The year is 2307 AD, fossil fuels are near depletion and the distribution of energy is unbalanced. As a result, humanity has devoted research into the best option of sustainable energy, solar energy. After half a century of planning, a solar energy system was built spanning 50,000 kilometres around three orbital space elevators. In order to construct this enormous structure which provides a nearly infinite source of energy, the majority of the world was united into three power blocs: international economic alliance centred around North and South America, the Union of Solar Energy and Free Nations, commonly referred to as the Union, the Human Reform League (HRL) centred around China, Russia, India and all of Southeast Asia, and lastly, the new European alliance, the Advanced European Union (AEU).

Due to the immense size of the orbital elevators, defending them is difficult, and from a structural point of view, are very fragile. However, even in such perilous times, the various blocs continue to play a large-scale zero-sum game for the sake of honour, pride and prosperity.

Even in the 24th century, humanity has yet to fully unite as one. A group of people plans to act in forcing humanity into unity. Equipped with mobile suits known as Gundam, they are the paramilitary organisation, Celestial Being. In order to eradicate the scourge of war once and for all, they are launching a military campaign that transcends race, nationality, religion and creed. Celestial Being will be the source of humanity's reformation.

Chapter 1: Celestial Being

~ AEU Orbital Space Elevator, 2307 A.D.~

Today is the day the AEU tests its new mobile suit, Enact. A new type of mobile suit, it is developed with technology capable of drawing energy from the orbital elevator. Green in colour and quite fast and agile, it shoots all its targets on the testing grounds with perfect accuracy. Armed with a 120mm rifle that fires electromagnetically-accelerated live rounds and was one of the most advanced weapons available before the introduction of beam weaponry. It has a firing interval of 35 seconds per standard shot while also having an alternate rapid fire mode. The battery and ammo pack on the rear serves as reserve ammunition.

The crowds observing the trial were impressed with the Enact, with whispers and murmurs of "Amazing!", "Wow". Within the crowd, a spectacled young man with long dark brown hair observed with a smile, "Mobile Suit Enact, the AEU's first solar energy-compatible model.

Another blonde young man came from behind, "The AEU's development of the orbital elevator is falling behind schedule. At the very least, they wanted to improve their mobile suit capability." Smiling, the other spectacled man responded, "Hey, is this okay? For the ace of MSWAD to be in a place like this..."

"Of course it's not okay."

Sitting down beside the spectacled man, the blonde listened to his friend's explanation. "But the AEU's very resolute, wanting to present a new model for the Human Reform League's tenth anniversary.

"How's that suit looking?"

A question to which the spectacled man answered with a grin, "No matter how you look at it, it's simply a shameless copy of our Flag fighter. The only thing original about it is the design."

"Hey, I heard that!" Seems the pilot of the Enact heard their conversation, and came out of his mobile suit.

"What did you just say?! Huh, come on!"

"At least its hearing sensors are very sharp," comments the blonde. His friend simply chuckled.

The Enact's pilot would not know what's going to happen to him within a few moments, none would have anticipated.

A mobile suit was approaching the testing grounds from above, coloured blue, white and a bit of red, armed with what seems like a sword and dispersing white particles. Inside, its pilot inside wore a blue pilot suit. "240082. Exia, target location confirmed. I will stop GN Particle dispersion once I reach the destination. Primary Target located." An image of the Enact appears on the pilot's screen. "The first phase will proceed as planned."

The AEU's Military Security detected an unknown mobile suit heading towards the testing grounds. A soldier observing the radar reported, "Captain, an unknown mobile suit is approaching"


"Approaching from 3 o'clock."

The captain rose from his seat and yelled, "Whose unit is it from? We're in the middle of a presentation, look into it!"

Another soldier remarked, "There is no response from the radar! It's being jammed!"

"Show me the footage from the cameras!"

All were surprised by the image they saw, a mobile suit which is unrecognisable.

"Huh, an unknown unit? Why at a time like this..." Before he could finish, the Enact's pilot's communications were cut off.

