So I found this in my notebook and I thought to just post it here because why not~? Enjoy.

March 17, 20XX


It's been a while since we last talked. I apologize for that. Things have been hectic lately but I didn't mean to ignore you. I would love to see you again sometime soon. How are things? I've heard the city of Venice is going through some turmoil and I'm very sorry to hear that. Is there anything I can do to help?

Gilbert misses you too. He won't stop complaining about it. But, admittedly, I miss you as well. It would be nice to hear from you, but I understand if you're busy. Take care.



March 20, 20XX


Thank you for writing back. I'm glad to hear you're doing okay. And yes, I would love for you to make Gilbert and I some pasta. Hopefully sometime soon?

I'm doing just fine. It's a little quiet without you around, but I manage. Are you sure I can't help you in any way? I'd be happy to. Hope to hear from you again soon.



March 22, 20XX


Ah, I know it's only been two days since I last wrote you, but your brother told me you aren't feeling too well. Is everything alright? Please, let me help. We can make pasta together and sing songs if you want.

I'll come visit you soon, ja?



March 25, 20XX


You're usually quick to respond. Why aren't you?

Lovino told me you're alright, but I don't believe him. What's going on?

I'll be coming over in a day or two. See you then.



March 29, 20XX


I'm very glad I got to see you. It was fun to be together like old times. I'm so happy you are just fine.

I am sure you're at peace now. I'm sure you're in a much happier place. I am so sorry I couldn't see you before you died. I would have loved to see your smile - one last time.


Why did you have to go?

You're the only thing in my life worth living for.

I love you.

And the very thing I love has been taken away from me.

Please, Feliciano, please tell me you're alright.

I will never forget you, and I will continue to love you for as long as I live.



It's not fantastic, but oh well! I hope you like it anyway~
