A Pirate's Life For Me

Rated: M for sexual content

Pairings: SasuHina

Summary: Just when the Hyuuga Heiress thinks life couldn't get more miserable, she's kidnapped by a bunch of pirates and forced to accept her new fate: Please their perverted captain and be his plaything. The least she expects is a blooming romance and enjoying the life of a pirate. SasuHina

AN: I'm trying to get over my writer's block! I have so many ideas for new stories, yet I'm kinda stuck when it comes to my ongoing stories. I'll just have them on hold and work my ideas out so my thoughts can make room for ideas for the current stories.

This story will be one about lust, possession and adventure as our heroine is dragged onto a ship to please our perverted Sasuke. Reviews are welcome! :)

Chapter 1. A Pirate's Captive

Think of something else... Think of bunnies... Strawberries… Chocolate... Anything. It didn't work. Hinata felt a tear roll down her cheek as she clung to the bed sheets, her knees buckling while her forceful cousin took her from behind. "Fuck!" Neji groaned and Hinata cried as he spilled his cum inside her before finally releasing her. She rolled on her back and pulled the sheets over her to hide herself, sobbing.

"Ah, cut that out, bitch" Neji hissed, and it took a moment before she finally heard the door close. She should have gotten used to it by now. Whenever her cousin came over, he would mercilessly take advantage of her. No one who heard her pleas in the enormous Hyuuga mansion, no one who would help her. She was terrified to tell her father, not even because of Neji's threats but because of her relationship with her father which wasn't that good at all… And then there was her sister… She just couldn't tell her.

She sighed and reached out and pulled open the drawer to check if her collection of pregnancy tests was still there. Only two left… She was used to his abuses but the worries of having his baby made it even worse. She shuddered and slowly moved off the bed to take a shower. She kept sobbing while she washed her body. Even after all these years, it hurt over and over again.

There was no pleasure, no passion, just pain and hell. He couldn't even make her wet, making it all hurt even more. Hinata never experienced pleasure either, making her fear and disgust the act of sex.

Just when she got out of the shower and reached for the towel, she heard loud banging on the bathroom door and she gasped in shock. "Open the damn door!" It happened a lot that he would return not even minutes after, and this was one of those unfortunate moments. Hinata pulled the towel up and clenched it tightly against her body. "You'll regret it if you don't…" Hinata sighed and with a shaking hand she reached to open the door. The moment she did, she was painfully grabbed and dragged back towards the bed.

Hinata Hyuuga was a rich girl and part of the well-known Hyuuga clan. They lived in a huge mansion close to the shore of the country with only their broken family and their servants. Her mother passed away a long time ago, and despite how much she longed for her, Hinata could barely remember her.

Neji's part of the family lived in a mansion just as big in a city not too far from theirs. He came over regularly to talk business with his uncle, or 'to see his family'. His abusive habits already started years ago. If Hinata hadn't the burden of the clan hang onto her shoulders she would have run away long ago… But she was the Hyuuga heiress after all, and running away had never crossed her mind.

Until now, that is. "W-what?" Hinata stammered, dropping her fork in shock. It fell to the floor with a loud noise but no one reacted to it. It was her 20th birthday and she was having a quite formal dinner with her father and sister. They were just about to attack the wonderful looking high-class delicacies when her father made the following announcement: "Now that you've finally reached adulthood, we will have to get you ready for marriage". With no other candidate but her disgusting cousin Neji Hyuuga. She ignored the maid who bent down to pick up the fork.

"Why him? H-he's my cousin!" She brought out with shaking voice. "That's why. It's for the sake of our clan, Hinata. You should understand better than anyone else. He's your age and there's no better –" "No!" Hinata snapped, even when it was not her intention. "Excuse me?" Hiashi asked. "I can't marry him!" Hinata squeaked. "And why not, may I ask?" He asked. Hinata's body shook and she clenched her fists under the table. Scenes of endless nights of his abusive behavior flashed through her mind and she shook her head to shake those horrible thoughts away. "P-please, it's just…" "Hinata" Hiashi said strictly. "There could be no reason for you to refuse this marriage, so you're going to. Whether you like it or not".

Hiashi got from his chair and walked around the table. He reached out and put a beautiful necklace on her neck. "Happy birthday" Hinata's lips trembled and she felt the diamond with her shaking hand. Happy birthday… How could he tell her that after reminding her so coldly that her life wasn't hers? How could he force her into a marriage with her own cousin, who… For a moment she wanted to tell him. She wanted to tell him about the things Neji did to her, but she felt ashamed... And most of all, scared...

Ignoring the calls for her name, she got up and ran way, sobbing quietly. She exited the mansion and ran as far away as possible to cool off. Hyuuga Heiress or not, responsibility or not, she could not marry that creep. She wouldn't!

