For this I'm going to write my own 30 day challenge. With blackjack and hookers. Maybe on that last part. Probably yes because it sounds fun XD

Wrong fandom reference but whatever. Your're awesome if you get it. Correct fandom reference

Furniture Shopping

"Beebeebeebee!" went Germany's GPS. He looks up. The sign above him reads 'Coffee Tables' "We found it bruder" he states proudly.

"Awesome. Took long enough" The brothers were out shopping at Ikea for a new coffee table after their last one broke yet again, thanks to Prussia's ideas. Prussia jumped on the first coffee table he saw. He laid down on his stomach. And wriggled around. He pulled out a bag of chips and started eating on top of it. "I fink zis one's goof" Prussia claimed with his mouth full. "I can comfortably eat on it"

Germany walked over and frowned. He swept the crumbs that fell out of Prussia's mouth onto the floor.

"See, and easy to clean too, kesesese"

"No, this one doesn't match the living rooms color scheme. But that one does" Germany quickly walked over to a different coffee table. It was made of a black wood, sturdy looking, and overall looked simple yet elegant.

Prussia walked over. "This one's boring" he decided rolling his eyes. "How about that one?"

Prussia ran over to a chrome one with a glass top. "It looks like it's from the future" He put his head down on the glass. "It feels so nice and cool" Prussia whispered.

"That glass wouldn't last a day around you" Germany decided when knocking on it. "Way too thin. I don't need to be driving you to the ER with your head full of glass shards"

Germany walked over to a mahogany one that included a storage shelf on the bottom. "This one's nice. We can put beer under here so we don't need to get up. Plus they have one that matches in color to our living room" Prussia nodded in approval. He flipped the price tag over. Both brothers' eyes went wide. Prussia let go of the tag and they walked away.

After several tables with no luck Germany flopped on a nearby couch and sighed. Prussia joined him. "How about we just take some milk crates, find a wooden palate, super glue, and call it a table" Germany agreed that wasn't such a bad idea except for the fact it wouldn't match with the living rooms color and design.

Prussia took his bag of chips out and started eating again. Germany glared at him. "What? I'm hungry" he whined and stuffed more chips in.

Sweden came by with a clipboard in hand. "Hello" he greeted and eyed the Prussian suspiciously.

"Hallo Sweden"

"Finding everything ok?"

"Actually, no" Germany admitted sheepishly. "We can't find anything that will match our living room and price"

"Follow me" They did. He led them through the store and to the back to some storage area.

"How's this one? It's not on the floor yet, but I'll give it to you cheaply to test it out"

Germany lit up. "That's great. Thanks Sweden" Germany walked away to fill out some papers for it.

Prussia was inspecting the table by knocking and pounding on it. Sweden eyed him suspiciously again. "What are you doing?" he asked.

"Just checking out if it can take all the banging me and West do on it. That's why out last one fell apart. I told him to be careful yesterday when the legs started wobbling but when he gets started with something he just can't stop it until he's done. But it was worth it" He sighed and smiled. "Little Gil was so happy"

Sweden blushed at little. How could Prussia say something like that so causally?

Before he could comment Germany was done with the papers.

"T-thanks. It's all yours. Tell me how you like it"

"Awesome. Let's finish what we started yesterday West. If this table can't take our wood and the last few screws I need put in it's obviously worthless" Germany nodded.

Sweden couldn't take it anymore. "Prussia. Germany. The reason you keep on breaking your coffee tables is because you're using them wrong. You do that kind of stuff in bed. I can point you to some mattresses if you want"

Prussia gave him a weird look. "You're telling me I'm supposed to build a birdhouse in bed?"


"Me and West are building birdhouses for Gilbird and his friends. I don't know exactly know how we're supposed cut, bang, and screw the wood together on a mattress. But to each his own" he shrugged. Germany lifted the table over his shoulder and they walked out.

So how did you think they wound up breaking all their tables?