Author's Note: So… For anyone who was following It's Complicated, don't fear it will be coming back! But I wanna try to focus on one story at a time, so it can be high quality and good, so I am starting this fanfic. It's pretty much completely AU except for the characters and their looks. Make sure to review, if you want me to continue!

He walks along the shoreline, kicking up the sand with his feet. Its times like these he enjoys the most; everything quiet and he can hear himself think. The waves roll in towards the shore bringing an array of treasures with them. His light blonde hair blows in the wind as he slowly walks on.

He's come a long way since the incident; at least, that's what his grandparents say, but he thinks they say that out of sympathy. All he feels is numb.

-" Alright, yea I'll see you tomorrow," he slurs at his buddies as he gets into his car.

His vision is blurry and he's a complete wreck, who wouldn't be able to stand on a straight line, but he doesn't care; he feels great. He slams on the gas and the car bolts. He howls in excitement as he speeds down the road feeling like he's King of the World.

He makes it home, by some miracle, and stumbles into his house.

-" Austin Moon, for god's sake, where the hell have you been," his mother questions giving him a stern glare.

-" Lay off Mom! I was just out with some friends. Why don't you go find something to do other than stalk my life!"

His mother widens her eyes, but remains unnerved with her son's harsh tone.

-" As long as you live under my roof, you obey my rules. I know you've been drinking Austin! You're only sixteen years old and clearly not mature enough to know when enough is enough. You could have gotten yourself killed!"

He groans and sticks up his middle finger before he walks up the stairs to his bedroom.

-" You know you've become a real bitch ever since dad died. I hate you!" he screams before he slams his door and collapses on his bed.


He wakes up with an awful headache. He grips his head in pain and groans. The clock reads 2:30 pm and he furrows his brow. Why the hell hasn't his mother woken him up yet? She never lets him sleep past 11.

He rubs his eyes and stumbles out of bed and out the door.

-" Since when do you let me sleep in?" he shouts out, but the house is eerily quiet.

He goes into her room, and is confused when he finds the bed is a mess. It's unlike her to leave her bed, or anything for that matter, in disarray.

Maybe she was just tired?

But something doesn't sit right with him and he starts to feel frantic.

-" MOM!"

He runs through the house, screaming her name, but she's nowhere in sight. He picks up his cell phone and dials her number, but she doesn't answer. He knows she wouldn't just up and leave without at least leaving a note, so he calls 911.

-" Hello ,911, how may we help you?," the operator calmly states on the line.

-" It's my mom. I don't… I can't find her anywhere!"

-" How long has she been missing?"

He clenches his fist aggravated with himself for having a hangover and sleeping until two in the afternoon.

-" I… I don't know. All I know is I woke up thirty minutes ago and she wasn't home."

-" Did she maybe go somewhere without you knowing?"

-" No."

-" Are you certain?It is possible she may have forgotten to tell you . Have you tried to contact her?"

He pounds his fist on the counter, anger consuming his body.

-" YES! She wouldn't go anywhere without telling me and she always answers her phone. Now, send some fucking help, I know something has happened to her!"

-" Sir, I need you to take some deep breathes. Could you please tell me your address and then we can send some cops your way.

He tells her his address and she tells him cops are on the way. In a matter of minutes, there on the doorstep and he invites them inside. They search the house once more and confirm she is not inside, so they send some cars out to look for her. The cops bring him to the station for questioning and he answers truthfully.

A week passes and then a month, until finally a body is discovered. DNA tests are done and confirm that it is in fact his mother. He breaks down. He had treated her so poorly before her untimely death; the incident before her death played over in his mind like a living dream.

He had told her he hated her, called her a bitch, and for what? Because she was worried that he had been drinking too much? If he would have been sober, he would have been able to protect her. But no, he was a selfish bastard, who didn't deserve the right to live.

Why the hell did God take his angelic mother and leave him behind?

He kicks a can that someone had left on the beach. He's twenty years old now; he can't believe four years have passed since his mother's death.

-" Why!" he shouts out and several people stare at him like he's lost it all. He glares back at them coldly and they scurry away with their tails between their legs. Everyone's terrified of him in this city but he doesn't mind. He would rather people fear him than love him; he doesn't deserve to be loved.

-"There's a purpose for everything Austin. I know that doesn't sound nice, but something good has to come from this," his grandmother, Nora, tells him.