At the observation post, many were surprised by the incoming mobile suit. "Amazing, they had another new model..." His blonde friend responded, "That suit isn't theirs. That light..."

Exia landed at the testing grounds, facing the Enact, it deactivated its particles dispersion. "Hey, hey, who are you working for? The Union? The HRL? Well, either way, you've entered someone else's territory. I'm not letting you get away easily!" The Enact's pilot threatened the other mobile suit.

The Enact pulled out its Sonic Blade and began charging at the unknown mobile suit, while taunting all sorts of insult. "Huh? Hey, come on! Fight me!" The unknown unit simply remained still even though the Enact is fast approaching, aiming to attack it.

"Exia, eliminating the target."

Before the Enact could land a hit on the other mobile suit, it had deployed its folded sword and cut off the Enact's hands. Enact's pilot was shocked. "You bastard! You don't get it, do you?!

It fired a shot from its rifle but Exia manages to avoid the shot, taking out its beam saber.

"I'm special!" The Enact's left arm was cut off

"I'm famous!" Then its right arm and its head

"I'm the king of mock battles!" The Enact falters to the ground.

Those within the observation post were beyond shock. AUE Military officials who were so proud of their Enact were speechless. The blonde man took his binoculars and zoomed into a particular part of the unknown mobile suit. Its head. Reading aloud what he saw, "Gundam? Is that the name of the mobile suit?"

Within Exia's cockpit, its pilot reports back to his team, "Exia, first phase complete. Proceeding to second phase." Reactivating its particle dispersion, Exia flew away from the area.

The AEU military mobilised its mobile suits squadrons. Multiple mobile suits were launched to track down and find the unknown unit.

The blonde commented, with a rather serious tone, "But that mobile suit.. a checkup on the AEU , who are going down the path of arms proliferation. No... should this be taken as a warning? If that's so, the AEU definitely won't stay quiet after something like this."

In space...

~Celestial Being Mothership, Ptolemaios~

A blonde girl reported, "Exia has completed the first phase within the calculated time. Once we enter the second phase, we'll re-estimate."

Her male colleague with black hair comments, "Is Setsuna doing things properly?"

Beside him, his friend remarks, "If he wasn't, that would show us Celestial Being's limit, wouldn't it?

"Don't waste time chatting! It's almost time to start the third phase." warned the blonde girl

Another woman entered. With long, curly dark-brown hair, she was holding a drink," You don't have to be so stiff, you know? It's our first performance as Celestial Being. Let's go all out."

"What, you're drinking alcohol during a mission?"


Taking another sip, "Oh relax, it's fine. I'm the strategist. I'll leave the rest to you."

Another girl with pink hair reports, "Container loading completed. Kyrios, transporting to the catapult deck." A fighter-jet style machine with orange colours was being moved, preparing for a launch. Within its cockpit, a dark-haired pilot ponders to himself, as if two people were in the same body, "Finally, a real battle. Tired of waiting, Hallelujah...? I'm depressed"

"Kyrios has arrived at the catapult deck. Linear catapult voltage, increasing from 130 to 520. Kyrios is at the linear field. Launching preparations complete. Transferring timing to Kyrios."

"I have control. Kyrios, commencing operation." The pilot launches his machine out of the spaceship.

~Human Reform League Orbital Space Elevator Pillars of Heaven~

"The second of the tree orbital elevators, nicknamed Pillars of Heaven. The party to commemorate its tenth anniversary of its completion is in full swing. Representatives from each of the HRL's member nations involved in the construction of the orbital elevator are attending this party. Also in attendance are representatives from various industries as well as the military" reports a journalist on board the HRL's Orbital Space Elevator, Pillars of Heaven.

A cute girl with a ponytailed black hair takes a sip of her drink. A man approaches her and whispers, "It has begun, my lady."

The girl's face turned serious, "They've finally begun to move."

Meanwhile, back on Earth...

The Exia is seen as engaging in air combat with multiple units of the AEU's standard Hellion mobile suits. No matter how hard they try, Exia is able to avoid all their shots. In addition, six more mobile suits were mobilised from within the pillars.

