Hello readers! Well, this is it- the big finish! I tried to get the chapter up this morning, but I didn't quite have enough time before work. So, I'm uploading it now :) I know you are all dying to read, especially Turbo K1000 here ;D Sorry about the cliffhanger! I hope this makes up for it- enjoy! :)

Molly's POV:

I rode Maddie up to the bell on my farm and hopped off her back. "Thanks, Maddie," I said, patting her on the nose. She whinnied and clopped off, already starting towards the barn.

I rang my bell. "Feeding time, everyone!" I called to my animals. At the sound of the small bell, one by one, they went back into the coop and the barn, Sunny trailing happily behind all of them. I jogged after my birds and fed them first, then went into my barn and fed the rest of my animals. Last was Sunny, who was still drinking milk.

I walked over to a fridge full of milk bottles and selected one. I started towards Sunny, who mooed happily at the sight of the bottle.

"I think it's been a very successful day so far," I said to Finn as I lifted the bottle up to Sunny's mouth. She immediately began to suck the milk out forcefully, causing me to nearly drop the bottle. I held on tighter.

"It sure has!" Finn said. "Now after this, we just have to go to the Harvest Goddess and see what's next."

I stared up at Finn in shock. "Wait, you're telling me that we're not done here?" I asked in disbelief.

"No, Molly!" Finn said. "Almost, though! There are just a few more things to do!"

"Ugh, Finn," I shook my head. "You really could have told me this sooner."

Finn laughed. "Sorry!" he said, sounding completely unapologetic.

Despite myself, I smiled at him. We fell into silence as Sunny continued to noisily drink her milk.

"Soo," Finn suddenly said. "How are you feeling? About... oh, you know."

"What, about Jin?" I asked with a small smile. "I don't know. I mean, I guess I'm really surprised that the wish had worked. But... it's probably best that I leave him alone from now on."

"Are you really okay with that, Molly?!" Finn asked in shock.

I paused for a while. "Yeah," I said. "I mean, it's not like it's the end of the world. Right?"

Finn smirked. "For him, it might be. I mean, he's getting married as we speak, and he's still thinking about you!"

"Oh, please," I said, blushing. "He'll be happy with Anissa. As long as I stay away, things will work out for him. And... well, as long as he lives a happy life, then I'll be happy. Same goes for Chase."

I watched Sunny's face as she continued to slurp the milk in the bottle. "You sure are slow," I said to her.

"Uh, Molly?" Finn suddenly said from behind me.

I wasn't listening- I was too focused on Sunny. "And messy. There's milk everywhere now!"

"Molly!" Finn suddenly cried.

"What? It's true. Don't you see all this milk everywhere?"

"That's not what I'm trying to tell you!" Finn cried. "Jin's on your farm!"


Sure enough, when I snapped my head towards the door, I saw Jin, wearing a tuxedo and running up to the door of my house. However, he glanced over to the barn and saw me inside. The moment our eyes met, we were both still for a moment. Then, he briskly made his way to the door of the barn, stopping inside the frame. "Molly," he panted.

"Well, see ya!" Finn said, anxiously flying outside and leaving me alone with Jin.

I couldn't believe my eyes. Jin. He was here. Just standing in my barn as though we had never fallen apart. Jin's face shone with a thin layer of sweat, and he leaned against the door in exhaustion, as though he had just run a marathon. His hair was falling out of it's neat ponytail, and his bowtie was unfastened, the first few buttons undone.

I was at a total lost for words. I felt as though I were in some weird, twisted dream, seeing Jin here like this. What was even more strange was the fact that I never thought I would really see him with me again. I never thought he would even want to come looking for me after the last time we had been together. I was so shocked to see him that I just gaped at him, dropping Sunny's bottle on the floor of the barn.

"Moo!" Sunny nudged me with her nose expectantly.

This snapped me out of my shocked state enough to lean down and pick the bottle back up. "Sorry," I muttered to her, looking back at Jin. I tried to say something to him. Anything. But I couldn't find the words inside of me.

Jin was still breathing hard, but he smiled as he looked at Sunny. "I see you got a new member to your family," he said in his regular conversational voice.

How can he be so casual about this?! I thought to myself. I glanced back at my calf. "Uh, yeah. This is Sunny," I said.

"Sunny. I like that," Jin said.

"Jin, what are you doing here?" I suddenly found myself asking. "Your supposed to be getting married, right? You should hurry." I looked back down at Sunny, who was almost finished with her milk.

"I have to ask you something first," Jin said, determination filling his eyes. He stepped further into the barn, still staying closer to the door. "Molly... the church bell just rang. I heard it. It hasn't rung in so many years. I haven't heard it since I was a child." he started.

"Yeah. I heard it. You were right, it does sound very beautiful." I tried not to sound suspicious.

"Molly, what were you doing this morning?" he asked all of a sudden.

I was struck with sudden panic. What was he getting at? "Oh, you know," I said. "The usual."

"The usual?" Jin asked. "What would that be?"

"Oh... just, you know... hanging out with my animals, and stuff." I felt and sounded more and more nervous as I spoke. Why was he interrogating me like this?

"Really?" Jin asked, his tone suspicious. "Because I saw you this morning."

I grew stiff. "When?" I asked, feeling my face growing warmer.

"You were riding your horse. Away from the church," Jin said matter-of-factly.

I stiffened. "Oh?" I said, trying to sound surprised. "I didn't see you."

"Well, you were riding at that ridiculous speed. I wouldn't be surprised if you ran over someone and didn't notice."