He doesn't see how something good could come from something so tragic, but he tries his best to for his grandparent's sakes. After all, they took him in after the death and raised him as their own. He blesses them for putting up with his shit, because if it wasn't for them, he would probably be dead by now.

-"Dad, do we have to move?" a girl with dark brown hair and light skin questions.

Her father sighs and pats her on the shoulder.

-"Ally, you're going to love Miami. There's lots of things to do there and you can go to the beach every day!"

-" Oh yea!Skin cancer and Speedoes here I come," she chants sarcastically and her Dad rolls his eyes.

- Come on Al's! At least give it chance," her dad begs and she nods.

-" Alright, Dad. I'll give it a shot."

-" That's my Ally- gator!"

She grins at the mention of her nickname and sets the final box into the car.

-" Alright, let's go," her father states excitedly and she slinks into the passenger seat. She looks back at the house as her father begins to pull away and she feels a tear slide down her cheek.

-" Honey, are you alright," her father questions with a face full of concern.

She wipes her tear on her sleeve and offers him a smile.

-" I'm fine Dad. It's just, I'm going to miss it. I mean it's where I was born and where Mom was with us."

Her dad nods and touches her hand.

-" I going to miss it too, but I think it's time for a change, even your Mother would agree with that."

She nods her head.

-"You're right, Dad. Miami will be a second chance; a time to start fresh."

They drive for what seems like an eternity, but finally they make it into Miami. She can instantly tell she's not going to fit in. For one, everyone is tanned and wearing barely any clothing. She glances down at her pale skin and her long sleeve dress and laughs.

-"Dad, I can't associate with these people. It's going to be like Snow White meets Jersey Shore."

Her Dad laughs.

-"Miami's big, Al's. I'm sure there's somebody who won't mind your fair skin," he reassures her, but she doesn't feel very confident.

-" Alright, but if they give me an apple, I'm not going to eat it."

They drive for fifteen more minutes before they pull up to a gate. Her dad presses a button and the gate opens to reveal a beautiful stone house. There's a fountain in the center of the driveway and beautiful flowers line the edges.

-"Wow, it's beautiful. It must have cost a fortune!" she exclaims, her eyes filled with wonder.

-"It was reasonably priced, besides I wanted a place you could enjoy," her father replies.

He pulls the car up to the front and put it in park. She jumps out eager to inspect the inside of the house, but is awestruck by the amount of land they have. To her right she can't see any houses and to her left there is a small but quaint little house and she grins.

-" Dad, I'm going to bake a pie for the neighbors."

She has changed into a floral printed summer dress and curled her hair. Skipping and humming a tune , she carries the freshly baked cherry pie to the neighbor's house. She hopes someone her age lives there; it might make it easier to make friends. She wants to become close friends with someone who knows all about the colleges;she has just graduated high school and is hoping to become a teacher.

She reaches the front door and adjusts her dress, before putting on a smile and knocking on the door. She waits a few moments until finally a boy with light blonde hair and big brown eyes answers. Her heart stops as she stares at him; he's drop dead gorgeous.

-" May I help you," he questions almost annoyingly and she grins stupidly.

-" I… Uh… yes, I baked you this pie," she stutters out as she offers the pie to him.

He looks down at the pie and hesitantly takes it before looking back up at her, a confused expression on his perfect face.

-" Why?"

Her grin fades and she feels heat rush to her cheeks.

-" I… um… I am your new neighbor," she stutters once again, while mentally slapping herself. Why did she have to be so awkward around attractive men?

-" You baked me a pie? Aren't I supposed to do that for you? I mean you are new and I suppose that would be welcoming," he says and she nods.

-" Yea, I guess, but I just really love to bake so I thought, hey, why not bake a pie for my neighbors! That would be a nice thing to do. We had cherries so I was like 'Woo- Hoo Cherry Pie' " She babbles awkwardly.

She looks up at him to see him grinning at her and she grins back.

-" What your name," he questions.

-" Ally… Ally Dawson. What's your's?"

He brushes his fingers through his perfect blonde hair.

-"Austin Moon."

-"Well, it's nice to meet you Austin Moon," she says warmly and she extends her hand out to him.

He looks at it cautiously for a moment, but he eventually envelopes her small hand in his large one.

-" Yea, thanks for the pie," he responds, before he shuts the door in her face.

She stands at the door for a moment, baffled, before she starts to walk away.

What the hell just happened? She wonders as she walks back home.