She left the Hyuuga grounds and made her way towards town. People envied her but there was nothing to envy. Being rich only brought its burdens. It may be invisible from the outside but she was nothing but a bird with broken wings. Even if she ran, would she get far? She panted when she reached the edge of the town from where she could look over the sea and admire the view and passing ships. Aside from the marketplace, this was where she always came whenever she got to leave the Hyuuga grounds. She tightened her grip around the necklace, backed away and leaned against a wall, resting a bit from the long walk. Life officially sucked.

"…-set sail soon…" Hinata blinked when she heard men voices and she looked around. It was dark and she couldn't see anyone, but it sounded like they were right around the corner. "Did you get what he asked for?" One of the men asked. Why did they sound so suspicious? "That ass didn't even notice when I stole it!" Thieves? "But I had to kill him either way" Hinata gasped in shock. Worse! She quickly clasped her hands over her mouth, cursing herself silently as she noticed that the men were suddenly very quiet. She shouldn't be here! She tried to sneak away quietly but when two heads suddenly popped up from around the corner, she gave a shriek and started to run.

"Shit, how much did she hear?!" One of the men hissed, and Hinata's heart sank when she could hear the sound of running footsteps. They were chasing her. Cursing herself for going to an abandoned place at night Hinata tried to shake them off by sneaking into an alley. She looked behind and saw one of the men still chase after her. Damn, it didn't work!

Her heart was racing and she panted heavily because of the panic, and she tried to run faster while she kept looking behind to see if the man couldn't get her. Right when she turned her head again the other man suddenly stood right in front of her and she was too late to stop running. With a loud shriek she ran straight into his arms and she felt how he wrapped them around her, trapping her like a prey. "Good thing I know the shortcuts here!" He smirked and Hinata struggled against his grip. The man turned her in his grip so she was facing the other man. "Nice job Sasori" Hinata watched with horror as the other man stood right in front of her. "So, tell us. Why were you eavesdropping little princess?" Hinata clenched her eyes shut in fear when he reached out to her face, but all he did was putting a strand of her hair behind her ear. "Well?" He asked. Hinata looked at him with wide eyes in horror.

"I d-d-didn't – I w-w-wasn't…" She was terrified and she weakly tried to struggle free again but she knew it was a stupid attempt. It only caused him to tighten his grip on her and the man in front of her chuckled. Who were these people and what did they want?!

"Hey Hidan, look at this" Sasori nodded down at Hinata and Hidan's eyes found the jewel around her neck. "Oh, what's this?" Hinata's breath shook when he reached out and lifted the diamond a little, studying it. "Looks like we really stumbled upon a little princess!" He smirked and Hinata swallowed. "Don't tell me… The Hyuuga Heiress?" Hidan asked. "Who?" Sasori asked, but Hidan was already smirking down at her. "The only clan around here with enough fortune to own a jewel like this would be the Hyuuga clan" Hidan stated, and Hinata's jaw dropped. She had no idea they were even known by… people like this. She opened her mouth to protest, but she noticed that the men were exchanging glances and this scared her. "I'm sure the captain will like this" Sasori chuckled, and Hinata's eyes widened. When the realization of the fact that they were planning to kidnap her finally reached her she found her voice back and started to scream. She struggled heavily and kicked her legs, screaming for help.

"Woah!" Sasori covered her mouth with his hand and Hinata could vaguely feel how the other man grabbed a hold of her legs, lifting her in the air. Her muffled screams died down as darkness slowly surrounded her, and eventually her panic attack caused her to faint. "That was easy" Sasori said. "Right?" Hidan laughed.


"Hmm…" Hinata slowly opened her eyes, her view still blurry and still feeling lightheaded. At first she thought she was just in her own bed, not really remembering what happened. But slowly she realized that the colors of the room she was in were different, and the smell was different too. She blinked her eyes to let her eyes adjust to the light.

"Awake now?" The male voice made her bolt upright and she also immediately remembered what happened. As soon as she sat up, her eyes met with a pair of dark ones. "Where am I? Who are you? What's going on?" She asked in panic.

She was on a bed in an unfamiliar room, and in front of her was a raven-haired man. "My name is Sasuke Uchiha. You're on my ship. I'm its captain, and…" He smirked when he thought of a reply for her last reply while Hinata's head slowly processed these words. Ship… Captain…?! "My men brought you here a couple of hours ago" He started, gazing at the clock, and he clicked his tongue. "The plan was to trade you for some good fortune" He smirked. "The problem is…" He looked at her and smirked. "Your old man didn't want to" He said. "Wait… what?" Hinata asked. "Your father refuses to trade his fortune for you. I feel so sorry for you" He taunted, and Hinata felt the blood rise to her head. "Y-you're lying…" She brought out, but deep inside she knew that there was too much chance for it to be the truth. Her father cared too much about his business, honor and reputation and would most likely refuse to deal with pirates, even if it was about his own daughter.