"As I thought, the AEU has military assets even inside the pillar."

Back on the ground, an Orange Haro unit within a mobile suit's cockpit reports, "Lockon, reinforcements approaching. Reinforcements approaching."

The pilot, a man with dark brown hair, wearing a green pilot suit, chuckles, "This might be tough even for Setsuna. Then, maybe I should aim at them. This will be the first battle for Lockon Stratos and Gundam Dynames!" He activates the aiming mechanism within the cockpit. Three shots were fired from the ground; all three units which were shot went down, catching enemy forces off guard.

Lockon's Gundam Dynames, a unit coloured in green, is armed with a Sniper Rifle, enabling it to snipe at targets from a distance.

Five units were shot at with deadly accuracy, all went down. The last Hellion unit was dealt a severe blow from Exia GN Sword, sending it crashing down.

Exia's pilot, Setsuna, murmurs, "Second phase completed."

Back in space...

~ Human Reform League Orbital Space Elevator Pillars of Heaven~

The HRL's military radar detected three mobile suits, signalled as unknown suits, approaching the orbital space elevator.

"Mobilise all available Tieren units now!"

Three units of the HRL's Tieren Space Type suits were launched to counter the incoming threat. But before they could intercept, a fast orange mobile suit in flight form managed to shoot down two of the unknown mobile suits. Within Kyrios, an image of one of the unknown mobile suits appeared on the Allelujah's screen, "Special attack unit? Damn, these terrorists! Tieria!"

Suddenly, a large mobile suit appeared. It has very large body parts, probably because of thick armour, armed with a large bazooka. Within the cockpit, a pilot with a purple suit says calmly, "Virtue, eliminating the target."

Taking its large bazooka, Virtue activates its GN Bazooka and fires a shot. It literally destroyed the incoming mobile, with not even a small part of the mobile suit surviving, literally destroying it to smithereens.

Allelujah remarks, "Jeez, you overdid it, you know?"

The following day, back on Earth, at the Tokyo Special Economic Zone:

"Good Morning. It's time for JNN News. Our first topic is the attack on the high orbital station that is part of the HRL's Pillar of Heaven Space Elevator. Early dawn, mobile suits suspected to be terrorists, attacked the Human Reform League's Orbital Station. Furthermore, unidentified mobile suits intercepted the terrorists. We have breaking news! We at JNN have just received a video message from the group that prevented the terrorist attack. Their true identity and intentions remain unclear, but it is clear that they have a strong connection to this incident. We will be airing the footage uncut, so please watch closely."

The video recording plays~~

"This is an announcement for all of mankind who have been raised on Earth. We are Celestial Being. We are the paramilitary organisation that possesses the mobile weapon, Gundam. Celestial Being aims to bring about the eradication of war in this world. We do not aim to profit from anything. We stand for the greater goal of the total eradication of war. Now, we have a proclamation for all of mankind. Political parties, religion, energy; no matter the reason, against all acts of war, we will do all that is in our power to intervene. Countries who indulge in war, organisations, enterprises, and others, will be faced with our armed interventions. We are Celestial Being. A paramilitary organisation that exists to purely eradicate war."

At an unknown location somewhere on Earth, Setsuna and Lockon, out of their Gundams, are listening in to the video recording as well. "It's begun. Or rather, it's beginning. It can't be stopped. We picked a fight against the world, got it Setsuna?" To which the young Exia pilot replied while gazing at his Gundam, "I know. We're Celestial Being's Gundam Meister."

NOTE: This is my first attempt at fanfiction. I've read a lot of fanfic by others, so I decided to try it out. Please be kind to me ^^ Any helpful tips on improving the story would be helpful. Also, this fanfic would follow the storyline of Gundam 00 Season 1 (crossover with SEED Characters and Mecha). Although the first chapter is very similar to the first anime episode, I intend on completely altering the rest of the chapters.

ATTENTION: I do not own any rights to Gundam 00 or any Gundam mentioned. All rights belong to its respective owners, as well as Sunrise and Bandai.