The pounding in her head concentrated above her right eye. She'd tried massaging it away, but since when did that ever work anyway? Annie glanced at her watch for what had to be the twentieth time since they got into this line. Okay, this was getting ridiculous. Were they actually moving forward, or was this line on freaking standstill? The five of them had been waiting for thirty-five minutes for this stupid elephant ride that would last maybe thirty seconds and go at most twenty feet off the ground. She had to wonder what she and Finnick had been thinking when they booked a trip for four days. Between the headache, the blister developing on her big toe, and the temper tantrums she could practically see brewing behind Ronan and Maggie's eyes, Annie wasn't certain she was going to get through the first afternoon.

The guidebooks had mentioned kid meltdowns at the parks. They hadn't mentioned adult ones. Annie would be willing to bet money that the omission was a deliberate choice. The Happiest Place on Earth, my foot.

"When'll we get to ride?" Ronan asked, his voice just short of a whine. Hadn't she answered this question not even five minutes ago?

Keep it together, Annie. She was not going to be one of those parents who had a fit in line. She wasn't. "We'll get to ride when we're at the front of the line."

"When's that gonna be?"

"Trust me, I wish I knew."

At that point, Finnick jumped in. "I think we're getting pretty close, bud. The sign said forty-five minutes, and we've been waiting for thirty-five." He checked that the railing was sturdy before leaning against it. "What's been the best part of today so far?"

"The Buzz ride! No, the pirate one. And the donuts!"

"I liked the swimming pool," Maggie added, calm and stately compared to her older brother.

"That was yesterday, Maggie. He asked about today." One could always count on Ronan to insist on correctness about these types of things.

"I'd like to hear about what she liked about yesterday too. That was a pretty sweet pool, huh?" He bounced their daughter in his arms as he spoke, and she giggled. Thank god for her husband. She wouldn't be able to do this whole Disney thing – or parenting in general, for that matter - without him.

She tuned out, leaving the three of them to their conversation. With any luck, Annie would be able to talk them into a nap after this. Get some ice cream, sit for a while, maybe pick up some Advil while they were out… yeah, that sounded like a plan. Really, at this point, she was on board for anything that didn't involve the two boys behind them arguing with language she hoped Maggie and Ronan wouldn't catch onto.

The line moved forward again, and now, she could see the ride itself. Thank heavens. She smiled at her children's reaction. Maggie seemed transfixed, and Ronan's mouth hung open a little as he watched the two dozen elephants fly in circles. To the under-five set, it had to be impressive. Even she had to admit that it was visually appealing. Annie looked away to meet Finnick's eyes, and he grinned back at her. Five more minutes, tops. She almost didn't mind that anymore.

A/N: Thanks for reading! This will be the last chapter of Memories of Us. I will continue to write Odesta oneshots, but I have been having a hard time keeping track of which chapter is which in this fic, so I've decided to start a new collection. As soon as a title is decided on, I'll come back and edit this with more information. Again, thank you so much for reading. I'm absolutely floored that (a) I've managed to get through 75 of these, and (b) people are still interested. Thanks!

EDIT: The new collection is titled Yesterday's Flowers.