"Hey!" I exclaimed. "I may ride fast, but I never run over anyone!"

"I'm sure," Jin said, sounding completely unconvinced. Before I could retort, Jin continued speaking. "Molly, you had something to do with that bell ringing, didn't you?"

I gaped up at him. Then, I forced a laugh. "Don't be ridiculous!" I laughed, shaking my head. I could feel myself starting to sweat. "I didn't even know that the church had a bell until you told me. How would I have had anything to do with it? If anything, it was Perry!"

Jin seemed to be ignoring me. "It all makes sense now," he said to himself, shaking his head incredulously. "My grandmother's letters... after she wrote to me about you, she started writing to me about how the island was being restored. Molly," he looked at me with wide eyes. "You're the one who has been restoring Castanet!"

I gaped at him. "Uhm, no!" I said quickly. "I'm... I'm not! You're acting ridiculous!"

"Molly, come on," Jin said, raising his eyebrow at me. "I know you're not telling the truth. You're a terrible liar, you know."

"I'M NOT-!" I started yelling defensively. I stopped myself, clearing my throat. "Um... I'm not lying," I finished lamely.

Jin just smiled at me. "Okay," he said, eyeing me mischeviously. "Then, what exactly were you doing in town today?"

"I... I just had some errands to run," I said, uncomfortable at where the conversation was going.

"Errands? Such as leaving a cup of tea for me to find?" He took a few steps closer to me.

I sighed. "Well, look Jin. I just... I wish that I could have apologized to you. I just wanted you to know that... that I didn't mean what I said to you the last time I saw you. I really don't hate you. I guess, since you're here, then... well, I want you to know that I'm sorry. And I wish you the best of luck."

Jin looked down. "I was happy to see that cup of tea," he said, seemingly to himself. "And I'm so happy that you don't really hate me."

"Jin, who could possibly hate you?" I asked. Sunny had finished her milk, and I placed the bottle on the ground.

"Well, I would understand if you did," Jin said, looking down at his feet.

"I don't," I said. "I just took my anger out on you. It was easier to blame your for everything than to admit my own wrongdoings. Really, nothing was your fault. I made some terrible choices that got me into trouble. It's not your fault that I make mistakes wherever I go."

"Look, Molly," Jin said, his voice growing stronger. "Stop acting like everything was your fault. I should have kept away from you. Because I kept letting myself near you, I've been the cause of your divorce."

"Jin, stop," I insisted. "It's all my fault. This was never meant to happen, but I let it happen. Now, it's just time for me to move on, and it's time for you to go get married!" I said anxiously. "Seriously, I'm freaking out more than you are because of how late you are!"

But Jin ignored me. "Molly, just listen to me," he almost demanded. "Maybe you believe that we were never meant to be together, but I don't. I don't believe it for a second." Jin sounded more and more confident and determined as he spoke. "And honestly, I'm sure that if I did marry Anissa, things might turn out okay. But... but if I really do have a chance with you, then I'm going to take it."

I could feel my heart beating faster inside my chest as he talked.

"If you want me to leave you alone, then I promise, I'll never bother you again," Jin continued, his brow furrowing at the thought. "I'll go back to the church right now and get married. But if there is even a small chance that you still have feelings for me, then please tell me." Now, Jin was right in front of me, staring intently into my eyes. I gaped back up at him, taken aback by everything he was saying.

"Molly," he said, his voice softening. "Do you still love me?"

I looked up at his handsome face. All the memories that I had with him flooded back, and I remembered how much I had missed just being by his side, looking into his eyes like this. I missed his closeness. I missed him looking at me like this. But most of all, I realized how painful it would be now if he were to suddenly leave and marry someone else.

I sighed. "Yes," I confessed. "I still love you, Jin. I don't think I ever really stopped. I was so upset when I was told you were getting married. I mean, I was coming to terms with the fact that it was happening, but... well, that doesn't mean that I ever stopped loving you."

I didn't realize how tense Jin had been waiting for my response until he relaxed, letting out a breath of relief. He placed his hands on my shoulders and pressed his forehead against mine. "Thank goodness. I'm so happy," he muttered, a small smile appearing on his face.

I felt a smile grow on my face as well. I felt peaceful here with him like this.

"I really thought that you hated me," he said, pulling away from me and shaking his head. "I didn't know what to do. I just thought that I would have no choice but to try and forget about you. But... I just can't."

I frowned. "Well, what are you going to do about your wedding?" I asked.

Jin shook his head. "I don't know," he said. "Lots of people will be mad at me. But I just had to stop lying to myself about my true feelings. I want to be with you, Molly. No one but you."

I smiled, feeling my heart pounding with joy. "I want to be with you too, Jin."

"I love you, Molly." Jin took my face in his strong hands and beamed down at me. "I promise that I'll make you happy from now on."

"I love you too. And I promise that I'll never leave you again," I said back, smiling back up at him.

Then, as though he had been holding it in this entire time, Jin leaned down and firmly kissed me, hugging me tight to him. I clutched onto him and kissed him back, never wanting to let go.

It was the best feeling in the world, knowing that I never would have to let him go again. Jin was mine. I was his.

And that was the way it was supposed to be.

Aaaand... end.

I know I say it at the end of every chapter, but I just want to give one last thank you to everyone who has read and reviewed, and who will read and review. I know it's just a fanfic, but your positivity and kind words have meant a lot to me :) I really do appreciate it! I hope the ending was satisfactory for you all :) Anyways, please review if you want, and have a fantastic day. And, once again, thank you all for your continued support :)

Disclaimer: I do not own Harvest Moon.