"Sadly for you, I'm not. The man refused to accept the deal so I hate to break it to you, but you won't get back there anymore" Sasuke said with a grin, and her eyes widened. "What do you mean?" She asked. She backed away in shock when he suddenly bent towards her, both his hands landed on either side of her and his face was suddenly very close to hers. "Because getting myself a little toy is not such a bad idea after all!" He said with a teasing voice. Toy?!

"W-w-what?!" She squeaked. She tensed when Sasuke let his finger glide from her neck down to her chest, eyeing her hungrily as he licked his lips. "Would you get that thing off?" He pulled at the fabric of her dress and her eyes widened. "No!" She shook him off and jumped from the bed. She stormed out of the room, only to confirm to herself that she really was on a bloody ship.

The darkness of the night surrounded her, there was a strong wind and she felt herself wobble as the waves moved the ship. But what caught her sight the most was the crew of scary pirates, each of them eyeing her hungrily as if they had never seen a woman before. Hinata spun on her heels and wanted to run back, but two pairs of arms grabbed her from behind and before she knew it she was pulled into the crowd of hungry men.

"N-no!" Hinata gasped for air as she felt panic once again, and her body shook as she was being grabbed, groped and poked all over. "Our little princess woke up!" The man named Hidan, who caught her before, suddenly had his arm around her middle and Hinata clenched her eyes shut when he licked her ear. Just when she felt someone move up her dress the sound of a gunshot was suddenly heard and the feeling hands abruptly stopped their groping, resting on her body that was frozen in shock as well. They all looked at the captain who stood up by the steering wheel, the gun in his hand. "Stop it" He commanded, and Hinata felt how the numerous hands left her body. Sasuke lowered the gun and slowly descended the stairs, his eyes fixated on hers. Hinata took one step back in fear but the sound of loudly breathing perverts behind her reminded her that there was no way out. Sasuke stopped right in front of her, and Hinata couldn't help but eye the gun in his hand.

"I'll ask you again. Serve me –" Hinata's eyes widened in disgust. "Or I'll let them have their way with you" Hinata turned her head a little and the pirates chuckled in approval. Sasuke, or the pirate crew… "It's me, or them. Take your pick" Sasuke taunted, smirking at her horrified expression. "N-neither! I'd rather drown!" Hinata said with a shrill voice. "Fine" With abnormal speed he was suddenly beside her, and Hinata couldn't even realize what was happening. In one flash he grabbed her ankle and lifted her upside down into the air.

Hinata shrieked in fear as he let her dangle right above the water, her dress slowly falling and exposing her legs first, then her panties and she was able to grasp it just before it would show even more. "N-no please!" She cried, shivering at the cold and the sight of the dark sea beneath her. The pirates were roaring with laughter and Sasuke laughed along with them. "What did you say?" He asked teasingly, and he loosened the grip around her ankle.

"Eeeeek! No please – anything – I'll do what you say, please don't!" Satisfied, Sasuke grinned and pulled her back. "That's what I thought…" He lifted her a little bit higher into the air, moved one arm under her and suddenly he was holding her as if she was his bride. "Then, consider yourself mine" Sasuke smirked at her terrified face, nodded at the crew and took her back to his room.

The sudden transition from the cold and windy deck to the warm and quiet room left Hinata's head spinning. She was dropped onto his bed and she still shivered from the shock. "Don't take life so lightly" She heard him say. He lowered himself onto her and Hinata crawled away. "Still trying to escape? You know you can't" Sasuke chuckled, and she felt him grab her leg from behind. She almost reached the other side of the huge bed and reached her arms out to grab the edge.

"P-please – no!" She gasped, looking over her shoulder to see his gleaming eyes. His eyes screamed lust and desire, and despite the everlasting abuses of her cousin, she had never seen such a horny man before. Hinata gasped when he pulled at her leg, dragging her back towards him again. Sasuke growled in satisfaction when she was right under him and he bent down to kiss the back of her neck. Hinata couldn't believe it. Was this her punishment for running away? Was it her fate to be a man's plaything, no matter if it was her own cousin or some bloody pirate?

Sasuke reached under her and he squeezed her breast through the fabric of her dress. Hinata yelped and bucked, but this only seemed to turn him on even more. He leaned close to her ear and his whispers sent chills down her spine. "Come on baby girl, let's have some fun".

"I want you to send out your best men. This is an order" Hiashi put down the phone and closed his eyes. That dishonor of a daughter. He would get her back his own way, and give her a piece of his mind!