and somehow he had survived. A Roman had driven a sword through Duro and he had perished. The Gods really did like to fuck with people.

"So you are saying the Gods favored you over Duro?" Agron asked taking a step away from Auctus.

"I do not know why the Gods took him from you but spared me. We will never know the ways of the Gods." Auctus reached out and took a hold of Agron's arm.

"The Gods have never favored me. They took Duro from this world to punish me further." Agron stepped back another step putting himself out of reach of Auctus. "Do not…"

"Do not what?" Auctus asked when Agron did not finish his words.

"Do not get close to me for I will be the end of you." At Agron's words Auctus laughed causing Agron to let out a growl at him. "Do not make a fucking mockery of my words."

"No you mistake me, it was just that are you saying you are cursed?" Auctus hadn't really meant to laugh at his friend but he didn't know what Agron was thinking.

"Yes…" Agron really didn't know how to explain what he was thinking. Everyone that he loved had been taken from him and that is why he was hesitant to let Spartacus, Mira, Auctus or Donar close to him in anyway, after Duro was taken from him he had tried to distance himself from them to no avail, they would not let him.

"Agron you are not cursed." Auctus tried to step closer to his friend but Agron backed up again. Hearing Agron say this explained a lot for Auctus as to why the German had been acting the way he had for the past week.

Agron shook his head as his back hit the wall. He had nowhere else to back up too. "Du hast keine Ahnung. Alles, was ich anfasse, verwandelt sich in Scheiße."

Auctus raised an eyebrow at him but smirked. He had no idea what the German had just said. "Bastard, you know I do not speak your tongue." Auctus stepped forward once more so he was only inches from Agron. "Speak common tongue."

Agron rolled his eyes. Donar would have known what he said. "It is not my fault you do not know my mother tongue." Agron couldn't help the smile that played at his lips when Auctus rolled his eyes at him, clearly not amused by the response. "What I said was that, you do not know that. Everything I touch turns to shit."

"No, I do not know you are not cursed, but I do not believe you are."

"What you believe matters fucking little. You cannot tell me that you believe none to be cursed when Barca was taken from you…and Pietros…" Agron snapped.

"Watch it…" Auctus warned. He did not like it when Agron got an attitude with him. The German's he has known have been hot-headed but he didn't like it when Agron acted this way.

Agron glared at Auctus, he wasn't really sure what he was warning him about, whether it was him saying that his beliefs meant little to him or if he was warning him not to talk about Barca and Pietros.

Auctus raised an eyebrow at the glare he received. Usually he didn't put up with attitudes so he wasn't really sure why he did with Agron but he did. "I see what you mean however I do not believe you cursed, nevertheless you seem broken much as I was. I hope you will let someone fix you." Auctus tried to touch Agron again but his friend moved his arm away. He knew why Agron felt the way he did, he too had thought it when Barca and Pietros were killed by none other than Ashur the fucking Syrian leech. However now he did not think that losing people meant you were cursed just that the Gods saw it fit for it to happen for whatever fucked up reason they had.

"I do not see that fucking happening." Agron let out a huff of air. He knew he was broken right now, possibly forever but he did not see how anyone was going to fix him as his friend believed. But right in this moment all he wanted was to be left alone again. He knew that wasn't going to happen though. Agron walked away from Auctus and to the dark corner of the room, he sat down against the wall bring his knees up in front of him and rest his forehead against them. He was just about to asked Auctus to leave when he heard footsteps coming back into the room, more than just one pair of feet approached him.

Agron picked his head up and looked at the new comers. Spartacus, Mira and Donar were all standing beside Auctus now. Great, now he would have to deal with all of them trying to make him feel better. Why couldn't he just go kill Roman's like Donar suggested or go fuck someone like he wanted too. Agron watched Spartacus as he talked quietly to Auctus and wondered if they actually saw him in the shadows. He slowly got up and stepped back into the little light that was cast in the room from the single torch on the wall. "Do we kill Roman's?" He asked Spartacus, really hoping the Thracian would say yes. He hadn't heard of Spartacus or fucking Gaul finding any Roman's to go after this day, but he wasn't completely with them either.

Spartacus turned from Auctus and took a few steps towards Agron. He had heard the roar of pain that Agron had let out, but he had been in the middle of meeting with Crixus about Naevia, so he couldn't come when he had heard him. He gave Agron a smile and then placed a hand on his shoulder. "No, we have no Roman's to kill this night." Spartacus squeezed Agron's shoulder when he let out a sigh. "Do not fret Mira has come up with a plan to help ease your mind that is if you are open to it."

Agron watched as Mira came over to stand beside Spartacus, she offered him a small smile as she looked up at him.

"Just hear me out?" Mira asked Agron who watched her for a few minutes and then he nodded. "So I thought it might be a good thing for you to lose these…" Mira stepped a little closer to Agron and reached out and took a hold of one of the dreads which made up his hair.

Agron stepped back from Mira. "You want me to rid myself of the last thing that ties me to my brother?" He couldn't help the growl that laced his words.

"I have just seen you, when your reflection shows in water, you recoil from it. I know it pains you to see yourself. I just thought that if those were gone that it might help ease that pain." Mira really hoped that Agron understood what she meant.

"I believe it a good idea." Spartacus offered. Agron was one of the people Spartacus held as close friend so he knew Agron was fiery and didn't know how the German would take the suggestion.

Agron brought a hand up to his hair and felt the dreads rough against his skin. Maybe Mira was right, maybe it would help ease the pain. But he didn't know if he could do it. He felt his hands tremble as he lowered them back to his sides and immediately balled them into fists in attempts to hide it. "I do not know if it will work."

Auctus stepped closer to Agron again. "It is worth a try is it not?" He was actually surprised that Agron was considering it. "If it does not please you grow it long and do it over again."

"It is a long process." Agron said quietly. When he and Duro had been taken by the Roman's from their homeland East of The Rhine, they each had long hair. Duro's being slightly curly while Agron's was straight. When they had been bought by Atilius and Cassia, their first Dominus and Domina they had made them keep their hair as was but back in plaits, but before they had been sold to Batiatus they had spent their time dreading each other's hair. If he was to rid himself of the dreads now it would be a long time before he could get them back, if he truly wanted them back. Agron let out a sigh. "I shall try it." He watched as Mira and Spartacus both smiled at him.

"Then I shall need your dagger." Mira told Agron as she looked down at his right hip and held out her hand. Agron raised an eyebrow at her but removed his dagger and handed it to her. "Do not be concerned I know what I am doing." Mira tried to reassure Agron but she knew he was still weary of putting himself in her hands. "Here, sit…" Mira walked over to the wall the torch was on, where there happened to be a wooden crate sitting against it.

Agron took a deep breath and did as he was told. He sat down on the wooden crate which creaked from his weight. He was sure the thing was going to break out from under him but he kept quiet and waited for Mira to take the blade to his hair. He closed his eyes when he felt her take a hold of the dreads and he could hear the sound of them being sliced off. It was a weird sound to his ears.